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CIE IGCSE Biology Notes

5.2.1 Effects on Enzyme Activity: Temperature and Enzyme Activity

Enzymes, as biological catalysts, play a pivotal role in facilitating the myriad of biochemical reactions essential to life. The impact of temperature on enzyme activity is a critical aspect in the field of biochemistry, influencing both the efficiency and the rate of these biochemical reactions.


Enzymes, specialised proteins, are vital for accelerating chemical reactions within living cells. The activity of these enzymes is significantly influenced by temperature, which can alter their efficiency and the rate of biochemical reactions they catalyze.

Detailed Understanding of Enzymes and Temperature

The Concept of Optimum Temperature

  • Defining Optimum Temperature: Each enzyme exhibits maximum efficiency at a specific temperature, known as its optimum temperature. This is the temperature at which the enzyme is most active and the reaction rate it catalyzes is highest.
  • Variations in Activity: An enzyme's activity decreases when the temperature deviates from its optimum. Lower temperatures reduce the enzymes' kinetic energy, while higher temperatures may lead to denaturation.
A graph showing the relation between temperature and enzyme activity.

Image courtesy of Thomas Shafee

Kinetic Energy and Enzyme Activity

  • Effect of Increased Kinetic Energy: A rise in temperature leads to an increase in the kinetic energy of both enzymes and substrates, causing them to move more rapidly.
  • Impact on Collision Frequency: This increased movement results in a higher frequency of collisions between enzyme molecules and their substrates.

Frequency of Effective Collisions

  • Nature of Effective Collisions: Effective collisions are those that result in a chemical reaction. Not all collisions between enzyme and substrate lead to a reaction.
  • Temperature's Role: A higher temperature raises the likelihood of effective collisions, thus enhancing the reaction rate.
Collision theory at low and high temperatures

Image courtesy of Elevise


In-Depth Look at Temperature and Enzyme Structure

Understanding Denaturation and Its Effects

  • What is Denaturation?: Exposure to high temperatures can cause enzymes to lose their three-dimensional structure, a process known as denaturation.
  • Consequences on the Active Site: When enzymes denature, their active sites get distorted, leading to decreased or inhibited activity.

Exploring Shape and Fit

  • Enzyme-Substrate Complex Formation: Enzymes function by binding to specific substrates. The fit between an enzyme's active site and its substrate is a critical aspect of its functionality.
  • Influence of Temperature Changes: Alterations in temperature can change the shape of the enzyme, which in turn affects how well it binds to its substrate.
Denaturation of enzymes and loss of function

Image courtesy of Elevise


Comprehensive Analysis of Temperature and Reaction Rate

Examining the Rate of Reactions

  • Temperature-Induced Rate Increase: As the temperature rises, so does the rate of enzyme-catalyzed reactions, up to a point.
  • Peak Activity at Optimum Temperature: At the enzyme's optimum temperature, the rate of the reaction it catalyzes is the fastest.

Implications Beyond Optimum Temperature

  • Decline in Enzyme Activity: Beyond the optimum temperature, the activity of the enzyme generally decreases.
  • Irreversible Changes at Extreme Temperatures: Extremely high temperatures can cause permanent denaturation of the enzyme.

Practical Examples and Applications

Laboratory Investigations and Experimentation

  • Conducting Experiments: Students can carry out experiments to observe firsthand how temperature variations affect enzyme activity.
  • Analytical Approach: These experiments allow students to practically understand and analyze the effects of temperature on the rate of enzyme-catalyzed reactions.
A scientist in a laboratory doing Experiments and Observations

Image courtesy of freepik

Real-World Applications and Industrial Relevance

  • Enzymes in Industry: Many industries, such as the food and pharmaceutical industries, rely heavily on enzymes. Maintaining optimal temperatures is essential for maximizing enzyme efficiency in these settings.
  • Medical and Biological Significance: A deep understanding of how temperature affects enzyme activity is crucial in medicine for disease treatment strategies and drug development.

Summary and Key Takeaways

  • Optimum Temperature for Peak Activity: Each enzyme has an individual temperature range where it exhibits peak activity.
  • Impact of Temperature on Enzyme Structure: Temperature changes can significantly alter the structure of enzymes, thus affecting their activity and the rate of reactions they catalyze.
  • Practical and Scientific Importance: The knowledge of temperature effects on enzyme activity is not only fundamental in the field of biochemistry but also has significant applications in various scientific and industrial areas.

