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CIE IGCSE Biology Notes

8.1.2 Structure and Location of Xylem and Phloem in Non-Woody Dicotyledonous Plants


This section delves into the complex structures and precise locations of xylem and phloem in non-woody dicotyledonous plants, integral to their survival and efficient functioning.

Identifying Xylem and Phloem in Plant Sections

Roots, Stems, and Leaves

  • Roots: Here, xylem and phloem are organised in a ring pattern. The xylem is found at the core, surrounded by phloem. This arrangement aids in the effective absorption and transportation of water and nutrients from the soil.
  • Stems: In stems, vascular bundles are visible in a circular arrangement. Xylem occupies the inner rings towards the centre of the stem, facilitating upward water transport, while phloem is located more peripherally, involved in the distribution of sugars.
  • Leaves: In leaves, xylem and phloem are part of the leaf's vascular system, forming veins. The xylem is located on the upper side of the vein, aiding in water delivery to the leaf, and phloem is positioned on the lower side, distributing the sugars produced by photosynthesis.
Transverse section of Roots, Stems, and Leaves Identifying Xylem and Phloem

Image courtesy of Biology Notes for IGCSE 2014 - Weebly


Using Diagrams and Images

  • Diagrams: They provide a simplified and clear view of the arrangement of xylem and phloem, highlighting their differences in size, shape, and position.
  • Microscopic Images: Offer a more detailed and accurate representation of these tissues in situ. They show the exact arrangement and structure, crucial for understanding their functionality.

Structure of Xylem Vessels

Composition and Characteristics

  • Dead Cell Composition: Xylem vessels, being composed of dead cells, create an unobstructed pathway for water and mineral transport.
  • Thick Walls Enriched with Lignin: These walls provide significant mechanical strength, crucial for maintaining structural integrity under the stress of water transport.
  • Absence of Cell Contents: The lack of cellular contents like cytoplasm ensures a smooth and unimpeded flow of water and minerals.

Formation of Long Tubes

  • Continuous Tubes from Individual Cells: Xylem vessels are formed by the linear arrangement of several cells, each contributing to a segment of the tube.
  • Perforations at End Walls: The cells have perforated end walls, allowing for the continuity of the xylem tube and facilitating the flow of water and minerals.

Structure of Phloem

Composition and Characteristics

  • Living Cells: Phloem's composition of living cells is essential for the active transport of nutrients like sucrose and amino acids.
  • Sieve Tubes and Companion Cells: Sieve tubes are specialised for transport, while companion cells play a key role in maintaining the phloem's functionality and health.

Role in Transport

  • Directional Flexibility: Phloem is capable of moving substances in both upward and downward directions, adapting to the plant's needs.
  • Efficient Loading and Unloading Mechanism: This mechanism ensures that nutrients are effectively distributed to various parts of the plant.
Structure of Xylem and phloem Vessels

Image courtesy of brgfx on freepik

The Importance of Xylem and Phloem Location

Root Function

  • Efficient Water and Nutrient Absorption: The positioning of xylem and phloem in roots is critical for the efficient uptake and distribution of water and nutrients from the soil.

Stem Function

  • Dual Role in Support and Transport: The arrangement in the stem is strategically designed to provide both structural support and a conduit for the transport of water, minerals, and nutrients.

Leaf Function

  • Support for Photosynthesis and Transpiration: The location of xylem and phloem in leaves ensures efficient water supply for photosynthesis and the distribution of the synthesized sugars.

The Significance of Xylem and Phloem Structure


  • Optimized for Water Transport: The structural features of xylem, like its continuous tubes and absence of cell contents, are perfectly adapted for the upward transport of water and minerals.
  • Structural Support: The lignified walls of xylem not only transport water but also provide significant mechanical support to the plant.


  • Adaptive Nutrient Transport: Phloem's unique structure enables the bidirectional transport of nutrients, vital for the plant’s growth and adaptability to environmental changes.
  • Regulatory Functions: The living cells of phloem, especially the companion cells, play a crucial role in regulating nutrient transport and overall phloem health.

Detailed Analysis of Xylem and Phloem

Xylem Vessels

  • Adaptation to Environmental Conditions: Xylem’s structure can vary depending on environmental conditions, showing how plants adapt their water transport system to different climates and soil water availability.
  • Variations in Lignification: The degree of lignification can vary, affecting the vessel's strength and flexibility.

Phloem Structure

  • Phloem Sieve Elements: These elements have pores that facilitate the movement of nutrient-rich sap.
  • Companion Cells' Role: These cells are involved in loading and unloading substances into the sieve tubes, a process critical for the distribution of nutrients.
Phloem Sieve Tube Elements & Companion Cells

Image courtesy of Manvita12345


Understanding the complex structures and strategic locations of xylem and phloem in non-woody dicotyledonous plants is fundamental in comprehending their vital roles in plant physiology. Their unique characteristics underscore the remarkable adaptations plants have developed for survival and growth.


