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CIE IGCSE Biology Notes

19.3.1 The Carbon Cycle

The Carbon Cycle is an intricate and essential process in Earth's ecosystem, involving the continuous movement of carbon among the atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, and geosphere. This cycle is crucial for maintaining the Earth's carbon balance and is integral for life.

Introduction to Carbon Cycle

Carbon is a fundamental element, forming the backbone of life on Earth. Its cycle through the Earth's various systems is a complex but well-coordinated process. The Carbon Cycle involves several key processes, each playing a vital role in the sustainability of life and the stability of the Earth's climate.


  • Process Details: In this biological process, green plants and some other organisms use sunlight to synthesize nutrients from carbon dioxide and water. Photosynthesis in plants generally involves the green pigment chlorophyll and generates oxygen as a by-product.
  • Importance for Life: This process is not only essential for the growth of plants but also for providing the oxygen necessary for animal life. It is the primary method through which carbon is absorbed from the atmosphere into the biosphere.
Illustration of photosynthesis

Image courtesy of brgfx on freepik


  • Mechanics of the Process: Respiration is the process by which organisms, including plants, animals, and microbes, consume oxygen and glucose to produce carbon dioxide, water, and energy.
  • Role in Carbon Cycle: This process is crucial for maintaining life and balancing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. It acts as a counterbalance to photosynthesis, releasing the carbon stored in organic matter back into the atmosphere.
Cellular respiration equation- a process that uses oxygen and glucose to produce carbon dioxide, water, and energy.

Image courtesy of Christinelmiller


  • Carbon Transfer: When organisms consume other living beings, carbon incorporated in the food becomes part of their own bodies. This includes herbivores eating plants, carnivores eating other animals, and omnivores consuming a mix of both.
  • Cycle Significance: Feeding is a vital step in the transfer of carbon through an ecosystem’s food chain and food web, allowing the movement of carbon from one organism to another.


  • Decomposition Explained: After organisms die, their bodies are broken down by decomposers, such as bacteria and fungi. These decomposers convert organic matter back into carbon dioxide through the process of decomposition.
  • Cycle Role: Decomposition is critical for recycling carbon within the ecosystem, turning dead matter into usable nutrients that can be reabsorbed by plants.


  • Natural and Human-induced Combustion: Combustion can occur naturally, as in wildfires, or be caused by humans, like burning fossil fuels for energy. This process releases carbon dioxide and other gases back into the atmosphere.
  • Impact on Carbon Levels: The human-induced combustion of fossil fuels is a major contributor to the increased levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which is a significant factor in global warming.

Human Impact on the Carbon Cycle

  • Fossil Fuel Use and CO₂ Emissions: The extensive use of fossil fuels in industries, transportation, and other human activities has led to a significant increase in CO₂ emissions, altering the natural carbon cycle.
  • Consequences of Increased CO₂: The excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere acts as a greenhouse gas, trapping heat and leading to global warming and climate change.
  • Mitigation Strategies: Efforts are being made worldwide to reduce carbon emissions, such as developing renewable energy sources and promoting reforestation.
Carbon dioxide emissions by industries, transportation, and other human activities

Image courtesy of freepik

Carbon Sinks

  • Concept of Carbon Sinks: A carbon sink is a natural or artificial reservoir that absorbs and stores the Earth's carbon. They play a crucial role in the carbon cycle by helping to offset greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Major Sinks: Oceans, forests, and soil are major carbon sinks. They absorb more carbon than they release, thus helping to mitigate the effects of excess greenhouse gases.

The Role of the Ocean

  • Oceanic Carbon Absorption: Oceans are the largest carbon sink, absorbing a significant amount of CO₂ from the atmosphere. This process helps regulate global climate.
  • Carbonate Chemistry and Marine Life: The ocean stores carbon in various forms, including bicarbonate and carbonate ions. Marine organisms like phytoplankton contribute significantly to the oceanic carbon cycle through photosynthesis.
Ocean carbonate storage- carbon sinks

Image courtesy of NOAA/AOML - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


The Role of Soil

  • Soil as a Carbon Storage: Soil is another major carbon sink, storing organic carbon from dead plant and animal matter.
  • Soil Microorganisms and Carbon Release: Microorganisms in the soil play a key role in decomposing organic matter, which releases carbon back into the atmosphere or turns it into soil nutrients.

The Importance of Forests

  • Forests and Carbon Sequestration: Forests, especially tropical rainforests, are significant carbon sinks. They absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere through photosynthesis and store it in plant biomass.
  • Impact of Deforestation: Deforestation and forest degradation release large amounts of stored carbon back into the atmosphere, contributing to global warming.
Picture of Forest/ tropical rainforest

Image courtesy of rawpixel.com/Jubjang

Challenges and Future Perspectives

  • Preserving the Carbon Cycle: It's crucial to preserve the natural carbon cycle to prevent adverse effects on the climate.
  • Promoting Sustainable Practices: Sustainable energy use, responsible land management, and conservation efforts are essential to maintain the balance of the carbon cycle.

