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CIE IGCSE Biology Notes

4.1.3 Chemical Tests for Biological Molecules

The exploration of biological molecules is a cornerstone of understanding cellular processes and functions. Chemical tests specifically designed to identify and characterize these molecules are critical in both educational and research contexts.

Iodine Solution for Starch

Starch serves as a primary energy storage molecule in plants. The iodine test is a quick, reliable way to identify its presence.


  • A small sample, such as a piece of food, is placed on a spotting tile.
  • A few drops of iodine solution are added to the sample.
  • Observation of a colour change, typically to a deep blue-black, indicates the presence of starch.


  • Iodine interacts with the coiled structure of amylose, a component of starch. The iodine molecules fit inside these coils, causing a significant shift in the solution's colour.


  • This test is fundamental in understanding carbohydrate storage in plants and helps in dietary analysis, especially in foods like bread, rice, and potatoes.
Iodine Solution test for Starch

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Benedict's Solution for Reducing Sugars

Reducing sugars, including simple sugars like glucose and fructose, are vital for numerous biological processes.


  • The sample is added to a test tube, and an equal volume of Benedict's solution is mixed in.
  • The mixture is heated in a boiling water bath for about 2-5 minutes.
  • A range of colour changes from blue (original colour of the solution) to green, yellow, orange, and brick-red can be observed, indicating the presence and approximate concentration of reducing sugars.


  • Benedict's reagent contains copper(II) sulfate. Reducing sugars reduce these copper(II) ions to copper(I) oxide, a red-orange precipitate, under heating.


  • This test is crucial for identifying simple sugars in various foods and is also used in clinical settings to test for glucose in urine, a common diagnostic criterion for diabetes.
Benedict's Solution for Reducing Sugars and a range of colour changes from blue to green, yellow, orange, and brick-red

Image courtesy of Chemistry Learner


Biuret Test for Proteins

Proteins, the building blocks of life, are integral to almost all biological processes.


  • To the sample, add an equal volume of sodium hydroxide solution.
  • A few drops of copper sulfate solution (Biuret reagent) are then added.
  • A purple or violet colour indicates the presence of proteins.


  • The copper(II) ions in the Biuret reagent react with peptide bonds in proteins, forming a purple-coloured complex.


  • Proteins are essential for structure, function, and regulation of the body's tissues and organs. This test is crucial for analyzing protein content in both food and laboratory samples.
Steps of Biuret Test for Proteins

Image courtesy of trinset

Ethanol Emulsion for Fats and Oils

Fats and oils are key components of cell membranes and are major energy reserves in many organisms.


  • The sample is mixed with ethanol to dissolve any fats present.
  • This solution is then poured into water.
  • A cloudy white emulsion indicates the presence of fats and oils.


  • Fats and oils are non-polar molecules and are soluble in ethanol. When mixed with water, they form tiny droplets, leading to a cloudy emulsion.


  • Understanding lipid content is crucial in nutrition and health sciences, as well as in understanding cellular structures such as membranes.
Ethanol Emulsion test steps

Image courtesy of trinset

DCPIP Test for Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an essential nutrient and an antioxidant. The DCPIP test quantitatively measures its presence.


  • A blue DCPIP solution is added to the vitamin C sample.
  • The sample is shaken and observed for a colour change from blue to colourless.


  • Vitamin C is a reducing agent. It reduces the blue dye (DCPIP) to a colourless form.


  • This test is significant in nutritional science for assessing vitamin C content in foods and beverages. It's also used in investigating the antioxidant properties of various substances.

Importance in Biological Studies

These chemical tests are not only foundational in educational settings, allowing students to practically explore the biochemical world, but they also serve as fundamental tools in research and diagnostics.

  • Educational Value: Hands-on experience with these tests enhances understanding of the biochemical nature of substances, reinforcing theoretical knowledge.
  • Research Applications: These tests are routinely used in laboratories to identify and quantify various molecules, aiding in the exploration of biological processes and the development of new technologies and treatments.
  • Medical Diagnostics: The principles of these tests are applied in various diagnostic procedures, contributing significantly to health sciences.

For IGCSE students, mastering these tests is not just about understanding the procedures but also about appreciating their role in the broader context of biology and medicine. This knowledge forms the basis for more advanced studies in biochemistry, molecular biology, and related fields.


