1. Cell Structure (AS)1.1 The Microscope in Cell Studies0/01.1.1 Slide Preparation Techniques1.1.2 Biological Drawing Skills in Microscopy1.1.3 Image Magnification and Measurement in Microscopy1.1.4 Measurement Tools in Microscopy1.1.5 The Microscope in Cell Studies: Resolution and Magnification1.2 Cells as the Basic Units of Life0/01.2.1 Eukaryotic Cell Organelles1.2.2 Plant and Animal Cell Differences: A Comparative Analysis1.2.3 ATP as Cellular Energy1.2.4 Prokaryotic Cell Features1.2.5 Virus Structure and Classification1.2.6 Comparative Cell Structure Analysis1. Cell Structure (AS)1.1 The Microscope in Cell Studies0/01.1.1 Slide Preparation Techniques1.1.2 Biological Drawing Skills in Microscopy1.1.3 Image Magnification and Measurement in Microscopy1.1.4 Measurement Tools in Microscopy1.1.5 The Microscope in Cell Studies: Resolution and Magnification1.2 Cells as the Basic Units of Life0/01.2.1 Eukaryotic Cell Organelles1.2.2 Plant and Animal Cell Differences: A Comparative Analysis1.2.3 ATP as Cellular Energy1.2.4 Prokaryotic Cell Features1.2.5 Virus Structure and Classification1.2.6 Comparative Cell Structure Analysis2. Biological Molecules (AS)2.1 Testing for Biological Molecules0/02.1.1 Testing for Biological Molecules2.1.2 The Benedict's Test2.1.3 Testing for Non-Reducing Sugars2.2 Carbohydrates & Lipids0/02.2.1 Biological Molecules: Key Terms2.2.2 Covalent Bonds in Polymers2.2.3 Reducing & Non-Reducing Sugars: Detailed Study Notes2.2.4 The Glycosidic Bond2.2.5 Starch & Glycogen: Key Energy Storage Molecules2.2.6 Cellulose2.2.7 Triglycerides2.2.8 Phospholipids: Structural Marvels in Cell Membranes2.3 Proteins0/02.3.1 Amino Acids & the Peptide Bond2.3.2 The Four Levels of Protein Structure2.3.3 Protein Shape2.3.4 Globular & Fibrous Proteins2.3.5 Hemoglobin2.3.6 Collagen2.4 Water0/02.4.1 Water & the Hydrogen Bond2.4.2 The Role of Water in Living Organisms2. Biological Molecules (AS)2.1 Testing for Biological Molecules0/02.1.1 Testing for Biological Molecules2.1.2 The Benedict's Test2.1.3 Testing for Non-Reducing Sugars2.2 Carbohydrates & Lipids0/02.2.1 Biological Molecules: Key Terms2.2.2 Covalent Bonds in Polymers2.2.3 Reducing & Non-Reducing Sugars: Detailed Study Notes2.2.4 The Glycosidic Bond2.2.5 Starch & Glycogen: Key Energy Storage Molecules2.2.6 Cellulose2.2.7 Triglycerides2.2.8 Phospholipids: Structural Marvels in Cell Membranes2.3 Proteins0/02.3.1 Amino Acids & the Peptide Bond2.3.2 The Four Levels of Protein Structure2.3.3 Protein Shape2.3.4 Globular & Fibrous Proteins2.3.5 Hemoglobin2.3.6 Collagen2.4 Water0/02.4.1 Water & the Hydrogen Bond2.4.2 The Role of Water in Living Organisms3. Enzymes (AS)3.1 Mode of Action of Enzymes0/03.1.1 Enzymes as Biological Catalysts3.1.2 Enzyme Action3.1.3 How Enzymes Work3.1.4 Measuring Enzyme Activity3.1.5 Colorimetry in Enzyme Analysis3.2 Factors that Affect Enzyme Action0/03.2.1 Effect of Temperature on Enzyme Activity3.2.2 Effect of pH on Enzyme Activity3.2.3 Enzyme Concentration on Reaction Rates3.2.4 Substrate Concentration on Reaction Rates3.2.5 Inhibitor Concentration on Enzyme Activity3.2.6 Vmax and the Michaelis-Menten Constant3.2.7 Types of Enzyme Inhibitors3.2.8 Comparing Immobilised and Free Enzymes3. Enzymes (AS)3.1 Mode of Action of Enzymes0/03.1.1 Enzymes as Biological Catalysts3.1.2 Enzyme Action3.1.3 How Enzymes Work3.1.4 Measuring Enzyme Activity3.1.5 Colorimetry in Enzyme Analysis3.2 Factors that Affect