This comprehensive exploration into the effects of temperature on enzyme activity highlights the intricate and delicate balance necessary for biochemical processes. Understanding these dynamics is crucial for students, scientists, and professionals in the field of biology and related disciplines.


Temperature fluctuations can significantly impact enzymatic reactions in everyday life, especially in areas like food preservation and cooking. In food preservation, lowering the temperature reduces enzyme activity, slowing down the rate of spoilage caused by enzymatic reactions in food. This principle is the basis of refrigeration. Conversely, in cooking, applying heat speeds up enzymatic reactions, altering the flavour, texture, and nutritional content of food. For instance, the browning of meat or bread is due to enzymatic reactions that occur faster at higher temperatures. However, excessive heat can denature enzymes, stopping these reactions, which is why overcooked food may lose its desirable qualities.

Enzymes have different optimum temperatures due to their unique three-dimensional structures and the specific environments they function in. The optimum temperature of an enzyme is influenced by the strength of the bonds that maintain its structure. Enzymes adapted to function in human bodies typically have optimum temperatures close to human body temperature (around 37°C). However, enzymes found in organisms that inhabit extreme environments, such as thermophilic bacteria living in hot springs, have much higher optimum temperatures. These enzymes have more robust structures with stronger bonds that can withstand higher temperatures without denaturing. The variability in optimum temperatures reflects the diverse environments and conditions that life has adapted to on Earth.

Temperature control is crucial in industrial processes that utilise enzymes, as it directly influences the efficiency and outcomes of these processes. Industries choose enzymes with optimum temperatures that match their process requirements. For example, in the brewing industry, enzymes that operate at moderate temperatures are used to break down starches into sugars during fermentation. In contrast, enzymes used in the production of biofuels must withstand higher temperatures, necessitating the use of thermostable enzymes from extremophiles. Inaccurate temperature control can lead to suboptimal enzyme activity, reducing the efficiency and yield of the process. Moreover, temperatures that are too high can cause enzyme denaturation, leading to a complete halt in the process, while low temperatures can slow down the reaction significantly. Therefore, maintaining the right temperature is essential for the optimal performance of enzymatic processes in various industries.

The ability of enzymes to regain activity after denaturation depends on the extent and nature of the structural changes. Mild denaturation, often caused by slight temperature increases, can sometimes be reversible. In such cases, when the temperature returns to a normal range, the protein may refold into its original structure, regaining its functionality. However, severe or prolonged exposure to high temperatures usually leads to irreversible denaturation. In these instances, the enzyme undergoes substantial structural changes, particularly in its active site, rendering it permanently nonfunctional. This irreversibility is due to the breaking of crucial bonds that maintain the enzyme's three-dimensional structure, which cannot be easily reformed.

In cold-blooded animals, the body temperature varies with the environmental temperature, which directly impacts enzyme activity. At lower temperatures, the kinetic energy of enzymes and substrates is reduced, leading to a decrease in the frequency and effectiveness of collisions. This results in a lower rate of enzyme-catalyzed reactions. As the environmental temperature rises, so does the body temperature of cold-blooded animals, increasing the kinetic energy and thus the activity of enzymes. However, extreme temperatures, either too low or too high, can significantly reduce enzyme activity, either by insufficient energy for effective collisions or by denaturation of enzymes. This relationship explains why the behaviour and metabolism of cold-blooded animals are heavily influenced by external temperatures.

Practice Questions

Explain how increasing the temperature affects enzyme activity up to the point of denaturation.

An increase in temperature leads to a rise in the kinetic energy of enzyme and substrate molecules, causing them to move more rapidly. This results in more frequent and effective collisions between enzymes and substrates, enhancing the rate of enzyme-catalyzed reactions. However, at a certain high temperature, enzymes begin to denature, losing their specific three-dimensional shape. This denaturation affects the active site of the enzyme, reducing its ability to bind to the substrate and hence decreasing enzyme activity. Beyond the optimum temperature, enzyme activity diminishes rapidly due to this denaturation.

Describe the effects of temperature on the structure and function of enzymes.

Temperature variations significantly affect the structure and function of enzymes. At lower temperatures, enzymes and substrates have reduced kinetic energy, resulting in fewer collisions and a decreased rate of enzyme-catalyzed reactions. As the temperature increases, the kinetic energy also increases, enhancing the frequency and effectiveness of collisions between enzyme and substrate, leading to an increased rate of reaction. However, extremely high temperatures cause enzymes to denature. This denaturation alters the shape of the enzyme, particularly its active site, making it less effective or even unable to bind with its substrate, thereby reducing enzyme activity.

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