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CIE A-Level Biology Study Notes

8.2.3 Carbon Dioxide in Blood Plasma

In the intricate system of the human body, the transport of carbon dioxide (CO₂) in blood plasma plays a fundamental role. This section comprehensively explores the mechanisms of CO₂ transport in blood plasma, including the formation of bicarbonate ions and carbaminohemoglobin, and elaborates on the crucial role of plasma in buffering blood pH, essential for maintaining the delicate acid-base balance in the body.

Carbon Dioxide Transport Mechanisms in Blood

Carbon dioxide, a metabolic waste product, must be efficiently transported from body tissues to the lungs for exhalation. Blood plasma facilitates this transport through several mechanisms, each playing a distinct role in maintaining physiological harmony.

Dissolved Carbon Dioxide

  • About 5% of CO₂ in the bloodstream is transported as dissolved gas in plasma.
  • This process relies on the solubility of CO₂ in blood.
  • The direct dissolution of CO₂ in plasma is relatively minor but still vital for maintaining a gradient that facilitates further CO₂ exchange.

Carbaminohemoglobin Formation

  • Approximately 10% of carbon dioxide in the blood is transported as carbaminohemoglobin.
  • This compound forms when CO₂ binds non-covalently to the amino groups of the globin part of hemoglobin in red blood cells.
  • The formation of carbaminohemoglobin is reversible, enabling CO₂ release in the lungs.

Bicarbonate Ion Formation

  • The majority of CO₂ (around 85%) is carried in the form of bicarbonate ions, making this the most significant transport mechanism.
  • This process involves several steps:
    • Enzymatic Conversion: Within red blood cells, the enzyme carbonic anhydrase catalyses the reaction of CO₂ with water to form carbonic acid (H₂CO₃).
    • Dissociation of Carbonic Acid: Carbonic acid then rapidly dissociates into bicarbonate ions (HCO₃⁻) and hydrogen ions (H⁺).
    • Chloride Shift: To counterbalance the movement of negatively charged bicarbonate ions out of the red blood cells, chloride ions move in from the plasma, a phenomenon known as the chloride shift.
Carbon Dioxide Transport in Blood

Image courtesy of OpenStax College

The Role of Plasma in Blood pH Buffering

Blood pH is a critical physiological parameter that needs to be strictly regulated. Plasma plays a central role in this regulation by acting as a buffer system.

The Bicarbonate Buffer System

  • Bicarbonate ions in plasma form one of the main components of the bicarbonate buffer system.
  • This system moderates pH changes in the body, especially those resulting from metabolic processes.
  • It involves a reversible reaction where carbonic acid dissociates into hydrogen ions and bicarbonate ions, thus buffering changes in pH.
The Bicarbonate Buffer System in blood

Image courtesy of BruceBlaus

Carbon Dioxide and pH Regulation

  • CO₂ levels in blood directly influence the pH. An increase in CO₂ causes a drop in pH, making the blood more acidic, while a decrease has the opposite effect.
  • Respiratory mechanisms come into play to adjust CO₂ levels in response to pH changes, reflecting the close interplay between respiratory and renal systems in pH regulation.

Implications of pH Imbalance

  • An imbalance in blood pH can lead to conditions such as acidosis or alkalosis.
  • Acidosis, characterised by an excessively acidic environment in the body, can arise from an accumulation of CO₂ or a deficit in bicarbonate.
  • Alkalosis, on the other hand, results from a significant decrease in CO₂ or an excess of bicarbonate.
Symptoms of acidosis or alkalosis due to imbalance in blood pH

Image courtesy of OpenStax College

Carbon Dioxide Transport: A Critical Biological Process

The transportation of carbon dioxide in blood plasma is not just a passive process but a dynamic one, essential for the maintenance of life. This mechanism ensures that CO₂, a potentially harmful by-product of cellular metabolism, is effectively removed from the body. The bicarbonate buffer system in plasma is a cornerstone of the body's ability to maintain a stable internal environment, particularly in the context of pH regulation. Disturbances in this system can have far-reaching implications, affecting everything from cellular function to overall organ system performance.

In conclusion, the transport of carbon dioxide in blood plasma, involving both physical and chemical processes, represents a remarkable aspect of human physiology. It underscores the complexity and efficiency of our bodily systems and their ability to adapt and respond to internal and external changes. For students of A-Level Biology, grasping these concepts is not only crucial for academic success but also forms a foundational understanding of human health and disease mechanisms.