Enzyme Action0/03.2.1 Effect of Temperature on Enzyme Activity3.2.2 Effect of pH on Enzyme Activity3.2.3 Enzyme Concentration on Reaction Rates3.2.4 Substrate Concentration on Reaction Rates3.2.5 Inhibitor Concentration on Enzyme Activity3.2.6 Vmax and the Michaelis-Menten Constant3.2.7 Types of Enzyme Inhibitors3.2.8 Comparing Immobilised and Free Enzymes4. Cell Membranes & Transport (AS)Premium4.1 Fluid Mosaic Membranes0/04.1.1 The Fluid Mosaic Model4.1.2 Components of Cell Surface Membranes4.1.3 The Cell Surface Membrane4.1.4 Cell Signalling in the Fluid Mosaic Membrane4.2 Movement into & out of Cells0/04.2.1 Diffusion4.2.2 Osmosis 4.2.3 Active Transport in Cells4.2.4 Endocytosis & Exocytosis in Cells4.2.5 Investigating Transport Processes in Plants4.2.6 Investigating Diffusion4.2.7 Surface Area to Volume Ratios4.2.8 Investigating Surface Area4.2.9 Estimating Water Potential in Plants4.2.10 Osmosis in Plant Cells4.2.11 Osmosis in Animals4.2.12 Comparing Osmosis in Plants and Animals4. Cell Membranes & Transport (AS)Premium4.1 Fluid Mosaic Membranes0/04.1.1 The Fluid Mosaic Model4.1.2 Components of Cell Surface Membranes4.1.3 The Cell Surface Membrane4.1.4 Cell Signalling in the Fluid Mosaic Membrane4.2 Movement into & out of Cells0/04.2.1 Diffusion4.2.2 Osmosis 4.2.3 Active Transport in Cells4.2.4 Endocytosis & Exocytosis in Cells4.2.5 Investigating Transport Processes in Plants4.2.6 Investigating Diffusion4.2.7 Surface Area to Volume Ratios4.2.8 Investigating Surface Area4.2.9 Estimating Water Potential in Plants4.2.10 Osmosis in Plant Cells4.2.11 Osmosis in Animals4.2.12 Comparing Osmosis in Plants and Animals5. The Mitotic Cell Cycle (AS)Premium5.1 Replication & Division of Nuclei & Cells0/05.1.1 Chromosome Structure5.1.2 Purpose and Process of Mitosis5.1.3 Phases of the Cell Cycle5.1.4 Significance of Telomeres5.1.5 Stem Cells in Regeneration and Repair5.1.6 Tumorigenesis5.2 Chromosome Behaviour in Mitosis0/05.2.1 Chromosome Behaviour in Prophase5.2.2 Metaphase Alignment in Mitosis5.2.3 Anaphase Segregation in Mitosis5.2.4 Telophase and Reformation of Nuclei5.2.5 Cytokinesis in Plant and Animal Cells5.2.6 Microscopy Techniques for Observing Mitosis5.2.7 Mitotic Rate and Cancer5. The Mitotic Cell Cycle (AS)Premium5.1 Replication & Division of Nuclei & Cells0/05.1.1 Chromosome Structure5.1.2 Purpose and Process of Mitosis5.1.3 Phases of the Cell Cycle5.1.4 Significance of Telomeres5.1.5 Stem Cells in Regeneration and Repair5.1.6 Tumorigenesis5.2 Chromosome Behaviour in Mitosis0/05.2.1 Chromosome Behaviour in Prophase5.2.2 Metaphase Alignment in Mitosis5.2.3 Anaphase Segregation in Mitosis5.2.4 Telophase and Reformation of Nuclei5.2.5 Cytokinesis in Plant and Animal Cells5.2.6 Microscopy Techniques for Observing Mitosis5.2.7 Mitotic Rate and Cancer6. Nucleic Acids and Protein Synthesis (AS)Premium6.1 Structure of Nucleic Acids & Replication of DNA0/06.1.1 Components of Nucleotides6.1.2 Detailed DNA Architecture6.1.3 Mechanism of DNA Replication6.1.4 RNA Types and Structures6.2 Protein Synthesis0/06.2.1 Gene to Polypeptide Pathway6.2.2 Genetic Code and Codons6.2.3 Transcription Process in Protein Synthesis6.2.4 Translation Mechanics in Protein Synthesis6.2.5 mRNA Processing and Splicing6.2.6 DNA Template Strands6.2.7 Mutation Consequences6.2.8 Mutations and Disease6. Nucleic Acids and Protein Synthesis (AS)Premium6.1 Structure of Nucleic Acids & Replication of DNA0/06.1.1 