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CIE A-Level Biology Study Notes

15.1.3 Neurones

Neurones, or nerve cells, are the core components of the nervous system in mammals, indispensable in processing and transmitting information. This comprehensive exploration details the anatomy and functions of sensory, motor, and interneurons, highlighting their specialised roles in the mammalian body's communication network.

Anatomy of Neurones

Neurones have specialised structures tailored for efficient transmission of electrical and chemical signals.

Sensory Neurones

  • Structure: Sensory neurones, also known as afferent neurones, typically have a unique unipolar or pseudounipolar structure. They consist of a single elongated process extending from the cell body, which bifurcates into two distinct branches. The peripheral axon leads from sensory receptors in the body towards the cell body, while the central axon projects into the spinal cord or brain.
  • Function: These neurones are responsible for carrying signals from sensory receptors to the central nervous system (CNS). They convert external physical or chemical stimuli into electrical impulses, enabling the perception of sensory information such as touch, pain, temperature, and sound.
A sensory neuron that conveys sensory impulses from sensory receptors to the central nervous system.

Image courtesy of DataBase Center for Life Science (DBCLS)

Motor Neurones

  • Structure: Motor neurones, or efferent neurones, are characteristically multipolar. They possess a single, long axon and multiple dendrites branching out from the cell body. The cell body is generally located within the CNS, and the axon extends outward, reaching various effector organs like muscles and glands.
  • Function: Motor neurones play a crucial role in conveying commands from the CNS to the body's muscles and glands. They are essential in executing movements and responses, ranging from complex voluntary actions to simple reflexes.
A motor neuron that convey signals from central nervous system to effector organs.

Image courtesy of DataBase Center for Life Science (DBCLS)


  • Structure: Interneurons are predominantly found within the CNS and are primarily multipolar. They feature highly branched dendrites and comparatively shorter axons than sensory or motor neurones. This structure facilitates their role in connecting various neurones within the CNS.
  • Function: As the most abundant type of neurones in the mammalian nervous system, interneurons are pivotal in processing and integrating sensory input and motor output. They enable complex reflexes and higher functions such as learning, thought, and emotion by forming intricate networks of communication within the CNS.
Structure of Interneurons

Image courtesy of DataBase Center for Life Science (DBCLS)

Specialised Roles of Neurones

Each neurone type has a specific role, crucial for the nervous system's overall functionality.

Sensory Neurones

  • Conveying Sensory Information: They transmit information from the body's periphery to the brain, informing about the external environment and internal conditions.
  • Initiating Reflex Actions: Sensory neurones are integral in reflex arcs, where they interact directly with motor neurones for rapid responses, bypassing conscious brain processing.
Mechanism of the reflex arc and Sensory neurones

Image courtesy of LuckySoul

Motor Neurones

  • Facilitating Movement: These neurones are instrumental in translating neural commands into physical actions, causing muscle contractions and gland secretions.
  • Dual Control Mechanisms: They are involved in both voluntary actions, like writing, and involuntary actions like the regulation of heart rate and digestion.


  • Information Processing: By receiving, processing, and sending information, interneurons allow the CNS to make complex decisions and responses.
  • Network Formation: They form extensive networks within the CNS, enabling intricate processes like memory, learning, and emotion.

Transmission of Information in Neurones

The communication within and between neurones involves both electrical and chemical processes.

Electrical Transmission

  • Generation of Action Potentials: Neurones generate action potentials - sudden reversals in membrane potential that propagate along the axon.
  • Signal Propagation: These electrical impulses travel from the cell body down the axon, moving towards the axon terminals.
Diagram showing the mechanism of nerve Impulse Transmission

Image courtesy of CNX OpenStax

Chemical Transmission

  • Release of Neurotransmitters: At the synapse, the axon terminals of neurones release neurotransmitters, chemicals that relay signals.
  • Signal Conversion and Reception: These neurotransmitters traverse the synaptic gap, converting the electrical signal back into a chemical form, which is then received by the next neuron.
Neurotransmitters released from neuron into synapse and attaching to receptors.

Image courtesy of CNX OpenStax

Detailed Functions of Neurones

Understanding the specific roles of different neurones enhances the comprehension of their contribution to the mammalian nervous system.

Role of Sensory Neurones

  • Detection of External Stimuli: Sensory neurones are tuned to detect various external stimuli, such as light, sound, and tactile sensations.
  • Internal Monitoring: They also monitor internal body conditions like temperature and pH levels, ensuring homeostasis.

Motor Neurones in Action

  • Muscle Coordination: They are key in coordinating muscle movements, from fine motor skills to gross motor activities.
  • Glandular Responses: Motor neurones regulate glandular secretions, thus playing a role in various physiological processes like digestion and sweating.

