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CIE A-Level Biology Study Notes

13.1.6 Pigment Separation by Chromatography

Chloroplast pigments play a pivotal role in photosynthesis, capturing light energy to drive the process. The separation and analysis of these pigments through chromatography are essential for understanding their distinct functions and characteristics. This section provides an in-depth exploration of the techniques used for pigment separation in chloroplasts, focusing on chromatographic methods and the calculation and application of Rf values.

Introduction to Chromatography

Chromatography is a versatile laboratory technique employed for the separation and identification of complex mixtures. In studying photosynthesis, chromatography is particularly useful for isolating and analysing the various pigments present in chloroplasts, such as chlorophylls and carotenoids.

Principles of Chromatography

  • Fundamental Concept: Chromatography operates on the principle of partitioning components between a mobile phase and a stationary phase.
  • Interactions and Movement: The components in a mixture interact differently with the stationary phase, causing them to migrate at individual rates when the mobile phase passes through or over the stationary phase.

Chromatographic Techniques for Pigment Separation

Paper Chromatography

  • Stationary Phase: Special chromatography paper.
  • Mobile Phase: Suitable solvent, often a mixture of water, alcohol, and non-polar solvents.
  • Process: Pigment solution is applied as a small spot on the paper, which is then placed in a solvent. The pigments separate as the solvent ascends the paper.

Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC)

  • Stationary Phase: A thin layer of silica gel or alumina on a glass or plastic plate.
  • Mobile Phase: Similar to paper chromatography but can be more finely tuned by adjusting solvent composition.
  • Advantages: Provides better resolution than paper chromatography and is more quantitative.

Chromatography Procedure

  • 1. Sample Application: A concentrated pigment extract is carefully applied to the stationary phase.
  • 2. Development: The stationary phase with the sample is placed in a solvent. The solvent moves up by capillary action.
  • 3. Separation and Visualisation: Different pigments travel at different rates, forming distinct bands or spots. These can be visualised under UV light or by spraying with a developing agent.
A diagram showing the separation of plant pigments by paper chromatography.

Image courtes of Nandalal

Analysis of Chromatogram

  • Identification of Bands/Spots: Each pigment type forms a distinct band or spot on the chromatogram.
  • Colour Observation: The colours of the separated pigments provide an initial identification (e.g., green for chlorophyll, orange for carotene).

Calculation of Rf Values

Definition and Importance

  • Rf Value (Retention Factor): A dimensionless number representing the ratio of the distance travelled by a solute to the distance travelled by the solvent.
  • Purpose: Rf values help in the identification and comparison of compounds in a mixture.

Steps to Calculate Rf Value

  • 1. Measure Distance Travelled by Pigment: From the original line to the centre of the pigment spot.
  • 2. Measure Solvent Front Distance: From the original line to the solvent front.
  • 3. Use the Formula: Rf = (Distance travelled by pigment) / (Distance travelled by solvent).
Rf Value (Retention Factor)

Image courtesy of Croatian-English Chemistry Dictionary & Glossary

Interpreting Rf Values

  • Comparison with Standard Values: Rf values are compared with known values under similar conditions to identify the pigments.
  • Influence of Experimental Conditions: Factors such as temperature, solvent composition, and paper type can affect Rf values.

Application in Pigment Identification

  • Chlorophylls and Carotenoids: Different pigments such as chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, xanthophyll, and carotene can be identified based on their Rf values.
  • Qualitative Analysis: While chromatography is primarily qualitative, Rf values add a semi-quantitative aspect to the analysis.

Safety and Environmental Considerations

  • Handling Solvents: Care should be taken when handling organic solvents; use gloves and work in a well-ventilated area.
  • Disposal of Chemicals: Proper disposal methods for chemicals and solvents should be followed to minimise environmental impact.

Limitations of Chromatography in Pigment Analysis

  • Overlap of Bands: Some pigments may have similar Rf values, leading to overlapping bands.
  • Solvent Choice: The choice of solvent greatly influences the separation and can lead to varying results.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

  • Uneven Front: Caused by improper placement of the paper or plate in the solvent. Ensure the paper or plate is placed vertically and the solvent level is correct.
  • Smearing of Spots: This can occur if the sample is too concentrated or the solvent moves too quickly. Dilute the sample or use a slower-moving solvent.