Components of Nucleotides6.1.2 Detailed DNA Architecture6.1.3 Mechanism of DNA Replication6.1.4 RNA Types and Structures6.2 Protein Synthesis0/06.2.1 Gene to Polypeptide Pathway6.2.2 Genetic Code and Codons6.2.3 Transcription Process in Protein Synthesis6.2.4 Translation Mechanics in Protein Synthesis6.2.5 mRNA Processing and Splicing6.2.6 DNA Template Strands6.2.7 Mutation Consequences6.2.8 Mutations and Disease7. Transport in Plants (AS)Premium7.1 Structure of Transport Tissues0/07.1.1 Plant Transverse Sections7.1.2 Xylem and Phloem Distribution in Plants7.1.3 Xylem Vessel Elements in Plants7.1.4 Phloem Sieve Tube Elements & Companion Cells7.2 Transport Mechanisms0/07.2.1 Water & Mineral Ion Transport in Plants7.2.2 Transpiration in Plants7.2.3 Water & the Transpiration Pull7.2.4 Xerophytic Plant Leaf Adaptations7.2.5 Movement in the Phloem7.2.6 The Sucrose Loading Mechanism in Plants7.2.7 Phloem: Mass Flow7. Transport in Plants (AS)Premium7.1 Structure of Transport Tissues0/07.1.1 Plant Transverse Sections7.1.2 Xylem and Phloem Distribution in Plants7.1.3 Xylem Vessel Elements in Plants7.1.4 Phloem Sieve Tube Elements & Companion Cells7.2 Transport Mechanisms0/07.2.1 Water & Mineral Ion Transport in Plants7.2.2 Transpiration in Plants7.2.3 Water & the Transpiration Pull7.2.4 Xerophytic Plant Leaf Adaptations7.2.5 Movement in the Phloem7.2.6 The Sucrose Loading Mechanism in Plants7.2.7 Phloem: Mass Flow8. Transport in Mammals (AS)Premium8.1 The Circulatory System0/08.1.1 Overview of Mammalian Circulatory Systems8.1.2 Anatomy of Major Blood Vessels8.1.3 Histology of Blood Vessels8.1.4 Comparative Structure and Function of Vessels8.1.5 Blood Cellular Components8.1.6 Role of Water in Mammalian Transport8.1.7 Formation and Function of Tissue Fluid8.2 Transport of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide0/08.2.1 Oxygen Transport Dynamics8.2.2 Carbon Dioxide Transport and the Chloride Shift8.2.3 Carbon Dioxide in Blood Plasma8.2.4 Analysis of Oxygen-Hemoglobin Binding8.2.5 Physiological Relevance of Oxygen Dissociation8.2.6 Impact of the Bohr Effect8.3 The Heart0/08.3.1 Detailed Heart Morphology8.3.2 Comparative Anatomy of Atrial and Ventricular Walls8.3.3 Phases and Regulation of the Cardiac Cycle8.3.4 Electrical Conduction System of the Heart8. Transport in Mammals (AS)Premium8.1 The Circulatory System0/08.1.1 Overview of Mammalian Circulatory Systems8.1.2 Anatomy of Major Blood Vessels8.1.3 Histology of Blood Vessels8.1.4 Comparative Structure and Function of Vessels8.1.5 Blood Cellular Components8.1.6 Role of Water in Mammalian Transport8.1.7 Formation and Function of Tissue Fluid8.2 Transport of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide0/08.2.1 Oxygen Transport Dynamics8.2.2 Carbon Dioxide Transport and the Chloride Shift8.2.3 Carbon Dioxide in Blood Plasma8.2.4 Analysis of Oxygen-Hemoglobin Binding8.2.5 Physiological Relevance of Oxygen Dissociation8.2.6 Impact of the Bohr Effect8.3 The Heart0/08.3.1 Detailed Heart Morphology8.3.2 Comparative Anatomy of Atrial and Ventricular Walls8.3.3 Phases and Regulation of the Cardiac Cycle8.3.4 Electrical Conduction System of the Heart9. Gas Exchange (AS)Premium9.1 The Gas Exchange System0/09.1.1 Anatomy of the Human Gas Exchange System9.1.2 Tissue Distribution and Function9.1.3 Histological Identification in the Gas Exchange System9.1.4 Microscopic Structure Analysis9.1.5 Cellular and Molecular