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CIE A-Level Biology Study Notes

15.1.7 Speed of Conduction of Impulses

The speed at which nerve impulses are conducted along neurons is a fundamental aspect of nervous system functionality. In myelinated neurons, this speed is influenced by several structural adaptations, particularly the myelin sheath and the axon's diameter. These adaptations facilitate rapid and efficient signal transmission, essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system.

Structural Adaptations in Myelinated Neurons

Myelinated neurons have evolved structural features that significantly enhance the speed of nerve impulse conduction.

The Myelin Sheath

  • Composition and Formation: Myelin is a lipid-rich substance formed by the wrapping of glial cell membranes around the axon. Schwann cells in the peripheral nervous system and oligodendrocytes in the central nervous system are responsible for this process.
  • Insulating Properties: The myelin sheath acts as an electrical insulator, preventing the leakage of charged ions (sodium and potassium), thus preserving the strength of the electrical signal as it travels along the axon.
  • Internodal Segment: This is the part of the axon covered by myelin. The electrical insulation provided here speeds up impulse transmission by forcing the impulse to jump across the nodes.

Nodes of Ranvier

  • Location and Structure: The nodes of Ranvier are gaps in the myelin sheath, occurring at intervals along the axon.
  • Role in Saltatory Conduction: They contain a high density of voltage-gated sodium and potassium channels. When an action potential reaches a node, these channels open, allowing the influx of sodium ions, which then triggers the depolarization of the next node.

Saltatory Conduction

  • Mechanism: In saltatory conduction, the action potential 'jumps' from one node of Ranvier to the next, skipping the myelinated internodal segments.
  • Speed: This method of conduction is significantly faster than the continuous propagation found in unmyelinated fibers, as the electrical signal moves rapidly over the insulated regions and only slows at the nodes.
Action potential in unmyelinated axon and myelinated axon

Image courtesy of Britannica

Axon Diameter and Conduction Velocity

The diameter of an axon influences its conduction velocity, with broader axons conducting impulses more rapidly.

Role of Axon Diameter

  • Internal Resistance: A larger axon diameter reduces the internal resistance to the flow of electrical current, thus speeding up the transmission.
  • Increased Surface Area: A larger diameter means more space for ion channels. This facilitates rapid depolarisation and repolarisation, essential for the fast transmission of nerve impulses.

Interaction with Myelination

  • Synergistic Effect: The combination of myelination and a larger diameter enhances the rate of nerve impulse conduction to the maximum. This is especially important in neurons that need to rapidly transmit signals over long distances, such as those in motor pathways.

Physiological Significance

Understanding the speed of nerve impulse conduction in myelinated neurons is crucial for several physiological processes.

Reflex Actions

  • Rapid Response: Fast nerve impulse conduction is essential in reflex actions, where quick responses are necessary for protection and survival.

Sensory Processing

  • Efficient Transmission: Myelinated sensory neurons allow for the rapid transmission of sensory information, enabling quick reactions to environmental stimuli.

Motor Function

  • Muscle Coordination: In motor neurons, rapid impulse conduction ensures timely muscle contractions and fine motor control.
Mechanism of the reflex action

Image courtesy of LuckySoul

Implications in Health and Disease

  • Neurological Disorders: Conditions like multiple sclerosis, where myelin is damaged, illustrate the importance of myelination in nerve impulse conduction. Patients with such conditions experience a range of symptoms, from muscle weakness to impaired coordination, highlighting the role of myelin in maintaining normal nervous system function.
Damaged myelin in multiple sclerosis

Image courtesy of designua

Peripheral Neuropathies

  • Impact on Conduction: Diseases that affect peripheral nerves can alter the structure of myelin or axon diameter, leading to changes in conduction velocity. This can manifest as numbness, pain, or muscle weakness.

Research and Therapeutics

  • Drug Development: Understanding how myelination and axon diameter influence nerve conduction has implications for developing treatments for neurological disorders.


The study of myelinated neurons and how their structural adaptations influence the speed of nerve impulse conduction is not only a cornerstone of neurobiology but also provides insights into various neurological diseases. It underscores the intricate design of the nervous system and its efficiency in coordinating complex bodily functions. This knowledge is crucial for students, as it lays the groundwork for understanding advanced concepts in neurology and related medical fields.


