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CIE IGCSE Biology Notes

1.3.1 Kingdom Classification


The Animal Kingdom, scientifically termed Animalia, encompasses a vast array of multicellular, eukaryotic organisms. These organisms are typically motile, meaning they can move spontaneously and independently at some point in their life cycle. Animals are heterotrophic, relying on other organisms for nourishment, and they exhibit diverse reproductive systems, ranging from asexual to complex sexual reproduction.

Key Characteristics

  • Multicellular and Eukaryotic: Animals are composed of multiple cells with a defined nucleus and organelles.
  • Motility: Most animals can move freely at some stage of their life.
  • Heterotrophic Nutrition: Animals obtain nutrients by consuming other organisms, either as herbivores, carnivores, or omnivores.
  • Absence of Cell Walls: Unlike plants and fungi, animal cells do not have cell walls.
  • Complex Body Structure: Animals exhibit a high level of body organization, including systems for digestion, circulation, and nervous control.


  • Invertebrates: Such as insects (bees, ants), molluscs (snails, octopuses), and arachnids (spiders, scorpions).
  • Vertebrates: Including mammals (humans, whales), birds (eagles, penguins), reptiles (snakes, crocodiles), amphibians (frogs, salamanders), and fish (sharks, trout).
The Animal Kingdom or Animalia- wild animals

Image courtesy of razihusin


The Plant Kingdom, or Plantae, covers all multicellular, eukaryotic organisms that are predominantly photosynthetic. These organisms are largely terrestrial and play a key role in Earth's ecosystem, contributing to the oxygen cycle and serving as the primary producers in food chains.

Key Characteristics

  • Photosynthesis: Plants convert light energy into chemical energy through photosynthesis, using chlorophyll.
  • Cell Walls: Plant cells have rigid walls composed of cellulose, providing structure and support.
  • Stationary Lifestyle: Plants typically do not move and grow towards light sources.
  • Reproduction: Plants reproduce both sexually (via seeds or spores) and asexually (cloning through runners or tubers).


  • Flowering Plants: Such as roses, daisies, and oak trees.
  • Non-Flowering Plants: Including ferns, mosses, and liverworts.
Picture of plants - The Plant Kingdom, or Plantae

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The Fungi Kingdom, distinct from plants and animals, includes a diverse range of eukaryotic organisms that primarily function as decomposers. They play a crucial role in nutrient cycling in ecosystems.

Key Characteristics

  • Eukaryotic with Chitin Cell Walls: Fungi have cell walls made of chitin, different from the cellulose walls in plants.
  • Heterotrophic by Absorption: Fungi absorb nutrients from their surroundings, often decomposing organic material.
  • Spore Reproduction: Fungi typically reproduce through spores, which can be spread by air or water.
  • Diverse Forms: Fungi can be unicellular (like yeasts) or form large multicellular structures (like mushrooms).


  • Mushrooms: Such as shiitake, button mushrooms.
  • Molds and Mildews: Including Penicillium, the source of penicillin.
  • Yeasts: Used in baking and brewing, like Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Mushrooms in nature- The Kingdom Fungi

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Prokaryotes, encompassing the Kingdoms Bacteria and Archaea, are characterized by unicellular organisms without a distinct nucleus. These organisms are incredibly versatile, existing in a wide range of environments, from hot springs to the human body.

Key Characteristics

  • Unicellular: Prokaryotes consist of a single cell.
  • No Defined Nucleus: Their genetic material is not enclosed in a membrane-bound nucleus.
  • Asexual Reproduction: Mainly through binary fission, a simple form of reproduction where the cell divides into two.
  • Varied Metabolism: Prokaryotes can be autotrophic (making their own food) or heterotrophic (consuming other organisms).


  • Bacteria: Such as Escherichia coli in the human gut and Streptococcus in the throat.
  • Archaea: Often found in extreme environments, like Methanogens in anaerobic conditions.
Prokaryotes- A closeup view of microscopic bacteria

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Protoctists, also known as Protista, form a diverse kingdom of mostly unicellular eukaryotic organisms. This kingdom acts as a catch-all for eukaryotic organisms that do not fit neatly into the other kingdoms and includes both autotrophic and heterotrophic organisms.

Key Characteristics

  • Mostly Unicellular and Eukaryotic: While primarily unicellular, some multicellular or colonial forms exist.
  • Diverse Nutrition: Protoctists can be autotrophic, like algae, or heterotrophic, like amoeba.
  • Varied Reproduction: Reproduction methods range from simple asexual division to more complex sexual cycles.


  • Algae: Such as Chlorella and seaweeds, which are photosynthetic.
  • Protozoa: Including Amoeba, which moves using pseudopodia, and Paramecium, which uses cilia for movement.
Protoctists, also known as Protista- Paramecium caudatum, Amoeba proteus and Euglena viridis

Image courtesy of Kazakova Maryia

Understanding these five kingdoms helps to grasp the enormous diversity of life forms on our planet. Each kingdom has distinct features and plays a unique role in our ecosystem. By classifying organisms into these categories, biologists can better understand their relationships, evolutionary history, and the ways they interact with their environment.


