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CIE A-Level Biology Study Notes

19.1.8 DNA Separation by Gel Electrophoresis

Introduction to Gel Electrophoresis

Gel electrophoresis is a fundamental technique in molecular biology, biochemistry, and genetics. This method separates DNA, RNA, or proteins on the basis of their size and charge. The technique is integral for DNA analysis, enabling scientists to study genetic material in detail.

Gel electrophoresis apparatus

Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis apparatus

Image courtesy of Lilly_M

Principles of Gel Electrophoresis

Gel electrophoresis is based on the movement of charged molecules in an electric field. DNA fragments are negatively charged due to their phosphate backbone and, thus, migrate towards the positive electrode in an electric field.

Components of Gel Electrophoresis

  • Gel Matrix: Typically agarose or polyacrylamide, the gel acts as a sieve allowing smaller molecules to travel faster than larger ones. Agarose gels are commonly used for DNA separation.
  • Electrophoresis Buffer: A conductive solution, usually TAE (Tris-acetate-EDTA) or TBE (Tris-borate-EDTA), which maintains the pH and ion concentration necessary for electrophoresis.
  • Electric Field: DNA molecules are moved through the gel by applying an electric current, which causes them to migrate towards the positive electrode.

The Process of DNA Separation

  • 1. Preparation of the Gel: The concentration of agarose in the gel affects the resolution; lower concentrations are used for larger DNA fragments.
  • 2. Sample Preparation: DNA samples are mixed with a loading buffer that contains a dye for visibility and glycerol to increase density.
  • 3. Loading the Samples: The prepared mixture is pipetted into the wells of the gel.
  • 4. Running the Electrophoresis: When the electric current is applied, DNA fragments start migrating through the gel matrix.
  • 5. Fragment Separation: Smaller DNA fragments move faster and travel further through the gel compared to larger fragments.
Step-wise procedure of gel electrophoresis to determine or verify the sizes of DNA sample

Image courtesy of CNX OpenStax

Interpretation of Gel Electrophoresis Results

After electrophoresis, the gel is stained to visualize the DNA bands, typically using ethidium bromide which fluoresces under UV light.

Analysing Gel Electrophoresis

  • Band Pattern Interpretation: The distance travelled by DNA fragments is inversely proportional to their size. The pattern of bands indicates the size distribution of the DNA fragments.
  • Molecular Weight Marker: A ladder or marker with known DNA fragment sizes is run alongside samples for size comparison.
  • Comparative Analysis: Patterns can be compared across different samples for diagnostic or research purposes.
Gel electrophoresis results/ DNA bands

Image courtesy of Zanichelli

Applications in DNA Analysis

Gel electrophoresis is versatile, with applications spanning various fields of genetic research.

DNA Fingerprinting

This technique is crucial in genetic fingerprinting for forensic analysis, paternity testing, and wildlife conservation.

Cloning and Genetic Engineering

Electrophoresis is used to verify the success of DNA cloning, plasmid construction, and the presence of recombinant DNA.

Gene Analysis and Sequencing

It assists in gene identification and sequencing projects, allowing researchers to analyse specific fragments.

Diagnosis of Genetic Disorders

Electrophoresis is used to diagnose genetic disorders by identifying mutations or aberrations in DNA fragments.

Research and Development

This technique aids in the study of genetic diversity, evolutionary biology, and the development of genetic treatments.

Safety and Ethical Considerations

Safety measures include wearing gloves and using UV shields. Ethically, this technique must respect privacy, consent, and ethical guidelines, particularly in human genetic testing.

Advanced Techniques in Electrophoresis

Beyond basic electrophoresis, advanced techniques like pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and two-dimensional electrophoresis further enhance DNA analysis.

Pulsed-Field Gel Electrophoresis (PFGE)

PFGE is used for separating larger DNA fragments that are not resolved well by conventional gel electrophoresis.

Pulsed-Field Gel Electrophoresis (PFGE) vs conventional gel Electrophoresis

Image courtesy of Europe PMC

Two-Dimensional Electrophoresis

This technique separates proteins based on isoelectric point and molecular weight, providing high-resolution protein analysis.

