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CIE IGCSE Biology Notes

9.1.2 Types of Circulatory Systems

Understanding the types of circulatory systems in various organisms is crucial for grasping the complexities of biological functions and evolutionary adaptations. This section focuses on differentiating between the single circulatory system found in fish and the double circulatory system prevalent in mammals.


Circulatory systems are essential for the transportation of nutrients, gases, and waste products within an organism. A comparative study of single and double circulation systems not only sheds light on the adaptability and efficiency of different species but also underscores evolutionary milestones.

Single Circulation in Fish

General Structure and Function

  • Heart Composition: Fish hearts have two chambers - a single atrium and a single ventricle.
  • Blood Flow Sequence: Blood flows from the heart to the gills for oxygenation, then through the body, and back to the heart. This forms a single loop, hence the term 'single circulation'.
  • Gills as Oxygenation Site: In gills, blood receives oxygen and releases carbon dioxide, a process facilitated by the thin walls of gill capillaries allowing efficient gas exchange.
Single circulatory system of fish

Image courtesy of tyrone

Functional Advantages

  • Energy Efficiency: This system requires less energy, suitable for the relatively lower metabolic rates in fish.
  • Adaptation to Aquatic Life: The single loop system is effective in water, where external resistance helps in maintaining blood flow.


  • Lower Pressure: The blood pressure drops after passing through the gills, leading to slower blood flow to body tissues.
  • Mixed Blood: Oxygen-rich and oxygen-poor blood can mix, reducing the efficiency of oxygen delivery to tissues.

Double Circulation in Mammals

General Structure and Function

  • Heart Composition: Mammalian hearts have four chambers - two atria and two ventricles.
  • Dual Pathways: Blood flows through two separate circuits - the pulmonary (lungs) and systemic (body).
  • Oxygenation in Lungs: Unlike fish, mammals use lungs for oxygenation, where blood unloads carbon dioxide and loads oxygen.
Structure of the Mammalian Double Circulatory System

Image courtesy of tyrone

Functional Advantages

  • High Blood Pressure: Maintains higher pressure in systemic circulation, ensuring effective nutrient and oxygen delivery.
  • Efficient Oxygenation: Separation of oxygen-rich and poor blood ensures efficient oxygen supply to body tissues.


  • Energy Demand: This system demands more energy to maintain, aligning with the higher metabolic rates of mammals.

Comparative Analysis

Efficiency and Oxygenation

  • Single Circulation: Less efficient due to the mixing of blood and the single loop system resulting in reduced oxygenation efficiency.
  • Double Circulation: Highly efficient with separate circuits, ensuring higher oxygenation and nutrient delivery rates.

Adaptability and Evolution

  • Single Circulation: Evolved as an efficient system for aquatic environments, meeting the oxygen demand with minimal energy expenditure.
  • Double Circulation: An evolutionary advancement meeting the complex and high-energy demands of terrestrial mammals.

Blood Pressure and Flow Rate

  • Single Circulation: Characterized by lower blood pressure after passing through gills, leading to a slower rate of flow to body tissues.
  • Double Circulation: Allows for higher blood pressure and flow rate, especially in the systemic circuit, facilitating rapid delivery of oxygen and nutrients.

Evolutionary Perspective

  • Evolution from single to double circulation is a significant milestone, enabling a higher metabolic rate and complex life processes.

Key Takeaways

  • The single circulatory system in fish is an energy-efficient mechanism adapted to aquatic life, while the double circulatory system in mammals supports their active and energy-intensive lifestyles.
  • These systems demonstrate evolutionary ingenuity, showcasing how different species have adapted their circulatory systems to their environments and metabolic needs.

By understanding these differences, IGCSE Biology students gain insights into the diverse strategies life on Earth employs to survive and thrive in various habitats. This knowledge not only underpins the study of biology but also fosters an appreciation for the intricate and adaptive nature of life.


The single circulatory system in fish limits their physical activity in several ways. Due to the lower blood pressure after the blood passes through the gills, there is a slower delivery of oxygen and nutrients to muscle tissues. This results in a reduced capacity for sustained high-energy activities. The mixing of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood further reduces the efficiency of oxygen delivery to tissues, limiting the aerobic capacity of fish. Consequently, while fish can perform quick bursts of speed, their overall endurance and capacity for prolonged physical activity are lower compared to mammals with a double circulatory system.

