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CIE IGCSE Biology Notes

6.1.5 Limiting Factors of Photosynthesis

Photosynthesis is a critical biological process through which plants synthesise carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and water, using sunlight. The rate of photosynthesis is not constant and can be influenced by several environmental factors, often acting as limitations. Understanding these limiting factors is crucial for appreciating how plants adapt to their environments and for optimising conditions for plant growth and productivity.

Light Intensity

Importance in Photosynthesis

  • Light is the primary energy source for photosynthesis.
  • Increased light intensity provides more energy, boosting the rate of photosynthesis up to a certain point.

Limiting Effects

  • At low light levels, photosynthesis occurs at a slower rate due to insufficient energy.
  • Beyond a certain threshold, known as the light saturation point, further increases in light intensity do not increase the rate of photosynthesis, as other factors become limiting.

Adaptations and Considerations

  • Plants have evolved various adaptations to optimise light absorption, like leaf orientation and chloroplast movement.
  • Understanding light intensity's effect is crucial in agriculture to optimise crop yield.
Impact of light intensity on the rate of Photosynthesis

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Carbon Dioxide Concentration

Role in Photosynthesis

  • Carbon dioxide is a crucial reactant in the photosynthetic process.
  • The availability of carbon dioxide directly affects the rate of carbohydrate synthesis.

Limiting Impact

  • When carbon dioxide levels are low, the rate of photosynthesis is reduced.
  • There exists an optimum concentration, after which the rate does not increase significantly, indicating other limiting factors.

Environmental and Practical Implications

  • Increasing atmospheric CO2 due to human activities can impact photosynthesis and plant growth.
  • In controlled environments like greenhouses, CO2 enrichment is used to enhance growth.
Impact of Carbon Dioxide Concentration on Photosynthesis

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Influence on Photosynthesis

  • Temperature affects enzyme activity, which is essential for photosynthetic reactions.
  • Each plant species has an optimal temperature range for efficient enzyme functioning.

Limiting Impact

  • Low temperatures result in reduced enzyme activity, slowing photosynthesis.
  • High temperatures may lead to enzyme denaturation, impairing the photosynthetic process.

Adaptations and Management

  • Plants in different climates have adapted to function optimally at varying temperatures.
  • Temperature control in agricultural settings can help maintain optimal photosynthetic rates.
Impact of Temperature on Photosynthesis

Image courtesy of Elevise


Water Availability

Role in Photosynthesis

  • Water is not only a reactant in the photosynthetic reaction but also vital for stomatal opening, facilitating gas exchange.

Limiting Impact

  • Water stress leads to stomatal closure to conserve water, but this reduces CO2 uptake, thus decreasing photosynthesis.
  • Severe water stress can lead to wilting, further reducing photosynthesis.

Agricultural and Ecological Significance

  • Efficient water management is crucial in agriculture to ensure adequate photosynthesis.
  • Drought-resistant plant varieties have been developed for water-scarce environments.

Light Wavelength

Role in Photosynthesis

  • Chlorophyll, the primary pigment in photosynthesis, absorbs specific light wavelengths, mainly in the red and blue spectrum.
  • These wavelengths are most effective in driving the photosynthetic process.

Limiting Impact

  • Light with wavelengths not absorbed efficiently by chlorophyll, such as green light, is less effective for photosynthesis.
  • This can limit the photosynthetic rate under certain light conditions.

Adaptations and Applications

  • Plants have evolved different pigments to absorb a wider range of light wavelengths.
  • Grow lights in agriculture are designed to emit specific wavelengths for enhanced photosynthesis.
Chlorophyll a and b wavelengths

Image courtesy of Daniele Pugliesi Vector: M0tty

Nutrient Availability

Essential Nutrients

  • Elements like nitrogen, phosphorus, and magnesium are vital for plant health and efficient photosynthesis.

Limiting Impact

  • Nutrient deficiencies can impair components of the photosynthetic machinery, reducing the rate.
  • Magnesium deficiency, for instance, directly affects chlorophyll production.

Fertilisation and Soil Management

  • Proper fertilisation practices are crucial in agriculture to ensure adequate nutrient availability.
  • Soil testing and management can help maintain nutrient balance for optimal plant growth.
Importance of different nutrients in effective soil management.

Image courtesy of Bluelab Blog


Air Pollution

Impact on Photosynthesis

  • Air pollutants such as sulphur dioxide and ozone can cause damage to plant tissues and affect gas exchange by blocking stomata.

Limiting Impact

  • Pollution can induce stress in plants, leading to reduced photosynthetic capacity.
  • Long-term exposure to pollutants can significantly hinder plant growth and photosynthesis.

Environmental Concerns and Plant Adaptations

  • Understanding pollution's impact on photosynthesis is important for environmental conservation.
  • Some plants have developed tolerance mechanisms to survive in polluted environments.

Plant Density and Competition

Influence on Photosynthesis

  • In dense plantings, plants compete for light and other resources, affecting each plant's access to essential photosynthetic inputs.

Limiting Impact

  • Reduced light penetration and resource availability in crowded environments can limit photosynthesis.
  • This factor is particularly significant in natural ecosystems and agricultural fields.

Implications for Agriculture and Ecology

  • Understanding plant density's impact is essential for crop management and ecological studies.
  • Appropriate spacing and resource management can optimise photosynthetic efficiency in crops.

In conclusion, the rate of photosynthesis is influenced by a complex interplay of environmental factors. These factors, often acting as limitations, are crucial for understanding plant growth dynamics and for developing strategies to maximise photosynthetic efficiency in various settings, ranging from natural ecosystems to agricultural fields. Understanding these limiting factors enables us to appreciate the adaptability of plants to their environments and guides us in creating optimal conditions for plant growth and productivity.


