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CIE A-Level Biology Study Notes

11.2.6 Passive Immunity and Immunoglobulins

Passive immunity plays a vital role in immunology, offering immediate protection through the administration of immunoglobulins. This segment delves into the nature of passive immunity, its importance in different clinical scenarios, and the intricacies of sourcing and preparing immunoglobulins for therapeutic applications.

Introduction to Passive Immunity

Passive immunity is the process of conferring immunity without the recipient’s immune system generating a response. It is a cornerstone in both natural and artificial immune defenses.

Characteristics of Passive Immunity

  • Immediate Effectiveness: Provides rapid protection, crucial in emergency scenarios.
  • Temporary Duration: Lasts only for a limited period, as the antibodies are eventually degraded.
  • No Memory Cells: Unlike active immunity, it does not lead to the formation of memory cells.
Passive immunity- natural and artificial

Image courtesy of Clinical Info HIV - HIV.gov

Immunoglobulins: The Agents of Passive Immunity

Immunoglobulins, also known as antibodies, are Y-shaped proteins that play a critical role in the immune system. They are produced by B cells and plasma cells and are essential in passive immunity.

Types and Their Functions

  • IgG: The most abundant, provides long-term protection, and crosses the placenta to protect the fetus.
  • IgM: Initial antibody produced in response to an antigen, essential for primary immune response.
  • IgA: Protects body surfaces exposed to foreign substances, found in mucous, tears, and breast milk.
  • IgD: Functions mainly as an antigen receptor on B cells.
  • IgE: Involved in allergic reactions and defense against parasitic infections.
Immunoglobulins/antibodies types and structures

Image courtesy of gritsalak

Administration and Clinical Use of Immunoglobulins

The administration of immunoglobulins is a pivotal intervention in various medical scenarios.

Administration Methods

  • Intravenous Immunoglobulin (IVIG): Delivered directly into a vein, commonly used in immunodeficiency cases.
  • Intramuscular Injections: Used for specific types of immunoglobulins, like those for hepatitis A or rabies exposure.

Clinical Scenarios for Administration

  • Infection Exposure: Post-exposure prophylaxis for diseases like tetanus or rabies.
  • Neonatal Immunity: Transplacental transfer of IgG provides immunity to newborns.
  • Immunocompromised Individuals: Critical for people with weakened immune systems.

Sourcing of Immunoglobulins

The procurement of immunoglobulins is a complex process, relying mainly on human donors.

Donor Recruitment and Screening

  • Voluntary Donations: Blood and plasma are collected from healthy, screened donors.
  • Screening Processes: Donors are rigorously screened for infectious diseases and other health issues.

Preparation of Immunoglobulins for Clinical Use

The preparation of immunoglobulins is a delicate process that demands the highest safety standards.

Purification and Production

  • Cold Ethanol Fractionation: A method to separate different plasma proteins, including immunoglobulins.
  • Chromatography Techniques: Used for further purification and concentration of immunoglobulins.

Quality Control and Safety

  • Pathogen Reduction: Techniques like solvent-detergent treatment to ensure the removal of viruses and other pathogens.
  • Sterility and Stability Testing: Ensures that the immunoglobulins remain effective and safe for use.

Ethical and Regulatory Aspects

The production and use of immunoglobulins are governed by ethical guidelines and regulatory bodies to ensure donor and recipient safety.

Ethical Considerations

  • Informed Consent: Donors must give informed consent, understanding the implications and use of their donations.
  • Equity and Access: Ensuring fair access to immunoglobulin therapies across different populations and regions.

Regulatory Oversight

  • Quality Standards: Set by bodies like the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
  • Monitoring Adverse Effects: Ongoing surveillance for any adverse reactions in recipients.

Clinical Applications and Research

Immunoglobulins have a broad spectrum of applications in both clinical and research settings.

Therapeutic Uses

  • Autoimmune Diseases: Modulating immune response in conditions like systemic lupus erythematosus.
  • Immunoprophylaxis: Preventing disease in individuals before exposure, such as in travelers to certain regions.

Research and Development

  • Antibody Engineering: Creating specific antibodies for targeted therapy and diagnostics.
  • Immunological Studies: Understanding immune response mechanisms and antibody-antigen interactions.

Challenges and Future Prospects

The field of immunoglobulins is rapidly evolving, facing challenges, and offering new opportunities.

Technological Advancements

  • Monoclonal Antibodies: Development of disease-specific antibodies for targeted treatment.
  • Recombinant DNA Technology: Enables the production of specific types of immunoglobulins.

