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CIE IGCSE Biology Notes

6.1.4 Investigating Photosynthesis

Photosynthesis, a pivotal biological process, allows plants to synthesise food using sunlight. Understanding the intricacies of this process is essential for comprehending plant biology and ecology.

Necessity of Chlorophyll, Light, and Carbon Dioxide


  • Function: Chlorophyll is vital for absorbing light energy, which is then converted into chemical energy during photosynthesis. This pigment, primarily found in the chloroplasts, is responsible for the green colour of plants.
  • Investigation Methods:
    • Variegated Leaf Experiment: Investigate the presence of starch in different parts of a variegated leaf after exposing it to light. The green areas, containing chlorophyll, will show starch presence, indicating photosynthesis.
    • Chromatography: Use paper chromatography to separate different pigments in leaves and identify chlorophyll.
Chlorophyll in chloroplast and its structure

Image courtesy of VectorMine


  • Function: Light is the primary energy source for photosynthesis. The quality (wavelength) and quantity (intensity) of light can significantly influence the rate of photosynthesis.
  • Investigation Methods:
  • Light Intensity Experiment: Measure the rate of photosynthesis at different light intensities using a lamp. This can be done by observing oxygen production in water plants or the rate of starch formation.
  • Light Wavelength Experiment: Using coloured filters, investigate the effect of different light wavelengths on photosynthesis.

Carbon Dioxide

  • Function: CO2 is a critical raw material in photosynthesis, combining with water to produce glucose.
  • Investigation Methods:
    • CO2 Variation Experiment: Change CO2 levels using bicarbonate solutions of different concentrations and observe the rate of photosynthesis.
    • Gas Exchange Analysis: Use a gas exchange system to measure the uptake of CO2 by plants under different conditions.

Experiments on Varying Environmental Factors

Light Intensity

  • Experiment: Use a light meter to measure different light intensities and observe their effect on photosynthesis. This can be quantified by the oxygen output or carbon dioxide uptake of aquatic plants.
  • Observation: Increased light intensity generally enhances the rate of photosynthesis, but only up to a point. Beyond this, other factors like CO2 concentration and temperature become limiting.
A light meter to measure different light intensities and observe their effect on photosynthesis.

Image courtesy of RedShark News


Carbon Dioxide Concentration

  • Experiment: Experiment with different CO2 concentrations by using sodium bicarbonate solutions in water and measuring their impact on aquatic plants' photosynthetic rate.
  • Observation: Higher CO2 concentrations can boost photosynthesis rates, though this is dependent on light intensity and temperature.
Impact of Carbon Dioxide Concentration on Photosynthesis

Image courtesy of Elevise



  • Experiment: Investigate the impact of temperature on photosynthesis by placing plants in controlled temperature environments. The rate of photosynthesis can be monitored through oxygen output or carbon dioxide consumption.
  • Observation: There is an optimal temperature range for photosynthesis. Below or above this range, the rate decreases, with extreme temperatures causing enzyme denaturation.
Impact of Temperature on Photosynthesis

Image courtesy of Elevise


Light/Dark Conditions

  • Experiment: Compare photosynthetic activity in light versus dark conditions by measuring the production of oxygen or the consumption of carbon dioxide in plants.
  • Observation: Photosynthesis is significantly reduced or halted in the dark, highlighting the necessity of light for this process.

Limiting Factors of Photosynthesis

  • Definition and Importance: Limiting factors are conditions that can restrict the rate of photosynthesis. Identifying these is crucial for optimising plant growth in agriculture and understanding natural ecosystems.
  • Common Limiting Factors: These include light intensity, CO2 concentration, and temperature. Each factor can independently limit the rate of photosynthesis if not in the optimal range.

Practical Guidelines for Conducting Photosynthesis Experiments

  • Control Variables: Maintain constant conditions for all variables except the one being tested. This ensures that any observed changes in photosynthesis rates are due to the variable under investigation.
  • Repeating Experiments: To ensure reliability, conduct experiments multiple times and average the results.
  • Data Recording and Analysis: Keep accurate records of experimental conditions and results. Analyse data using appropriate statistical methods to draw valid conclusions.
  • Safety Considerations: Adhere to safety protocols, particularly when dealing with electrical equipment, chemicals, or biological specimens.

Through these investigations, students gain a profound understanding of photosynthesis. Such knowledge is not only academically enriching but also cultivates a deeper appreciation of the complexity and efficiency of natural processes. These experiments offer practical insights into how plants utilise environmental resources, leading to broader implications in fields like agriculture, environmental science, and biology.


Air pollution can significantly impact the rate of photosynthesis in plants. Pollutants like sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, ozone, and particulate matter can have detrimental effects. Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, when combined with water in the atmosphere, form acid rain. Acid rain can damage leaves, reducing their ability to photosynthesise efficiently. Ozone is particularly harmful as it can cause oxidative damage to the photosynthetic apparatus in leaves, leading to reduced photosynthesis. Particulate matter can settle on leaf surfaces, blocking light and reducing the amount of light available for photosynthesis. Moreover, some pollutants can enter the stomata, interfering with gas exchange and thereby hindering the uptake of carbon dioxide. This can further reduce the rate of photosynthesis. Overall, air pollution not only directly affects the physiological aspects of photosynthesis but also can cause long-term damage to plant health and growth.

