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CIE IGCSE Biology Notes

14.5.1 Tropic Responses in Plants

Tropic responses in plants are directional movements in response to external environmental stimuli. This section explores two critical types of tropisms: gravitropism and phototropism, which are responses to gravity and light, respectively.


Gravitropism, also known as geotropism, is the growth or movement of a plant in response to gravity.

Mechanism of Gravitropism

  • In Roots: Roots exhibit positive gravitropism, growing towards the gravitational pull. This directionality is vital for rooting the plant firmly in the soil and facilitating the absorption of water and nutrients.
    • Statolith Hypothesis: Root cap cells contain statoliths, starch-filled plastids, that settle at the lower part of the cell under gravity's influence. This sedimentation is thought to signal the direction of growth.
  • In Shoots: Shoots demonstrate negative gravitropism, growing upwards, opposite to the direction of gravitational force. This orientation is crucial for the plant's exposure to light and air, aiding in photosynthesis and gas exchange.
Illustration of positive and negative geotropism or Gravitropism

Image courtesy of Pepermpron

Hormonal Regulation in Gravitropism

  • Auxins in Gravitropism: Auxins, a class of plant hormones, are central to the plant’s response to gravity. They are distributed unequally in plant tissues when a plant is reoriented, causing differential growth.


Phototropism is the orientation of a plant or part of a plant in response to a light source.

Mechanism of Phototropism

  • Positive Phototropism in Shoots: Plant shoots exhibit positive phototropism by growing towards light. This response is critical for maximising light exposure, essential for photosynthesis.
    • Phototropins: These are light-sensitive proteins that detect light and trigger a cascade of events leading to phototropic response.
  • Negative Phototropism in Roots: Roots generally show negative phototropism, growing away from light. This growth pattern is crucial for the roots as they extend deeper into the soil for water and nutrient uptake.
Illustration of phototropism in plants

Image courtesy of MacKhayman

Hormonal Regulation in Phototropism

  • Auxin Distribution: In response to light, auxins are redistributed to the side of the stem that is less exposed to light. This differential distribution causes cells on the shaded side to elongate more, resulting in the bending of the plant towards the light.

Auxins: The Key Regulators of Tropic Responses

Auxins are a group of hormones that play a crucial role in regulating plant growth responses to environmental stimuli.

Production and Transport of Auxins

  • Auxins are primarily produced in the shoot apex and are transported downwards towards the roots. This polar transport is essential for the differential distribution of auxins during tropic responses.

Role of Auxins in Gravitropism and Phototropism

  • Gravitropism: In roots, auxins inhibit growth when concentrated, leading to the bending of roots towards gravity. In shoots, lower concentrations of auxins promote growth, enabling the shoot to grow upwards.
  • Phototropism: Auxins accumulate on the shaded side of the plant, causing cells to elongate more on that side and the plant to bend towards the light.

Effects of Auxins at the Cellular Level

  • Auxins promote cell elongation by loosening the cell walls. They activate enzymes that break down components of the cell wall, making it more flexible and allowing cells to expand.

Investigating Tropic Responses in Plants

Experimental investigation of tropic responses provides insights into how plants perceive and respond to their environment.

Investigating Gravitropism

  • Experimental Setup: Plants are placed in various orientations, such as upside down or on their sides, and the growth direction of roots and shoots is monitored.
  • Results and Observations: Roots grow in the direction of gravitational pull, while shoots grow opposite to it. These observations confirm the nature of gravitropism in plants.
Investigating Gravitropism by placing plants in various orientations

Image courtesy of I_love_life

Investigating Phototropism

  • Experimental Setup: Plants are exposed to unilateral light, and the growth direction and curvature of the shoots are observed.
  • Results and Observations: Shoots bend towards the light source, illustrating positive phototropism. The extent of bending can be measured to quantify the phototropic response.
Investigating phototropism by placing plants in unilateral light

Image courtesy of LuckySoul

Quantitative Analysis of Tropic Responses

  • Measuring Growth Angles: By measuring the angles of growth or curvature, quantitative data on tropic responses can be obtained.
  • Growth Rate Measurements: Comparing the growth rates of different sides of a plant can provide insight into the effects of tropic stimuli.


