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CIE IGCSE Biology Notes

6.2.2 Leaf Structures in Photosynthesis

The dicotyledonous leaf, a marvel of nature's engineering, is a critical player in the process of photosynthesis. This section explores its various structures, elucidating their roles in photosynthesis and gas exchange.


Leaves are the primary sites of photosynthesis in plants. In dicotyledonous plants, leaves exhibit a complex structure with specialised cells and tissues, each contributing uniquely to the process of photosynthesis and efficient gas exchange.


  • Location and Structure: Found abundantly in the cells of the mesophyll layer, chloroplasts are organelles with a double membrane. Within these, thylakoids stack to form grana, where chlorophyll is located.
  • Role in Photosynthesis: They are the site of the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis. Chlorophyll within the chloroplast absorbs sunlight, facilitating the conversion of light energy into chemical energy.
  • Efficiency: Their distribution in the mesophyll maximises exposure to light. The arrangement of thylakoids ensures optimal light absorption.
Chloroplasts role in photosynthesis

Image courtesy of CK12-Foundation



  • Structure: This is a waxy, water-repellent layer that coats the epidermis. Its transparency is crucial for allowing light to penetrate.
  • Role: It primarily functions to reduce water loss through evaporation.
  • Adaptation for Efficiency: The cuticle's thickness is an adaptation to environmental conditions, varying to balance water retention with the need for light absorption.

Guard Cells and Stomata

  • Structure and Location: Stomata, minute openings on the leaf surface, are flanked by two kidney-shaped guard cells.
  • Role in Gas Exchange: They are vital for the exchange of gases (CO2 in for photosynthesis and O2 out as a byproduct) and transpiration.
  • Efficiency Mechanism: Guard cells swell or shrink in response to environmental stimuli, thereby regulating the opening of stomata. This regulation is crucial for maintaining a balance between gas exchange and water conservation.


  • Structure: This is a single layer of cells that covers the entire surface of the leaf.
  • Role: It serves as a protective barrier against environmental damage, pathogen entry, and excessive water loss.
  • Special Features: Being transparent, it allows sunlight to pass through to the underlying photosynthetic cells.


  • Types: It consists of the palisade mesophyll (upper layer) and spongy mesophyll (lower layer).
  • Role in Photosynthesis: The palisade mesophyll, with its elongated cells packed with chloroplasts, is where most light absorption occurs. The spongy mesophyll, with loosely arranged cells and air spaces, facilitates gas exchange.
  • Adaptation for Efficiency: The arrangement of palisade cells maximises light absorption, while the structure of spongy mesophyll enhances the diffusion of CO2 to the photosynthesising cells.

Air Spaces

  • Location: Large intercellular spaces are a characteristic feature of the spongy mesophyll.
  • Role: These spaces allow for efficient diffusion of gases (CO2, O2, and water vapour) within the leaf.
  • Efficiency Aspect: They connect the stomata with the photosynthetic cells, ensuring that gases reach their target sites rapidly.
Cross section of the leaf showing different parts including the palisade mesophyll cells, guard cells and stomata.

Image courtesy of Zephyris

Vascular Bundles

  • Components: Comprising xylem and phloem, these bundles form the plant’s transport system.
  • Role in Support and Transport: Xylem transports water and dissolved minerals from the roots to the leaves, essential for photosynthesis. Phloem distributes the sugars produced during photosynthesis to other parts of the plant.
  • Contribution to Photosynthesis: Besides supplying water, vascular bundles help in maintaining leaf structure, ensuring optimal positioning for light absorption.
Xylem and phloem in the plant’s transport system.

Image courtesy of brgfx on freepik

In conclusion, the anatomy of a dicotyledonous leaf is a testament to its evolutionary adaptation for efficient photosynthesis and gas exchange. Each component, from the microscopic chloroplasts to the protective cuticle, plays a significant role in ensuring the leaf functions as an effective photosynthetic machinery. Understanding the complexity of these structures provides insight into the intricate processes of plant life and their indispensable role in Earth's ecosystem.


The mesophyll layer in leaves comprises two distinct cell types: palisade and spongy mesophyll cells, each with a unique structure and function. Palisade mesophyll cells, located just below the upper epidermis, are elongated and densely packed with chloroplasts. This arrangement maximises light absorption, as the surface area exposed to light is increased. The palisade layer is thus primarily responsible for capturing light energy for photosynthesis. In contrast, spongy mesophyll cells, found in the lower part of the mesophyll, have a more irregular shape and are loosely arranged. This creates large air spaces between them, facilitating the diffusion of gases (such as CO2 and O2) throughout the leaf. The spongy mesophyll's structure aids in efficient gas exchange between the leaf and the external environment through the stomata. This distinct separation of functions within the mesophyll – light absorption in the palisade and gas exchange in the spongy layer – reflects a highly efficient division of labour within the leaf, optimising photosynthesis.

