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CIE A-Level Biology Study Notes

1.2.5 Virus Structure and Classification

Viruses, often considered the bridge between living and non-living entities, are remarkably diverse in their structure and functionality. This segment of study notes delves deeply into the various aspects of virus structure, including their nucleic acid core, protein capsid, and potential enveloping layer, as well as their classification based on nucleic acid type and replication strategies. This comprehensive examination is aimed at providing A-Level Biology students with a thorough understanding of these minuscule yet significant biological entities.

Basic Structure of Viruses

Nucleic Acid Core and Protein Capsid

  • The core element of a virus is its nucleic acid core, which contains its genetic material. This core is either DNA or RNA and holds the instructions for virus replication and synthesis of viral proteins.
  • Encapsulating this genetic material is the protein capsid. The capsid, composed of protein subunits called capsomeres, not only protects the nucleic acid but also plays a role in infecting host cells.
  • The shape and size of capsids vary significantly among viruses. Common structural forms include helical (rod-shaped) and icosahedral (20-sided) shapes.
  • Some viruses also have an outer envelope that encases the capsid. This envelope is typically derived from portions of the host cell membranes (phospholipids and proteins), but includes some viral glycoproteins.
 A diagram of virus structure.

Image courtesy of skypicsstudio

The Role of the Envelope

  • The presence or absence of an envelope distinguishes viruses into two broad categories: enveloped and non-enveloped (or naked) viruses.
  • Enveloped viruses are generally more flexible and can fuse with host cell membranes, aiding in the entry of the viral nucleic acid into host cells.
  • However, these viruses are also more sensitive to environmental conditions, such as heat or detergents, which can disrupt the lipid bilayer.

Diversity of Viral Structures

  • Viruses exhibit a stunning array of structural diversity, which extends beyond the basic nucleic acid and capsid model.
  • Additional structural components may include complex arrangements of proteins, like tail fibers in bacteriophages, which assist in attaching to specific host cells.
  • The diversity in structure is not just an academic curiosity; it has practical implications in understanding how viruses infect different host species, evade immune responses, and how they can be targeted by antiviral drugs.
A diagram showing the structure of different types of viruses.

Image courtesy of VectorMine

Classification of Viruses

Based on Nucleic Acid Type

  • Viruses are primarily classified based on the type of nucleic acid they possess.
  • DNA viruses: These contain DNA as their genetic material, which can be either single-stranded or double-stranded. Examples include Herpesviruses (double-stranded) and Parvoviruses (single-stranded).
  • RNA viruses: These have RNA as their genetic material. RNA viruses are usually single-stranded, but double-stranded forms also exist. They are further divided into positive-sense RNA viruses (e.g., Coronaviruses) and negative-sense RNA viruses (e.g., Influenza viruses).
Examples of DNA and RNA viruses.

Image courtesy of National Human Genome Research Institute

Replication Strategies

  • Viral replication strategies are diverse and depend on their type of nucleic acid.
  • In the lytic cycle, viruses immediately take over the host’s cellular machinery to produce new virions, eventually causing the cell to lyse and release the new viruses.
  • In the lysogenic cycle, employed by some DNA viruses and retroviruses, the viral DNA is integrated into the host genome and is replicated along with the host’s DNA, remaining dormant until triggered to become active.
  • Reverse transcribing viruses, like HIV, use an enzyme called reverse transcriptase to convert their RNA genome into DNA, which is then integrated into the host genome. This integration allows the virus to be replicated along with the host cell’s DNA.
A diagram showing the difference between the lytic cycle and the lysogenic cycle.

Image courtesy of CNX OpenStax

Baltimore Classification System

  • Developed by virologist David Baltimore, this system classifies viruses into seven groups based on their method of mRNA production.
  • These groups provide a more detailed understanding of viral replication and gene expression, aiding in the development of antiviral therapies and vaccines.
Baltimore Classification System of Viruses

Image courtesy of Thomas Splettstoesser

Evolutionary Significance of Viral Structures

  • The simplicity and diversity of viral structures have significant evolutionary implications.
  • Viruses serve as a window into the past, offering insights into early forms of life and molecular evolution.
  • They also play a role in horizontal gene transfer, influencing the genetic diversity of their host species.
  • Understanding viral evolution is crucial in predicting and managing viral outbreaks and in the development of effective vaccination strategies.