Global Health Implications

  • Pandemic Response: Role of passive immunity in managing emerging infectious diseases.
  • Global Access and Distribution: Ensuring equitable access to immunoglobulin therapies worldwide.

In conclusion, passive immunity through the administration of immunoglobulins is a critical component of modern medicine, offering immediate protection against a variety of pathogens. The process, from sourcing to administration, is governed by strict ethical and safety standards. The ongoing advancements in the field hold promising prospects for more effective and targeted immunological therapies.


Immunoglobulins for clinical use undergo rigorous testing to ensure their safety and efficacy. The testing process includes screening for infectious agents like viruses and bacteria to prevent disease transmission. Additionally, immunoglobulins are tested for their purity, concentration, and antibody activity to ensure they are effective in conferring immunity. Safety tests also include checking for the presence of harmful substances like endotoxins. Furthermore, clinical trials are conducted to assess the efficacy and safety of immunoglobulins in treating specific conditions. Regulatory bodies, such as the FDA and EMA, set stringent standards that these products must meet before they are approved for clinical use.

Yes, passive immunity can sometimes lead to adverse reactions in recipients, though this is relatively rare. Adverse reactions are typically associated with immunoglobulin infusions, such as those used in Intravenous Immunoglobulin (IVIG) therapy. Potential reactions include allergic responses, especially in individuals with IgA deficiency who might react to IgA present in the IVIG preparation. Other possible reactions include flu-like symptoms, headache, fever, nausea, and in rare cases, more severe reactions like anaphylaxis. These reactions are generally manageable and the benefits of IVIG therapy in providing immediate immunity often outweigh the risks, especially in immunocompromised patients.

Ethical considerations in the sourcing and administration of immunoglobulins include donor consent and safety, fair access to treatment, and the responsible use of resources. Donors must provide informed consent, understanding the use of their blood or plasma for immunoglobulin production. Their health and well-being are also paramount, with regular health checks and ethical treatment being crucial. In terms of administration, it's important to ensure equitable access to immunoglobulin therapies, particularly for patients in low-income countries or marginalized communities. Additionally, ethical use of these resources involves balancing the demand for immunoglobulins with the availability and the need to use them in medically justified situations.

Passive immunity is considered temporary because the externally acquired antibodies are gradually broken down and not replenished by the recipient's immune system. Unlike active immunity, where memory cells are created, passive immunity does not involve a lasting immune memory. The duration of passive immunity depends on the half-life of the antibodies, which is typically around 21 to 28 days for IgG. Therefore, passive immunity usually lasts for a few weeks to a few months. Over time, as these antibodies diminish, the protection they offer also decreases, leaving the individual reliant on their own immune response or further passive immunisation for continued protection.

Passive immunity differs from active immunity primarily in its source and duration. In passive immunity, antibodies are acquired from an external source, such as breast milk or immunoglobulin infusions, and do not involve the recipient's immune system's active response to pathogens. This form of immunity offers immediate protection but is temporary, typically lasting only a few weeks to months. In contrast, active immunity involves the production of antibodies by the immune system in response to exposure to an antigen, either through infection or vaccination. Active immunity is generally long-lasting, often providing lifelong protection, due to the formation of memory cells that remember the specific pathogen.

Practice Questions

Discuss the importance of passive immunity in immunocompromised individuals and describe one method by which it is clinically administered.

Passive immunity is vital for immunocompromised individuals as their weakened immune systems are less capable of fighting off infections. It provides immediate, albeit temporary, protection against pathogens. One common method of administering passive immunity is through Intravenous Immunoglobulin (IVIG) therapy. IVIG contains a broad spectrum of antibodies collected from the plasma of numerous donors, offering wide-ranging immune protection. This method is particularly beneficial for patients with conditions like HIV/AIDS or those undergoing treatments like chemotherapy, which can significantly weaken their immune systems. IVIG therapy acts as a crucial line of defense, enhancing their ability to resist infections.

Explain the role of IgA in passive immunity and identify a natural source of this immunoglobulin.

IgA plays a significant role in passive immunity, particularly in protecting mucosal surfaces such as those found in the digestive and respiratory tracts. It binds to pathogens, preventing their attachment and invasion into body tissues. A natural source of IgA is breast milk, which is rich in this immunoglobulin. When infants consume breast milk, they receive IgA, which helps protect them against pathogens, particularly in the gut and respiratory system. This is particularly crucial in early life when the infant's own immune system is still developing. The provision of IgA through breast milk is a key example of natural passive immunity.

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