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CIE IGCSE Biology Notes

6.1.2 Use and Storage of Carbohydrates in Photosynthesis

In the fascinating world of plant biology, carbohydrates produced via photosynthesis play pivotal roles. This section explores their multifaceted functions, focusing on energy storage, structural support, and facilitation of vital plant processes.

Introduction to Carbohydrate Use and Storage

Carbohydrates, primarily synthesised through photosynthesis, are essential for plants' survival. They serve in energy provision, structural formation, and reproductive functions, highlighting their indispensable role in plant life.

Glucose: The Cornerstone of Plant Metabolism

  • Production and Importance: As the initial carbohydrate product of photosynthesis, glucose represents the fundamental building block of plant metabolism.
  • Energy Storage Mechanism: Plants convert excess glucose into starch, a polysaccharide, for storage. This stored starch can be broken down back into glucose to meet energy demands during periods with insufficient light, like night-time or winter.
  • Respiration and Energy Release: In cellular respiration, glucose is broken down to release ATP (adenosine triphosphate), providing energy for various plant activities, including growth and repair.
  • Transportation: For effective distribution throughout the plant, glucose is often transformed into sucrose due to its more soluble and transportable nature. This transformation is crucial for energy distribution to different plant parts, including growing tissues and organs.
Structure of glucose

Structure of glucose

Image courtesy of NEUROtiker

Starch: The Energy Reservoir

  • Biochemical Structure and Formation: Starch, a complex carbohydrate, is formed from the condensation of many glucose molecules. It is typically composed of two types of molecules, amylose and amylopectin, both of which contribute to its ability to store energy efficiently.
  • Storage Locations: Commonly stored in specialised structures like amyloplasts within seeds, roots, and tubers, starch serves as the primary long-term energy reserve in plants.
  • Relevance in Plant Growth and Survival: The ability to store energy in the form of starch is crucial for plants, particularly in enabling them to survive adverse conditions and periods of energy scarcity.
A diagram showing the structure of starch- amylose and amylopectin

Image courtesy of OpenStax College

Cellulose: Providing Structural Strength

  • Chemical Composition and Formation: Cellulose is a complex carbohydrate made up of glucose units bonded together to form long chains. These chains form microfibrils, which are the primary structural components of plant cell walls.
  • Role in Plant Rigidity and Growth: The rigidity provided by cellulose is vital for maintaining the plant's upright structure and facilitating growth against gravity.
  • Ecological and Economic Importance: Beyond its role in plant structure, cellulose is significant in various ecological interactions and human industries, such as paper and textile production.
Diagram showing microfibrils and Cellulose, a complex carbohydrate made up of glucose units.

Image courtesy of designua

Sucrose: The Mobile Energy Molecule

  • Formation and Adaptability: Sucrose, formed from a glucose and a fructose molecule, is a more adaptable form of carbohydrate for transport within the plant due to its solubility and stability.
  • Vitality in Energy Distribution: This solubility and transportability make sucrose the ideal carbohydrate for moving energy throughout the plant, especially to areas of active growth like young leaves, flowers, and developing fruits.

Nectar: Facilitating Pollination

  • Constituents and Attraction: Nectar, rich in sucrose, serves as an attractant for pollinators such as bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. Its sweetness entices these creatures, aiding in the plant's pollination process.
  • Role in Plant Reproduction: Nectar's role in attracting pollinators is crucial for cross-pollination, enhancing genetic diversity and species survival.
Picture of a bee collecting nectar

Image courtesy of Bgelo777

Broad Spectrum of Carbohydrate Functions

1. Energy Storage and Mobilisation: Carbohydrates like starch and sucrose are vital in storing and mobilising energy within the plant, ensuring survival and growth under varying environmental conditions.

2. Structural Support: Cellulose, as a major component of cell walls, provides structural integrity and is essential for the plant's physical strength and growth.

3. Nutrient Transportation: Sucrose acts as a transportable energy source, ensuring the distribution of nutrients to all plant parts.

4. Respiratory Fuel: Glucose is the primary substrate for cellular respiration, crucial for energy release for metabolic processes.

5. Reproductive Assistance: The production of nectar not only aids in pollination but also in fostering biodiversity and ecosystem stability.

Understanding Carbohydrates in Plant Physiology

Comprehending the diverse roles of carbohydrates in plants is fundamental in understanding plant physiology and ecology. These organic compounds are not merely energy sources; they are integral to plants' structural integrity, growth, reproductive success, and ecological interactions. Their study offers insights into the intricate balance of life processes in plants, underlying their adaptation and survival in various environments.


