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CIE IGCSE Biology Notes

12.3.1 Anaerobic Respiration in Cells

Anaerobic respiration is a critical biological process enabling cells to produce energy in environments lacking oxygen. It is a fundamental mechanism in both unicellular and multicellular organisms.

Understanding Anaerobic Respiration

Definition and Biological Relevance

Anaerobic respiration is the process of breaking down nutrients, primarily glucose, in the absence of oxygen to release energy. This process is crucial for cells to maintain vital functions when oxygen levels are low or absent.

  • Key Characteristics:
    • No Oxygen Requirement: It occurs when oxygen is scarce or absent.
    • Glucose Breakdown: The primary substrate used is glucose.
    • Energy Release: ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) is produced, though in lesser quantities compared to aerobic respiration.

Energy Production in Anaerobic Respiration

Anaerobic respiration yields significantly less energy compared to aerobic respiration. This is due to the incomplete breakdown of glucose in the absence of oxygen.

  • Energy Yield Comparison:
    • Aerobic Respiration: Generates about 38 ATP molecules per glucose molecule.
    • Anaerobic Respiration: Produces only 2 ATP molecules per glucose molecule.
Diagram showing aerobic and anaerobic respiration- lactate formation.

Image courtesy of Kooto

Efficiency of Anaerobic Respiration

Comparing Energy Yield Per Glucose Molecule

Anaerobic respiration's efficiency is markedly lower than aerobic respiration, impacting the energy availability for cellular activities.

  • Energy Output:
    • Aerobic respiration fully oxidises glucose, releasing more energy.
    • Anaerobic respiration results in partial oxidation, yielding less energy.

Biological Implications of Efficiency

The lower efficiency of anaerobic respiration has significant biological implications, especially in environments where oxygen is limited.

  • Adaptation to Oxygen-Deprived Environments:
    • Cells can survive in low-oxygen conditions using anaerobic respiration.
    • The energy produced, although limited, is crucial for survival.

Anaerobic vs Aerobic Respiration

Differentiating the Energy Production Processes

Both anaerobic and aerobic respiration begin with glycolysis, but their subsequent pathways differ significantly due to the presence or absence of oxygen.

  • Aerobic Pathway: Involves the Krebs cycle and Electron Transport Chain, leading to complete glucose oxidation.
  • Anaerobic Pathway: Bypasses these stages, resulting in incomplete glucose breakdown.

Comparative Analysis of Efficiency

Aerobic respiration is more efficient due to the full breakdown of glucose, while anaerobic respiration’s efficiency is limited by its partial glucose breakdown.

  • Efficiency Comparison:
    • Aerobic Respiration: Higher efficiency due to complete glucose oxidation.
    • Anaerobic Respiration: Lower efficiency with partial glucose breakdown.

The Role of Glycolysis in Anaerobic Respiration

Understanding the Process

Glycolysis, the initial step in both aerobic and anaerobic respiration, is crucial for ATP production, especially in anaerobic conditions.

  • Steps in Glycolysis:
    • Glucose is converted into two molecules of pyruvate.
    • A small amount of ATP is generated.

Glycolysis in Anaerobic Conditions

In the absence of oxygen, glycolysis becomes the primary source of ATP production for the cell.

  • Key Features:
    • Occurs in the cytoplasm of the cell.
    • Does not require oxygen.
    • Produces a net gain of 2 ATP molecules for each glucose molecule.

End Products of Anaerobic Respiration

Varied End Products

The end products of anaerobic respiration differ between organisms, impacting their respective cellular environments.

  • Yeast Cells: Produce ethanol and carbon dioxide, which are crucial in fermentation processes.
  • Muscle Cells: Generate lactic acid during vigorous exercise, contributing to muscle fatigue.

Impact on Cellular Function

The accumulation of these end products can have significant effects on cell function and physiology.

  • Lactic Acid in Muscles: Can lead to muscle fatigue and soreness.
  • Ethanol and CO2 in Yeast: Important in the production of bread, beer, and wine through fermentation.

The Biological Significance of Anaerobic Respiration

Survival in Oxygen-Deprived Environments

Anaerobic respiration allows organisms to survive and function in environments where oxygen is not readily available.

  • Examples:
    • Microorganisms in oxygen-depleted environments, like deep-sea vents.
    • Human muscle cells during intense physical activity when oxygen supply is limited.

Applications in Biotechnology and Industry

Anaerobic respiration, especially in yeast, is extensively utilised in various industries for the production of consumable goods.

  • Industrial Fermentation: Yeast fermentation is exploited for producing alcoholic beverages and in baking.
Active dry yeast in a spoon used for baking

Image courtesy of Your Best Digs

Anaerobic Respiration in Different Organisms

In Microorganisms

Many microorganisms rely on anaerobic respiration for energy production, especially in oxygen-poor habitats.

  • Examples:
    • Methanogens in marshes producing methane.
    • Bacteria in human guts breaking down complex carbohydrates.

In Human Physiology

Anaerobic respiration in humans is primarily observed in muscle cells during high-intensity exercises when oxygen supply cannot meet demand.

  • Muscle Activity:
    • During strenuous exercise, muscles switch to anaerobic respiration.
    • Results in the production of lactic acid, leading to the feeling of muscle burn.

