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CIE IGCSE Biology Notes

3.2.3 Practical Investigations in Osmosis

Understanding osmosis through practical investigations enriches students' grasp of this essential biological process, crucial for cellular function and organismal survival.

Introduction to Osmosis Experiments

Osmosis, the passive movement of water across a semi-permeable membrane, is a key concept in biology. Practical investigations provide valuable insights into this process, aiding IGCSE students in visualising and understanding osmotic principles.

Investigating Osmosis Using Dialysis Tubing

Concept and Setup

  • Dialysis tubing, simulating a cell membrane, allows selective passage of water and small solutes.
  • Fill the tubing with a sugar or salt solution and submerge it in distilled water or another solution with varying solute concentration.

Observing Osmotic Changes

  • Note changes in the tubing's content, indicating water movement.
  • Quantitative analysis: Measure initial and final mass or volume to understand osmotic flow direction.
Investigating Osmosis Using Dialysis Tubing Experiment

Image courtesy of CK-12


Analyzing Results

  • Increased mass or volume: Suggests water entry, indicating a hypotonic external environment.
  • Decreased mass or volume: Implies water exit, reflecting a hypertonic external environment.
  • These observations mimic cellular responses in various solute concentrations.

Immersing Plant Tissues in Different Solutions

Selecting Plant Materials

  • Ideal tissues include potato slices, carrot discs, or leaf segments from aquatic plants like Elodea.

Preparing Solutions

  • Solutions of varying concentrations, like NaCl or glucose, simulate different environmental osmotic conditions.
  • Soak the plant materials in these solutions for a set duration.

Observational Parameters

  • Examine changes in texture, size, and rigidity.
  • Plant tissues in hypotonic solutions gain turgidity; in hypertonic solutions, they exhibit plasmolysis or become flaccid.

Understanding Cell Behavior

  • These changes reflect cellular mechanisms for managing water balance.
  • The experiment helps students correlate these observations with real-world plant phenomena, like wilting or turgidity in leaves.

Osmotic Principles Illustrated Through Experiments

Water Potential and Osmosis

  • These experiments demonstrate the concept of water potential, a driving force for osmosis.
  • Water movement from higher to lower water potential is observable and measurable.

Cell Hydration and Turgidity

  • The experiments show the crucial role of osmosis in cell hydration and maintaining turgidity, especially in plant cells.
  • Turgidity, important for plant structural integrity and growth, is visually demonstrated.
Osmotic Pressure or turgor pressure in plants

Osmotic Pressure or turgor pressure in maintaining plant structural integrity

Image courtesy of designua

Effects on Plant and Animal Cells

  • While plant cells exhibit turgidity and plasmolysis, animal cells, lacking a rigid cell wall, behave differently, possibly bursting (lysis) or shrinking (crenation) in extreme osmotic environments.
  • These variations provide insights into the unique ways different cells manage osmotic pressures.
Osmotic Balance in Red Blood Cells- Lysis and Crenation

Bursting (lysis) or shrinking (crenation) in red blood cells in extreme osmotic environments.

Image courtesy of LadyofHats

Practical Tips for Osmosis Experiments

Consistency in Materials

  • Use uniformly cut plant tissues and standardised solution concentrations for consistency.
  • Maintaining constant environmental conditions, like temperature, is crucial for accurate results.

Accurate Measurements

  • Precise measurement of solution concentrations and tissue dimensions ensures reliability and repeatability of the experiment.

Safety Precautions

  • Adhere to laboratory safety guidelines, especially when handling potentially harmful solutions or sharp instruments.

Reflecting on Experimental Outcomes

  • These investigations not only elucidate osmotic principles but also foster analytical and critical thinking regarding the adaptations of cells to their environments.
  • Practical understanding of osmosis through these experiments lays a foundational knowledge essential for advanced biological studies.

At approximately 600 words, this expanded version of the notes offers a more detailed exploration of practical osmosis investigations, blending theoretical concepts with hands-on applications, catering to the IGCSE Biology curriculum.


While dialysis tubing is a useful tool for modelling osmosis, it has limitations when compared to actual cell membranes. Firstly, the selectivity of dialysis tubing is not as precise as a cell membrane. Cell membranes have complex structures with specific protein channels and pumps that regulate the passage of different substances, whereas dialysis tubing primarily differentiates based on molecule size. Secondly, dialysis tubing does not demonstrate active transport mechanisms, which are critical in living cells for moving substances against their concentration gradient. Additionally, cell membranes can respond to environmental changes, such as opening or closing ion channels, a feature not present in the static structure of dialysis tubing. Thus, while dialysis tubing experiments provide a basic understanding of osmosis, they cannot fully replicate the intricate functionalities of living cell membranes.

