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CIE IGCSE Biology Notes

19.2.1 Food Chains and Energy Transfer

This topic explores the basics of ecological food chains and the transfer of energy within them, fundamental concepts in understanding ecosystems.

Introduction to Food Chains

A food chain is a sequence of organisms, each feeding on the next, showing how energy is transferred in an ecosystem.

Understanding the Concept

  • Simplicity: Food chains are simplified models that show only one path of energy flow.
  • Key Players: The chain typically includes producers, various levels of consumers, and decomposers.

Components of a Food Chain

Each part of the chain plays a distinct role in the ecosystem.

Producers: The Starting Point

  • Definition: Producers, often green plants or algae, synthesise their own food using sunlight (photosynthesis).
  • Role: They form the base of the food chain, converting solar energy into chemical energy (glucose).

Consumers: The Energy Users

Consumers are organisms that eat other organisms.

Primary Consumers

  • Herbivores: These are animals that eat plants. They are the first level of consumers.
  • Role: They transfer energy from producers to the next level of the food chain.

Secondary and Tertiary Consumers

  • Carnivores and Omnivores: These consume primary consumers (secondary) or even other carnivores (tertiary).
  • Energy Transfer: Each level represents a higher trophic level with a further energy transfer.

Decomposers: The Recyclers

  • Function: Decomposers break down dead organisms, returning nutrients to the environment.
  • Types: Includes bacteria and fungi.
  • Importance: They are crucial for nutrient cycling and energy flow continuation.
Illustration of a food chain

Image courtesy of brgfx

Energy Transfer in Food Chains

Energy transfer in food chains is not 100% efficient.

The 10% Rule

  • Energy Loss: Approximately 90% of the energy at each trophic level is lost mainly through metabolic processes, heat loss, and not all biomass being consumed.
  • Implication: This limits the number of trophic levels in a food chain.

Example: Grassland Food Chain

1. Grass (Producer): Converts sunlight into energy.

2. Rabbit (Primary Consumer): Eats grass.

3. Fox (Secondary Consumer): Eats rabbits.

4. Decomposer (Bacteria and Fungi): Breaks down dead foxes.

Constructing and Interpreting Food Chains

Constructing a food chain involves identifying the various trophic levels.

Steps to Construct a Food Chain

  • 1. Start with Producers: Identify the primary source of energy (e.g., plants).
  • 2. Add Consumers: Place organisms that eat the producers next.
  • 3. Incorporate Higher Trophic Levels: Add organisms that eat the consumers.
  • 4. End with Decomposers: They break down dead material.

Interpreting Food Chains

  • Energy Flow: Understand how energy moves up the chain.
  • Trophic Levels: Identify each organism's level.
  • Ecosystem Dynamics: Analyse how changes at one level affect others.

The Role of Each Group in the Ecosystem

Understanding each group's role highlights the importance of biodiversity and balance.


  • Energy Conversion: Convert inorganic into organic matter.
  • Foundation of Food Chains: Without them, energy would not enter the food chain.


  • Energy Transfer: Move energy up the chain.
  • Population Control: Keep other species' populations in check.


  • Nutrient Recycling: Break down waste and dead organisms.
  • Soil Fertility: Improve soil quality, aiding plant growth.

Real-World Applications

Understanding food chains is crucial in many ecological and environmental studies.

Environmental Impact

  • Human Activity: Overfishing or deforestation can disrupt food chains.
  • Conservation Efforts: Knowledge of food chains aids in species and habitat conservation.
Overfishing that disrupts food chains.

Image courtesy of C. Ortiz Rojas

Agricultural Practices

  • Pest Control: Understanding predator-prey relationships helps in natural pest management.
  • Crop Selection: Choosing the right crops can influence local food chains.


Food chains provide a clear yet simplified view of energy transfer in ecosystems. They are crucial for understanding ecological relationships, energy flow, and the impact of human activities on the environment. By studying food chains, we gain insights into the balance of nature and the importance of each organism within an ecosystem.


Food chains are generally short and typically do not extend beyond four or five trophic levels due to the inefficiency of energy transfer between trophic levels. The 10% rule of energy transfer states that, on average, only about 10% of the energy from one trophic level is passed on to the next level. The majority of the energy is lost as heat, used in metabolic processes, or remains unassimilated. As a result, there is a rapid decrease in available energy as one moves up the food chain. By the time the energy reaches the fourth or fifth trophic level, there is often not enough to sustain another level of consumers. This energy limitation naturally caps the length of the food chain, ensuring that higher trophic levels have fewer members and fewer levels overall. This principle underlies why top predators are typically few in number and why ecosystems cannot support long chains of consumers.