Understanding the Carbon Cycle is vital for IGCSE Biology students. It provides insight into how carbon is essential for life on Earth and how its balance is crucial for climate regulation. This knowledge underscores the interconnectedness of living organisms with their environment and the importance of sustainable environmental practices.


Changes in land use, particularly deforestation and urbanisation, significantly impact the carbon cycle. Deforestation, the removal of large areas of forests, directly affects the carbon cycle by reducing the number of trees that can absorb CO₂ from the atmosphere through photosynthesis. This not only increases the amount of CO₂ in the atmosphere but also means that less carbon is stored in trees and soil. When forests are replaced with agricultural land or urban areas, the carbon storage capacity of these areas is greatly reduced. Urbanisation contributes to the carbon cycle disruption by increasing the demand for fossil fuels, leading to higher CO₂ emissions. Furthermore, the construction and maintenance of urban infrastructure result in significant carbon emissions. These changes in land use contribute to an imbalance in the carbon cycle, exacerbating global warming and climate change.

The burning of fossil fuels disrupts the carbon cycle in a more profound way compared to natural processes like wildfires. Fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas, are essentially carbon that has been stored underground for millions of years. When these fuels are burnt, they release this stored carbon into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide, significantly increasing the atmospheric concentration of this greenhouse gas. Unlike wildfires, which are part of the natural carbon cycle and typically result in the release of carbon that is quickly reabsorbed by plant regrowth, the carbon released from fossil fuels does not have an immediate natural pathway for reabsorption. This leads to an accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, contributing to the greenhouse effect and climate change. In contrast, wildfires, although they can be severe and destructive, generally have a temporary impact on the carbon cycle, with ecosystems usually recovering and resequestering the carbon over time.

Oceans play a crucial role in regulating the carbon cycle. They absorb about a quarter of the carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere by human activities, making them a major carbon sink. This absorption is a critical process in moderating global climate change. However, increased levels of atmospheric CO₂ affect oceans in two significant ways. Firstly, as oceans absorb more CO₂, they become more acidic. Ocean acidification can have detrimental effects on marine life, particularly organisms with calcium carbonate shells or skeletons, such as corals and some plankton species. These organisms are crucial for the marine food web and their decline can have cascading effects on the entire marine ecosystem. Secondly, warmer global temperatures, a result of increased greenhouse gases, lead to ocean warming. Warmer oceans absorb less CO₂ and can lead to the release of previously stored carbon, further exacerbating global warming. These changes not only disrupt the carbon cycle but also threaten the health and diversity of marine ecosystems.

Human-engineered processes, often referred to as carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies, aim to mitigate carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere by mimicking natural carbon sinks. These technologies involve capturing CO₂ emissions from sources like power plants and industrial processes, transporting it to a storage site, and depositing it where it will not enter the atmosphere, often in deep geological formations. While CCS technologies are promising, they are still in developmental stages and face several challenges. These include high costs, energy requirements, and concerns about the long-term stability and safety of CO₂ storage sites. Moreover, these technologies do not address the root causes of high CO₂ emissions, such as fossil fuel dependence. Therefore, while CCS can be part of the solution, it is not a substitute for reducing emissions through sustainable practices like renewable energy usage, energy efficiency improvements, and behavioural changes.

The increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide, primarily due to human activities such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation, has a significant impact on the carbon cycle. The excess carbon dioxide enhances the greenhouse effect, leading to global warming and climate change. This disturbs the delicate balance of the carbon cycle. For instance, higher levels of CO₂ in the atmosphere can accelerate plant growth (a phenomenon known as CO₂ fertilisation), altering the rate of photosynthesis and potentially impacting the food chain and biodiversity. Additionally, increased CO₂ levels in the atmosphere lead to ocean acidification. As oceans absorb more CO₂, it reacts with seawater to form carbonic acid, which lowers the pH of the water, affecting marine life and coral reefs. These changes can disrupt the entire carbon cycle, affecting not just the climate but also the health of various ecosystems on which life depends.

Practice Questions

Explain the process of photosynthesis and its importance in the carbon cycle.

Photosynthesis is a critical process where green plants and some other organisms use sunlight to synthesise nutrients from carbon dioxide and water. It occurs in the chloroplasts of plant cells, where chlorophyll captures sunlight, enabling the transformation of carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen. This process is vital in the carbon cycle as it is the primary method through which carbon is absorbed from the atmosphere into the biosphere. Photosynthesis not only supports the growth of plants but also supplies oxygen, essential for animal life. Additionally, it helps regulate atmospheric carbon dioxide levels, impacting global climate conditions.

Describe the role of decomposition in the carbon cycle and state its significance.

Decomposition plays a pivotal role in the carbon cycle. It involves the breakdown of dead organic matter by decomposers, such as bacteria and fungi, into simpler substances. This process releases carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere or soil, making it available for use in other processes like photosynthesis. Decomposition is significant as it recycles carbon, ensuring its continuous flow through the ecosystem. Without decomposition, carbon would remain locked in dead organisms, disrupting the balance of the carbon cycle. It also contributes to soil fertility by returning nutrients, promoting plant growth and thus aiding the continuous cycling of carbon.

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