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CIE A-Level Biology Study Notes

5.1.2 Purpose and Process of Mitosis

Mitosis is a fundamental process in eukaryotic cell division, playing an integral role in organismal growth, cellular regeneration, and asexual reproduction. This complex process is responsible for the accurate duplication and distribution of a cell's genetic material to its daughter cells. Understanding mitosis is essential for comprehending the mechanisms behind development, tissue repair, and certain reproductive strategies in organisms.

Critical Roles of Mitosis

Organismal Growth

  • Essential for Development: Mitosis is the mechanism behind the transformation of a fertilized egg into a fully developed organism.
  • Uniformity of Cells: It ensures that each new cell contains an identical set of chromosomes, maintaining genetic uniformity across all body cells.

Cellular Regeneration and Repair

  • Key in Tissue Maintenance: Regular turnover of cells through mitosis is vital for the maintenance and repair of tissues.
  • Regeneration Capability: In some species, mitosis facilitates the regrowth of lost body parts, showcasing the remarkable regenerative capabilities of certain organisms.

Asexual Reproduction

  • Clonal Reproduction: Organisms such as bacteria, some plants, and fungi use mitosis for asexual reproduction, creating genetically identical clones.
  • Population Growth: In favorable conditions, asexual reproduction via mitosis can lead to rapid population increases, providing a survival advantage.
Diagram showing asexual reproduction

Image courtesy of SadiesBurrow

The Mitotic Process

Overview of Mitosis

Mitosis is a continuous process but is conventionally divided into distinct phases for ease of understanding. Each phase is characterized by specific cellular changes and structural developments, ensuring the accurate replication and separation of chromosomes.

Detailed Phases of Mitosis


  • Chromatin Condensation: Chromatin fibers coil and condense into discrete chromosomes, each consisting of two sister chromatids joined at the centromere.
  • Nuclear Envelope Disintegration: The nuclear envelope breaks down, allowing the spindle fibers to interact with the chromosomes.
  • Spindle Apparatus Formation: Microtubule structures known as the mitotic spindle form and extend from the centrosomes, which move to opposite poles of the cell.
Prophase initiating mitosis

Image courtesy of Kelvinsong


  • Alignment of Chromosomes: Chromosomes align along the metaphase plate, an imaginary plane equidistant from the spindle's two poles.
  • Kinetochore Fibers: Spindle fibers attach to the kinetochores, protein structures on the centromeres of the chromosomes.
Metaphase of cell cycle

Image courtesy of Kelvinsong


  • Separation of Chromatids: The centromeres split, and the spindle fibers pull the sister chromatids apart, now considered individual chromosomes.
  • Poleward Movement: Chromosomes are drawn to opposite poles of the cell by the shortening of the spindle fibers.
Anaphase of cell cycle

Image courtesy of Kelvinsong


  • Reformation of Nuclei: Chromosomes reach the poles and begin to decondense. Nuclear envelopes re-form around each set of chromosomes, resulting in two nuclei in one cell.
  • Spindle Disassembly: The spindle apparatus disassembles, and the microtubules are recycled by the cell.


  • Division of Cytoplasm: Following telophase, the cytoplasm divides in a process called cytokinesis, resulting in two genetically identical daughter cells.
  • Cleavage and Cell Plate Formation: In animal cells, a cleavage furrow forms to pinch the cell into two. In plant cells, a cell plate is constructed at the metaphase plate, eventually becoming the cell wall.
Telophase and cytokinesis of cell cycle

Image courtesy of Kelvinsong

Checkpoints and Regulation in Mitosis

  • G1/S Checkpoint: This checkpoint ensures that the cell is ready for DNA synthesis, checking for DNA damage and sufficient cell size.
  • G2/M Checkpoint: It confirms that DNA replication in the S phase is complete and undamaged, and the cell is ready for mitosis.
  • Spindle Assembly Checkpoint: This checkpoint during metaphase ensures that all chromosomes are correctly attached to the spindle apparatus, preventing errors in chromosome separation.
A representation of phases of the cell cycle.

Image courtesy of CNX OpenStax

Mechanism of Genetic Material Distribution

  • Chromosome Segregation: During anaphase, each sister chromatid, now an individual chromosome, is pulled towards opposite poles, ensuring each daughter cell receives an identical set of chromosomes.
  • Spindle Fibers' Role: These dynamic microtubules facilitate the movement and segregation of chromosomes, playing a critical role in the distribution of genetic material.

