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CIE IGCSE Biology Notes

4.1.2 Formation of Large Molecules

The construction of large biological molecules from smaller subunits is a fundamental aspect of biochemistry. This intricate process plays a critical role in various biological functions. In this section, we delve into the formation of complex carbohydrates (such as starch, glycogen, and cellulose), proteins, and lipids (fats and oils), highlighting the biochemical significance of these processes. Synthesis of Carbohydrates

Formation of Starch, Glycogen, and Cellulose from Glucose

Starch Formation

  • Structure and Synthesis
    • Starch, a storage carbohydrate in plants, is primarily composed of glucose units.
    • Two forms of starch, amylose (20-30%) and amylopectin (70-80%), differ in structure. Amylose has a linear, helical structure, while amylopectin has a branched structure.
    • The synthesis involves condensation reactions between glucose molecules, forming glycosidic bonds and releasing water.
A diagram showing the structure of starch- amylose and amylopectin

Image courtesy of OpenStax College

Glycogen Formation

  • Structure and Function
    • Glycogen, the animal counterpart of starch, is a glucose storage molecule, especially in liver and muscle cells.
    • It has a similar structure to amylopectin but with more frequent branching, occurring every 8-12 glucose units.
    • The extensive branching allows for rapid mobilisation of glucose when energy is needed.
A diagram showing the structure of glycogen

Image courtesy of OpenStax College

Cellulose Formation

  • Structural Characteristics
    • Cellulose is a major structural component of plant cell walls.
    • Unlike starch, it is made of beta-glucose, giving it a straight, rigid structure. This difference arises from the alternate orientation of glucose units.
    • Hydrogen bonds between cellulose molecules add strength and rigidity, vital for plant structure.
A diagram showing the structure of cellulose.

Image courtesy of OpenStax College

Biochemical Significance

  • These carbohydrates are pivotal in energy storage and structural integrity.
  • They exemplify how simple molecules like glucose can form structurally and functionally diverse polymers. Protein Synthesis from Amino Acids

Formation of Peptide Bonds

  • Building Blocks
    • Proteins are polymers of amino acids, which are organic compounds with an amino group (-NH2) and a carboxyl group (-COOH).
    • The sequence of amino acids in a protein is determined by the genetic code.

Process of Protein Synthesis

  • Peptide Bond Formation
    • Amino acids are linked by peptide bonds in a dehydration reaction, which involves the removal of water molecules.
    • The carboxyl group of one amino acid reacts with the amino group of another, forming a covalent bond known as a peptide bond.
A diagram showing the formation of peptide bond.

Image courtesy of OpenStax

Protein Structure and Function

  • Levels of Protein Structure
    • Proteins have four levels of structure – primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary.
    • The structure of a protein determines its function, which can range from catalysing biochemical reactions (enzymes) to providing structural support (collagen).
Structural Complexity levels of proteins, primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary structures

Image courtesy of Anthony Agbay

Biochemical Significance

  • Proteins are essential for almost every cellular function, including metabolism, immune response, and gene expression.
  • Understanding protein synthesis is crucial for grasping how genetic information is expressed in living organisms. Lipid Synthesis from Fatty Acids and Glycerol

Formation of Triglycerides

  • Components of Lipids
    • Fats and oils are triglycerides, formed by the esterification of one glycerol molecule and three fatty acid chains.
    • Fatty acids can be saturated (no double bonds) or unsaturated (one or more double bonds).

Ester Bond Formation

  • Synthesis Process
    • The formation of triglycerides involves the removal of water during the ester bond formation between glycerol and fatty acids.
    • This condensation reaction is essential for creating the diverse array of lipids found in nature.
Esterification of one glycerol molecule and three fatty acid chains to form triglyceride and water

Image courtesy of OpenStax College

Biochemical Significance

  • Lipids are crucial for long-term energy storage, insulation, and forming biological membranes.
  • Their synthesis is a prime example of how small molecules can create varied structures with specific biological roles.

Molecular Complexity in Life

The synthesis of large biological molecules from smaller ones is a cornerstone of biological chemistry. It not only demonstrates the complexity and resourcefulness of life at the molecular level but also underpins vital cellular functions. These processes showcase how the same basic building blocks can be arranged into a multitude of structures, each fulfilling a unique role in the organism. From the energy storage capabilities of carbohydrates to the structural and functional diversity of proteins, and the crucial role of lipids in cell membranes and energy storage, these molecular transformations are indispensable to life. Understanding these processes allows for a deeper appreciation of the intricate mechanisms that sustain life and the delicate balance maintained within biological systems.


