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CIE A-Level Biology Study Notes

11.2.3 Production Techniques for Monoclonal Antibodies

Monoclonal antibodies are critical tools in modern medicine, offering targeted treatment for various diseases. This section explores their production, specifically through the hybridoma method, and the associated challenges.

Introduction to Monoclonal Antibodies

Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) are laboratory-produced molecules engineered to serve as substitute antibodies. They can restore, enhance, or mimic the immune system's attack on cells.

Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs)

Image courtesy of Sepmag

The Hybridoma Method

The hybridoma method is a pivotal technique in the production of monoclonal antibodies, combining the specificity of antibodies with the longevity of myeloma cells.

Discovery and Development

The technique was developed in 1975 by Georges Köhler and César Milstein. They revolutionised the medical field with this method, earning a Nobel Prize for their contribution.

Principle of the Hybridoma Method

  • Stimulation of Immune Response: Initially, a mouse is immunised with a target antigen, leading to the production of antigen-specific plasma cells.
  • Cell Fusion: Spleen cells from the immunised mouse, containing B-lymphocytes, are fused with immortal myeloma cells. This fusion creates hybrid cells, known as hybridomas.

Selection and Screening

  • HAT Medium Selection: The fused cells are cultured in HAT medium, where only hybridomas survive due to their dual origin.
  • Screening for Specific Antibody Production: Hybridomas are screened for the production of the desired antibody, ensuring specificity in the resultant monoclonal antibody.

Cloning and Expansion

  • Single-Cell Cloning: Once a hybridoma producing the desired antibody is identified, it is cloned to produce a population of identical cells.
  • Large Scale Production: These cloned cells are then cultured in large quantities to produce monoclonal antibodies in significant amounts.

Harvesting and Purification

  • Collection from Culture Medium: Monoclonal antibodies are collected from the culture medium where hybridomas are grown.
  • Purification Processes: The antibodies undergo purification processes to ensure they are safe and effective for use in medical treatments.
Hybridoma method for monoclonal antibody creation

Image courtesy of Adenosine

Ethical and Practical Challenges

Producing monoclonal antibodies involves several ethical and practical considerations.

Ethical Considerations

  • Animal Welfare Concerns: The use of animals, particularly mice, in antibody production raises concerns about animal welfare and ethics.
  • Ethical Distribution: Ensuring equitable access to monoclonal antibody therapies across different socio-economic groups and countries is a significant ethical challenge.

Practical Challenges

  • High Production Costs: The cost-intensive process of producing monoclonal antibodies makes these treatments expensive.
  • Complex Storage Requirements: These antibodies require specific storage conditions, complicating distribution logistics, particularly in low-resource settings.

Therapeutic Applications of Monoclonal Antibodies

Monoclonal antibodies have a wide range of applications in the treatment of various diseases.

In Cancer Therapy

  • Mechanism of Action: In cancer therapy, monoclonal antibodies can directly target specific cancer cells, block growth signals, and recruit immune cells to destroy cancer cells.
  • Examples: Rituximab targets the CD20 antigen on B-lymphocytes, useful in treating non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
Monoclonal antibodies in cancer therapy

Image courtesy of National Cancer Institute

Treating Autoimmune Diseases

  • Selective Immunosuppression: Monoclonal antibodies like Adalimumab and Infliximab target specific immune system components to treat autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis.

In Infectious Diseases

  • Viral Neutralization: Monoclonal antibodies can neutralise pathogens, as seen in treatments for diseases like Ebola.

Future Directions in Monoclonal Antibody Production

The field of monoclonal antibody production is rapidly evolving, with new technologies enhancing their potential.

Advances in Biotechnology

  • Gene Editing: Techniques like CRISPR offer new ways to modify and improve monoclonal antibodies, making them more effective.
  • Phage Display: This technique allows for the selection of antibodies with high affinity and specificity without the use of animals.
Gene editing techniques

Image courtesy of Natali_Mis

Synthetic Antibodies

  • Development of Fully Synthetic Antibodies: Research is progressing towards creating completely synthetic antibodies, which could overcome many ethical and practical challenges.

Personalised Medicine

  • Tailored Therapies: Monoclonal antibodies are at the forefront of personalised medicine, where treatments can be customised based on an individual's genetic profile, improving efficacy and reducing side effects.

In conclusion, the production of monoclonal antibodies through the hybridoma method is a complex but essential process in modern medicine. While it involves significant ethical and practical challenges, the continuous advancements in biotechnology are paving the way for more effective, accessible, and ethically sound production methods. Monoclonal antibodies continue to play a crucial role in the treatment of various diseases, highlighting their importance in the field of medical biotechnology.