Functions9.1.6 Alveolar Gas Exchange Dynamics9.1.7 Physiological Adaptations for Gas Exchange9. Gas Exchange (AS)Premium9.1 The Gas Exchange System0/09.1.1 Anatomy of the Human Gas Exchange System9.1.2 Tissue Distribution and Function9.1.3 Histological Identification in the Gas Exchange System9.1.4 Microscopic Structure Analysis9.1.5 Cellular and Molecular Functions9.1.6 Alveolar Gas Exchange Dynamics9.1.7 Physiological Adaptations for Gas Exchange10. Infectious Diseases (AS)Premium10.1 Introduction to Infectious Diseases0/010.1.1 Pathogens and Disease10.1.2 Disease Causative Agents10.1.3 Modes of Transmission10.1.4 Multifaceted Approach to Prevention and Control10.2 Antibiotics0/010.2.1 Mechanism of Penicillin10.2.2 Addressing Antibiotic Resistance10.2.3 Strategies to Combat Antibiotic Resistance10. Infectious Diseases (AS)Premium10.1 Introduction to Infectious Diseases0/010.1.1 Pathogens and Disease10.1.2 Disease Causative Agents10.1.3 Modes of Transmission10.1.4 Multifaceted Approach to Prevention and Control10.2 Antibiotics0/010.2.1 Mechanism of Penicillin10.2.2 Addressing Antibiotic Resistance10.2.3 Strategies to Combat Antibiotic Resistance11. Immunity (AS)Premium11.1 The Immune System0/011.1.1 The Phagocytic Action of Macrophages11.1.2 Neutrophil Response to Infection11.1.3 Antigen Diversity and Recognition11.1.4 B-Lymphocyte Activation and Clonal Selection11.1.5 T-Lymphocyte Mediated Immunity11.1.6 Formation of Memory Cells11.2 Antibodies and Vaccination0/011.2.1 Antibody-Antigen Specificity11.2.2 Antibody Roles in Immune Defense11.2.3 Production Techniques for Monoclonal Antibodies11.2.4 Clinical Applications of Monoclonal Antibodies11.2.5 Vaccine-Induced Active Immunity11.2.6 Passive Immunity and Immunoglobulins11.2.7 Strategies for National Vaccination Programs11.2.8 Herd Immunity and Community Health11. Immunity (AS)Premium11.1 The Immune System0/011.1.1 The Phagocytic Action of Macrophages11.1.2 Neutrophil Response to Infection11.1.3 Antigen Diversity and Recognition11.1.4 B-Lymphocyte Activation and Clonal Selection11.1.5 T-Lymphocyte Mediated Immunity11.1.6 Formation of Memory Cells11.2 Antibodies and Vaccination0/011.2.1 Antibody-Antigen Specificity11.2.2 Antibody Roles in Immune Defense11.2.3 Production Techniques for Monoclonal Antibodies11.2.4 Clinical Applications of Monoclonal Antibodies11.2.5 Vaccine-Induced Active Immunity11.2.6 Passive Immunity and Immunoglobulins11.2.7 Strategies for National Vaccination Programs11.2.8 Herd Immunity and Community Health12. Energy and Respiration (A Level)12.1 Energy0/012.1.1 The Need for Energy in Organisms12.1.2 ATP as the Universal Energy Currency12.1.3 Energy Values of Respiratory Substrates12.1.4 Calculating and Understanding RQ 12.1.5 Practical Investigation of Respiratory Quotient (RQ)12.2 Respiration0/012.2.1 Stages and Locations of Aerobic Respiration12.2.2 Glycolysis Details12.2.3 The Link Reaction12.2.4 The Krebs Cycle12.2.5 Role of NAD and FAD12.2.6 Oxidative Phosphorylation12.2.7 Anaerobic Respiration in Plants and Animals12.2.8 Investigating Effects of Temperature and Substrate Concentration12.2.9 Mitochondrial Structure-Function Relationship12.2.10 Adaptations of Rice in Anaerobic Conditions12.2.11 Methodology for Respirometer Use in Measuring Respiration Rates12. Energy and Respiration (A Level)12.1 Energy0/012.1.1 The Need for Energy in Organisms12.1.2 ATP as the Universal Energy Currency12.1.3 Energy