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CIE IGCSE Biology Notes

19.1.1 Source of Energy

Understanding the Sun as the primary source of energy for biological systems is fundamental in comprehending the intricate workings of life on Earth. This segment of study notes delves into the mechanisms by which solar energy is harnessed and transformed within biological systems, forming the basis of energy flow in ecosystems.

The Sun: Earth's Primary Energy Source

The Sun's energy is indispensable for the maintenance of life on Earth. It is not just a celestial body emitting light and heat, but a powerhouse that fuels numerous biological and ecological processes.

  • Key Functions:
  • Photosynthesis: The primary process through which light energy is converted to chemical energy in plants and some microorganisms.
  • Climate and Weather Influence: Solar energy plays a crucial role in shaping global weather patterns and climates, indirectly affecting biological systems.

Conversion of Solar Energy into Chemical Energy

The transformation of solar energy into a form usable by living organisms is a pivotal process in ecology and biology.

Photosynthesis - The Fundamental Process

Photosynthesis is the primary method by which solar energy is converted into chemical energy in the form of glucose, a process essential for life on Earth.

  • Chlorophyll and Light Absorption:
    • Chlorophyll, located in the chloroplasts of plant cells, is the pigment that absorbs light. It is primarily responsible for capturing solar energy.
    • Different pigments absorb different wavelengths of light, allowing plants to utilize a range of light energies.
  • Photosynthetic Reaction:
    • The general equation: 6CO₂ + 6H₂O + light energy → C₆H₁₂O₆ + 6O₂.
    • This process converts carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen, using sunlight as the energy source.
Illustration of the Process of photosynthesis

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Stages of Photosynthesis

Photosynthesis consists of two main stages: the light-dependent reactions and the light-independent reactions (Calvin Cycle).

  • Light-Dependent Reactions:
    • These reactions occur in the thylakoid membranes.
    • They use light energy to produce ATP and NADPH, which are energy carriers.
  • Light-Independent Reactions (Calvin Cycle):
    • Occurring in the stroma, these reactions do not require light directly.
    • They use the ATP and NADPH from the light-dependent reactions to convert CO₂ into glucose.
Light-independent reactions and Light-dependent reactions

Image courtesy of CNX OpenStax

Cellular Respiration: Releasing Energy from Glucose

The energy stored in glucose is not immediately usable by organisms. It is released through cellular respiration, a process that occurs in all living organisms.

  • Process Description:
    • Cellular respiration converts glucose into ATP, the primary energy currency of the cell.
    • The overall reaction: C₆H₁₂O₆ + 6O₂ → 6CO₂ + 6H₂O + energy (ATP).
  • Stages:
    • Glycolysis, the Krebs cycle, and the Electron Transport Chain are the three main stages of cellular respiration.
  • ATP Production:
    • ATP produced during cellular respiration powers various cellular activities, from muscle contraction to nerve impulse propagation.

Energy Flow in Ecosystems: From the Sun to Organisms

Energy flow in ecosystems begins with the absorption of solar energy by producers and its subsequent transfer through various trophic levels.

  • Trophic Levels:
    • Producers: These are primarily green plants and algae that convert solar energy into chemical energy.
    • Consumers: These organisms, ranging from herbivores to carnivores, obtain their energy by consuming other organisms.

Energy Transfer and Efficiency

The transfer of energy in an ecosystem is not 100% efficient. Energy is lost at each trophic level, primarily as heat.

  • Energy Loss:
    • A significant portion of energy is lost to the environment during metabolic processes like respiration and movement.
    • Only about 10% of the energy is typically passed on to the next trophic level.
  • Efficiency Factors:
    • The efficiency of energy transfer between trophic levels varies depending on the ecosystem and the organisms involved.
    • Factors affecting this efficiency include the type of organism, the quality of the food source, and the organism's metabolic rate.
Ecological Pyramid- Classification of Organisms by Trophic Levels

Image courtesy of CK-12 Foundation

Human Influence on Energy Flow

Human activities have a profound impact on natural energy flows within ecosystems, affecting everything from individual species to entire food webs.

  • Agricultural Impact:
    • Farming practices have altered the natural flow of energy. By cultivating plants and rearing animals, humans redirect energy that would otherwise flow through natural food webs.
    • The use of fertilizers and other agricultural technologies has increased the productivity of ecosystems, but also led to ecological imbalances.
  • Environmental Concerns:
    • Activities like deforestation, urbanization, and pollution disrupt natural energy flows.
    • These disruptions can lead to declines in biodiversity, changes in species distribution, and alterations in ecosystem functioning.


In summary, the Sun serves as the primary source of energy for all life on Earth. The process of photosynthesis captures this energy, setting off a chain of energy transfers that sustains ecosystems. Understanding these processes and the impact of human activities on them is crucial for maintaining ecological balance and biodiversity.