Two-Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis

Image courtesy of uday

Challenges and Limitations

While gel electrophoresis is effective, it has limitations in resolution and quantification. Advances in technology are addressing these challenges, improving accuracy and efficiency.


Gel electrophoresis is a cornerstone technique in molecular biology, essential for the analysis and understanding of DNA. Its applications in genetic research, diagnostics, and biotechnology highlight its importance in the field of life sciences.


A molecular weight marker, also known as a DNA ladder, is essential in gel electrophoresis for determining the size of DNA fragments in the sample. These markers consist of DNA fragments of known lengths, providing a reference scale against which the sizes of unknown DNA fragments can be compared. By running the marker alongside the DNA samples, it becomes possible to estimate the size of the DNA fragments based on their relative mobility compared to the marker bands. This comparison is crucial for accurate analysis of gel electrophoresis results, especially in research and diagnostics where fragment size is a critical factor.

In gel electrophoresis, the electric field is fundamental to the migration of DNA fragments. DNA molecules are negatively charged due to their phosphate backbone, so when an electric field is applied, these molecules are attracted towards the positively charged electrode (anode). The strength of the electric field influences the rate of migration; a stronger field causes faster movement of DNA fragments. However, very high field strengths can cause overheating and may distort the gel structure, thus affecting the separation quality. Therefore, the electric field must be optimally maintained to ensure efficient and accurate separation of DNA fragments.

The buffer system in gel electrophoresis, such as TAE or TBE, plays a crucial role in maintaining the integrity of DNA samples. It provides a conducive environment by maintaining a stable pH, which is essential to prevent DNA degradation during electrophoresis. The buffer also facilitates the conduction of the electric current throughout the gel, ensuring a uniform electric field. This uniformity is important for consistent DNA migration. Furthermore, the ions in the buffer solution help to dissipate heat generated during electrophoresis, preventing damage to the DNA samples and the gel.

The loading dye in gel electrophoresis serves two primary functions. Firstly, it increases the density of the DNA sample, ensuring that the sample sinks into the wells of the gel and does not diffuse into the buffer. This is crucial for precise sample loading. Secondly, the dye provides colour, making the sample visible to the naked eye. This visibility allows for easier monitoring of the loading process and tracking the progress of DNA migration during electrophoresis. Additionally, the dye typically migrates at a predictable rate, acting as a rough indicator of how far the smallest DNA fragments have travelled.

Safety precautions during gel electrophoresis are crucial to prevent exposure to hazardous materials and electric shock. Ethidium bromide, commonly used for staining DNA, is a mutagen and should be handled with gloves and proper disposal methods. Additionally, since the process involves high-voltage electricity, care should be taken to avoid electric shock by turning off the power supply before handling the gel. UV light used for visualising DNA bands can damage eyes and skin, so protective eyewear and shields are necessary. Lastly, proper training and adherence to laboratory protocols are essential to ensure safe operation of the electrophoresis equipment.

Practice Questions

Explain how the composition of the gel used in gel electrophoresis affects the separation of DNA fragments.

In gel electrophoresis, the composition of the gel, typically agarose or polyacrylamide, plays a crucial role in DNA fragment separation. The concentration of agarose determines the pore size of the gel, which in turn affects the resolution of DNA separation. Lower concentrations of agarose are used for larger DNA fragments, as bigger pores allow these larger molecules to travel through the gel more easily. Conversely, higher concentrations are better suited for separating smaller DNA fragments due to smaller pore sizes. This relationship between agarose concentration and pore size is key in achieving effective separation and analysis of DNA fragments of different sizes.

Describe the process and significance of staining and visualising DNA fragments in gel electrophoresis.

After electrophoresis, the gel is stained to visualise DNA fragments. Stains such as ethidium bromide bind to DNA and fluoresce under UV light, revealing the bands of DNA in the gel. This visualisation is significant as it allows for the analysis of DNA fragment sizes and patterns. The position and intensity of these bands provide insights into the genetic composition of the sample, enabling comparisons between different DNA samples. Staining is crucial for interpreting results, whether in forensic analysis, genetic fingerprinting, or molecular biology research, as it provides a clear visual representation of the DNA fragments separated during electrophoresis.

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