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CIE IGCSE Biology Notes

2.1.2 Bacterial Cell Structure

Bacterial cells, though microscopically small, are complex in structure and function. This section delves into the detailed anatomy of a bacterial cell, explaining the roles and significance of each component in relation to the cell's survival and replication.


Bacteria are single-celled microorganisms with a simple yet efficient cellular structure. Unlike plant and animal cells, they lack a true nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles, but their various cell components play vital roles in their life processes.

Cell Wall and Cell Membrane

  • Cell Wall:
    • Composition: Primarily composed of peptidoglycan, a polymer that gives structural strength.
    • Function: Protects against physical damage and osmotic pressure.
    • Role in Pathogenicity: In some bacteria, the cell wall can influence pathogenicity by interacting with host immune systems.
  • Cell Membrane:
    • Structure: Consists of a phospholipid bilayer interspersed with proteins.
    • Function: Responsible for the selective permeability, allowing the transport of nutrients and waste.
    • Energy Production: In the absence of mitochondria, parts of the cell membrane assist in energy production through processes like respiration and photosynthesis in certain bacteria.
Gram-negative bacteria and gram-positive bacteria cell and cell membrane

Image courtesy of designua


  • Composition: Aqueous solution containing proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates.
  • Cellular Processes: Site of various biochemical reactions, including glycolysis, the initial stage of cellular respiration.
  • Genetic Material: Contains the nucleoid, an area where the bacterial chromosome is located.


  • Size and Type: Bacterial ribosomes are 70S, smaller than those in eukaryotic cells.
  • Protein Synthesis: Translate genetic information into functional proteins.
  • Target for Antibiotics: Many antibiotics function by targeting bacterial ribosomes, highlighting their importance in bacterial survival.
Diagram of 70S Bacterial ribosomes

Image courtesy of KKT Madhusanka

Circular DNA

  • Organization: Unlike eukaryotic cells, bacterial DNA is not enclosed within a nucleus.
  • Replication: Plays a crucial role during binary fission, the process of bacterial cell division.
  • Genetic Variation: Although most bacteria reproduce asexually, genetic variation can be introduced through processes like transformation, transduction, and conjugation.


  • Extra-Chromosomal DNA: Plasmids are small DNA molecules separate from chromosomal DNA.
  • Gene Transfer: Can be transferred between bacteria, a process known as horizontal gene transfer, which is important in the spread of antibiotic resistance.
  • Biotechnological Applications: Used in genetic engineering due to their capability to carry foreign genes.
Diagram showing bacterium with its chromosomal DNA and several plasmids

Image courtesy of Spaully

Bacterial Cell Structure in Survival and Replication

  • Protective Layers: The cell wall and membrane safeguard the cell from environmental stresses and regulate the transport of substances.
  • Metabolic Activities: The cytoplasm and ribosomes are crucial for the metabolic activities necessary for growth and reproduction.
  • Genetic Information: Circular DNA and plasmids store and transmit genetic information vital for cellular functions and adaptation.

Structure-Function Relationship

  • Efficiency and Adaptation: The compact and efficient structure of bacterial cells allows them to thrive in diverse environments.
  • Variability Among Bacteria: While these structures are common, there is significant variability among different bacterial species, reflecting their adaptation to various niches.

Identification Techniques

  • Microscopy: Advanced microscopy techniques, such as electron microscopy, provide detailed images of bacterial structures.
  • Staining Techniques: Gram staining differentiates bacteria based on cell wall properties, aiding in identification and classification.
Gram staining of bacteria, differentiating bacteria based on cell wall properties

Image courtesy of RBR Life Science -


Educational Perspective

Understanding bacterial cell structure is not only crucial for biological literacy but also for understanding their impact on health, environment, and biotechnology. This knowledge provides a foundation for further studies in microbiology, medicine, and environmental science.


The nucleoid region in bacterial cells is crucial as it contains the cell's genetic material in the form of circular DNA. Unlike eukaryotic cells, bacteria do not have a membrane-bound nucleus; instead, their DNA is concentrated in the nucleoid. This region is essential for controlling the cell's activities and directing its reproduction. The DNA in the nucleoid holds the instructions for all the cell's functions and processes, including metabolism, growth, and response to environmental stimuli. During cell division, the DNA in the nucleoid replicates, ensuring that each new cell receives a complete copy of the genetic material. This efficient organization of genetic material in the nucleoid is key to the rapid growth and reproduction of bacterial cells, enabling them to quickly adapt to changing environments.