Cellular respiration and photosynthesis are complementary processes in the energy cycle of an ecosystem. Photosynthesis captures solar energy, converting it into chemical energy stored in glucose, while cellular respiration releases this stored energy for use by the organism. In respiration, glucose is broken down in the presence of oxygen to produce carbon dioxide, water, and ATP. This process not only provides energy for all cellular activities but also recycles the carbon dioxide necessary for photosynthesis. Essentially, the two processes form a biological cycle where the products of one process become the reactants of the other. This interdependence maintains the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, essential for life on Earth. Furthermore, the energy transfer facilitated by these processes drives the flow of energy through different trophic levels in an ecosystem.

The Calvin Cycle is termed 'light-independent' or 'dark' because it does not require light directly to proceed. However, it relies on ATP and NADPH, produced in the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis. Taking place in the stroma of chloroplasts, the Calvin Cycle utilises atmospheric CO₂, converting it into glucose. The process involves three main phases: carbon fixation, reduction and carbohydrate formation, and regeneration of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP). Enzyme RuBisCO facilitates the initial fixation of CO₂ into an organic molecule. Subsequently, the energy from ATP and electrons from NADPH are used to reduce this molecule, eventually forming glucose. The cycle also regenerates RuBP, ensuring a continuous process. The Calvin Cycle's role is pivotal in synthesising glucose, which serves as an essential energy source for the organism and as a building block for other organic compounds.

Accessory pigments such as carotenoids play a significant role in enhancing the efficiency of photosynthesis. They absorb light wavelengths that chlorophyll cannot, effectively broadening the spectrum of light that can be used for photosynthesis. Carotenoids, including beta-carotene and lutein, absorb light in the blue-green to green range. This allows plants to capture additional solar energy, particularly in conditions where sunlight is filtered through leaves or in deeper water where light intensity is lower. Besides, carotenoids have a protective function; they help dissipate excess light energy that could otherwise damage the photosynthetic apparatus or lead to the formation of harmful reactive oxygen species. This protective role is crucial under conditions of intense light, preventing photoinhibition and ensuring the longevity and efficiency of the photosynthetic machinery.

The Electron Transport Chain (ETC) in photosynthesis is pivotal in transforming solar energy into chemical energy. Located in the thylakoid membrane of chloroplasts, it comprises a series of protein complexes and electron carriers. When light energy is absorbed by chlorophyll, it excites electrons to a higher energy level. These high-energy electrons are then passed along the ETC, releasing energy at each step. This energy is used to pump protons across the thylakoid membrane, creating a proton gradient. The return of protons back into the stroma through ATP synthase drives the synthesis of ATP from ADP and inorganic phosphate. The ETC culminates in the reduction of NADP⁺ to NADPH. Both ATP and NADPH are essential for the Calvin Cycle, where CO₂ is converted into glucose. The ETC's efficiency in energy conversion is fundamental to sustaining the high energy demands of living organisms.

Different pigments in plants, primarily chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, and carotenoids, play a crucial role in optimising the absorption of light for photosynthesis. Chlorophyll a, the primary pigment, absorbs mainly blue-violet and red light, while chlorophyll b absorbs blue and orange light, complementing chlorophyll a's absorption spectrum. Carotenoids, including beta-carotene and xanthophylls, absorb light in the blue-green spectrum and provide a protective role by dissipating excess light energy that could damage chlorophyll or interact with oxygen to form reactive oxidative molecules. The diversity of pigments allows plants to utilise a broader range of the solar spectrum, enhancing their ability to capture light energy. This arrangement is particularly beneficial in different environments where light intensity and quality vary, ensuring efficient energy capture for photosynthesis.

Practice Questions

Explain how light energy is converted into chemical energy during photosynthesis. Include the roles of chlorophyll, ATP, and NADPH in your answer.

In photosynthesis, chlorophyll and other pigments absorb sunlight, initiating the process of converting light energy into chemical energy. This occurs in two main stages: the light-dependent reactions and the light-independent reactions (Calvin Cycle). During the light-dependent reactions, the absorbed light energy excites electrons in chlorophyll, which are then passed along an electron transport chain, creating a proton gradient across the thylakoid membrane. This gradient drives the synthesis of ATP via ATP synthase. Simultaneously, NADP⁺ is reduced to NADPH. These two molecules, ATP and NADPH, are then used in the Calvin Cycle to convert carbon dioxide into glucose, effectively storing energy in a chemical form.

Describe the importance of the Calvin Cycle in photosynthesis and outline its main steps.

The Calvin Cycle is a crucial part of photosynthesis, responsible for converting carbon dioxide into glucose using the ATP and NADPH produced in the light-dependent reactions. This cycle occurs in three main steps. Firstly, carbon fixation, where the enzyme RuBisCO incorporates carbon dioxide into an organic molecule. Secondly, the reduction phase, where the energy from ATP and electrons from NADPH are used to convert the fixed carbon into a carbohydrate. Lastly, the regeneration phase, where some of the carbohydrates are used to regenerate ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP), the molecule that accepts CO₂ in the first step. This continuous cycle enables plants to synthesise glucose, a vital energy source for various biological processes.

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