Carbaminohemoglobin and oxyhemoglobin are both forms of hemoglobin that play distinct roles in gas transport. Carbaminohemoglobin is formed when carbon dioxide binds to the amino groups of hemoglobin, a process that occurs primarily in the tissues where carbon dioxide concentration is high. It facilitates the transport of about 10% of carbon dioxide from the tissues to the lungs. On the other hand, oxyhemoglobin is formed when oxygen binds to the iron-containing heme groups of hemoglobin. This occurs primarily in the lungs, where oxygen concentration is high, allowing for the transport of oxygen from the lungs to the tissues. While carbaminohemoglobin releases CO₂ in the lungs, oxyhemoglobin releases oxygen in the tissues, demonstrating the complementary nature of these two transport mechanisms.

Carbonic anhydrase is an enzyme found in high concentrations in red blood cells that catalyses the rapid conversion of carbon dioxide and water into carbonic acid (H₂CO₃). This reaction is fundamental in the transport of carbon dioxide in blood plasma. Carbonic acid then dissociates into bicarbonate ions (HCO₃⁻) and hydrogen ions (H⁺). Without carbonic anhydrase, this reaction would occur much more slowly, hindering the efficient transport of carbon dioxide from the tissues to the lungs. The enzyme's presence and activity are therefore vital for the rapid conversion of carbon dioxide, facilitating its removal from the body and maintaining the acid-base balance in the blood.

The chloride shift is a crucial mechanism in the transport of carbon dioxide in blood plasma. It occurs to maintain electrochemical neutrality when bicarbonate ions are formed in red blood cells. As carbon dioxide enters the red blood cells, it reacts with water to form carbonic acid under the catalytic action of carbonic anhydrase. This carbonic acid quickly dissociates into bicarbonate ions and hydrogen ions. The bicarbonate ions then diffuse out of the red blood cells into the plasma. To maintain electrochemical balance, chloride ions from the plasma move into the red blood cells, a process known as the chloride shift. This exchange is essential for efficiently transporting carbon dioxide from tissues to the lungs and helps maintain the acid-base balance in the body.

The body regulates the removal of carbon dioxide primarily through the respiratory system to prevent acidosis. When carbon dioxide levels in the blood increase, it leads to a lower blood pH, indicating a more acidic environment. The body responds by increasing the respiratory rate and depth of breathing. This enhancement in respiration leads to more carbon dioxide being exhaled, thus lowering its concentration in the blood. Additionally, the kidneys contribute by excreting more hydrogen ions and reabsorbing bicarbonate ions, further aiding in maintaining the acid-base balance. These physiological responses are crucial for preventing respiratory acidosis, a condition caused by elevated carbon dioxide levels.

Temperature changes can indeed affect the transport of carbon dioxide in blood. An increase in temperature, which often occurs in metabolically active tissues, enhances the release of carbon dioxide from carbaminohemoglobin and also increases the rate at which carbon dioxide is produced by cells. Higher temperatures shift the oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve to the right, known as the Bohr effect, which facilitates the unloading of oxygen and the uptake of carbon dioxide in tissues. Conversely, in the cooler environment of the lungs, these processes are reversed, favouring the binding of oxygen to hemoglobin and the release of carbon dioxide for exhalation. This temperature dependency plays a role in efficiently matching the delivery of oxygen and removal of carbon dioxide to the metabolic needs of different tissues.

Practice Questions

Describe the role of the bicarbonate buffer system in maintaining blood pH and explain how changes in carbon dioxide levels can affect this system.

The bicarbonate buffer system is crucial in maintaining blood pH within a narrow range. It operates through a reversible reaction where carbon dioxide (CO₂) combines with water to form carbonic acid (H₂CO₃), which then dissociates into bicarbonate ions (HCO₃⁻) and hydrogen ions (H⁺). This system effectively neutralises excess acids or bases, thus stabilising pH. An increase in CO₂ levels shifts the reaction towards the formation of more hydrogen ions, lowering the pH and making the blood more acidic. Conversely, a decrease in CO₂ shifts the reaction towards reducing hydrogen ions, thereby increasing pH and making the blood more alkaline. The body compensates for these pH changes by adjusting respiratory rates to modulate CO₂ levels, exemplifying the interplay between respiratory and renal systems in pH regulation.

Explain the process of carbaminohemoglobin formation and its significance in carbon dioxide transport in blood.

Carbaminohemoglobin is formed when carbon dioxide (CO₂) binds to the amino groups on the globin chains of hemoglobin in red blood cells. This process accounts for about 10% of CO₂ transport in blood. CO₂ reacts with the N-terminal groups of the globin chains to form carbaminohemoglobin, a reversible reaction that is crucial for CO₂ transport from tissues to the lungs. In the tissues, where CO₂ concentration is high, this reaction facilitates the binding of CO₂ to hemoglobin. In the lungs, where CO₂ concentration is lower, the reaction reverses, releasing CO₂ for exhalation. This mechanism is significant as it aids in the efficient transport and removal of CO₂, a metabolic waste product, from the body.

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