Conclusion of Anaerobic Respiration Processes

Anaerobic respiration, despite its lower efficiency, plays a pivotal role in the survival of many organisms. It enables cells to produce energy in the absence of oxygen, thereby facilitating survival in diverse and challenging environments. Understanding this process is not only crucial for biology students but also has significant implications in various industrial and biotechnological fields.


Anaerobic respiration in muscles, especially during intense exercise, leads to the production of lactic acid. When oxygen supply is insufficient for the demands of vigorous physical activity, muscle cells switch to anaerobic respiration to generate ATP. The accumulation of lactic acid, a by-product of this process, affects muscle performance in several ways. Initially, it enables muscles to continue functioning despite the lack of oxygen, but as lactic acid builds up, it leads to a decrease in pH within muscle cells, contributing to muscle fatigue and discomfort. This acidity interferes with various biochemical reactions, including those involved in muscle contraction, leading to reduced muscle efficiency and performance. Post-exercise, the removal of lactic acid and the repayment of oxygen debt are crucial for muscle recovery and the prevention of muscle soreness.

Anaerobic respiration does occur in plant cells, typically under conditions where oxygen is scarce, such as waterlogged soil. In these environments, the roots of plants may experience hypoxic (low oxygen) or anoxic (no oxygen) conditions, triggering anaerobic respiration. During this process, cells in the plant roots break down sugars anaerobically to produce ATP, essential for survival. However, similar to animal cells, the efficiency of energy production in plants through anaerobic respiration is much lower compared to aerobic respiration. The end products of anaerobic respiration in plants can vary but often include ethanol and carbon dioxide, similar to yeast cells. This process is not ideal for long-term survival but serves as a temporary solution until oxygen levels are restored.

Anaerobic respiration in microorganisms plays a vital role in various ecological processes, particularly in environments where oxygen is limited or absent, such as deep-sea vents, swamps, and inside the guts of animals. These microorganisms, such as bacteria and archaea, use anaerobic respiration to break down organic materials, contributing to nutrient cycling and energy flow within ecosystems. For instance, methanogens in wetlands perform anaerobic respiration to produce methane, a significant component of natural gas. Similarly, anaerobic bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract of animals help in digesting complex carbohydrates, aiding in nutrient absorption. These processes are essential for the maintenance of ecological balance, highlighting the crucial role of anaerobic respiration in sustaining diverse life forms in various habitats.

In anaerobic respiration, the fate of pyruvate produced during glycolysis depends on the type of cell. In muscle cells, pyruvate is converted into lactic acid. This conversion is crucial as it regenerates NAD+, which is needed for glycolysis to continue in the absence of oxygen. However, the accumulation of lactic acid can lead to muscle fatigue and soreness. In yeast cells, pyruvate undergoes a different process, leading to the production of ethanol and carbon dioxide. This conversion also regenerates NAD+ for glycolysis to proceed. These differing pathways in various cell types highlight the adaptability of cells to their environments. The regeneration of NAD+ is vital as it ensures the continuation of glycolysis, thereby providing a steady, though limited, supply of ATP under anaerobic conditions.

Anaerobic respiration is considered less efficient than aerobic respiration due to its limited ability to extract energy from glucose. In aerobic respiration, glucose undergoes a complete oxidation process, involving glycolysis, the Krebs cycle, and the electron transport chain, leading to the production of approximately 38 ATP molecules per glucose molecule. However, in anaerobic respiration, the absence of oxygen halts the process post-glycolysis. As a result, glucose is only partially broken down, yielding a mere 2 ATP molecules per glucose molecule. This partial breakdown means that a significant amount of the potential energy within glucose remains untapped in anaerobic respiration. Additionally, the end products of anaerobic respiration, such as lactic acid in muscle cells or ethanol and carbon dioxide in yeast, do not contribute further to ATP production, whereas in aerobic respiration, the complete breakdown of glucose ensures maximal energy extraction.

Practice Questions

Describe the process of anaerobic respiration in cells, highlighting the differences in energy yield when compared to aerobic respiration.

Anaerobic respiration is the process where cells break down glucose into energy in the absence of oxygen. Unlike aerobic respiration, which yields approximately 38 ATP molecules per glucose molecule due to the complete oxidation of glucose, anaerobic respiration produces only 2 ATP molecules per glucose molecule. This significant difference in energy yield is due to the fact that anaerobic respiration results in the partial breakdown of glucose, leading to a much less efficient production of energy. This process is crucial for cells in environments where oxygen is scarce, allowing them to maintain essential functions despite the lower energy yield.

Explain the importance of glycolysis in the process of anaerobic respiration.

Glycolysis plays a crucial role in anaerobic respiration as it is the first step in the breakdown of glucose to produce energy. This process occurs in the cytoplasm and does not require oxygen, making it essential for anaerobic respiration. During glycolysis, one molecule of glucose is converted into two molecules of pyruvate, resulting in a net gain of 2 ATP molecules. This is particularly important in anaerobic conditions, as glycolysis becomes the primary source of ATP production in the absence of oxygen. Therefore, glycolysis facilitates the continuation of energy production in cells when aerobic respiration cannot occur due to a lack of oxygen.

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