In-depth understanding and practical application of chromatographic techniques for pigment separation are vital for students specialising in plant biology and photosynthesis. Mastery of these techniques, coupled with the ability to calculate and interpret Rf values, provides a robust foundation for identifying and understanding the various pigments in chloroplasts. This knowledge extends beyond mere identification, offering insights into the molecular interactions and properties of these essential components in the photosynthetic machinery.


The baseline in paper chromatography is crucial as it is the starting point from which the movement of the pigments is measured. It is typically marked near the bottom of the chromatography paper using a pencil, not ink, as ink may dissolve and interfere with the separation process. The pigment mixture is then applied as a small spot or line precisely on this baseline. The distance travelled by the pigments and the solvent front are measured from this baseline to calculate the Rf values. Accurate placement and measurement from the baseline ensure consistent and reliable results in chromatography.

While chromatography is primarily a qualitative technique, it can also be adapted for quantitative analysis. To quantify the amount of a particular pigment in a mixture, the intensity of the pigment spots or bands on the chromatogram can be measured. This is often done using densitometry or image analysis software, where the area and the intensity of the colour of the spot are analysed. The concentration of the pigment can then be estimated by comparing these measurements to a standard curve generated from known concentrations of the same pigment. This method provides an approximate quantitative analysis but is less accurate than other quantitative methods like spectrophotometry.

Chromatography can indeed distinguish between different types of chlorophyll, such as chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b. This is possible because each type of chlorophyll has a unique solubility profile and molecular structure, causing them to interact differently with the stationary phase and travel at different rates in the mobile phase. In paper chromatography, for instance, chlorophyll a and b will separate into distinct bands or spots on the chromatogram, each having a different colour (blue-green for chlorophyll a and yellow-green for chlorophyll b) and position. The Rf values for these chlorophyll types are different, allowing for their identification and differentiation.

Temperature can significantly affect the chromatography process in pigment separation. Higher temperatures typically increase the solubility of pigments in the solvent, causing them to travel further up the chromatography paper or TLC plate. This can lead to changes in Rf values and potentially affect the separation of closely related pigments. Conversely, lower temperatures may reduce pigment solubility, resulting in less movement and potentially incomplete separation. Temperature fluctuations can also cause inconsistent results in repeated experiments. Therefore, conducting chromatography in a temperature-controlled environment is crucial for obtaining reliable and reproducible results.

Using a non-polar solvent in the chromatography of chloroplast pigments is critical because the pigments themselves are non-polar compounds. Non-polar solvents effectively dissolve these pigments, allowing them to travel up the chromatography paper or TLC plate. The choice of solvent influences the separation of pigments due to the principle of 'like dissolves like', where non-polar solvents best dissolve non-polar substances. A suitable non-polar solvent ensures effective separation and clearer results. If a polar solvent were used, the non-polar pigments would have limited solubility, resulting in poor separation and less distinct bands or spots on the chromatogram.

Practice Questions

Describe the process of paper chromatography used to separate chloroplast pigments. Include details about the setup, the procedure, and how the results are analysed.

Paper chromatography is a technique used to separate and analyse the different pigments in chloroplasts. Initially, a concentrated pigment extract is applied as a small spot near the bottom of a chromatography paper. This paper is then placed in a solvent within a chromatography chamber. As the solvent moves up the paper by capillary action, it carries the different pigments at varying rates based on their solubility and interaction with the paper. Once the solvent has travelled a certain distance, the paper is removed and dried. The separated pigments appear as distinct coloured spots, which can be analysed based on their position and colour. The distance each pigment travels compared to the solvent front is used to calculate the Rf value, aiding in the identification of each pigment.

Explain how Rf values are calculated in chromatography and discuss their significance in identifying chloroplast pigments.

Rf values, or Retention Factors, are calculated in chromatography by dividing the distance travelled by a pigment by the distance travelled by the solvent front. This calculation is significant as it provides a numerical value representing the relative mobility of a pigment in a particular solvent system. Rf values are crucial for identifying pigments because each pigment has a characteristic Rf value under specific conditions. By comparing the Rf values obtained from chromatography with known values, it is possible to identify the pigments present in a mixture. Rf values are particularly useful in distinguishing between pigments with similar colours but different solubilities, enhancing the understanding of the composition and function of chloroplast pigments.

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