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CIE A-Level Biology Study Notes

15.2.3 The Role of Gibberellin in Germination of Barley

Gibberellin plays a pivotal role in plant biology, particularly in the germination and early development of barley seeds. This comprehensive guide delves into the biochemical mechanisms of gibberellin action, its interaction with other hormones, and its influence on various stages of seed germination and plant growth.

Gibberellin in the germination and early development

Image courtesy of GeeksforGeeks

Biochemical Role of Gibberellin in Seed Dormancy and Germination

Breaking Dormancy

  • Definition of Seed Dormancy: A physiological state where seeds are metabolically inactive and resistant to germination.
  • Gibberellin's Activation Role: Gibberellin acts as a key signal, breaking this dormancy by stimulating various metabolic processes within the seed.
  • Cellular Changes: The presence of gibberellin leads to increased enzymatic activities, particularly those involved in the breakdown of stored nutrients, preparing the seed for germination.

Initiating Germination

  • Metabolic Activation: Gibberellin triggers essential metabolic pathways, gearing the seed towards germination and growth.
  • Energy Mobilisation: It plays a role in converting stored starch and other reserves into glucose, providing energy for the growing seed.
  • Stimulating Cell Division and Elongation: Gibberellin is crucial in promoting these processes, which are essential for the emergence and growth of the seedling.
Seed dormancy

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Interaction of Gibberellin with Other Hormones

Synergistic Effects

  • With Auxin: Gibberellin works in conjunction with auxin to facilitate cell elongation and division, integral processes in plant growth.
  • With Cytokinins: It enhances the effects of cytokinins, another group of plant hormones, in promoting cell division and growth, particularly in the seed’s embryonic tissues.

Antagonistic Interactions

  • With Abscisic Acid (ABA): ABA typically maintains seed dormancy and thus often acts in opposition to gibberellin's germination-promoting effects.
  • With Ethylene: Ethylene, known for its role in fruit ripening and senescence, can inhibit some of gibberellin’s growth-promoting effects, particularly in the later stages of plant development.

Stages of Germination Influenced by Gibberellin

Water Imbibition Stage

  • Initial Absorption: The seed absorbs water, triggering a rise in gibberellin levels.
  • Enzyme Synthesis Enhancement: Gibberellin enhances the synthesis of enzymes needed for the breakdown of food reserves, particularly in the aleurone layer of barley seeds.

Radicle Emergence

  • Radicle (Root) Growth: The emergence of the radicle is the first visible sign of germination.
  • Role in Radicle Development: Gibberellin promotes cell division and elongation in the radicle, facilitating its growth through the seed coat.

Shoot Development

  • Stem Elongation: This stage is critical for the seedling to reach sunlight for photosynthesis.
  • Contribution to Shoot Growth: Gibberellin stimulates both stem growth and leaf development, crucial for the seedling’s survival above ground.
Gibberellin in breaking seed dormancy and seed germination

Image courtesy of www.macmillanhighered.com

Molecular Action of Gibberellin

Regulation of Gene Expression

  • Gene Activation: Gibberellin binds to specific receptors, initiating a signaling cascade that results in the upregulation of genes involved in growth and development.
  • Protein Synthesis: This process leads to increased transcription and translation of key enzymes and structural proteins necessary for growth.

Hormonal Signalling Pathways

  • Gibberellin Receptors: Specific receptors on cell surfaces bind gibberellin, mediating its effects.
  • Signal Transduction Mechanism: Binding triggers a series of biochemical reactions, culminating in physiological responses that promote growth and development.

Gibberellin’s Role in Nutrient Mobilisation

Starch Degradation

  • Alpha-Amylase Induction: One of the most significant actions of gibberellin in germinating seeds is the induction of alpha-amylase, which breaks down stored starch into glucose.
  • Energy Supply: This process is essential for providing the seedling with the necessary energy for growth.

Protein and Fat Utilisation

  • Activation of Proteases and Lipases: Gibberellin also promotes the synthesis of these enzymes, which are vital in breaking down stored proteins and fats.
  • Nutrient Accessibility: These biochemical activities make essential nutrients available for the developing seedling.

Influence on Early Plant Development

Seedling Growth

  • Promotion of Stem and Leaf Development: Gibberellin significantly influences the rapid growth of the stem and leaves, essential for the seedling to start photosynthesis.
  • Photosynthetic Establishment: The early development of photosynthetic tissues is crucial for the seedling to become energetically independent.

Root System Development

  • Influence on Root Growth: Although the effect of gibberellin on root development is less direct compared to stems and leaves, it still plays a role in promoting a healthy root system.
  • Enhancing Nutrient and Water Uptake: A well-developed root system is critical for effective nutrient and water absorption, essential for the plant's overall health and growth.
Seedling growing in soil

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Environmental Factors Affecting Gibberellin Activity

Influence of Light and Temperature

  • Light Sensitivity: Light conditions can significantly influence the levels and activity of gibberellin in seeds and young plants.
  • Temperature Dependence: The synthesis and responsiveness of gibberellin in seeds are highly temperature-dependent, affecting the rate of germination and early growth.