Photosynthesis can occur in the absence of oxygen; in fact, oxygen is a by-product rather than a requirement of this process. Photosynthesis consists of two main stages: the light-dependent reactions and the Calvin cycle. During the light-dependent reactions, water is split into hydrogen and oxygen, with the latter being released into the atmosphere. The absence of oxygen doesn't hinder the light-dependent reactions or the Calvin cycle. However, the presence of oxygen can lead to a process known as photorespiration, which occurs in some plants. In photorespiration, oxygen is used instead of CO2 in the Calvin cycle, leading to a decrease in photosynthetic efficiency and reduced sugar production. This typically happens under high oxygen or low CO2 conditions and is more common in certain types of plants. Thus, while oxygen isn't necessary for photosynthesis, its presence at high concentrations can negatively affect the process.

Changing the type of light can significantly impact photosynthesis due to differences in light quality and intensity produced by various light sources. Fluorescent lights, often rich in blue light, can enhance photosynthesis as blue light is efficiently absorbed by chlorophyll. This can lead to vigorous growth and higher rates of photosynthesis. On the other hand, incandescent lights emit more red light and generate more heat, which might not be as efficient for photosynthesis and can raise the temperature, potentially hindering the process if it gets too high. Additionally, the intensity of light varies between these sources, which also influences the rate of photosynthesis. Plants generally require a balanced spectrum of light, which is closest to natural sunlight, for optimal photosynthesis. Therefore, the choice of artificial light can play a crucial role in plant growth, especially in controlled environments like greenhouses.

Different plant species exhibit varying rates of photosynthesis under identical conditions due to several factors. Firstly, genetic differences lead to variations in the efficiency of photosynthetic machinery. Some plants, like those using C4 or CAM photosynthesis, have adapted to more efficiently capture CO2, which increases their photosynthetic rate, especially under stressful conditions like high temperatures or water scarcity. Secondly, leaf anatomy and the amount of chlorophyll can influence the rate of photosynthesis. Plants with more chlorophyll or larger leaf surface areas can absorb more light, enhancing photosynthesis. Thirdly, environmental adaptations play a role. Plants adapted to specific environments (e.g., tropical vs. temperate) optimize their photosynthetic processes according to their usual habitat, affecting their performance under controlled, identical conditions. Therefore, the intrinsic biological properties and evolutionary adaptations of plants largely determine their photosynthetic rates in any given environment.

Studying photosynthesis has far-reaching implications in agriculture and renewable energy. In agriculture, understanding the nuances of photosynthesis can lead to the development of crop varieties with enhanced photosynthetic efficiency. This could result in higher yields and better adaptation to environmental stressors like drought or high temperatures, contributing to food security. Research into photosynthetic mechanisms also paves the way for precision agriculture practices, where conditions such as light, CO2 levels, and water availability are optimized for maximum photosynthetic output. In the field of renewable energy, photosynthesis provides a blueprint for developing sustainable energy solutions. Bio-inspired solar cells and artificial photosynthesis systems are areas of research that aim to mimic the natural process of converting light into chemical energy. These technologies have the potential to produce clean, green energy, reducing reliance on fossil fuels and mitigating the impacts of climate change. Thus, the study of photosynthesis is pivotal in advancing sustainable practices in both agriculture and energy production.

Practice Questions

Describe an experiment to investigate the effect of light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis. Include details of the method, expected results, and how you would ensure the experiment is a fair test. (6 marks)

An experiment to investigate the effect of light intensity on photosynthesis can be conducted using an aquatic plant like Elodea. Place the plant in a water bath with a light source at different distances to vary light intensity. Measure the rate of photosynthesis by counting the number of oxygen bubbles produced per minute. As light intensity increases, the rate of photosynthesis should increase, demonstrated by more bubbles, until it reaches a saturation point. To ensure a fair test, keep other factors constant such as temperature, CO2 concentration, and use the same plant specimen. Repeat the experiment for accuracy and use a light meter to measure light intensity precisely.

Explain why carbon dioxide concentration is a limiting factor in photosynthesis. Include in your answer how plants can be affected in both low and high carbon dioxide environments. (6 marks)

Carbon dioxide is a limiting factor in photosynthesis because it is one of the raw materials required in the process. In low CO2 environments, the rate of photosynthesis is limited despite the presence of adequate light and water, resulting in reduced glucose production. This can lead to slower plant growth and lower yields in crops. Conversely, in high CO2 environments, the rate of photosynthesis can increase, leading to more glucose and energy for growth, until other factors such as light or temperature become limiting. Therefore, maintaining an optimal CO2 concentration is crucial for efficient photosynthesis and healthy plant growth.

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