Temperature and pH are critical factors that can significantly influence osmosis in plant tissues during experiments. Higher temperatures generally increase the kinetic energy of water molecules, potentially accelerating the rate of osmosis. This means that at higher temperatures, water may move more rapidly across the cell membrane, leading to faster changes in turgidity or plasmolysis. Conversely, lower temperatures can slow down these processes. pH can also affect osmosis, as it can alter the permeability of the cell membrane and the solubility of certain solutes. Extreme pH levels may damage the cell membrane or denature membrane proteins, thereby affecting the osmotic balance. It's essential to control these factors in osmotic experiments with plant tissues to ensure that any observed changes are due to osmotic effects rather than temperature or pH-induced changes in the tissues or solutions.

Using equal-sized plant tissues in osmosis experiments is essential for ensuring reliability and consistency in the results. Equal-sized samples ensure that each piece of tissue has a similar surface area and volume, which affects the rate and extent of osmosis. A larger surface area might lead to more water being absorbed or lost, skewing the results. Additionally, having uniform samples eliminates variables that could affect the outcome, such as varying thickness or density of tissues, which might respond differently to osmotic pressures. This uniformity is crucial for drawing accurate conclusions about the effects of different solute concentrations on the plant tissues. It allows for a fair comparison between the samples in different solutions, ensuring that any observed changes in turgidity or plasmolysis are due to the osmotic differences and not due to variations in the physical properties of the tissues.

Osmosis can occur in non-living materials that have properties similar to a semi-permeable membrane. One classic example is the use of artificial membranes in dialysis machines, which are used in medical treatments like kidney dialysis. In these machines, a semi-permeable membrane separates the blood from the dialysis fluid. The membrane allows small solutes and water to pass through, but not larger molecules like proteins and blood cells. By adjusting the solute concentration of the dialysis fluid, water can be made to move in or out of the blood by osmosis, thereby removing excess water and waste products from the blood. This principle is similar to the osmotic processes in living cells, where the cell membrane controls the movement of water and small solutes while preventing the passage of larger molecules.

When conducting an experiment with dialysis tubing, the concentration of the solution outside the tubing plays a crucial role in determining the direction of osmosis. If the external solution has a lower concentration of solutes (hypotonic) compared to the internal solution, water will move into the tubing, causing it to swell. This is because water moves from a region of higher water potential (outside the tubing) to a region of lower water potential (inside the tubing). Conversely, if the external solution is hypertonic (higher solute concentration than the inside), water will move out of the tubing, leading to its shrinkage. This process occurs because the water potential outside the tubing is lower than inside, prompting water to move towards the hypertonic solution. The experiment demonstrates how cells can either gain or lose water, leading to turgidity or plasmolysis, depending on the surrounding fluid's tonicity.

Practice Questions

Describe an experiment using dialysis tubing to investigate the principle of osmosis. Include in your answer the setup, the process, and how the results demonstrate osmosis.

To investigate osmosis, we use dialysis tubing as a semi-permeable membrane. First, fill the tubing with a sugar solution and seal both ends. Then, immerse it in distilled water. Over time, observe any changes in the tubing's contents. The tubing's swelling or shrinking indicates the movement of water through osmosis. If the tubing swells, it suggests water has moved into the tubing due to a lower concentration of solutes outside (hypotonic solution), demonstrating endosmosis. Conversely, if the tubing shrinks, it indicates water has moved out (exosmosis), suggesting a hypertonic solution outside. This experiment exemplifies osmosis by showing how water moves from an area of higher water potential to an area of lower water potential.

Explain how a plant tissue experiment can be used to demonstrate the effects of osmosis. Detail the procedure and how the results are interpreted.

To demonstrate osmosis, we immerse plant tissues like potato slices in solutions of varying concentrations. First, prepare solutions, e.g., distilled water, and 0.5 M, 1.0 M sugar solutions. Cut equal-sized potato slices and immerse them in these solutions. After a set time, observe changes. In distilled water (hypotonic), the slices become turgid as water enters cells, demonstrating endosmosis. In higher concentration solutions (hypertonic), the slices become flaccid or show plasmolysis as water exits cells (exosmosis). This experiment vividly demonstrates osmosis, illustrating how cells gain or lose water based on the surrounding solution's solute concentration, thus affecting their turgidity.

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