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CIE IGCSE Biology Notes

9.4.4 Immune Functions of Blood

The blood is an essential component of the immune system, serving as a conduit for cells and substances that protect the body against infections and diseases. This section delves into the immune functions of blood, focusing on the roles of lymphocytes and phagocytes in antibody production and the destruction of pathogens through phagocytosis.

Lymphocytes: Key Players in Adaptive Immunity

Lymphocytes, a pivotal type of white blood cells, play a central role in the adaptive immune response, which is specific and memory-based.

Types of Lymphocytes and Their Functions

  • B-lymphocytes (B-cells): These cells are primarily involved in the production of antibodies. Each B-cell has unique receptors that bind to specific antigens. Upon encountering their specific antigen, they become activated and differentiate into plasma cells, which secrete antibodies.
  • T-lymphocytes (T-cells): T-cells are involved in directly killing infected cells or assisting other immune cells. They are further divided into:
    • Helper T-cells (Th cells): These cells aid in activating B-cells and other immune cells.
    • Cytotoxic T-cells (Tc cells): They specialise in killing virus-infected cells and tumour cells.
    • Regulatory T-cells (Treg cells): They help in regulating the immune response and preventing autoimmune diseases.
B lymphocytes and T Lymphocytes

Image courtesy of PH-HY

Antibody Production Process

  • Activation: B-cells are activated when their receptors bind to an antigen, often with the help of helper T-cells.
  • Proliferation: Activated B-cells proliferate, forming a clone of cells that can produce the same antibody.
  • Differentiation: These cells then differentiate into plasma cells.
  • Antibody Secretion: Plasma cells secrete antibodies, which circulate in the blood and lymph, binding to antigens.
  • Mechanism of Action: Antibodies neutralise pathogens by blocking their ability to infect cells and tagging them for destruction by other immune cells.

Phagocytes: Frontline Defenders in Innate Immunity

Phagocytes are essential in the innate immune response, providing the first line of defence against invading pathogens through the process of phagocytosis.

Types of Phagocytes and Their Roles

  • Neutrophils: Rapid responders to infection, they are capable of engulfing and killing microbes.
  • Macrophages: These cells not only engulf pathogens but also play a role in alerting the rest of the immune system to the presence of invaders.
  • Dendritic Cells: They capture antigens and migrate to lymph nodes to present them to T-cells, linking innate and adaptive immunity.

Steps in Phagocytosis

  • Pathogen Recognition: Phagocytes identify pathogens using pattern recognition receptors.
  • Engulfment: The phagocyte surrounds and engulfs the pathogen in a process called endocytosis, forming a phagosome.
  • Digestion: Lysosomes fuse with the phagosome, forming a phagolysosome where enzymes and toxic peroxides digest the pathogen.
  • Exocytosis: Undigested materials are expelled from the phagocyte.
Phagocytosis by Macrophages

Image courtesy of MDPI


Interaction Between Lymphocytes and Phagocytes

The adaptive and innate branches of the immune system work in concert, with lymphocytes and phagocytes playing interconnected roles.

  • Antigen Presentation: Phagocytes process and present antigen fragments on their surface, which are recognised by T-cells, particularly helper T-cells.
  • Activation of Lymphocytes: This antigen presentation is critical for the activation of T-cells, which in turn can activate B-cells.
  • Cooperation in Response: Antibodies produced by B-cells can tag pathogens, making them easier targets for phagocytes. This process is known as opsonisation.

Immune Memory

One of the most remarkable aspects of the immune response involving lymphocytes is the development of immunological memory.

  • Memory Cells: After an initial response to a specific pathogen, some of the lymphocytes become long-lived memory cells.
  • Rapid Response: Upon re-exposure to the same pathogen, these memory cells can mount a faster and more robust response.
  • Vaccination: This principle is the basis for vaccination, where a harmless form of the antigen is used to generate memory cells without causing the disease.
A diagram showing B-cells transformation into plasma cells and differentiation into memory cell.

Image courtesy of OpenStax College

Regulation and Balance in Immune Responses

The immune system is regulated to prevent excessive responses that could harm the body.

  • Tolerance: The immune system typically learns to distinguish between self and non-self antigens, preventing autoimmune reactions.
  • Regulatory Mechanisms: Regulatory T-cells and other mechanisms ensure that the immune response is proportional to the threat and does not damage healthy tissues.


In summary, the immune functions of blood, primarily mediated by lymphocytes and phagocytes, form a sophisticated defence system. Lymphocytes are crucial in recognising specific pathogens and remembering them, while phagocytes are the first line of defence, rapidly responding to and engulfing invaders. The coordination between these cells ensures an efficient and targeted immune response, safeguarding the body against a vast array of pathogens. Understanding these mechanisms is fundamental to appreciating the complex nature of the human immune system.