Values of Respiratory Substrates12.1.4 Calculating and Understanding RQ 12.1.5 Practical Investigation of Respiratory Quotient (RQ)12.2 Respiration0/012.2.1 Stages and Locations of Aerobic Respiration12.2.2 Glycolysis Details12.2.3 The Link Reaction12.2.4 The Krebs Cycle12.2.5 Role of NAD and FAD12.2.6 Oxidative Phosphorylation12.2.7 Anaerobic Respiration in Plants and Animals12.2.8 Investigating Effects of Temperature and Substrate Concentration12.2.9 Mitochondrial Structure-Function Relationship12.2.10 Adaptations of Rice in Anaerobic Conditions12.2.11 Methodology for Respirometer Use in Measuring Respiration Rates13. Photosynthesis (A Level)13.1 Photosynthesis as an Energy Transfer Process0/013.1.1 Chloroplast Structure and Function13.1.2 Light-Dependent and Independent Stages of Photosynthesis13.1.3 Thylakoids and Stroma in Photosynthesis13.1.4 Chloroplast Pigments13.1.5 Absorption and Action Spectra13.1.6 Pigment Separation by Chromatography13.1.7 Cyclic and Non-Cyclic Photophosphorylation13.1.8 The Calvin Cycle in Photosynthesis13.2 Investigation of Limiting Factors0/013.2.1 Limiting Factors in Photosynthesis13.2.2 Effects of Limiting Factors13.2.3 Rate of Photosynthesis with Redox Indicators13.2.4 Photosynthesis in Aquatic Plants13. Photosynthesis (A Level)13.1 Photosynthesis as an Energy Transfer Process0/013.1.1 Chloroplast Structure and Function13.1.2 Light-Dependent and Independent Stages of Photosynthesis13.1.3 Thylakoids and Stroma in Photosynthesis13.1.4 Chloroplast Pigments13.1.5 Absorption and Action Spectra13.1.6 Pigment Separation by Chromatography13.1.7 Cyclic and Non-Cyclic Photophosphorylation13.1.8 The Calvin Cycle in Photosynthesis13.2 Investigation of Limiting Factors0/013.2.1 Limiting Factors in Photosynthesis13.2.2 Effects of Limiting Factors13.2.3 Rate of Photosynthesis with Redox Indicators13.2.4 Photosynthesis in Aquatic Plants14. Homeostasis (A Level)Premium14.1 Homeostasis in Mammals0/014.1.1 Definition of Homeostasis14.1.2 Components of Homeostasis14.1.3 Liver Functions in Homeostasis14.1.4 Anatomy of the Human Kidney14.1.5 Nephron Anatomy and Blood Supply14.1.6 Urine Formation Mechanisms14.1.7 Structure-Function Relationship in the Kidney14.1.8 Osmoregulation and ADH Mechanism14.1.9 Hormonal Regulation of Blood Glucose14.1.10 Negative Feedback in Glucose Homeostasis14.1.11 Glucose Monitoring Techniques14.2 Homeostasis in Plants0/014.2.1 Stomatal Dynamics in Plants14.2.2 Guard Cell Function14.2.3 Abscisic Acid and Stomatal Closure14. Homeostasis (A Level)Premium14.1 Homeostasis in Mammals0/014.1.1 Definition of Homeostasis14.1.2 Components of Homeostasis14.1.3 Liver Functions in Homeostasis14.1.4 Anatomy of the Human Kidney14.1.5 Nephron Anatomy and Blood Supply14.1.6 Urine Formation Mechanisms14.1.7 Structure-Function Relationship in the Kidney14.1.8 Osmoregulation and ADH Mechanism14.1.9 Hormonal Regulation of Blood Glucose14.1.10 Negative Feedback in Glucose Homeostasis14.1.11 Glucose Monitoring Techniques14.2 Homeostasis in Plants0/014.2.1 Stomatal Dynamics in Plants14.2.2 Guard Cell Function14.2.3 Abscisic Acid and Stomatal Closure15. Control and Coordination (A Level)Premium15.1 Control and Coordination in Mammals0/015.1.1 The Endocrine System15.1.2 The Nervous System and Homeostasis15.1.3 Neurones15.1.4 Sensory Receptor Cells15.1.5 Sequence of Events Resulting in an Action Potential15.1.6 Transmission of Nerve Impulses15.1.7 Speed