Increasing the concentration of carbon dioxide can enhance the rate of photosynthesis only up to a certain point. Beyond this point, the rate of photosynthesis levels off, indicating that other factors become limiting. This plateau occurs because the enzymes involved in the photosynthetic process, such as RuBisCO, have a maximum rate at which they can catalyse reactions. Once all the active sites of these enzymes are occupied, increasing CO2 concentration further won't increase the rate of photosynthesis. Additionally, extremely high levels of CO2 can cause a decrease in pH within the leaf tissues, potentially affecting enzyme activity and overall plant health. It's also important to note that increasing CO2 levels in natural environments can have ecological impacts, such as altered plant growth and changes in species composition, and can contribute to global climate change.

Water stress causes a reduction in the rate of photosynthesis primarily due to its impact on stomatal conductance and enzyme activity. When plants experience water stress, they close their stomata to reduce water loss through transpiration. However, stomatal closure also limits the uptake of carbon dioxide, a critical substrate for photosynthesis, thus directly reducing the rate of photosynthesis. Additionally, water stress can affect the internal structure of the leaf, leading to a decrease in chloroplast efficiency and impairing the biochemical pathways of photosynthesis. In severe cases, prolonged water stress can lead to the degradation of photosynthetic pigments and damage to photosynthetic machinery, further diminishing the plant's ability to photosynthesise effectively. Water stress also impacts the plant's overall health, leading to reduced growth and productivity.

Temperature fluctuations outside the optimum range can significantly affect the photosynthetic rate. When temperatures are lower than the optimum, the kinetic energy of molecules involved in photosynthetic reactions decreases, leading to a reduced rate of enzyme-substrate collisions. This results in a slower rate of photosynthetic reactions, as enzymes catalyse reactions less efficiently at lower temperatures. Conversely, when temperatures exceed the optimum range, enzymes involved in photosynthesis can become denatured. Enzyme denaturation involves the loss of the enzyme's three-dimensional structure, crucial for its catalytic activity. This leads to a substantial reduction in the rate of photosynthesis, as the enzymes can no longer effectively catalyse the necessary chemical reactions. Additionally, extreme temperatures can lead to other physiological stresses in plants, further reducing their photosynthetic efficiency and overall health.

Increasing plant density can lead to a reduction in the rate of photosynthesis for individual plants, but this is not always the case. The impact of plant density on photosynthesis largely depends on the availability of light and other resources. In high-density plantings, competition for light becomes significant, particularly for lower leaves or understorey plants, leading to reduced light availability and thus a lower rate of photosynthesis. Additionally, competition for nutrients and water can also limit the photosynthetic capacity of individual plants. However, in certain conditions, such as in crops bred for high-density planting, plants may exhibit adaptations like altered leaf angles and growth habits that minimise self-shading and optimise light capture, thereby reducing the negative impact of high density on photosynthesis. The outcome also depends on species-specific traits, as some plants are more tolerant to shading and crowding than others.

The quality of light, particularly its colour spectrum, significantly influences the rate of photosynthesis. Photosynthetic pigments like chlorophyll primarily absorb light in the red and blue wavelengths, which are most effective for driving photosynthesis. Red light, with a longer wavelength, is absorbed well by chlorophyll and is highly effective in promoting photosynthetic reactions, particularly in the deeper parts of leaves where it can penetrate effectively. Blue light, with a shorter wavelength, is crucial for chlorophyll's absorption and also aids in stomatal opening, which is essential for gas exchange. Green light, on the other hand, is mostly reflected by plants, making it less effective for photosynthesis. The effectiveness of the light spectrum is also dependent on the plant species and their natural adaptation to different light environments. For example, plants in shady areas are adapted to use the green and yellow light that penetrates through the canopy more efficiently than those in direct sunlight.

Practice Questions

Describe how light intensity and carbon dioxide concentration can limit the rate of photosynthesis in plants. Include in your answer the effects of very low and very high levels of these factors. (6 marks)

The rate of photosynthesis is significantly influenced by light intensity and carbon dioxide concentration. Low light intensity limits the energy available for photosynthesis, causing a slow rate of photosynthetic reactions. However, at very high light intensities, the rate no longer increases as other factors become limiting. Similarly, carbon dioxide concentration is directly proportional to the rate of photosynthesis up to a certain point. At low concentrations, there's insufficient carbon dioxide to maximise carbohydrate synthesis, thus slowing the process. Conversely, at high concentrations, the rate plateaus as the enzyme-driven processes cannot utilise additional CO2, indicating that factors other than carbon dioxide concentration are limiting the rate of photosynthesis.

Explain how temperature can affect the rate of photosynthesis. Include in your explanation the concept of enzyme activity and its relation to temperature. (6 marks)

Temperature plays a crucial role in photosynthesis by affecting enzyme activity. Enzymes, vital for photosynthetic reactions, work optimally within a specific temperature range. At low temperatures, enzyme activity is reduced, leading to a slower rate of photosynthetic reactions. This is because the kinetic energy of molecules is lower, resulting in fewer enzyme-substrate collisions. On the other hand, high temperatures can lead to enzyme denaturation. Denatured enzymes lose their functional shape, which is necessary for catalysing reactions efficiently. This results in a significant decline in the rate of photosynthesis. Therefore, maintaining an optimal temperature range is essential for maximising photosynthetic efficiency in plants.

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