Condensation reactions are fundamental to the synthesis of large biological molecules like carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids. In these reactions, two smaller molecules join together with the elimination of a water molecule. For instance, in carbohydrate synthesis, condensation reactions form glycosidic bonds between glucose units, in proteins, they form peptide bonds between amino acids, and in lipids, ester bonds between glycerol and fatty acids. This process is crucial because it allows the formation of complex macromolecules from simpler subunits. The removal of water during these reactions is also significant, as it ensures the stability of these newly formed bonds, contributing to the stability and functionality of the macromolecules.

Hydrogen bonding in cellulose plays a pivotal role in its structure and function. Each cellulose molecule forms numerous hydrogen bonds with adjacent molecules, creating a tightly packed, rigid structure. This rigidity is essential for the primary role of cellulose - providing structural support to plant cells. The extensive hydrogen bonding makes cellulose very strong and insoluble, qualities ideal for forming the cell wall, which must withstand turgor pressure from within the cell. Without this strength, plants would not be able to maintain their upright structure. Additionally, the insolubility of cellulose due to these bonds means it cannot be easily broken down, which is beneficial for maintaining cell wall integrity but also contributes to the difficulty in digesting cellulose for many organisms.

Ester bonds in lipids are formed during the synthesis of triglycerides, where glycerol combines with three fatty acid chains. These bonds are crucial for lipid function in several ways. Firstly, they enable the storage of a significant amount of energy in a compact form, as the hydrophobic nature of fatty acid tails leads to more energy-rich bonds compared to carbohydrates. This makes lipids an efficient long-term energy store. Secondly, the formation of ester bonds contributes to the structural integrity of cell membranes. Phospholipids, which contain ester bonds, form the bilayer of cell membranes, playing a critical role in maintaining cell structure and regulating the passage of substances in and out of the cell.

The branching pattern in glycogen, with branches occurring every 8-12 glucose units, makes it highly suitable for energy storage in animals due to its rapid mobilisation capability. This structure allows enzymes, like glycogen phosphorylase, to work on multiple branches simultaneously, leading to a quicker release of glucose when energy is needed. This is particularly crucial in animals, which often require sudden bursts of energy. In contrast, starch, especially its amylose form, has fewer branches, resulting in slower glucose release. Glycogen's extensive branching is thus a key adaptation for animals, aligning with their often higher and more immediate metabolic demands compared to plants.

The diversity in protein types is crucial due to the wide range of functions they perform in the body, including catalysing biochemical reactions (enzymes), transporting molecules (transport proteins), providing structural support (structural proteins), and regulating bodily processes (hormones). The structure of a protein is intricately linked to its function, as determined by the sequence of amino acids (primary structure). This sequence dictates how the protein folds (secondary and tertiary structures) and, if applicable, how multiple protein subunits assemble (quaternary structure). Each structural level of a protein is tailored to its specific role. For example, enzymes have active sites specifically shaped to bind to their substrates, while transport proteins have structures that allow them to move specific molecules across cell membranes. The unique structure of each protein type is, therefore, essential for its specific function within the body.

Practice Questions

Explain how the structure of starch and cellulose differs and discuss the significance of these differences in terms of their biological functions.

Starch, primarily found in plants, consists of alpha-glucose units, resulting in a helical structure in its amylose form and a branched structure in amylopectin. This configuration allows starch to be easily broken down to glucose for energy. In contrast, cellulose, also a polymer of glucose, comprises beta-glucose units, leading to a linear, fibrous structure. The alternate arrangement of glucose molecules and the extensive hydrogen bonding in cellulose provide rigidity and strength to plant cell walls. This structural difference underlines the distinct functional roles of these carbohydrates: starch serves as an energy reserve, easily accessible due to its structure, while cellulose provides structural support to plants, attributable to its rigidity and strength.

Describe the process of protein synthesis from amino acids and explain the significance of the sequence of amino acids in a protein.

Protein synthesis involves linking amino acids through peptide bonds in a condensation reaction. Each amino acid has an amino group and a carboxyl group, which combine, releasing water and forming the peptide bond. The sequence of amino acids in a protein is crucial because it determines the protein's structure and, consequently, its function. The primary structure (sequence of amino acids) influences the protein's folding and overall shape (secondary and tertiary structures), which are vital for the protein's biological activity. Incorrect sequencing can lead to dysfunctional proteins, causing various disorders. Therefore, the precise sequence of amino acids is fundamental to ensuring that proteins correctly perform their diverse roles in the body, from enzymatic activity to structural support.

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