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CIE IGCSE Biology Notes

8.2.2 Water Pathway in Plants

In plants, water movement from the soil to the air through the plant is a fundamental process. This journey is vital for plant growth, nutrient transport, and photosynthesis. Here, we delve into this process, tracing the pathway of water from the root hair cells to the mesophyll cells.


The transportation of water in plants is a complex, yet essential process. It starts from the root hair cells, passes through various plant tissues, and reaches the mesophyll cells in leaves.

Root Hair Cells: Gateways for Water Entry

Structure and Function of Root Hair Cells

  • Root hair cells: Extensions of root epidermal cells.
  • Surface area: Their elongated shape maximises surface area for water absorption.
  • Location: Positioned near the tips of growing roots.
  • Function: Absorb water and dissolved minerals from soil.

Mechanism of Water Uptake in Root Hairs

  • Osmosis: Water moves from an area of higher to lower water potential.
  • Root pressure: Generated by osmotic movement of water into root cells.
Labelled structure of root hair cells

Image courtesy of VectorMine

Journey Through the Root Cortex

The Root Cortex: A Crucial Interface

  • Composition: Several layers of parenchyma cells located between the epidermis and the vascular cylinder.
  • Function: Regulates the movement of water towards the xylem.
Transverse sections of root

Image courtesy of Britannica


Pathways of Water Through the Cortex

  • Apoplast route: Water flows through cell walls and intercellular spaces, bypassing the cell membrane.
  • Symplast route: Water travels through the cytoplasm of cells, interconnected by plasmodesmata.
  • Casparian strip: A waxy barrier in endodermis cells that ensures water enters the xylem.

Xylem: The Main Water Conduit

Xylem Structure and Function

  • Xylem vessels: Composed of dead, hollow, cylindrical cells aligned end-to-end.
  • Function: Facilitate the upward movement of water and nutrients.

Water Movement in Xylem

  • Cohesion-tension theory: Water molecules are cohesive (stick together) and adhesion (stick to the walls of xylem vessels).
  • Transpiration pull: Evaporation of water from leaf surfaces creates a suction force, pulling water up through the xylem.
Cohesion-tension theory- Transpiration of water in the xylem vessel

Image courtesy of FeltyRacketeer6

Leaf Tissue: The Final Frontier

Leaf Structure and Water Transport

  • Veins: Network of xylem and phloem in leaves.
  • Mesophyll cells: Site of photosynthesis, primarily in the palisade and spongy layers.

Water Movement Within Leaf Tissues

  • Diffusion into mesophyll cells: Water moves from xylem to mesophyll cells.
  • Transpiration: Loss of water vapour through stomata, driving water transport.
Section of a leaf with different parts labelled

Image courtesy of Zephyris derivative work: Jordirooca

Experimental Investigation of Water Transport

Investigating Water Movement

  • Dye tracing methods: Using dyes to visualise the water pathway.
  • Cutting and observing: Studying cut sections under a microscope.

Significance of Experiments

  • Understanding plant physiology: Helps in comprehending how plants manage water.
  • Educational value: Practical experiments reinforce theoretical knowledge.

Summary of Water Pathway in Plants

Key Stages of Water Transport

  • Root hair cells: Entry point for water.
  • Root cortex: Filtering and regulation of water movement.
  • Xylem vessels: Main transport route.
  • Leaf tissues: End point, facilitating photosynthesis.

Understanding the intricate process of water transport in plants is crucial for comprehending how these organisms thrive and perform essential functions like photosynthesis. This knowledge forms a foundational aspect of the IGCSE Biology curriculum, offering insights into plant biology and physiology.


The Casparian strip in the root cortex plays a critical role in controlling the movement of water and solutes into the plant. It is a band of waxy, suberin material embedded in the cell walls of endodermal cells, which encircle each cell like a belt. The Casparian strip acts as a barrier to passive water flow in the apoplast (the space outside the plasma membrane), ensuring that water and dissolved substances must pass through the plasma membrane of endodermal cells to enter the vascular cylinder. This control is vital because it allows the plant to regulate the type and quantity of minerals that are absorbed, preventing harmful substances from entering the xylem and ensuring a balanced uptake of nutrients.