In conclusion, the study of viruses, their structures, and their classification systems is a crucial component of understanding biological processes and disease mechanisms. For A-Level Biology students, a thorough grasp of these concepts is essential for appreciating the complexity and diversity of life at a microscopic level.


While viruses are typically classified based on their structure and replication methods, they can also be grouped based on the diseases they cause. For instance, respiratory viruses like influenza and coronaviruses cause respiratory illnesses, while enteroviruses affect the gastrointestinal tract. However, this method of classification is less scientific and more practical for medical and epidemiological purposes. It's important to note that a single type of virus can cause a range of diseases, and similar symptoms can be caused by different viruses, making disease-based classification less precise for scientific study.

Viral surface proteins are critical for the infection process. They are responsible for recognising and binding to specific receptor molecules on the surface of host cells. This specificity determines the host range of the virus - which types of organisms and which cells within those organisms it can infect. For example, the influenza virus has surface proteins (hemagglutinin and neuraminidase) that determine its ability to attach to and enter respiratory cells. These proteins are also key targets for the immune system and for antiviral drugs and vaccines, as alterations in these proteins can affect the virus's infectivity and immune evasion capabilities.

Viruses employ different strategies for exiting a host cell after replication, which significantly affects the host cell's fate. Some viruses, particularly non-enveloped ones, exit the cell through lysis, where the cell is destroyed and the newly formed viruses are released. This lytic process is often rapid and results in cell death. In contrast, enveloped viruses typically use a budding process, where they acquire their envelope from the host cell's membrane as they exit. This budding can be less destructive to the host cell, allowing it to survive longer. The method of exit is crucial for understanding the virus's life cycle and its impact on the host organism.

Viruses lack the cellular machinery necessary for replication and protein synthesis. Once inside a host cell, they hijack the host's cellular machinery to replicate their genetic material and produce viral proteins. This process varies depending on the type of virus. For example, DNA viruses often enter the nucleus and use the host's DNA polymerase to replicate their genome, whereas RNA viruses typically replicate in the cytoplasm using their own or host's RNA polymerase. The viral genetic material commandeers the host's ribosomes for protein synthesis, assembling new virus particles within the host cell.

Viruses are not considered living organisms because they lack many characteristics of life. For instance, they cannot reproduce independently; they must infect a host cell and use its machinery for replication. They also do not have a cellular structure, which is a basic criterion for life. Moreover, viruses do not have metabolic processes; they do not consume energy for growth or maintain a stable internal environment. This borderline existence between the inanimate and living worlds makes viruses unique in biology, leading to debates and studies about the nature of life and the origins of viruses.

Practice Questions

Describe how the presence of an envelope in some viruses affects their infectivity and vulnerability to environmental factors.

An excellent response would detail that enveloped viruses, such as influenza, possess a lipid bilayer derived from the host cell membrane. This envelope aids in infectivity by facilitating the fusion with host cell membranes, allowing easier entry into the cell. It typically contains viral proteins essential for attachment to host cells. However, the envelope also makes these viruses more vulnerable to environmental factors like heat, detergents, and desiccation, as these can disrupt the lipid bilayer. This vulnerability contrasts with non-enveloped viruses, which are generally more robust in the environment but rely on other mechanisms for cell entry.

Explain the significance of viral surface proteins in determining the host range and specificity of a virus.

In an exemplary answer, a student would explain that viral surface proteins are crucial for determining the host range and specificity of a virus. These proteins interact specifically with receptor molecules on the surface of potential host cells. The specificity of this interaction dictates which organisms and which cell types within those organisms a virus can infect. For example, the surface proteins of the HIV virus specifically bind to CD4 and co-receptors on certain immune cells. This specificity not only dictates the type of cells infected but also influences the immune response and the development of vaccines and treatments targeting these surface proteins.

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