of Conduction of Impulses15.1.8 The Refractory Period15.1.9 Cholinergic Synapses15.1.10 Stimulating Contraction in Striated Muscle15.1.11 Ultrastructure of Striated Muscle15.1.12 The Sliding Filament Model of Muscular Contraction15.2 Control and Coordination in Plants0/015.2.1 Electrical Communication in the Venus Flytrap15.2.2 The Role of Auxin in Elongation Growth15.2.3 The Role of Gibberellin in Germination of Barley15. Control and Coordination (A Level)Premium15.1 Control and Coordination in Mammals0/015.1.1 The Endocrine System15.1.2 The Nervous System and Homeostasis15.1.3 Neurones15.1.4 Sensory Receptor Cells15.1.5 Sequence of Events Resulting in an Action Potential15.1.6 Transmission of Nerve Impulses15.1.7 Speed of Conduction of Impulses15.1.8 The Refractory Period15.1.9 Cholinergic Synapses15.1.10 Stimulating Contraction in Striated Muscle15.1.11 Ultrastructure of Striated Muscle15.1.12 The Sliding Filament Model of Muscular Contraction15.2 Control and Coordination in Plants0/015.2.1 Electrical Communication in the Venus Flytrap15.2.2 The Role of Auxin in Elongation Growth15.2.3 The Role of Gibberellin in Germination of Barley16. Inheritance (A Level)Premium16.1 Passage of Information from Parents to Offspring0/016.1.1 Haploidy & Diploidy in Sexual Reproduction16.1.2 Homologous Chromosomes16.1.3 Meiosis in Animal and Plant Cells16.1.4 Identifying the Stages of Meiosis16.1.5 Meiosis: Sources of Genetic Variation16.2 The Roles of Genes in Determining the Phenotype0/016.2.1 Key Terms in Genetics16.2.2 Predicting Inheritance: Monohybrid Crosses16.2.3 Predicting Inheritance: Dihybrid Crosses16.2.4 Predicting Inheritance: Test Crosses16.2.5 Predicting Inheritance: Chi-squared Test16.2.6 Genes, Proteins & Phenotype16.2.7 The Role of Gibberellin in Stem Elongation16.3 Gene Control0/016.3.1 Gene Control 16.3.2 Gene Control: Lac Operon16.3.3 Gene Control: Transcription Factors16. Inheritance (A Level)Premium16.1 Passage of Information from Parents to Offspring0/016.1.1 Haploidy & Diploidy in Sexual Reproduction16.1.2 Homologous Chromosomes16.1.3 Meiosis in Animal and Plant Cells16.1.4 Identifying the Stages of Meiosis16.1.5 Meiosis: Sources of Genetic Variation16.2 The Roles of Genes in Determining the Phenotype0/016.2.1 Key Terms in Genetics16.2.2 Predicting Inheritance: Monohybrid Crosses16.2.3 Predicting Inheritance: Dihybrid Crosses16.2.4 Predicting Inheritance: Test Crosses16.2.5 Predicting Inheritance: Chi-squared Test16.2.6 Genes, Proteins & Phenotype16.2.7 The Role of Gibberellin in Stem Elongation16.3 Gene Control0/016.3.1 Gene Control 16.3.2 Gene Control: Lac Operon16.3.3 Gene Control: Transcription Factors17. Selection and Evolution (A Level)Premium17.1 Variation0/017.1.1 Phenotypic Variation Sources17.1.2 Variation Categories in Biology17.1.3 Genetic Basis for Variation17.1.4 Application of Statistical Tests17.2 Natural and Artificial Selection0/017.2.1 Natural Selection Explained17.2.2 Forces of Selection17.2.3 Allele Frequency Influences17.2.4 Antibiotic Resistance Case Study17.2.5 Hardy–Weinberg Principle in Practice17.2.6 Artificial Selection17.2.7 Examples of Selective Breeding17.3 Evolution0/017.3.1 Evolutionary Theory Overview17.3.2 Molecular Evidence for Evolution17.3.3 Speciation Processes17. Selection and Evolution (A Level)Premium17.1 Variation0/017.1.1 Phenotypic Variation Sources17.1.2 Variation Categories in Biology17.1.3 Genetic Basis for