Antibodies, produced by plasma cells derived from B-lymphocytes, play multiple roles in the immune response beyond just neutralising pathogens. One crucial function is opsonisation, where antibodies bind to the surface of pathogens and mark them for phagocytosis. This marking enhances the ability of phagocytes like macrophages and neutrophils to recognise and engulf the pathogens more efficiently. Additionally, antibodies can activate the complement system, a group of proteins in the blood that assists in destroying bacteria, viruses, and infected cells. The complement system can lyse pathogens directly or facilitate their phagocytosis and clearance from the body. Moreover, antibodies can immobilise pathogens by binding to them and preventing them from entering or damaging host cells. Thus, antibodies are versatile tools of the immune system, acting as detectors, markers, and activators of other immune responses.

Memory cells are a critical component of the adaptive immune system, providing long-lasting immunity. They are a specialised subset of lymphocytes that remain in the body long after an infection has been cleared. These cells retain a 'memory' of the specific antigens they encountered during the initial infection. Upon re-exposure to the same antigen, memory cells can rapidly mount a more effective and quicker immune response compared to the primary response. This is because they do not require the same level of activation as naive lymphocytes. Memory B-cells can quickly differentiate into plasma cells and produce large amounts of antibodies, while memory T-cells can rapidly proliferate and exert their effector functions. This rapid and enhanced response often neutralises the pathogen before it can cause significant harm, providing the basis for the effectiveness of vaccines.

The antigen-presenting function of phagocytes is a critical bridge between the innate and adaptive immune responses. After phagocytes like macrophages and dendritic cells engulf and digest pathogens through phagocytosis, they process the antigens from these pathogens and present them on their surface bound to major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules. This presentation is crucial for the activation of T-cells, especially helper T-cells. When a T-cell receptor recognises and binds to the antigen-MHC complex on the phagocyte, the T-cell becomes activated. This activation is a key step in initiating the adaptive immune response, leading to further activation of other immune cells, including B-cells for antibody production and cytotoxic T-cells for direct pathogen destruction. This antigen presentation thus links the immediate, non-specific responses of the innate immune system with the specific, targeted responses of the adaptive immune system, ensuring a coordinated and effective defense against pathogens.

T-helper cells and T-cytotoxic cells are both types of T-lymphocytes but have distinct roles in the immune system. T-helper cells, also known as CD4+ cells, primarily help other cells in the immune response. They do not directly kill infected cells but play a crucial role in activating and directing other immune cells, including B-cells for antibody production and macrophages for enhanced phagocytosis. T-helper cells release cytokines, which are chemical messengers that help regulate the immune response. On the other hand, T-cytotoxic cells, or CD8+ cells, directly attack and destroy cells that are infected by viruses or have become cancerous. They do this by recognising infected cells and releasing substances like perforin and granzymes, which induce apoptosis (cell death) in the infected cells. Thus, while T-helper cells coordinate the immune response, T-cytotoxic cells are the executors that directly eliminate the threat.

Lymphocytes recognise specific antigens through unique receptors on their surfaces. Each lymphocyte has receptors that are specific to a particular antigen. This specificity is a result of the genetic rearrangement that occurs during lymphocyte development, leading to a diverse range of receptors, each tailored to recognise a different antigen. When a lymphocyte encounters an antigen that matches its receptor, it binds to the antigen. This binding is the initial step in the immune response, leading to the activation of the lymphocyte. In the case of B-cells, this activation triggers antibody production, whereas for T-cells, it leads to cell-mediated immune responses. The specificity of these receptors is fundamental to the adaptive immune system's ability to recognise and remember specific pathogens, providing targeted and efficient immune responses.

Practice Questions

Describe the process of phagocytosis as performed by a macrophage.

A macrophage, a type of phagocyte, plays a crucial role in the innate immune response through phagocytosis. The process begins with the recognition of a pathogen, which the macrophage identifies using specific receptors on its surface. Once recognised, the macrophage engulfs the pathogen by extending its membrane around it, forming a vesicle known as a phagosome. The phagosome then fuses with lysosomes, creating a phagolysosome where the pathogen is exposed to destructive enzymes and toxic peroxides. This leads to the digestion of the pathogen. Finally, undigested and waste materials are expelled from the macrophage through exocytosis. This process is essential in the body's first line of defence against infection.

Explain the role of B-lymphocytes in the adaptive immune response.

B-lymphocytes, or B-cells, are a key component of the adaptive immune response. They are responsible for producing antibodies against specific antigens. When a B-cell encounters an antigen that matches its receptors, it becomes activated. This activation leads to the B-cell proliferating and differentiating into plasma cells. These plasma cells are specialised in producing and secreting large quantities of antibodies specific to the encountered antigen. The antibodies then circulate in the blood and lymph, binding to the antigen. This binding neutralises the pathogen and tags it for destruction by other immune cells. The role of B-cells and their antibodies is crucial in identifying, targeting, and neutralising specific pathogens in the body.

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