Fully synthetic antibodies, created using advanced biotechnological methods, offer several advantages over hybridoma-produced monoclonal antibodies. Firstly, they eliminate the need for animals in antibody production, addressing ethical concerns. Secondly, fully synthetic antibodies can be designed with precise characteristics, including enhanced affinity and specificity, making them more effective. They can also be engineered to have longer half-lives in the body, reducing the frequency of treatment. Furthermore, the production process for fully synthetic antibodies can be scaled up more easily, potentially reducing costs and improving accessibility. Overall, fully synthetic antibodies represent a promising future for antibody-based therapies, overcoming many limitations associated with traditional hybridoma-produced monoclonal antibodies.

Yes, monoclonal antibodies can be used in the treatment of viral infections. They work by targeting specific viral components, such as viral surface proteins, preventing the virus from infecting host cells. Monoclonal antibodies have been used in the treatment of diseases like Ebola and COVID-19. For example, the monoclonal antibody cocktail casirivimab and imdevimab has been authorised for emergency use in the treatment of COVID-19. These antibodies bind to the spike protein of the virus, reducing its ability to enter human cells. Monoclonal antibodies offer a targeted approach to combat viral infections, but their effectiveness depends on factors like the timing of administration and the virus's susceptibility to antibody neutralisation.

Personalised medicine can greatly benefit from monoclonal antibodies due to their specificity and customizability. In personalised medicine, treatments are tailored to an individual's genetic makeup, and monoclonal antibodies can play a pivotal role in this approach. By selecting or engineering monoclonal antibodies specific to a patient's unique disease markers, such as specific cancer antigens or autoimmune triggers, treatment becomes highly targeted and effective. This reduces side effects and increases the likelihood of successful treatment outcomes. Additionally, monoclonal antibodies can be used as diagnostics to identify specific disease markers in an individual, allowing for early disease detection and intervention. In summary, monoclonal antibodies offer the potential to revolutionise personalised medicine by providing highly specific and customisable treatment options.

Monoclonal antibodies are produced by a single clone of cells and are therefore identical, recognising a single epitope on an antigen. In contrast, polyclonal antibodies are produced by multiple clones of B-lymphocytes, resulting in a mixture of antibodies that recognise different epitopes on the same antigen. Monoclonal antibodies are highly specific and are often used for precise targeting in diagnostics and therapies. Polyclonal antibodies are less specific but may be more effective in some situations due to their diversity. Monoclonal antibodies are produced through cell fusion techniques like the hybridoma method, while polyclonal antibodies are obtained by injecting an animal with an antigen, leading to the production of antibodies by multiple B-lymphocyte clones.

The HAT (Hypoxanthine-Aminopterin-Thymidine) medium is crucial in the hybridoma method as it selectively allows the survival of hybridomas, the fused cells of B-lymphocytes and myeloma cells. HAT medium contains aminopterin, which inhibits the de novo synthesis of purines, essential for DNA and RNA production. B-lymphocytes rely on external sources of purines, while myeloma cells can synthesize them. When these cells are fused to create hybridomas, only the hybridomas that inherit the ability to take up purines from the medium will survive and continue to divide. This selective pressure ensures that only hybridomas, which produce the desired monoclonal antibody, can grow in the HAT medium. It's a critical step in the production process.

Practice Questions

Explain the principle of the hybridoma method in the production of monoclonal antibodies.

The hybridoma method is a technique used to produce monoclonal antibodies. It involves the fusion of two types of cells: B-lymphocytes from an immunised mouse and myeloma cells. B-lymphocytes produce antibodies specific to a particular antigen, while myeloma cells are immortal and can divide rapidly. The fused cells, called hybridomas, inherit the ability to produce antibodies from B-lymphocytes and the ability to divide indefinitely from myeloma cells. This process results in a population of identical cells, each producing the same monoclonal antibody. Hybridomas are screened to identify those producing the desired antibody, ensuring specificity. Cloning and large-scale production of these cells yield significant quantities of monoclonal antibodies.

Discuss the ethical and practical challenges associated with the production and use of monoclonal antibodies.

Producing monoclonal antibodies presents ethical and practical challenges. Ethically, the use of animals, primarily mice, in antibody production raises concerns about animal welfare. Efforts are being made to develop alternative methods to reduce reliance on animal models. Additionally, ensuring equitable access to monoclonal antibody therapies across different socio-economic groups and countries is an ethical challenge.

Practically, the high production costs of monoclonal antibodies make these treatments expensive, limiting accessibility. Moreover, monoclonal antibodies require specific storage conditions, which can complicate distribution logistics, particularly in resource-limited settings. Addressing these challenges is essential to make monoclonal antibody therapies more accessible and ethically sound.

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