The evolutionary advantages of a double circulatory system in mammals are manifold. Firstly, it supports higher metabolic rates, necessary for their active lifestyles, by ensuring efficient oxygen and nutrient delivery to body tissues. The separation of pulmonary and systemic circuits in this system allows for higher blood pressure in the systemic circuit, enhancing the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to body tissues. This system also reduces the risk of oxygen depletion in vital organs, as oxygen-rich blood is delivered directly from the heart to the body. Additionally, the double circulatory system is more adaptable to various activities and environmental conditions, providing mammals with a versatile physiological foundation to thrive in diverse habitats.

The double circulatory system plays a significant role in thermoregulation in mammals. By maintaining a higher and more controlled blood pressure, this system ensures efficient blood flow to the skin, facilitating heat loss when necessary. The extensive capillary networks in the skin can dilate or constrict, aiding in temperature regulation. For instance, in cold environments, blood flow to the skin is reduced to minimize heat loss, while in hot environments, increased blood flow to the skin aids in heat dissipation. This ability to regulate body temperature is crucial for mammals, allowing them to maintain a stable internal environment (homeostasis) despite external temperature fluctuations. The separation of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood also ensures that the organs receive blood at an optimal temperature, further enhancing metabolic efficiency.

Oxygenation efficiency in mammals is notably higher than in fish due to several factors. In mammals, the lungs serve as the site of gas exchange, providing a large surface area and extensive capillary networks that facilitate efficient oxygen uptake and carbon dioxide release. The separation of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood in the double circulatory system ensures that tissues receive blood with high oxygen content. This separation is achieved through the four-chambered heart, which prevents mixing of the two blood types. In contrast, fish rely on gills for oxygenation, where blood is oxygenated in a single pass and often mixes with deoxygenated blood, leading to a lower overall oxygen content in the blood circulating through the body.

In fish, the blood vessels are structured to facilitate single circulation. The major vessels include the ventral aorta, which carries deoxygenated blood from the heart to the gills, and the dorsal aorta, which distributes oxygenated blood throughout the body. The capillary networks in the gills are crucial for gas exchange. In mammals, the blood vessels are more complex, aligning with the double circulatory system. Arteries carry oxygenated blood from the heart to the body, while veins return deoxygenated blood to the heart. Capillaries in mammalian systems are extensively branched, providing a vast surface area for efficient nutrient and gas exchange. This complexity allows for higher blood pressure and more effective transport of oxygen and nutrients, vital for sustaining the higher metabolic demands of mammals.

Practice Questions

Explain how the structure of the heart differs between fish and mammals, and how these differences relate to the efficiency of their respective circulatory systems. (6 marks)

The heart in fish consists of two chambers: one atrium and one ventricle, facilitating single circulation. Blood flows from the heart to the gills for oxygenation, then to the body, and back to the heart in a single loop. This structure is less efficient as it results in a mix of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood and a decrease in blood pressure post-gills, slowing blood delivery to tissues. In contrast, mammals have a four-chambered heart, with two atria and two ventricles, supporting double circulation. This structure allows for separate pulmonary and systemic circuits, maintaining higher blood pressure and preventing the mixing of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood. Consequently, mammals achieve more efficient oxygen and nutrient delivery to body tissues, meeting their higher metabolic demands.

Compare and contrast the advantages and limitations of single and double circulatory systems. (6 marks)

Single circulatory systems, as seen in fish, offer energy efficiency, which is crucial for their lower metabolic rates. The simplicity of this system, with a single loop from heart to gills to body, is advantageous in aquatic environments where external water resistance aids blood flow. However, its limitations include lower blood pressure post-gills and the mixing of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood, leading to reduced efficiency in oxygen delivery to tissues. In contrast, the double circulatory system in mammals effectively separates oxygenated and deoxygenated blood, maintaining higher blood pressure in systemic circulation. This leads to efficient oxygen and nutrient delivery, catering to their higher metabolic needs. The primary limitation is the higher energy requirement to maintain this complex system, aligning with the active lifestyle of mammals.

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