Understanding tropic responses in plants is crucial for comprehending plant-environment interactions. The study of gravitropism and phototropism reveals the complex mechanisms by which plants adapt to their surroundings, involving environmental cues and hormonal regulation. These insights are not only fundamental to biology but also have practical implications in fields like agriculture, horticulture, and environmental science.


Tropic responses significantly contribute to a plant's survival and adaptation to its environment. By directing growth towards favorable conditions and away from adverse ones, these responses help the plant optimise resource utilisation and improve survival chances. For instance, phototropism enables plants to maximise light exposure, essential for photosynthesis, which is crucial for energy production. Gravitropism ensures that roots grow into the soil, anchoring the plant and facilitating water and nutrient uptake, while shoots grow upwards to access light. These directional growth responses allow plants to adapt to varying environmental conditions, enhancing their ability to colonise diverse habitats and evolve over time.

Human activities can significantly impact plant tropic responses, often leading to changes in growth patterns and adaptations. Urbanisation and deforestation alter the light environment, affecting phototropism in plants. Artificial lighting, like streetlights, can disrupt the natural phototropic responses of plants, causing them to grow towards these light sources instead of the sun. Pollution and soil contamination can affect gravitropic and chemotropic responses, as toxins in the soil may alter hormone levels and disrupt normal growth patterns. Additionally, climate change, altering temperature and water availability, can influence thermotropism and hydrotropism. These impacts highlight the need for environmental stewardship to preserve natural plant responses and ecosystems.

Tropic responses are a fundamental aspect of plant biology and can be observed in almost all plants. However, the extent and nature of these responses can vary significantly among different species. For example, some plants may exhibit more pronounced phototropism due to their habitat's light conditions. In dense forests, understory plants might develop heightened sensitivity to light to maximise the limited sunlight available. Similarly, gravitropic responses can vary based on a plant's structural needs and environmental conditions. Certain fast-growing vines may show rapid thigmotropic responses, unlike slower-growing trees. These variations reflect the diverse strategies plants have evolved to survive in different ecological niches.

Tropic responses in plants are a significant area of research in space biology, particularly in understanding how plants grow in microgravity environments, such as aboard the International Space Station. In the absence of gravity, researchers observe how plants exhibit gravitropism and how this affects their overall growth and development. This research is crucial for long-term space missions, as plants could provide food and oxygen for astronauts. Understanding how plants orient themselves, absorb nutrients, and respond to light in space is vital for developing effective space agriculture systems. These studies also offer insights into the fundamental biology of plants, shedding light on how gravity and other environmental factors influence growth on Earth.

Environmental factors such as water, temperature, and chemicals can also influence tropic responses in plants, though they are less studied than phototropism and gravitropism. Hydrotropism, for example, is a response to water, where roots grow towards moisture-rich areas, crucial for water absorption. Thigmotropism is a response to touch or physical contact, observed in climbing plants like vines, where they wrap around objects for support. Temperature can affect the rate of growth and directionality of plants, known as thermotropism. Chemicals in the soil can induce chemotropism, guiding roots towards nutrients or away from harmful substances. These responses are all integral to a plant's survival, ensuring they grow in optimal conditions for their needs.

Practice Questions

Describe the process of phototropism in a flowering plant and explain how the distribution of auxins contributes to this process.

Phototropism is the growth of a plant in response to light, commonly seen in plant shoots which grow towards the light source. This response is facilitated by the hormone auxin. When one side of a plant shoot receives more light, auxins are redistributed to the shaded side. This uneven distribution causes auxins to accumulate more on the darker side, leading to increased cell elongation in that area. As a result, the cells on the shaded side grow longer than those on the light-exposed side, causing the shoot to bend towards the light. This adaptation is crucial for maximising light absorption for photosynthesis.

Explain the role of statoliths in gravitropism and how they differ in their function in roots and shoots.

Statoliths are starch-filled organelles in plant cells that play a critical role in gravitropism, the growth response of plants to gravity. In roots, statoliths settle at the bottom of the root cap cells due to gravity. This settling signals the direction of gravitational pull, leading to positive gravitropism, where roots grow downwards. Conversely, in shoots, the perception of gravity through statoliths leads to negative gravitropism. The redistribution of growth hormones like auxins, influenced by the position of statoliths, results in differential growth rates. In shoots, this causes growth upwards, away from the gravitational pull, facilitating exposure to light and air for photosynthesis.

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