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CIE IGCSE Biology Notes

2.1.5 Cell Division

Cell division is a vital biological process, where new cells are formed from pre-existing cells. This mechanism is essential for growth, repair, and reproduction in multicellular organisms. A detailed understanding of the cell cycle, including the stages of mitosis, is crucial for comprehending the developmental processes in living organisms.

Understanding the Cell Cycle

The cell cycle is an ordered set of events, culminating in cell growth and division into two new daughter cells. It consists of two main phases: interphase, where the cell grows and replicates its DNA, and the mitotic phase, where the cell divides.


  • G1 Phase (First Gap Phase):
    • The cell grows in size, synthesises proteins, and produces new organelles.
    • It performs its specific functions, like protein synthesis or energy production.
    • Cellular content, excluding chromosomes, is duplicated.
  • S Phase (Synthesis Phase):
    • The cell replicates its DNA, ensuring each new cell will have identical genetic material.
    • Key enzymes and proteins required for DNA synthesis are active.
    • The cell checks for DNA errors and repairs them if necessary.
  • G2 Phase (Second Gap Phase):
    • The cell continues to grow and produces proteins necessary for mitosis.
    • There is a checkpoint to ensure all DNA is replicated and no damage is present.
Cell cycle phases- G1 phase, S phase and G2 phase

Image courtesy of ellepigrafica

Mitotic Phase

  • Mitosis: Division of the cell's nucleus into two genetically identical nuclei.
  • Cytokinesis: Division of the cell's cytoplasm, resulting in two daughter cells.

The Process of Mitosis

Mitosis is divided into four distinct stages: prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. Each stage plays a crucial role in ensuring the accurate distribution of chromosomes to daughter cells.


  • Chromosomes condense, becoming visible under a microscope.
  • The nuclear envelope breaks down, allowing spindle fibres access to chromosomes.
  • Centrosomes move to opposite poles of the cell, forming the mitotic spindle.
  • Each chromosome now consists of two identical sister chromatids joined at the centromere.
Prophase initiating mitosis

Image courtesy of Kelvinsong


  • Chromosomes align along the metaphase plate, the cell's equatorial plane.
  • Spindle fibres attach to each chromosome's centromere.
  • This arrangement ensures that each daughter cell will receive one copy of each chromosome.
Metaphase of cell cycle

Image courtesy of Kelvinsong


  • Sister chromatids separate as spindle fibres shorten.
  • Chromatids, now individual chromosomes, move to opposite poles of the cell.
  • The cell elongates due to the spindle fibres pushing the poles apart.
Anaphase of cell cycle

Image courtesy of Kelvinsong


  • Chromosomes begin to decondense, returning to their less visible form.
  • Nuclear envelopes re-form around each set of chromosomes at the poles.
  • The spindle fibres disassemble, and the nucleolus reappears in each new nucleus.


  • Division of the cytoplasm to form two distinct cells.
  • In animal cells, a cleavage furrow forms, constricting like a drawstring to separate the cells.
  • In plant cells, a cell plate forms between the divided nuclei, developing into a separating cell wall.
Telophase and cytokinesis of cell cycle

Image courtesy of Kelvinsong

Importance of Cell Division

Cell division is critical for:

  • Growth: It allows organisms to grow from a single cell to trillions of cells.
  • Repair and Regeneration: Damaged tissues are repaired and lost cells are replaced.
  • Reproduction: In unicellular organisms, cell division is a means of reproduction. In multicellular organisms, it's essential for the development of gametes.

Specialised Forms of Cell Division

  • Meiosis: Occurs in the sex organs, producing gametes with half the number of chromosomes. It involves two rounds of division and is essential for genetic diversity.
  • Binary Fission: Seen in prokaryotes like bacteria, involving the replication of the cell's single chromosome and division into two cells.
Summary of Meiosis stages

Image courtesy of Rdbickel

Cell Division and Health

  • Cancer: Caused by uncontrolled cell division, leading to the formation of tumours. Understanding cell division helps in comprehending and treating cancer.
  • Stem Cells: Have the unique ability to divide and differentiate into various cell types, offering potential in regenerative medicine.

Regulation of Cell Division

Cell division is tightly controlled by a complex series of molecular signals, ensuring cells divide only when necessary.

  • Cell Cycle Checkpoints: Surveillance mechanisms that halt the cycle if errors or damage are detected.
  • Cyclins and Cyclin-Dependent Kinases (CDKs): Proteins that regulate the timing of the cell cycle in eukaryotic cells.

In conclusion, cell division is a complex yet meticulously regulated process essential for life. Understanding its stages and regulation is crucial for students studying IGCSE Biology, as it underpins many fundamental concepts in the subject. This detailed exploration provides insights into the critical roles of the cell cycle and mitosis in growth, repair, reproduction, and health.


Centrosomes and spindle fibres play crucial roles in mitosis, ensuring the accurate distribution of chromosomes to daughter cells.

  1. Centrosomes: These are microtubule-organising centres located near the nucleus. During prophase, centrosomes move to opposite poles of the cell, forming the mitotic spindle. They are responsible for organising and anchoring the spindle fibres.
  2. Spindle Fibres: These are protein structures that form the mitotic spindle, a football-shaped structure that helps segregate chromosomes during mitosis. Spindle fibres have two types: kinetochore fibres and polar fibres.
    • Kinetochore Fibres: Attach to the centromere of each chromosome and play a crucial role in chromosome movement. They pull sister chromatids apart during anaphase.
    • Polar Fibres: Extend from each spindle pole towards the cell's centre and overlap in the middle. They help elongate the cell during anaphase and ensure the proper positioning of chromosomes at the metaphase plate.