Some plants store carbohydrates in the form of inulin instead of starch due to their evolutionary adaptations and specific metabolic needs. Inulin, a polymer of fructose, serves as an energy storage carbohydrate in some plants, particularly in the Asteraceae family, including daisies and sunflowers. Unlike starch, inulin is more soluble in water and does not precipitate when the cell cytoplasm is dehydrated. This makes inulin an effective storage form in plants that experience fluctuating water availability. Additionally, inulin has a lower osmotic pressure, which is beneficial for cells in maintaining their water balance. These characteristics make inulin a more suitable storage carbohydrate for certain plants, particularly those adapted to specific ecological niches.

Plants regulate the conversion of glucose to other carbohydrates through enzyme-mediated reactions that are influenced by the plant's current energy needs and environmental conditions. When a plant has ample glucose and energy, enzymes like ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase facilitate the conversion of glucose to starch for storage. Conversely, when energy is needed, enzymes like amylase break down stored starch back into glucose. The synthesis of cellulose from glucose for cell wall construction is regulated by cellulose synthase enzymes. Environmental cues, such as light exposure and temperature, also play a role in regulating these enzymatic activities. This regulation ensures that plants efficiently balance their immediate energy needs with their longer-term storage and structural requirements.

Carbohydrate storage in seeds is crucial for seed germination and early plant development. During the early stages of a seedling's growth, before it can perform photosynthesis effectively, the stored carbohydrates provide the necessary energy and carbon skeletons for growth. Starch is the most common form of carbohydrate stored in seeds and is hydrolysed to glucose upon germination. This glucose is then used for energy production and as a building block for constructing new plant tissues. The presence of stored carbohydrates in seeds is particularly important for plants in environments where immediate photosynthesis upon germination may be hindered due to factors like insufficient light, water, or nutrients. The stored carbohydrates in seeds ensure that the plant has a reliable energy source during the critical initial phase of its life cycle.

Glucose and fructose, while both simple sugars, play slightly different roles in plants. Glucose, produced directly from photosynthesis, is the primary source of energy within the plant. It is used immediately for energy, stored as starch for later use, or converted into other carbohydrates like cellulose for structural support. Fructose, on the other hand, often combines with glucose to form sucrose. Sucrose is less chemically reactive and more stable than glucose, making it an ideal transport form of sugar within the plant. It is transported through the plant's vascular system to areas where energy is needed or to storage organs. While both sugars are critical for plant energy and metabolism, their roles are distinct in terms of immediate energy provision (glucose) and energy transport and storage (fructose).

Environmental factors such as light intensity, temperature, and water availability significantly influence the production and storage of carbohydrates in plants. Light intensity affects the rate of photosynthesis, thereby determining the amount of glucose produced. Higher light intensity generally increases the rate of photosynthesis up to a point, leading to more glucose and subsequent carbohydrate production. Temperature also plays a critical role; photosynthesis is temperature-dependent, with extremely high or low temperatures adversely affecting enzyme activity involved in the process. Furthermore, water stress can limit photosynthesis, reducing carbohydrate production. Plants often respond to environmental stresses by altering their carbohydrate storage, for instance, accumulating more starch during periods of stress as a survival strategy.

Practice Questions

Explain the importance of sucrose in the transport of energy within a plant.

Sucrose plays a crucial role in the transport of energy within plants due to its high solubility and stability. This makes it an ideal medium for transporting glucose, the primary energy source, from the leaves where photosynthesis occurs to other parts of the plant. Unlike glucose, sucrose is non-reactive and does not readily participate in chemical reactions, reducing the risk of unwanted biochemical interactions during transport. Its solubility ensures efficient movement through the plant’s phloem, reaching areas of active growth such as young leaves, flowers, and developing fruits. By facilitating the distribution of energy throughout the plant, sucrose ensures that energy produced in the leaves is optimally utilised, supporting various plant functions including growth and development.

Describe the role of starch in plants and explain why it is important for plants to store starch.

Starch serves as a vital energy reservoir in plants. It is a complex carbohydrate formed from the condensation of glucose molecules, which are produced during photosynthesis. Starch is stored in various plant parts, particularly in seeds, roots, and tubers. Its role is significant for plant survival, especially in conditions where photosynthetic activity is reduced, such as during night-time or in winter. Starch can be broken down back into glucose when the plant requires energy, thus providing a continuous supply of energy even in the absence of photosynthesis. This storage mechanism is essential for plants to maintain metabolic activities and grow, particularly in fluctuating environmental conditions where energy sources might not be consistently available.

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