Bacterial cells cannot survive without ribosomes, as these are essential for protein synthesis. Ribosomes translate genetic information from mRNA into proteins, which are crucial for various cellular functions, including metabolism, structure, and response to environmental changes. The absence of ribosomes would halt protein production, leading to cell death. This essential role of ribosomes in bacterial survival makes them a prime target for many antibiotics. Antibiotics like tetracycline, erythromycin, and others specifically target bacterial ribosomes, disrupting protein synthesis. By inhibiting ribosomes, these antibiotics effectively stop bacterial growth and replication, leading to the death of the bacterial cells. The specificity of these antibiotics towards bacterial ribosomes, and not eukaryotic ribosomes, is key to their effectiveness in treating bacterial infections while minimizing harm to human cells.

The difference in ribosome size between bacterial cells (70S) and eukaryotic cells (80S) is significant for several reasons. Firstly, this difference is due to the composition of the ribosomes; bacterial ribosomes are made up of a 50S and a 30S subunit, whereas eukaryotic ribosomes consist of a 60S and a 40S subunit. The S (Svedberg unit) refers to the rate of sedimentation during centrifugation, which is influenced by size and shape. This variation in ribosome structure has practical implications, especially in medicine. Many antibiotics exploit this difference by specifically targeting bacterial ribosomes, thereby inhibiting protein synthesis in bacteria without affecting eukaryotic cells. This selective targeting is crucial for developing effective antibacterial treatments with minimal impact on human cells.

The bacterial cell wall is fundamentally different from plant cell walls in its composition and function. While plant cell walls are primarily made of cellulose, a complex carbohydrate, bacterial cell walls are composed of a unique molecule called peptidoglycan. Peptidoglycan is a polymer consisting of sugars and amino acids, forming a mesh-like layer outside the bacterial cell membrane. This structure provides rigidity and shape to the bacterial cell and protects it from osmotic pressure and physical damage. Furthermore, the thickness and composition of the bacterial cell wall vary among different species, which is a key factor in the Gram staining technique used to classify bacteria. This distinction is crucial, as it affects how bacteria interact with their environment and how they respond to antibiotics, with some antibiotics specifically targeting the synthesis of peptidoglycan.

Circular DNA and plasmids contribute to genetic variation in bacteria through different mechanisms. The main bacterial chromosome, which is circular, carries essential genetic information for the cell's survival and function. During bacterial replication, this circular DNA is replicated and passed on to daughter cells, ensuring the continuity of genetic information. Plasmids, however, play a different role. They are small, circular, independently replicating DNA molecules that often contain genes that can be advantageous under certain conditions, such as antibiotic resistance. Plasmids can be transferred between bacteria through horizontal gene transfer processes like conjugation, transformation, and transduction. This transfer of plasmids introduces new genetic traits to a bacterial population, contributing to genetic diversity and enabling bacteria to adapt to changing environments or develop resistance to antibiotics. This genetic variability is a key factor in the evolutionary success of bacteria.

Practice Questions

Describe the structure and function of plasmids in bacterial cells.

Plasmids are small, circular DNA molecules found in bacterial cells, separate from the main bacterial chromosome. They play a crucial role in bacterial genetics due to their ability to carry and transfer genes between bacteria, a process known as horizontal gene transfer. This characteristic of plasmids is particularly significant in the spread of antibiotic resistance among bacterial populations. Moreover, plasmids are instrumental in biotechnological applications, such as genetic engineering, where they are used to introduce foreign genes into bacteria for research or industrial purposes. Their ability to replicate independently of the chromosomal DNA allows for the manipulation and study of genes in a controlled manner.

Explain how the structure of the bacterial cell membrane contributes to its function.

The bacterial cell membrane, composed of a phospholipid bilayer interspersed with proteins, is essential for the cell's survival. Its semi-permeable nature allows for the selective transport of nutrients into the cell and waste products out of it, maintaining the cell's internal environment. This selective permeability is crucial for homeostasis. Additionally, in the absence of organelles like mitochondria, parts of the cell membrane perform vital functions in energy production. Processes such as respiration and photosynthesis in photosynthetic bacteria occur at the cell membrane. This multifunctional structure underpins the bacterial cell's ability to adapt and thrive in various environments.

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