Oligodendrocytes are the glial cells in the central nervous system responsible for the formation and maintenance of the myelin sheath around axons, analogous to the role of Schwann cells in the peripheral nervous system. A single oligodendrocyte can extend its processes to multiple axons, myelinating several segments. This myelination is crucial for increasing the speed and efficiency of electrical signal transmission in the central nervous system. Oligodendrocytes also provide metabolic support to neurons and are involved in regulating the microenvironment of the central nervous system, crucial for maintaining neuronal health and function.

The myelin sheath contributes significantly to energy efficiency in nerve cells. Myelination reduces the amount of membrane area that needs to be depolarised and repolarised during the transmission of an action potential. This reduction minimises the number of sodium and potassium ions that need to be pumped back to their original concentrations after an impulse, thereby reducing the energy (ATP) required for the ion pumps (Na+/K+ ATPase) to restore the resting potential. Since these ion pumps are one of the major consumers of ATP in nerve cells, the presence of the myelin sheath makes the process of impulse conduction more energy-efficient.

Yes, the thickness of the myelin sheath can vary among different neurons, and this variance affects nerve impulse conduction. Thicker myelin sheaths provide greater electrical insulation and allow for faster transmission of nerve impulses through saltatory conduction. This is because a thicker sheath increases the distance between the Nodes of Ranvier, enabling the action potential to jump across a longer internodal length and thus travel faster along the neuron. In contrast, a thinner myelin sheath offers less insulation, which may slow down the impulse conduction. Variations in myelin thickness are associated with different types of neurons and their specific functional requirements in the nervous system.

Schwann cells are essential for the formation and maintenance of the myelin sheath in the peripheral nervous system. They wrap around the axon of the neuron multiple times, creating the myelin sheath. This sheath acts as an insulator, increasing the speed of nerve impulse conduction. Schwann cells also play a role in the repair and regeneration of damaged nerves. When a nerve is damaged, Schwann cells facilitate the clearing of debris and guide the growth of new axonal sprouts. This regenerative capacity is crucial for restoring the function of nerves after injury.

Temperature has a significant impact on the speed of nerve impulse conduction. In myelinated neurons, an increase in temperature generally enhances the speed of conduction. This is because higher temperatures increase the kinetic energy of ions, thereby accelerating their movement through ion channels at the Nodes of Ranvier. This results in a faster depolarisation and repolarisation process, thus speeding up the overall conduction of the nerve impulse. However, extremely high temperatures can be detrimental, as they might disrupt the structural integrity of the neuron, including the myelin sheath, and alter the function of ion channels, potentially slowing down or halting impulse transmission.

Practice Questions

Explain how the structure of the myelin sheath contributes to the increased speed of nerve impulse conduction in myelinated neurons.

The myelin sheath, composed of lipid-rich layers formed by glial cells, wraps around the axon, providing electrical insulation. This insulation is crucial because it increases the electrical resistance across the axonal membrane while reducing its capacitance. As a result, the leakage of charged ions is minimized, maintaining the strength of the electrical signal as it travels along the axon. Furthermore, the presence of the myelin sheath facilitates saltatory conduction, where the action potential jumps from one Node of Ranvier to the next. These nodes are gaps in the myelin sheath, rich in voltage-gated ion channels, enabling rapid depolarisation at these points. This jumping mechanism significantly increases the speed of nerve impulse conduction compared to the continuous propagation in unmyelinated neurons.

Discuss the relationship between axon diameter and conduction velocity in neurons and its importance in the nervous system.

The diameter of an axon directly influences its conduction velocity. Larger axons conduct impulses faster due to lower internal resistance to the flow of ionic currents. This is because a larger diameter increases the axonal surface area, allowing more ion channels to be open simultaneously, which facilitates faster depolarisation and repolarisation of the axon. This rapid transmission is crucial in neurons that need to relay signals quickly over long distances, such as motor neurons controlling skeletal muscles. Efficient impulse conduction ensures timely muscle contractions and fine motor control, essential for coordinated movement and quick reflex actions. In the nervous system, the synergistic effect of a larger axon diameter with myelination maximises the rate of nerve impulse conduction, underlining the importance of these structural features in maintaining efficient neural communication.

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