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CIE IGCSE Biology Notes

18.3.1 Natural Selection: Unraveling the Mechanism of Evolution

Natural selection stands as a cornerstone of evolutionary biology, providing a scientific explanation for the diversity of life. Introduced by Charles Darwin, this concept has profoundly influenced our understanding of how organisms change and adapt over generations.

The Essence of Genetic Variation

  • Defining Genetic Variation: Genetic variation is the diversity in DNA sequences among individuals within a species. These variations can occur in single genes, chromosomes, or throughout the genome.
  • Sources of Variation: The main sources include mutations (random changes in DNA), gene flow (movement of genes between populations), and sexual reproduction (mixing genetic material from two parents).
  • Significance in Evolution: Genetic variation serves as the essential foundation for natural selection. It provides the diverse traits upon which natural selection can act, ensuring no two individuals are genetically identical.
Double stranded DNA, source of Genetic variation

Image courtesy of Kjpargeter on freepik

Dynamics of Offspring Production

  • Prolific Reproduction: Many species produce more offspring than can possibly survive. This overproduction is a fundamental aspect of natural selection, leading to a struggle for existence among the offspring.
  • Survival Challenges: Offspring face numerous challenges such as predation, disease, and competition for resources. These challenges significantly impact their chances of survival and reproduction.

Survival and Reproduction of the Fittest

  • Selection of Traits: Natural selection favours individuals with traits that enhance their chances of survival and reproduction in a given environment. These advantageous traits are known as adaptations.
  • Adaptive Traits: Adaptations can be physical, like the streamlined body of a fish for efficient swimming, or behavioural, like migratory patterns in birds.
  • Passing On of Traits: Individuals that survive and reproduce successfully pass on their advantageous traits to their offspring, ensuring these traits become more common in subsequent generations.
Evolutionary Fitness and reproductive success using an example

Image courtesy of Understanding Evolution


Population Adaptation Over Generations

  • Gradual Changes: The cumulative effect of natural selection over many generations results in populations becoming better adapted to their specific environments.
  • Observable Examples: The development of resistance to pesticides in insects and the diversification of beak shapes among Galápagos finches illustrate this gradual adaptation.
  • Evolutionary Significance: These adaptations, accumulated over time, can lead to significant evolutionary changes in a species, and in some cases, the emergence of new species.

Natural Selection in Various Contexts

  • Evidences in Nature: Natural selection is not a theoretical concept but is observable in nature. For example, the peppered moth's colouration changes during the Industrial Revolution demonstrated natural selection in response to environmental changes.
  • Laboratory Observations: Experiments with fast-reproducing organisms like fruit flies and bacteria provide direct evidence of how natural selection can rapidly influence populations.
Industrial melanism-evolution of the peppered moth

Image courtesy of Alex Hyde


Genetic Variation: The Fuel for Natural Selection

  • Mutation Types: Mutations can be beneficial, neutral, or harmful. While most mutations are neutral or harmful, beneficial mutations are crucial for adaptation.
  • Recombination and Genetic Diversity: During sexual reproduction, recombination of parental chromosomes creates new combinations of genes, enhancing genetic diversity.

The Struggle for Existence

  • Resource Limitation: The struggle for existence is driven by limited resources. Not all individuals can obtain the necessary resources to survive and reproduce.
  • Environmental Factors: Environmental conditions play a significant role in determining which traits are advantageous. These conditions can vary spatially and temporally, affecting the direction of natural selection.

Adaptation and Fitness

  • Defining Fitness: In evolutionary terms, fitness refers to an organism's ability to survive and reproduce. It's not just about physical strength but about how well an organism is adapted to its environment.
  • Variability in Fitness: Fitness is not a fixed attribute but can change depending on environmental conditions. A trait that is beneficial in one environment might be detrimental in another.

Natural Selection and Speciation

  • Role in Speciation: Over time, natural selection can lead to speciation, the formation of new species. When populations of a species become isolated, they may undergo different evolutionary paths due to different selection pressures.
  • Speciation in Action: The Darwin finches are a classic example of speciation driven by natural selection, where different species evolved from a common ancestor due to different ecological niches.
A picture of Darwin finches

Image courtesy of Robert Taylor Pritchett

Implications of Natural Selection

  • Impact on Biodiversity: Natural selection is a key driver of biodiversity. It explains the vast array of adaptations seen in the natural world, from the camouflage of a chameleon to the echolocation ability of bats.
  • Application in Conservation: Understanding natural selection is crucial in conservation biology. It helps in predicting how species might adapt to changing environments, including climate change and habitat loss.

In summary, natural selection is a fundamental process in evolution, playing a vital role in shaping the diversity of life. It operates through genetic variation, the struggle for existence, and differential survival and reproduction, leading to adaptation and sometimes speciation. This mechanism not only explains past evolutionary changes but also aids in predicting future evolutionary trends. Understanding natural selection is essential for comprehending the complexities of life on Earth and for effective conservation strategies.


