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CIE IGCSE Biology Notes

17.2.1 Process and Role of Mitosis

Mitosis is a pivotal process in eukaryotic cell division, crucial for generating genetically identical cells. This detailed exploration offers insights into its stages and significance.

Introduction to Mitosis

Mitosis is a central process in cell biology, fundamental to the life of eukaryotic organisms. It involves the division of a cell's nucleus to produce two daughter cells, each with an identical set of chromosomes. This process is key in growth, tissue repair, cell replacement, and asexual reproduction, facilitating the maintenance and propagation of life. Understanding mitosis is not just a biological necessity but also a gateway to appreciating the intricacies of life at the cellular level.

Detailed Stages of Mitosis

1. Prophase

  • Initiation: Prophase marks the beginning of mitosis. Here, chromatin, composed of DNA and proteins, condenses into visible chromosomes.
  • Structural Changes: The nuclear envelope, which encloses the nucleus, disintegrates. This breakdown is crucial for the spindle fibres to access chromosomes.
  • Spindle Apparatus Formation: Centrosomes, cell structures, move to opposite poles, forming spindle fibres. These are essential for chromosome movement.
Prophase initiating mitosis

Image courtesy of Kelvinsong

2. Metaphase

  • Chromosome Alignment: Chromosomes, each consisting of two sister chromatids, align at the metaphase plate, an imaginary line equidistant from the spindle's two poles.
  • Kinetochores and Spindle Fibres: Spindle fibres attach to kinetochores, protein structures on the centromeres of chromosomes. This attachment is vital for subsequent chromosome separation.
Metaphase of cell cycle

Image courtesy of Kelvinsong

3. Anaphase

  • Sister Chromatid Separation: The spindle fibres shorten, and the centromeres split. Sister chromatids, now individual chromosomes, move to opposite poles.
  • Cell Elongation: The cell elongates due to the spindle fibres' action, preparing for cell division.
Anaphase of cell cycle

Image courtesy of Kelvinsong

4. Telophase

  • Reformation of Nuclei: Two new nuclear membranes form around the separated chromosomes at each pole, signalling the end of nuclear division.
  • Chromosomal Relaxation: Chromosomes decondense back into less visible chromatin, preparing for the next cell cycle phase.

5. Cytokinesis (Closely Linked to Mitosis)

  • Division of Cytoplasm: This final stage involves the division of the cell's cytoplasm, resulting in two separate daughter cells.
  • Formation of Cleavage Furrow: In animal cells, a cleavage furrow forms, which pinches the cell into two. In plant cells, a cell plate forms, leading to cell division.
Telophase and cytokinesis of cell cycle

Image courtesy of Kelvinsong

Comprehensive Roles of Mitosis


  • Cell Multiplication: Mitosis allows cells to multiply, facilitating the organism's growth from a zygote to a fully developed individual.
  • Developmental Stages: Different stages of development, from embryonic to adult stages, rely heavily on mitotic cell division.

Tissue Repair and Regeneration

  • Healing Mechanism: In response to injury, mitotic division replaces damaged or dead cells, essential for wound healing.
  • Regenerative Capacity: Some species exhibit remarkable regenerative abilities through mitotic division, like starfish regenerating lost arms.

Cell Replacement

  • Lifespan of Cells: Given the limited lifespan of many cell types, such as skin cells and blood cells, mitosis is crucial for their regular renewal.
  • Homeostasis: Continuous cell replacement through mitosis is vital for maintaining homeostasis in the body.

Asexual Reproduction

  • Reproduction in Single-Celled Organisms: Many unicellular organisms reproduce asexually through mitosis, ensuring the survival and propagation of their species.
  • Clonal Populations: In some plants and fungi, mitosis leads to the formation of genetically identical populations, beneficial in stable environmental conditions.
Diagram showing asexual reproduction

Image courtesy of SadiesBurrow

Key Characteristics of Mitosis

  • Genetic Fidelity: Mitosis ensures that each daughter cell receives an exact copy of the parent cell's genetic material.
  • Regulation: The process is tightly regulated by the cell cycle, ensuring proper timing and fidelity of division.
  • Interphase Relationship: Mitosis is closely connected with interphase, where the cell prepares for division by growing and replicating its DNA.
Cell cycle phases.

Image courtesy of ellepigrafica

Importance in Biology and Medicine

  • Cancer Research: Aberrations in mitosis can lead to uncontrolled cell division, characteristic of cancer. Understanding these mechanisms is crucial for developing cancer treatments.
  • Genetic Studies and Evolution: Insights into mitotic processes help in understanding evolutionary processes and genetic inheritance.
  • Stem Cell Research: Knowledge of mitotic division is fundamental in stem cell research, with implications in regenerative medicine and tissue engineering.

Mitosis vs. Meiosis Comparison

  • Purpose and Outcome: Mitosis serves for growth and maintenance, producing identical cells, while meiosis is for sexual reproduction, creating genetic diversity.
  • Cell Type: Mitosis occurs in somatic (body) cells, whereas meiosis is restricted to germ (reproductive) cells.


Mitosis is an intricate and highly regulated process essential for life. It underpins many biological functions, from individual growth to the maintenance of species. The fidelity and precision of mitosis ensure the continuity of genetic information across generations, making it a cornerstone of biological understanding and medical research. Its study not only provides insights into the fundamental aspects of life but also has far-reaching implications in health and disease management.