In plants from arid regions, the cuticle, a waxy layer covering the leaf surface, is often more prominently developed compared to those in more humid environments. This adaptation is crucial for survival in dry conditions. The primary function of the cuticle is to minimise water loss through transpiration. In arid regions, water conservation is vital for plant survival due to limited water availability. A thicker cuticle acts as a more effective barrier to water loss, reducing the rate of transpiration. This adaptation, however, comes with a trade-off, as a thicker cuticle can also reduce the amount of light reaching the photosynthetic cells and may impede gaseous exchange. Therefore, plants in arid environments must balance the need to conserve water with the requirements for photosynthesis and gas exchange. This evolutionary adaptation of a thicker cuticle illustrates how plants modify their physical structures in response to environmental pressures to optimise their chances of survival.

Xylem and phloem, as components of the vascular bundles in leaves, have distinct yet complementary roles essential for leaf function and overall plant health. The xylem primarily transports water and dissolved minerals from the roots to the leaves, which is crucial for photosynthesis. This upward movement of water also facilitates the cooling of the leaf and maintains turgor pressure, essential for keeping the leaf structures erect and optimally positioned for light absorption. On the other hand, the phloem is responsible for transporting the sugars and other photosynthetic products from the leaves to other parts of the plant. This downward flow ensures that energy produced in the leaves supports growth and development in other tissues, including roots, stems, and fruits. The coordinated functioning of xylem and phloem in vascular bundles is thus vital for maintaining the balance of nutrient and water supply within the plant, supporting both the photosynthetic process in the leaves and the overall growth and development of the plant.

Air spaces in the spongy mesophyll layer play a critical role in facilitating gas exchange in leaves. These spaces, formed between the loosely arranged spongy mesophyll cells, create a network of channels that connect the internal leaf environment with the external atmosphere via the stomata. They allow for the efficient diffusion of gases – carbon dioxide (CO2) moves from the atmosphere into the leaf, and oxygen (O2) and water vapour move from the leaf to the atmosphere. The large surface area of the air spaces ensures that gases can rapidly diffuse to and from all cells within the leaf. This is particularly important for CO2, which is needed for photosynthesis in the chloroplasts of mesophyll cells. The efficient movement of CO2 into the leaf and O2 out of the leaf is crucial for maintaining high rates of photosynthesis while minimising water loss through transpiration.

Environmental factors play a crucial role in the opening and closing of stomata, thus regulating gas exchange and transpiration in plants. Light is a primary factor; in the presence of light, stomata generally open to allow CO2 in for photosynthesis. Conversely, in darkness, they close to conserve water. Water availability also influences stomatal action. In conditions of water stress, plants tend to close their stomata to prevent water loss, even at the cost of reducing photosynthesis. Additionally, internal factors such as the concentration of carbon dioxide within the leaf also impact stomatal movement. High internal CO2 levels typically result in stomatal closure. Furthermore, temperature can affect stomatal opening; higher temperatures may cause the stomata to open to facilitate cooling through transpiration, but extreme heat can lead to their closure to prevent excessive water loss. These responses demonstrate how plants balance the need for CO2 for photosynthesis with the need to conserve water, adapting to their environment to maintain optimal physiological conditions.

Practice Questions

Explain how the structure of chloroplasts in the mesophyll cells aids in the process of photosynthesis.

Chloroplasts in mesophyll cells are integral to photosynthesis due to their specialised structure. These organelles contain a double membrane, within which are thylakoids stacked to form grana. The grana are rich in chlorophyll, the pigment essential for absorbing sunlight. This absorption is crucial for the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis, where light energy is converted into chemical energy. Additionally, the arrangement of chloroplasts within the mesophyll layers, particularly in the palisade mesophyll, maximises light exposure. Such strategic positioning ensures efficient light absorption, thus enhancing the rate of photosynthesis.

Describe the role of stomata in leaves and explain how their structure and function contribute to efficient gas exchange and water conservation in plants.

Stomata are small openings on the leaf surface, surrounded by guard cells, playing a pivotal role in gas exchange and water regulation. They allow carbon dioxide to enter the leaf for photosynthesis and oxygen, a byproduct of photosynthesis, to exit. Additionally, water vapour also diffuses out through these openings, a process known as transpiration. The guard cells regulate the opening and closing of stomata in response to environmental stimuli. When water is abundant, guard cells swell, opening the stomata for gas exchange. In dry conditions, they shrink, closing the stomata to conserve water. This regulation is crucial for maintaining a balance between efficient photosynthesis and water conservation, essential for plant survival.

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