Sexual reproduction contributes significantly to natural selection by enhancing genetic variation, which is essential for the process. Unlike asexual reproduction, where offspring are generally identical to the parent, sexual reproduction involves the combination of genetic material from two different individuals. This leads to the production of offspring with unique combinations of genes. These genetic variations provide a 'pool' of traits upon which natural selection can act. For instance, in a sexually reproducing population, some offspring might inherit a combination of genes that make them better adapted to their environment, such as improved immunity or more efficient metabolism. These individuals are more likely to survive and reproduce, passing their advantageous traits to the next generation. Over time, sexual reproduction continually shuffles genes, creating new genetic combinations and thereby driving the evolutionary process through natural selection.

Mutations are random changes in the DNA sequence and serve as one of the primary sources of genetic variation, which is essential for natural selection. They can introduce new traits into a population, some of which may offer a survival or reproductive advantage in a particular environment. For instance, a mutation might result in a new colouration in a species of insect, which could provide better camouflage against predators. If this trait enhances the insect's survival, it is likely to be passed on to the next generation. Over time, this trait can become more common in the population. Mutations are significant because they are the only source of entirely new genetic information. Without mutations, evolution would be severely limited as there would be no new traits for natural selection to act upon. However, it's important to note that most mutations are either harmful or neutral, and only a small fraction result in a beneficial trait.

Environmental changes play a pivotal role in natural selection by altering the conditions under which organisms live and survive. These changes can be climatic shifts, alterations in food availability, or the introduction of new predators or diseases. For example, a sudden drop in temperature in a habitat could favour individuals with thicker fur or fat layers, as they are better insulated against the cold. Those without these traits might not survive the harsh conditions or fail to reproduce effectively. Over time, the population would predominantly consist of individuals with thicker fur or more fat, a shift driven by the new environmental pressure. In essence, environmental changes can create new challenges or opportunities, leading to a shift in the traits that are advantageous for survival and reproduction. Natural selection, therefore, acts on the population, favouring those individuals who are best suited to the new conditions.

Yes, natural selection can lead to the development of new species, a process known as speciation. Speciation occurs when populations of the same species become genetically distinct, often due to being geographically isolated from each other. In these separate environments, natural selection may favour different traits in each population. Over time, these differing selection pressures can lead to significant genetic divergence. For example, if a species of bird is split into two groups by a geographical barrier like a mountain range, each group might adapt to the specific conditions on either side of the barrier. Different food sources, climates, or predators can lead to the development of distinct traits in each group. If these changes become substantial enough, the two groups may no longer be able to interbreed, even if the physical barrier is removed. This reproductive isolation is a key step in the formation of new species. It's a gradual process, often taking many generations to occur, and illustrates how natural selection can drive the diversity of life.

The effect of a mutation, whether harmful or beneficial, is largely determined by the environment in which an organism lives. A mutation causes a change in the DNA sequence, which can lead to a change in the structure and function of proteins, potentially impacting an organism's traits. Whether a mutation is beneficial or harmful depends on how it affects the organism's ability to survive and reproduce in its specific environment. For example, a mutation that results in a darker fur colour might be beneficial in a forested environment where it provides better camouflage, but harmful in a snowy environment where it makes the organism more visible to predators. Most mutations are neutral, having no significant effect on the organism. Some are harmful, potentially reducing an organism’s fitness by impairing essential functions. However, those rare mutations that are beneficial provide the raw material for adaptive changes in a population through natural selection. These beneficial mutations are the drivers of evolutionary change, enabling species to adapt to new or changing environments.

Practice Questions

Explain how genetic variation contributes to the process of natural selection. Provide an example to support your explanation.

Genetic variation is crucial for natural selection as it provides the raw material upon which natural selection acts. It introduces a range of traits within a population, some of which may offer an advantage in terms of survival and reproduction. For instance, in a population of beetles, a mutation causing a green colouration might arise. If this colouration provides better camouflage in a leafy environment, green beetles would have a higher survival rate. Over time, these beetles would be more likely to reproduce and pass on their green trait, leading to an increase in green beetles in the population. This example illustrates how genetic variation can lead to adaptation in a species through natural selection.

Describe the concept of 'survival of the fittest' and its role in natural selection. Use a relevant example to illustrate your answer.

'Survival of the fittest' is a key principle in natural selection, referring to the differential survival and reproduction of individuals due to differences in phenotype. It means that individuals with traits best suited to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce, passing these advantageous traits to the next generation. For example, in a population of giraffes, those with longer necks can access food in taller trees more easily. These giraffes are 'fitter' in terms of survival and reproduction. Over time, the trait of a longer neck becomes more common in the population, demonstrating natural selection where the 'fittest' individuals contribute more to the gene pool of the next generation.

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