External factors can significantly influence the rate of mitosis in cells. Growth factors, which are proteins that stimulate cell growth and division, can accelerate the rate of mitosis. For example, the presence of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) is known to stimulate the division of fibroblasts during wound healing. Hormones, such as human growth hormone, also play a role in regulating cell division. Environmental conditions like temperature, oxygen availability, and nutrient supply can affect mitotic rates. Higher temperatures often increase enzymatic activities, thereby speeding up cell division. However, extreme temperatures or lack of nutrients can inhibit mitosis. Additionally, chemicals and radiation can either stimulate or inhibit mitosis. For instance, certain chemotherapy drugs intentionally slow down or stop mitosis in cancer cells, while radiation can damage DNA, affecting the cell's ability to divide properly.

The G2 checkpoint, located at the end of the G2 phase of the cell cycle, is crucial for ensuring that cells are fully prepared to enter mitosis. This checkpoint serves several key functions: It checks for DNA damage, ensuring that all genetic material has been accurately replicated without errors during the S phase. If DNA damage is detected, the cell cycle is halted, and repair mechanisms are activated. The G2 checkpoint also ensures that the cell has achieved adequate size and has produced enough proteins and organelles to supply to each daughter cell. Only after passing the G2 checkpoint can a cell proceed to mitosis. This regulation is vital for maintaining genetic stability and preventing the propagation of damaged or incomplete genetic material, which could lead to diseases such as cancer.

Mitosis plays a complex role in the aging process of an organism. On one hand, the ability of cells to undergo mitosis is essential for replacing old, worn-out cells, thereby maintaining tissue function and delaying the aging process. However, as organisms age, their cells' ability to undergo mitosis effectively decreases. This decline can be due to the shortening of telomeres, protective structures at the ends of chromosomes, which become shorter with each cell division. Once telomeres reach a critically short length, cells enter a state called replicative senescence, where they no longer divide. This accumulation of senescent cells contributes to the aging process, leading to decreased tissue repair and regeneration capabilities. Furthermore, the reduced efficiency of the cell's repair mechanisms over time increases the likelihood of mutations during cell division, which can lead to age-related diseases such as cancer. Understanding the relationship between mitosis and aging is crucial for developing strategies to combat age-related degeneration and diseases.

Mitosis ensures genetic stability primarily through the accurate replication and equal distribution of chromosomes to the daughter cells. Each chromosome is duplicated during the S phase of the cell cycle, ensuring that each daughter cell receives an exact copy. During mitosis, particularly in metaphase and anaphase, the chromosomes are aligned and separated with high fidelity, preventing loss or duplication of chromosomes. However, errors can occur, leading to genetic instability. For instance, nondisjunction, where chromosomes fail to separate properly during anaphase, can result in one daughter cell with an extra chromosome and the other with one less, a condition known as aneuploidy. This can cause genetic disorders like Down syndrome. Additionally, mutations during DNA replication, improper spindle formation, or errors in the cell cycle checkpoints can also compromise genetic stability, potentially leading to cancerous growths or cell death.

Cytokinesis, the process of cytoplasmic division that follows mitosis, differs significantly between plant and animal cells. In animal cells, cytokinesis occurs through the formation of a cleavage furrow. This furrow is created by the contraction of actin and myosin filaments that pinch the cell membrane inward, eventually dividing the cell into two. In contrast, plant cells, due to their rigid cell walls, cannot form a cleavage furrow. Instead, a cell plate forms at the site of the metaphase plate. Vesicles from the Golgi apparatus coalesce at the centre of the cell, depositing cell wall materials. This cell plate gradually expands outward until it merges with the cell wall, thereby dividing the cell into two. This process results in the formation of a new cell wall, segregating the two daughter cells. Understanding these differences is crucial as they reflect the unique structural adaptations of plant and animal cells in cell division.

Practice Questions

Describe the role of spindle fibres during mitosis. Explain their significance in ensuring the genetic stability of the daughter cells.

Spindle fibres play a critical role during mitosis, particularly in the phases of metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. During metaphase, spindle fibres attach to the centromeres of each chromosome via kinetochores. This attachment is crucial for aligning the chromosomes along the metaphase plate. In anaphase, spindle fibres shorten, pulling the sister chromatids apart to opposite poles of the cell. This separation ensures that each daughter cell receives an identical set of chromosomes. The accuracy of spindle fibre action is vital for genetic stability, as any errors in chromosome separation can lead to genetic disorders or cell malfunction. By precisely separating the chromosomes, spindle fibres ensure that each daughter cell inherits the correct number and type of chromosomes, maintaining genetic consistency.

Explain how mitosis contributes to tissue repair and how this process is beneficial for an organism.

Mitosis contributes significantly to tissue repair by replacing damaged or dead cells with new, genetically identical cells. When tissues are damaged, signals trigger cells in the surrounding area to undergo mitotic division. This results in the production of new cells, which replace the damaged ones and restore the tissue's integrity. The ability to repair tissues is crucial for an organism's survival, as it helps maintain the functionality of organs and systems. For instance, skin cells undergo constant mitosis to replace cells lost due to injury or wear, thus preserving the skin's protective function. This process is essential not only for healing wounds but also for maintaining overall health and preventing infections.

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