Plants use both apoplast and symplast pathways to transport water through the root cortex as a means of efficiency and control. The apoplast pathway involves the movement of water through the intercellular spaces and cell walls, bypassing the cell's cytoplasm. This route is fast and does not require energy, allowing rapid movement of water. However, it is interrupted by the Casparian strip in the endodermis, which ensures that water and dissolved substances must enter cells and be selectively transported. The symplast pathway, on the other hand, involves water movement through the cytoplasm of cells connected by plasmodesmata. This pathway allows for more regulated and selective transport of water and solutes, as they must pass through cell membranes. The combination of these two pathways enables plants to quickly absorb water while controlling the substances that reach the vascular tissues.

While dye tracing methods are useful for visualising the pathways of water movement in plants, they have certain limitations. Firstly, the introduction of dyes can alter the natural processes within the plant. Some dyes may be toxic or interfere with the normal functioning of the plant's cells, affecting the accuracy of the results. Secondly, dyes might not mimic the exact movement of water molecules, as their size, charge, or chemical properties can differ significantly from water. This difference could lead to misleading conclusions about the pathways or rates of water transport. Finally, dye tracing primarily provides qualitative data, making it challenging to quantify the rates of water movement or to study the transport dynamics in different environmental conditions. Despite these limitations, dye tracing remains a valuable tool in understanding the basic patterns of water movement in plants.

The structure of root hair cells is intricately designed to maximise water absorption. Each root hair cell is an extension of a root epidermal cell, elongated to increase surface area. This large surface area is crucial because it allows for a greater interface with the soil, facilitating increased absorption of water and mineral nutrients. The thin walls of these cells enhance osmotic water movement from the soil into the plant. Furthermore, the positioning of root hairs near the growing tips of roots places them in an ideal location to access newly available moisture and nutrients. This structural adaptation is essential for efficient water uptake, especially in environments where water is scarce or sporadically available.

Transpiration pull is a crucial mechanism in the movement of water through plants. It occurs as a result of water evaporating from the surfaces of mesophyll cells in the leaves and exiting the plant via stomata. This evaporation creates a negative pressure (suction force) in the leaf, which is transmitted down through the plant's xylem, effectively pulling water up from the roots. Since water molecules are cohesive, they stick together, forming a continuous water column through the plant. This cohesive force, combined with the tension created by transpiration, allows for the efficient movement of water against gravity, from the roots to the highest leaves. This process is essential for maintaining the flow of water and nutrients, cooling the plant, and facilitating photosynthesis.

Practice Questions

Explain how water is transported from the root hair cells to the mesophyll cells in plants, including the role of the root cortex and xylem.

Water transportation in plants starts at the root hair cells, where water is absorbed from the soil through osmosis. This water then moves to the root cortex, passing through either the apoplast route (around the cells) or the symplast route (through the cells). The Casparian strip in the endodermis ensures that water enters the xylem. Once in the xylem, a combination of cohesive and adhesive forces, along with the transpiration pull created by water evaporating from the leaves, drives the water upwards. The water then moves into the mesophyll cells of the leaves, where it is used in photosynthesis. This cohesive journey is essential for the transport of nutrients and maintaining plant turgidity.

Describe the significance of the cohesion-tension theory in the movement of water through the xylem in plants.

The cohesion-tension theory is crucial in explaining water movement through the xylem in plants. It states that water molecules are cohesive, meaning they tend to stick together, and adhesive, meaning they adhere to the xylem walls. This cohesion creates a continuous column of water within the xylem. As water evaporates from the leaves during transpiration, it creates tension, which pulls more water up from the roots through the xylem. This process is efficient and allows plants to transport water against gravity, from the roots to the leaves, which is essential for photosynthesis and nutrient distribution.

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