Variation17.1.4 Application of Statistical Tests17.2 Natural and Artificial Selection0/017.2.1 Natural Selection Explained17.2.2 Forces of Selection17.2.3 Allele Frequency Influences17.2.4 Antibiotic Resistance Case Study17.2.5 Hardy–Weinberg Principle in Practice17.2.6 Artificial Selection17.2.7 Examples of Selective Breeding17.3 Evolution0/017.3.1 Evolutionary Theory Overview17.3.2 Molecular Evidence for Evolution17.3.3 Speciation Processes18. Classification, Biodiversity, and Conservation (A Level)Premium18.1 Classification0/018.1.1 Species Concepts18.1.2 Domains of Life18.1.3 Prokaryotic Differences18.1.4 Eukarya Taxonomy 18.1.5 Kingdom Characteristics18.1.6 Viral Classification Criteria18.2 Biodiversity0/018.2.1 Ecosystem and Niche Definitions18.2.2 Biodiversity Assessment Levels18.2.3 Sampling Methods18.2.4 Distribution and Abundance Techniques18.2.5 Statistical Analysis for Biodiversity18.2.6 Diversity Index Application18.3 Conservation0/018.3.1 Causes of Extinction18.3.2 Biodiversity Importance18.3.3 Conservation Strategies18.3.4 Reproductive Technologies18.3.5 Management of Invasive Species18.3.6 Conservation Organizations18. Classification, Biodiversity, and Conservation (A Level)Premium18.1 Classification0/018.1.1 Species Concepts18.1.2 Domains of Life18.1.3 Prokaryotic Differences18.1.4 Eukarya Taxonomy 18.1.5 Kingdom Characteristics18.1.6 Viral Classification Criteria18.2 Biodiversity0/018.2.1 Ecosystem and Niche Definitions18.2.2 Biodiversity Assessment Levels18.2.3 Sampling Methods18.2.4 Distribution and Abundance Techniques18.2.5 Statistical Analysis for Biodiversity18.2.6 Diversity Index Application18.3 Conservation0/018.3.1 Causes of Extinction18.3.2 Biodiversity Importance18.3.3 Conservation Strategies18.3.4 Reproductive Technologies18.3.5 Management of Invasive Species18.3.6 Conservation Organizations19. Genetic Technology (A Level)Premium19.1 Principles of Genetic Technology0/019.1.1 Recombinant DNA19.1.2 Genetic Engineering Processes19.1.3 Gene Transfer Techniques19.1.4 Role of Enzymes in Genetic Engineering19.1.5 Promoter and Marker Genes 19.1.6 Gene Editing Technologies19.1.7 Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Mechanics19.1.8 DNA Separation by Gel Electrophoresis19.1.9 Microarray Applications in Genetic Studies19.1.10 Bioinformatics and Databases19.2 Genetic Technology in Medicine0/019.2.1 Recombinant Proteins in Disease Treatment19.2.2 Benefits of Genetic Screening19.2.3 Gene Therapy Techniques19.2.4 Ethical and Social Issues in Genetic Technology19.3 GMOs in Agriculture0/019.3.1 Genetic Improvements for Food Production19.3.2 GMOs: Ethical and Social Debate19. Genetic Technology (A Level)Premium19.1 Principles of Genetic Technology0/019.1.1 Recombinant DNA19.1.2 Genetic Engineering Processes19.1.3 Gene Transfer Techniques19.1.4 Role of Enzymes in Genetic Engineering19.1.5 Promoter and Marker Genes 19.1.6 Gene Editing Technologies19.1.7 Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Mechanics19.1.8 DNA Separation by Gel Electrophoresis19.1.9 Microarray Applications in Genetic Studies19.1.10 Bioinformatics and Databases19.2 Genetic Technology in Medicine0/019.2.1 Recombinant Proteins in Disease Treatment19.2.2 Benefits of Genetic Screening19.2.3 Gene Therapy Techniques19.2.4 Ethical and Social Issues in Genetic Technology19.3 GMOs in Agriculture0/019.3.1 Genetic Improvements for Food Production19.3.2 GMOs: Ethical and Social Debate