Soil Conditions

  • Nutrient Availability: The synthesis and effectiveness of gibberellin can be influenced by the nutrient content of the soil.
  • Water Availability: Adequate water is essential for gibberellin-mediated processes during seed germination.

Understanding the role of gibberellin in breaking seed dormancy and initiating germination, along with its interactions with other hormones and environmental factors, provides valuable insights into plant developmental biology and potential agricultural applications. This knowledge is particularly relevant for students studying plant physiology and those interested in agronomy and horticulture.


Gibberellin's role in barley seed germination is significantly influenced by environmental factors such as light, temperature, and water availability. Light can affect the synthesis and activity of gibberellin, either promoting or inhibiting its production depending on the plant species and light conditions. Temperature plays a critical role, with optimal temperatures enhancing gibberellin activity, thereby promoting germination. Conversely, extreme temperatures may inhibit gibberellin synthesis or action, delaying or preventing germination. Water availability is also crucial; adequate moisture is necessary for gibberellin to exert its effects on seed germination. These environmental interactions highlight the adaptive mechanisms plants use to ensure germination occurs under favourable conditions.

Gibberellin can influence the development of secondary roots in barley, although its effect is somewhat indirect compared to its role in primary root and shoot development. Gibberellin indirectly promotes the growth and elongation of secondary roots by stimulating overall plant growth and the development of the primary root system. A well-developed primary root system and shoot increase the plant's overall ability to absorb water and nutrients, which in turn supports the growth of secondary roots. Additionally, gibberellin may interact with other hormones like auxins, which are more directly involved in lateral root formation, to regulate the growth and development of secondary roots.

While gibberellin is primarily known for its role in growth and development, there is emerging evidence suggesting it may also play a role in the defence mechanisms of barley seeds. Gibberellin can modulate the expression of certain genes involved in defence responses, such as those coding for pathogenesis-related proteins. These proteins are part of the plant's innate immune system and help defend against pathogens. Additionally, gibberellin may influence the production of secondary metabolites that have defensive functions against herbivores and pathogens. However, the exact mechanisms and extent of gibberellin's involvement in seed defence are still subjects of ongoing research, and its role may vary depending on the specific environmental stressors and pathogens encountered by the plant.

Gibberellin also plays a role in the mobilisation of stored fats in barley seeds, although this is less well-known compared to its effect on starch degradation. During germination, gibberellin helps in activating lipases, which are enzymes responsible for breaking down lipids (fats) stored in the seed. These lipids, when hydrolysed by lipases, release fatty acids and glycerol. These breakdown products are then metabolised by the seedling to generate energy and to form new cellular materials. This lipid mobilisation is particularly crucial during the early stages of germination when the seedling has not yet developed leaves for photosynthesis and hence relies heavily on the seed's stored reserves for energy.

Gibberellin has a significant impact on the aleurone layer of barley seeds during germination. When a barley seed begins to germinate, gibberellin is produced by the embryo and transported to the aleurone layer, a tissue layer surrounding the endosperm. In the aleurone layer, gibberellin triggers the synthesis of various digestive enzymes, most notably alpha-amylase. This enzyme plays a critical role in breaking down starch stored in the endosperm into simpler sugars, which are then transported to the growing embryo to provide the energy and building blocks needed for growth. This process is vital as it enables the seedling to utilise the energy reserves stored within the seed effectively, facilitating successful germination and early growth.

Practice Questions

Explain how gibberellin promotes the germination of barley seeds.

Gibberellin plays a crucial role in breaking seed dormancy and initiating germination in barley. It activates key metabolic pathways, leading to the mobilisation of stored nutrients, particularly starch, by increasing enzymatic activities. Gibberellin notably stimulates the production of alpha-amylase, which converts starch into glucose, providing the necessary energy for growth. Additionally, it promotes cell division and elongation, essential for the emergence of the seedling. This hormone's action is integral to shifting the seed from a dormant state to an active growth phase, ensuring successful germination and early development of the seedling.

Describe the interaction between gibberellin and other plant hormones during the early stages of plant development.

During early plant development, gibberellin interacts synergistically and antagonistically with other plant hormones. It works alongside auxin to promote cell elongation and division, essential for seedling growth. Gibberellin also enhances the effects of cytokinins in promoting cell division, especially in embryonic tissues. Conversely, it experiences antagonistic interactions with abscisic acid (ABA), which maintains seed dormancy, and ethylene, known for its role in fruit ripening and senescence. Ethylene can inhibit some of gibberellin's growth-promoting effects in later developmental stages. These interactions illustrate the complex hormonal balance that regulates plant growth and development.

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