While phloem is primarily known for transporting sucrose and amino acids, it is also capable of transporting a wide range of other substances. These include plant hormones, such as auxins, which are crucial for regulating plant growth and development. Phloem also transports other organic molecules, including vitamins and secondary metabolites like alkaloids, which play roles in plant defence. Additionally, phloem can transport RNA and proteins, which are essential for signalling and communication within the plant. This diverse transport ability allows the phloem to not only nourish different parts of the plant but also to coordinate responses to environmental changes, pests, and diseases. The flexibility of the phloem transport system is a key factor in the adaptability and survival of plants in various environments.

Companion cells in the phloem play a crucial role in supporting and regulating the function of sieve tube elements. They are closely associated with sieve tubes and are connected through numerous plasmodesmata, allowing for the exchange of materials. One of the primary functions of companion cells is to actively load and unload sugars and other organic compounds into and out of the sieve tube elements. This active transport is vital for establishing the concentration gradient necessary for the pressure flow mechanism of phloem transport. Companion cells also provide metabolic support to sieve tubes, supplying them with ATP, necessary for active transport processes, and synthesising proteins and other compounds needed by the sieve tube elements. Furthermore, companion cells play a role in signalling and communication within the phloem, helping to coordinate the plant's physiological responses. Their activity is essential for the efficient functioning of the phloem and, by extension, the health and growth of the entire plant.

Xylem and phloem have distinct transport mechanisms reflecting their different functions. Xylem primarily transports water and dissolved mineral ions from the roots to the rest of the plant through a process driven by transpiration. This movement is unidirectional, from roots to leaves. The driving force is the transpiration pull, a result of water evaporating from the leaves, creating a negative pressure that draws water upwards. On the other hand, phloem transports organic substances like sucrose and amino acids, and this process is bidirectional. Transport in phloem is driven by a pressure flow mechanism, where sugars are actively transported into phloem sieve tubes, creating a high osmotic pressure that draws water into the tubes. This pressure causes the flow of sap to areas of lower pressure, typically where sugars are being used or stored. Thus, xylem relies on physical forces like transpiration pull, while phloem transport is driven by osmotic pressure gradients.

Xylem cells are dead at maturity, a feature that greatly benefits the plant. The death of these cells occurs after they have developed thick cell walls with lignin, which provides strength and support. Once dead, the cells lose their internal contents, including the cytoplasm and nucleus, leaving behind an empty, hollow structure. This absence of cell contents allows for an uninterrupted column for water and mineral transport, enhancing the efficiency of water movement from the roots to the leaves. The hollow nature of these cells also minimises resistance to water flow, further aiding in efficient transport. Moreover, the rigid, lignified walls of the xylem cells provide structural support to the plant, helping it to stand upright and withstand various environmental stresses. This combination of features makes the xylem an efficient and vital component of plant vascular systems.

Lignin in xylem vessels plays a critical role in plant physiology. It is a complex organic polymer that imparts strength and rigidity to the cell walls of xylem cells, enabling them to withstand the pressure and mechanical stresses that occur during water transport. Lignin's strength is crucial for maintaining the integrity of the xylem vessels, preventing them from collapsing under the tension created by the transpiration pull. This structural support is essential not just for water transport but also for the overall structural stability of the plant, helping it to maintain its upright position. Additionally, lignin is resistant to decay and microbial attack, enhancing the longevity of xylem vessels and contributing to the plant's defence mechanisms against pathogens. Its presence also influences the plant's water conducting efficiency and plays a role in defence against pests and diseases.

Practice Questions

Describe the structure and function of xylem vessels in non-woody dicotyledonous plants. Include details about the composition, characteristics, and role in the plant.

Xylem vessels in non-woody dicotyledonous plants are made of dead cells, forming long continuous tubes. These cells have thick walls strengthened by lignin, which provides structural support and prevents collapse. The absence of cell contents in xylem vessels facilitates the efficient upward transport of water and mineral ions from roots to other plant parts. The continuous nature of these tubes, created by the alignment of individual xylem cells end to end with perforated end walls, ensures an uninterrupted flow of water. This structure is crucial for maintaining water and nutrient balance in the plant, supporting photosynthesis, and contributing to physical support.

Explain how the structure of phloem in non-woody dicotyledonous plants is suited for its function. Include details about the types of cells involved and the direction of transport.

Phloem in non-woody dicotyledonous plants consists of living cells, including sieve tubes and companion cells. Sieve tubes are specialised for transporting sucrose and amino acids, while companion cells regulate this transport. The unique structure of sieve tubes, with their perforated sieve plates, allows for the efficient bidirectional movement of nutrients. This ability to transport substances in both directions is essential for distributing nutrients from areas of production (like leaves) to other parts of the plant. The living nature of phloem cells also plays a critical role in actively loading and unloading substances, ensuring that nutrients are delivered where needed for growth and development. This structure and functioning of phloem are vital for the plant's overall physiological health.

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