Changes in one trophic level of a food chain can have profound ripple effects on the entire ecosystem, a concept known as a trophic cascade. For instance, if there is a significant decline in primary producers due to environmental factors like drought, it can lead to a decrease in the population of primary consumers as their food source becomes scarce. This, in turn, affects secondary consumers who rely on primary consumers for food. In some cases, the removal or significant reduction of a top predator can lead to an increase in the population of primary consumers, which may then overconsume primary producers, potentially leading to habitat destruction and loss of biodiversity. Conversely, introducing a top predator can control the population of primary consumers, thereby allowing primary producers to flourish. These trophic cascades highlight the interconnectivity within ecosystems and how changes in one part can influence the entire system.

Yes, a species can belong to more than one trophic level in a food chain, depending on its diet and feeding habits. Omnivores are classic examples of this, as they consume both plant and animal matter. For instance, a bear can act as a primary consumer when it eats berries (consuming producers) and as a secondary or tertiary consumer when it preys on fish or small mammals. Similarly, humans are another example of omnivores that occupy multiple trophic levels, consuming vegetables, fruits (primary consumers), and various meats (secondary or tertiary consumers). This flexibility in diet means that such species play multiple roles in the ecosystem, contributing to the complexity and interconnectedness of food webs. The ability of these species to operate at different trophic levels also helps in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem by regulating populations at various levels and ensuring energy flow across different parts of the food chain.

Detritivores and decomposers both play critical roles in food chains, but they differ in their functions. Detritivores are organisms that feed on detritus, the dead and decaying organic matter, and in doing so, they contribute to the first stage of decomposition. They are typically macroscopic organisms like earthworms, woodlice, and dung beetles. Detritivores physically break down the detritus into smaller pieces, which increases the surface area for decomposers to act upon. Decomposers, on the other hand, are primarily microscopic organisms such as bacteria and fungi. They perform the chemical process of decomposition by breaking down the organic material into simpler inorganic compounds. This process releases nutrients back into the soil, which are then taken up by producers, thus completing the nutrient cycle. Detritivores, by initiating the decomposition process, make the job of decomposers easier and more efficient, facilitating nutrient recycling in ecosystems.

Energy transfer in a food chain significantly impacts an ecosystem's biodiversity. Since energy transfer is inefficient - with a general loss of about 90% energy at each trophic level - it limits the number of trophic levels and thus the variety of species an ecosystem can support. In ecosystems with higher energy input, like tropical rainforests, there is a greater abundance of energy at the base of the food chain, allowing for more trophic levels and a richer biodiversity. Conversely, in less productive ecosystems, like deserts, energy scarcity leads to fewer trophic levels and lower biodiversity. The efficiency of energy transfer also influences population sizes. For instance, a decrease in primary producers due to environmental changes can lead to a cascading effect on the population sizes of consumers at higher trophic levels. Therefore, the flow of energy through food chains is a crucial determinant of the structure and diversity of biological communities.

Practice Questions

Explain the concept of a food chain and describe the energy transfer that occurs within it.

A food chain is a linear sequence of organisms where each organism is eaten by the next member in the chain. It starts with producers, usually plants or algae, that synthesise food using sunlight. These are consumed by primary consumers, typically herbivores, which are then eaten by secondary consumers, usually carnivores. The energy transfer in a food chain is not entirely efficient; only about 10% of the energy is passed from one trophic level to the next. The rest is lost mainly through metabolic processes and as heat. This inefficiency limits the length of the food chain, as there isn't enough energy to support many trophic levels.

Construct a simple food chain found in a grassland ecosystem and explain the role of each organism in the chain.

A typical grassland food chain might consist of grass, a rabbit, and a fox. Grass, as the producer, utilises sunlight to create energy through photosynthesis. Rabbits, as primary consumers, eat the grass, transferring the energy from the producer to the next level. Foxes, as secondary consumers, consume rabbits, moving the energy further along the chain. Each organism plays a crucial role: grass as the energy source, rabbits as the energy transfer medium between producers and higher trophic levels, and foxes as predators that help maintain the balance in the ecosystem. Decomposers, although not explicitly mentioned, are vital in breaking down dead organisms and recycling nutrients back into the soil.

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