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CIE A-Level Biology Study Notes

19.1.7 Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Mechanics

Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) is a crucial technique in molecular biology that amplifies specific DNA sequences, making it possible to analyze and manipulate genetic material with high precision. This technology has vast applications in research, diagnostics, and forensics.

Introduction to PCR

PCR, developed in the 1980s, has revolutionized the field of molecular biology. It enables scientists to amplify a single or few copies of a piece of DNA across several orders of magnitude, generating thousands to millions of copies of a particular DNA sequence.

Diagram of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) machine

Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) machine

Image courtesy of Database Center for Life Science (DBCLS)

Basic Principles of PCR

PCR leverages the natural process of DNA replication, but in a controlled, artificial environment. It requires several essential components and cycles through temperature changes to achieve DNA amplification.

Components of PCR

  • DNA Template: The segment of DNA that needs amplification.
  • Primers: Short DNA fragments that initiate DNA synthesis. They are specific to the DNA sequence being amplified and are crucial for the accuracy of PCR.
  • Nucleotides (dNTPs): These are the building blocks of DNA, comprising adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C), and guanine (G).
  • Taq Polymerase: A heat-stable enzyme that synthesizes new DNA strands. It's derived from the bacterium Thermus aquaticus, hence the name Taq.

Steps of PCR

PCR consists of three main steps, each with a specific purpose and temperature setting:

1. Denaturation

  • Temperature: Usually set at 94-95°C.
  • Duration: About 20-30 seconds.
  • Purpose: The high temperature causes the hydrogen bonds between the DNA strands to break, resulting in single DNA strands.

2. Annealing

  • Temperature: Typically between 50-65°C, varying based on the primers' melting temperature.
  • Duration: 20-40 seconds.
  • Purpose: The cooler temperature allows primers to bind to their complementary DNA sequences on the single-stranded DNA template.

3. Extension/Elongation

  • Temperature: Approximately 72°C, which is the optimal temperature for Taq polymerase.
  • Duration: Usually about 1 minute per 1,000 base pairs of DNA.
  • Purpose: At this stage, Taq polymerase adds nucleotides to the primers, extending the DNA chain and replicating the target sequence.
Components of Polymerase Chain Reaction PCR and PCR process

Image courtesy of Parithossh-1840721

Detailed Role of PCR Components

Understanding the function of each component in PCR is crucial for comprehending the process:


  • Design: Primers need to be specifically designed for the DNA sequence of interest. Their specificity is vital for the amplification of the correct DNA fragment.
  • Binding: They bind to the 3’ ends of the target DNA sequence.
Template DNA and primer binding to 3’ ends of DNA strands

Image courtesy of University of Minnesota Libraries

Nucleotides (dNTPs)

  • Supply: They provide the necessary material for the synthesis of new DNA strands.
  • Incorporation: Taq polymerase incorporates these nucleotides to form new strands of DNA, complementary to the template strands.

Taq Polymerase

  • Heat Stability: Its ability to withstand high temperatures is crucial for PCR, as the denaturation step involves heating the reaction mixture to near boiling point.
  • Activity: It catalyzes the formation of the DNA molecule's backbone, ensuring the accuracy and efficiency of the PCR process.

Thermal Cycling and Its Importance

The cycling of temperatures in PCR is a critical aspect:

  • Rapid Temperature Changes: The rapid shifts in temperature are essential for the different stages of PCR to occur efficiently.
  • Cycling: The number of cycles determines the amount of DNA amplified. Typically, 25-35 cycles are sufficient to amplify DNA to detectable levels.

Applications of PCR in Various Fields

PCR’s ability to amplify DNA has numerous applications:

  • Medical Diagnostics: Identifying genetic mutations and pathogens.
  • Biotechnology: Cloning and genetic modification.
  • Forensic Science: DNA profiling in criminal investigations.
  • Evolutionary Biology: Studying genetic variations and evolutionary relationships.

Quality Control and Optimization in PCR

Accurate PCR requires stringent quality control:

  • Primer Design: Primers must be specific to the target DNA to avoid non-specific amplification.
  • Contamination Prevention: Rigorous measures to prevent contamination of the PCR setup are essential, as even minute amounts of DNA can be amplified.
  • Verification: Techniques like gel electrophoresis are used to verify the size of the amplified DNA fragments.
Step-wise procedure of gel electrophoresis to determine or verify the sizes of DNA sample

Image courtesy of CNX OpenStax

Troubleshooting Common PCR Problems

PCR may sometimes yield unexpected results or no results, due to various factors:

  • Non-specific Amplification: Caused by improper primer design or annealing temperature.
  • No Amplification: This can result from degraded DNA templates, inadequate primer concentrations, or enzyme issues.

Future Prospects and Innovations in PCR

The field of PCR continues to evolve:

  • Real-Time PCR: Allows quantification of DNA in real time, used extensively in research and diagnostics.
  • Digital PCR: Provides absolute quantification of DNA and is useful in detecting low levels of DNA and rare mutations.