Mitosis in Context

The study of mitosis is crucial in the broader context of biology. It helps explain fundamental processes such as development, growth, and tissue repair. Moreover, understanding mitosis is essential in fields like cancer research, where dysregulation of the cell cycle can lead to uncontrolled cell division and tumor formation.


In conclusion, mitosis is a critical cellular process, ensuring genetic continuity and playing a key role in growth, repair, and reproduction. Its complexity and precision underscore the intricate nature of cellular operations and the sophisticated regulatory mechanisms that govern them. This knowledge forms a cornerstone of modern biological understanding, relevant across numerous scientific disciplines.


The metaphase plate is a crucial feature in mitosis, representing an imaginary plane in the middle of the cell where chromosomes line up during metaphase. Its significance lies in ensuring that each daughter cell receives an identical set of chromosomes. The alignment of chromosomes at the metaphase plate, facilitated by the spindle fibers, ensures that each sister chromatid is pulled in opposite directions towards the poles during anaphase. This precise alignment and segregation are critical for the equal distribution of genetic material, thereby maintaining genetic stability and consistency across cell generations.

Telophase is often described as a reversal of prophase because many of the processes that occur during prophase are undone during telophase. In prophase, chromatin condenses into visible chromosomes, the nuclear envelope breaks down, and the spindle apparatus forms. Conversely, in telophase, the condensed chromosomes at each pole of the cell begin to decondense back into less visible chromatin. The nuclear envelope re-forms around each set of chromosomes, creating two separate nuclei. Additionally, the spindle apparatus disassembles. This reversal is crucial for restoring the daughter cells to a state similar to that of the parent cell before mitosis began.

Cytokinesis, the division of the cell's cytoplasm, differs significantly between plant and animal cells due to structural differences. In animal cells, cytokinesis occurs through the formation of a cleavage furrow. This furrow is created by a contractile ring of actin and myosin filaments that pinches the cell into two. In contrast, plant cells, which have a rigid cell wall, undergo cytokinesis by building a cell plate at the site of the metaphase plate. Vesicles from the Golgi apparatus coalesce at the cell's center, forming a new cell wall that eventually divides the cell into two. These differences are significant as they reflect the adaptations of each cell type to their structural constraints and functional requirements.

Cyclins and cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) are crucial for the regulation of the cell cycle and the progression of mitosis. Cyclins are regulatory proteins whose levels fluctuate during the cell cycle. They activate CDKs, which are enzymes that phosphorylate specific target proteins. This phosphorylation triggers various cellular processes essential for cell cycle progression. For example, in the G2 phase, the increase in cyclin levels leads to the activation of CDKs, which then trigger the entry into mitosis by initiating processes like nuclear envelope breakdown and chromosome condensation. Thus, cyclins and CDKs ensure that the cell cycle progresses in an orderly and regulated manner.

Chromosomal abnormalities during mitosis typically arise from errors in chromosome segregation, specifically during anaphase. These errors can lead to aneuploidy, where cells have an abnormal number of chromosomes. This usually occurs when spindle fibers fail to attach properly to the kinetochores on chromosomes, or when sister chromatids do not separate correctly, resulting in one daughter cell receiving extra chromosomes and the other receiving fewer. Such abnormalities can have significant consequences, including developmental disorders and diseases. For example, Down syndrome is caused by an extra copy of chromosome 21, a result of nondisjunction during cell division.

Practice Questions

Explain how the spindle apparatus contributes to the accurate segregation of chromosomes during mitosis.

The spindle apparatus plays a crucial role in mitosis by ensuring the precise segregation of chromosomes into daughter cells. It consists of microtubules that originate from centrosomes, which move to opposite poles of the cell. During metaphase, the spindle fibers attach to the centromeres of the chromosomes via kinetochores. These fibers exert forces on the chromosomes, aligning them at the cell's equatorial plane. In anaphase, the spindle fibers shorten, pulling the sister chromatids apart towards the opposite poles. This mechanism ensures that each daughter cell receives an identical set of chromosomes, maintaining genetic consistency.

Describe the significance of the G1/S and G2/M checkpoints in the cell cycle with respect to mitosis.

The G1/S and G2/M checkpoints are critical regulatory points in the cell cycle that ensure cells only proceed to mitosis when conditions are optimal. The G1/S checkpoint assesses whether the cell has attained sufficient size and has the necessary resources for DNA replication. It also checks for DNA damage, preventing the replication of damaged DNA. The G2/M checkpoint evaluates whether DNA replication in the S phase has been completed accurately and without errors. It also ensures that the cell has all the required proteins and energy for mitosis. These checkpoints are vital for maintaining genetic integrity and preventing uncontrolled cell division, such as in cancer.

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