Protoctists are a diverse group and exhibit a range of unique features that distinguish them from other kingdoms. Unlike the more straightforward classifications of animals, plants, and fungi, protoctists include both unicellular and simple multicellular organisms. They can be autotrophic, like algae, using photosynthesis to produce their food, or heterotrophic, like amoebas, feeding on other organisms. This diversity in nutritional methods sets them apart from other kingdoms, where nutritional methods are more uniform. Additionally, protoctists show a variety of reproductive strategies, from simple asexual methods like binary fission to complex life cycles involving both sexual and asexual stages. Their motility also varies; some protoctists are motile using flagella or cilia, while others, like some algae, are non-motile. The uniqueness of protoctists lies in their diversity and the fact that they do not fit neatly into the categories of plants, animals, or fungi, making them a fascinating yet complex group to study.

In plants, the cell structure is designed to support photosynthesis and stability. Plant cells have a rigid cell wall made of cellulose, providing structural support to stand upright and grow towards light. They contain chloroplasts with chlorophyll for photosynthesis, converting sunlight into energy. Additionally, plant cells have a large central vacuole for storing water and nutrients, which helps in maintaining turgor pressure. For example, the cells of a sunflower leaf are structured to maximise light absorption for photosynthesis. Fungi, on the other hand, have cell walls made of chitin, which provides rigidity but is different from the cellulose in plants. They lack chloroplasts as they do not perform photosynthesis. Instead, their cells are adapted for absorption of nutrients from their environment. The network of fungal hyphae increases the surface area for absorption. For instance, the mycelium of a mushroom efficiently absorbs nutrients from decomposing organic matter.

Each kingdom plays a distinct role in the ecosystem. Animals, being mostly consumers, play roles as herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores, thus participating in the food chain and influencing the population dynamics of other species. For example, predators like lions control the population of herbivores in their habitat. Plants are primary producers in most ecosystems; they convert solar energy into chemical energy through photosynthesis, forming the base of the food chain. Oak trees, for instance, provide food and habitat for numerous organisms. Fungi, largely decomposers, play a crucial role in nutrient cycling by breaking down dead organic matter, returning nutrients to the soil. Mushrooms breaking down a fallen log is an example of this role. Prokaryotes have diverse ecological roles: some are decomposers, some fix nitrogen, and others are pathogens. Bacteria in the human gut, for instance, aid in digestion and synthesise essential vitamins. Protoctists are mostly aquatic and play various roles; for example, algae produce a significant portion of the Earth's oxygen through photosynthesis, while protozoans can be either predators or decomposers in their habitats.

Reproduction methods vary significantly across the five kingdoms. In the Animal Kingdom, reproduction is primarily sexual, involving the fusion of male and female gametes, although some species also exhibit asexual reproduction methods. For example, birds and mammals reproduce through internal fertilisation, while many insects reproduce through external fertilisation. In contrast, plants predominantly reproduce sexually through seeds or spores but also have asexual reproduction methods like budding or vegetative propagation, as seen in strawberry plants through runners. Fungi reproduce both sexually and asexually, commonly through spores that can be dispersed widely. For instance, mushrooms release spores into the air for reproduction. Prokaryotes, primarily bacteria and archaea, reproduce asexually through binary fission, where a single cell divides into two identical daughter cells. However, some bacteria can exchange genetic material through processes like conjugation, which is not true sexual reproduction but increases genetic diversity. Lastly, protoctists exhibit a wide range of reproductive strategies. Some, like algae, reproduce both sexually and asexually, while others like amoebas primarily reproduce asexually through methods like binary fission or budding.

The life cycles of plants and fungi differ significantly, reflecting their distinct ecological roles. In plants, the life cycle typically involves an alternation of generations, with both haploid (gametophyte) and diploid (sporophyte) stages. This cycle allows for genetic variation and adaptation to changing environments. For example, flowering plants produce seeds through sexual reproduction, ensuring genetic diversity. The plant life cycle is closely tied to their role as primary producers, with different stages adapted to maximise photosynthesis and seed dispersal. Fungi, conversely, have a more varied range of life cycles, often involving both sexual and asexual reproduction. Many fungi reproduce asexually through spore production, which allows for rapid colonisation and exploitation of available resources. Their sexual reproduction, involving the fusion of hyphae from different individuals, contributes to genetic diversity. The fungal life cycle is deeply connected to their role as decomposers and symbionts. For instance, the life cycle of a mushroom allows it to efficiently decompose organic matter and release spores to new locations for further decomposition. These life cycles enable both plants and fungi to fulfil their essential roles in ecosystems as producers and decomposers, respectively.

Practice Questions

Describe the key differences between the cell structure of prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Give examples from each group.

Prokaryotic cells, unlike eukaryotic cells, lack a defined nucleus and membrane-bound organelles. Their genetic material is not enclosed within a nuclear envelope, making their cellular structure simpler. For instance, bacteria like Escherichia coli are prokaryotes, characterised by this simpler cell structure. On the other hand, eukaryotic cells, found in organisms such as humans and plants, possess a well-defined nucleus containing the genetic material and various specialised organelles like mitochondria and chloroplasts. This complexity allows for more advanced functions and processes within eukaryotic cells.

Explain how fungi differ from plants in terms of their nutritional methods and give examples of each.

Fungi and plants differ significantly in their nutritional methods. Plants are autotrophic, meaning they produce their own food through photosynthesis, a process that converts light energy into chemical energy. For example, a rose plant uses chlorophyll to synthesise nutrients from sunlight and carbon dioxide. Fungi, however, are heterotrophic and obtain their nutrients through absorption. They secrete enzymes that break down organic material in their environment, which is then absorbed through their cell walls. Mushrooms, for example, absorb nutrients from decomposing organic matter, unlike plants that manufacture their own food.

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