In summary, the Polymerase Chain Reaction is a fundamental tool in modern biology and medicine. It relies on the orchestrated functioning of primers, nucleotides, and the heat-stable Taq polymerase to exponentially amplify specific DNA sequences. This technique has vastly expanded our capabilities in genetic analysis, disease diagnosis, and biological research. Understanding the detailed mechanics of PCR is crucial for students and professionals in the field of molecular biology and genetics.


The size of the target DNA sequence in PCR is important because it affects the efficiency and accuracy of the amplification. Larger DNA sequences require more time for the Taq polymerase to replicate during the extension phase. If the sequence is too long, incomplete amplification may occur, leading to a lower yield of the full-length product. On the other hand, very short sequences might be amplified more efficiently but are more prone to non-specific amplification. The optimal length for PCR targets is generally between 100 to 1000 base pairs. Sequences within this range are efficiently amplified with high specificity, ensuring accurate and reliable results.

The initial quantity of template DNA significantly affects the efficiency and outcome of a PCR reaction. If the starting quantity is too low, it may not be sufficient to be effectively amplified, leading to weak or non-detectable PCR products. Conversely, a high initial quantity of template DNA can lead to more rapid amplification but may also increase the risk of non-specific amplifications and the formation of primer dimers. The optimal concentration of the template ensures efficient amplification of the target sequence and minimizes non-specific reactions. It is crucial to quantify and use an appropriate amount of template DNA for successful PCR, balancing the need for detectable amplification with the avoidance of artifacts and non-specific products.

Taq polymerase, while robust and heat-stable, has limitations in PCR. One of its main limitations is its lack of proofreading ability, which can lead to errors in DNA synthesis and result in mutations in the amplified DNA. These errors can accumulate, especially in reactions requiring many cycles or in the amplification of long sequences. To address this, high-fidelity DNA polymerases, which have proofreading ability, are often used in applications where sequence accuracy is critical. Another limitation is its sensitivity to inhibitors present in some biological samples, which can reduce its activity. This issue is typically addressed by purifying the DNA template to remove inhibitors or using polymerases that are more resistant to inhibitors.

Primer dimers are non-specific products formed when PCR primers anneal to each other and are extended by Taq polymerase, rather than binding to the target DNA sequence. They are shorter than the desired product and can compete for the reaction's components, reducing the yield of the target DNA. Primer dimers can be avoided by careful primer design, ensuring that primers do not have complementary regions that could facilitate dimer formation. Additionally, optimizing the annealing temperature and primer concentration can minimize the likelihood of primer dimer formation. Using hot-start Taq polymerase, which is activated only at higher temperatures, can also reduce the chances of primer dimer formation during the initial setup of the reaction.

The temperature cycles in PCR are critical for both the yield and specificity of the amplified DNA. During the denaturation phase, the high temperature (94-95°C) ensures that the DNA helix separates into single strands, which is necessary for the primers to bind. The annealing phase, at a lower temperature (50-65°C), allows primers to bind specifically to their complementary sequences on the DNA template. If this temperature is not optimal, it may lead to non-specific binding, reducing the specificity and efficiency of the reaction. The extension phase at 72°C is ideal for Taq polymerase activity, facilitating the addition of nucleotides to the primers. Each cycle theoretically doubles the amount of target DNA, but inefficient temperature cycling can result in lower yield or non-specific products, highlighting the importance of precise thermal control in PCR.

Practice Questions

Describe the role of Taq polymerase in the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) process and explain why it is essential.

Taq polymerase is a thermostable enzyme derived from Thermus aquaticus, crucial for the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) process. Its primary role is to synthesize new DNA strands by adding nucleotides to the annealed primers on the single-stranded DNA template. The enzyme is essential because it remains active at high temperatures, particularly during the denaturation phase of PCR, where the DNA template is heated to separate strands. This heat stability allows Taq polymerase to catalyse the extension step efficiently, adding nucleotides to form a new DNA strand complementary to the template. Its ability to function at elevated temperatures is vital for the repeated cycles of PCR, ensuring consistent DNA amplification throughout the process.

Explain why primers are used in PCR and how their design influences the specificity and efficiency of the PCR process.

Primers are short, single-stranded DNA sequences used in PCR to initiate the replication of a specific DNA segment. They are essential for the specificity and efficiency of the PCR process. Primers are designed to be complementary to the target DNA sequence, binding to the 3’ ends of the template during the annealing step. This specificity determines the start and end points of the DNA sequence to be amplified. The efficiency of PCR is significantly influenced by the primer design. Incorrectly designed primers can lead to non-specific binding, resulting in the amplification of unintended DNA sequences, or failure to amplify the target sequence. Thus, precise primer design is crucial for the accuracy and success of the PCR process.

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