The Biuret test is designed to detect the presence of peptide bonds, which are characteristic of proteins. However, its ability to detect all types of proteins can be limited. The test is most effective for proteins that have a substantial number of peptide bonds, as the colour change intensity is proportional to the concentration of these bonds. Very small peptides or proteins that do not have a significant number of peptide bonds may not produce a strong colour change, potentially leading to false negatives. Additionally, certain protein modifications or the presence of substances that interfere with the copper(II) sulfate in the Biuret reagent can affect the test's accuracy. Despite these limitations, the Biuret test is widely used as a simple and effective method for qualitatively assessing the presence of proteins in a sample.

The ethanol emulsion test is specific for fats and oils due to the unique solubility properties of these substances. Fats and oils are lipids, which are non-polar molecules, meaning they do not dissolve in water but are soluble in organic solvents like ethanol. In the ethanol emulsion test, the sample is first dissolved in ethanol, allowing any fats or oils present to dissolve. Upon adding water to this solution, the lipids come out of solution as they are not soluble in water. This results in the formation of a cloudy emulsion as the lipids form tiny droplets dispersed throughout the water. This emulsion indicates the presence of fats and oils. Other biological molecules like proteins and carbohydrates do not form this type of emulsion with ethanol and water, making the test specific for lipids

The DCPIP test for vitamin C (ascorbic acid) relies on the reducing power of vitamin C. In its reduced state, vitamin C is a strong reducing agent, capable of donating electrons to other molecules. When vitamin C is oxidized, it loses its electrons and, consequently, its reducing power. In the DCPIP test, the blue dye DCPIP is reduced to a colourless form when it accepts electrons from reduced vitamin C. The rate and extent of the colour change depend on the concentration of reduced vitamin C present in the sample. If vitamin C is already in an oxidized state, it cannot reduce DCPIP, resulting in no colour change. This characteristic makes the DCPIP test a useful indicator of the presence and concentration of reduced (active) vitamin C in a sample. However, it also means that the test may not accurately reflect the total vitamin C content if a significant portion of it is oxidized.

Benedict's test, while effective for detecting the presence of reducing sugars, cannot differentiate between different types of these sugars. The test is based on the ability of reducing sugars to donate electrons to copper(II) sulfate present in the Benedict's reagent, reducing it to copper(I) oxide and resulting in a colour change. However, this reaction is similar for all reducing sugars, such as glucose, fructose, and lactose. The test can indicate the presence of reducing sugars and provide a rough estimate of their concentration based on the intensity of the colour change, but it cannot specify which type of reducing sugar is present. To identify specific types of reducing sugars, more advanced analytical techniques such as high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) or gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) are required. These techniques separate and identify individual sugars based on their unique properties.

The colour change in the iodine test for starch occurs due to a chemical interaction between iodine and the amylose, a component of starch. Starch primarily consists of two types of molecules, amylose and amylopectin. Amylose is a linear polymer of glucose units that forms a helical structure. When iodine solution, which contains Iodine (I2) and Potassium iodide (KI), is added to a starch-containing sample, the iodine molecules become lodged within the helical structure of amylose. This interaction alters the energy levels of electrons in the iodine, leading to absorption of light at different wavelengths compared to free iodine. Consequently, this results in the characteristic blue-black colour. The intensity of this colour change can provide an approximate indication of the starch concentration in the sample. This test is specific for starch, as the unique helical structure of amylose is necessary for this colour change to occur.

Practice Questions

Explain how the Benedict's test for reducing sugars works. Include in your answer the method of conducting the test and the significance of the colour changes observed.

The Benedict's test for reducing sugars involves mixing the sample with an equal volume of Benedict's solution, followed by heating the mixture in a boiling water bath for a few minutes. Benedict's solution contains copper(II) sulfate. Reducing sugars in the sample reduce these copper(II) ions to copper(I) oxide when heated. This reduction results in a colour change of the solution from its original blue to green, yellow, orange, and finally to brick-red, depending on the concentration of reducing sugars present. The green to red spectrum indicates an increasing concentration of reducing sugars. This test is crucial for identifying simple sugars like glucose in food and clinical samples, playing a vital role in dietary analysis and diabetes diagnosis.

Describe the procedure and the principle behind the Biuret test for proteins. How does the colour change in the test indicate the presence of proteins?

The Biuret test for proteins involves first adding a strong base, usually sodium hydroxide, to the sample, followed by a few drops of copper sulfate solution, known as Biuret reagent. The principle behind this test is the reaction between copper(II) ions in the reagent and the peptide bonds in protein molecules. When proteins are present, the copper(II) ions form a complex with the nitrogen atoms in the peptide bonds, resulting in a colour change to purple or violet. The intensity of this colour change is proportional to the number of peptide bonds present, thus indicating the presence and relative concentration of proteins in the sample. This test is essential in identifying proteins in various biological and food samples.

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