Together, centrosomes and spindle fibres ensure that chromosomes are correctly aligned and segregated during mitosis, resulting in two genetically identical daughter cells.

The cell employs several mechanisms to ensure that DNA replication is complete and error-free before advancing to cell division.

  1. G1 Checkpoint: During the G1 phase, the cell checks for adequate cell size, nutrients, and undamaged DNA. If these criteria are not met, the cell delays progression until conditions improve.
  2. S Phase Proofreading: While replicating DNA in the S phase, enzymes proofread the newly synthesized strands for errors. Incorrect base pairs are corrected to maintain DNA integrity.
  3. DNA Repair Mechanisms: If DNA damage is detected during the cell cycle, repair mechanisms are activated to fix the damage. Failure to repair damaged DNA can lead to cell cycle arrest or apoptosis (cell death).
  4. G2 Checkpoint: The G2 phase includes another checkpoint where the cell verifies that DNA replication is complete and undamaged. Only if this checkpoint is passed does the cell proceed to mitosis.

These checkpoints and proofreading mechanisms help ensure that the DNA is replicated accurately and completely. Any errors or damage are detected and repaired before the cell commits to division, preventing the transmission of genetic abnormalities to daughter cells.

Prokaryotic cell division, known as binary fission, is a simpler process than eukaryotic cell division. In binary fission, the following steps occur:

  1. DNA Replication: The single circular DNA molecule in the prokaryotic cell replicates, resulting in two identical DNA molecules.
  2. Cell Elongation: The cell elongates, pushing the two DNA molecules apart.
  3. Septum Formation: A septum (partition) forms at the midpoint of the cell.
  4. Cell Division: The septum constricts, dividing the cell into two identical daughter cells.

Binary fission differs from eukaryotic cell division (mitosis and meiosis) in several ways. Prokaryotes lack a nucleus, so there's no nuclear envelope to break down. Additionally, they lack membrane-bound organelles like mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum. Binary fission is a faster process, and it doesn't involve spindle fibres or complex stages like metaphase or anaphase. Furthermore, binary fission produces genetically identical daughter cells, whereas eukaryotic cell division introduces genetic diversity through processes like crossing-over in meiosis.

The nucleolus plays a vital role in cell division, especially during mitosis. It is a subnuclear structure within the nucleus responsible for the assembly of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and ribosomal subunits, essential components of ribosomes. During the early stages of mitosis, the nucleolus begins to disassemble, and ribosomal RNA synthesis ceases. This is crucial because it ensures that no new ribosomes are produced during mitosis, preventing interference with the process of chromosome segregation and cell division.

Additionally, the breakdown of the nucleolus is a visible marker for the start of mitosis, indicating the cell's commitment to division. It also frees up nucleolar proteins for use in other cellular processes during mitosis.

In summary, the nucleolus's role in ceasing ribosomal RNA synthesis and its disassembly serve as critical factors in ensuring the orderly progression of mitosis without disruptions caused by ongoing ribosome production.

Uncontrolled cell division is a hallmark of cancer. When cell division becomes unregulated, it leads to the formation of a tumour. Tumours can be benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous). If a tumour is malignant, it poses several serious consequences:

  1. Invasion: Cancer cells can invade nearby tissues and organs, causing damage and impairing their function.
  2. Metastasis: Malignant cells can break away from the primary tumour and spread through the bloodstream or lymphatic system to other parts of the body, forming secondary tumours.
  3. Disruption of Normal Functions: Cancer cells compete with normal cells for resources, potentially causing organ dysfunction and systemic effects.
  4. Genetic Instability: Uncontrolled division can lead to genetic mutations, increasing the heterogeneity of cancer cells and making them resistant to treatments.

The consequences of uncontrolled cell division highlight the urgency of cancer diagnosis and treatment. Early detection and intervention are essential for improving prognosis and patient outcomes.

Practice Questions

Describe the process of cytokinesis in animal cells and explain how it differs from cytokinesis in plant cells.

Cytokinesis in animal cells involves the formation of a cleavage furrow, which is created by a ring of protein filaments contracting inside the cell's membrane. This contraction pinches the cell into two separate daughter cells, each with its own nucleus and share of cytoplasm. In contrast, cytokinesis in plant cells occurs through the formation of a cell plate. Since plant cells have a rigid cell wall, a cleavage furrow cannot form. Instead, vesicles from the Golgi apparatus align at the centre of the cell, fusing to form a cell plate, which eventually develops into a new cell wall, separating the two daughter cells.

Explain the importance of the G1 checkpoint in the cell cycle. What would happen if this checkpoint failed?

The G1 checkpoint is crucial as it ensures that the cell is ready for DNA replication. This checkpoint assesses whether the cell has the adequate size, nutrients, and undamaged DNA necessary for replication. If a cell passes this checkpoint, it commits to the cell cycle and enters the S phase. If the G1 checkpoint fails, the cell can enter the S phase with damaged DNA or inadequate resources, leading to improper DNA replication. This can result in cells with genetic defects or abnormalities, potentially leading to malfunctioning cells or diseases like cancer, where cells divide uncontrollably.

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