Interneurons and CNS Integration

  • Neural Circuits: Interneurons form complex neural circuits, enabling advanced cognitive functions.
  • Synaptic Plasticity: They are involved in synaptic plasticity - the ability of synapses to strengthen or weaken over time, which is crucial for learning and memory.


The study of neurones provides invaluable insights into the functioning of the mammalian nervous system. Sensory, motor, and interneurons each have distinct, yet interrelated roles in transmitting and processing information, underpinning the complex interactions between an organism and its environment. Their understanding is essential for grasping the larger picture of neural function and the maintenance of homeostasis in mammals.


The resting membrane potential is a critical feature of neurones, maintaining a negative charge inside the cell compared to the outside. This electrical difference across the neurone's membrane, typically around -70 mV, is crucial for the transmission of nerve impulses. It is established and maintained by the sodium-potassium pump, which actively transports potassium ions into and sodium ions out of the cell. The resting potential is essential for the generation and propagation of action potentials. When a neurone is stimulated, the membrane becomes depolarised, leading to the opening of voltage-gated ion channels and the initiation of an action potential, essential for nerve signal transmission.

The axon hillock is a specialised part of the neurone where the axon joins the cell body. It plays a pivotal role in neural communication. This region contains a high concentration of voltage-gated ion channels, making it particularly sensitive to changes in membrane potential. When the neurone is sufficiently stimulated, and the membrane potential at the axon hillock reaches a threshold, an action potential is generated. This initiation point is crucial because it serves as the decision point for the neurone, determining whether or not the received stimuli are strong enough to warrant the propagation of an action potential along the axon. Thus, the axon hillock acts as a critical regulator of neuronal firing.

Refractory periods are critical in the transmission of nerve impulses as they ensure that each action potential is a separate, discrete event and dictate the direction of nerve impulse propagation. There are two types of refractory periods: the absolute refractory period, during which a second action potential cannot be initiated regardless of the strength of the stimulus, and the relative refractory period, where a stronger than normal stimulus is required to generate a new action potential. These periods prevent the backflow of nerve impulses and allow the neurone to reset before firing again. This ensures the unidirectional flow of nerve impulses and maintains the integrity of the signal being transmitted.

Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers that facilitate communication between neurones. They are released from the synaptic vesicles in the presynaptic neurone into the synaptic cleft and bind to specific receptors on the postsynaptic neurone's membrane. This binding alters the permeability of the postsynaptic membrane to ions, either depolarising or hyperpolarising it, which can initiate or inhibit the generation of an action potential in the postsynaptic neurone. This process is fundamental to neural communication, enabling the transfer of information across the synapse. The precise response depends on the type of neurotransmitter and the receptors involved, allowing for complex modulation of neural signals.

Myelin, a lipid-rich substance that ensheathes certain neurones, plays a critical role in the rapid transmission of electrical signals. It is produced by Schwann cells in the peripheral nervous system and oligodendrocytes in the central nervous system. Myelin's primary function is to insulate axons, significantly increasing the speed of signal transmission. This is achieved through saltatory conduction, where the action potential jumps from one node of Ranvier (gaps in the myelin sheath) to the next. This mechanism allows for faster communication between neurones compared to unmyelinated fibres, enhancing the efficiency of the nervous system in coordinating complex activities such as movement and reflex actions.

Practice Questions

Describe the structure and function of a motor neurone in the mammalian nervous system.

Motor neurones are multipolar neurones, characterised by one long axon and multiple dendrites extending from the cell body. The cell body, located in the central nervous system, integrates signals which then travel down the axon. This axon can extend to distant parts of the body, connecting to muscles or glands. The primary function of motor neurones is to transmit neural signals from the CNS to effectors such as muscles, causing them to contract, or to glands, stimulating secretion. This process is crucial for initiating and controlling voluntary and involuntary movements, thereby playing a fundamental role in the body's response to stimuli and maintaining homeostasis.

Explain the role of sensory neurones in the mammalian nervous system and how they differ in structure from motor neurones.

Sensory neurones, also known as afferent neurones, are responsible for conveying sensory information from the peripheral parts of the body to the central nervous system. They typically have a unipolar or pseudounipolar structure, with a single process extending from the cell body that splits into two branches - one connected to sensory receptors and the other to the spinal cord or brain. This structure is in contrast to the multipolar structure of motor neurones. Sensory neurones translate external stimuli, such as temperature, pain, and touch, into electrical signals, enabling the CNS to perceive and respond to environmental changes. This role is essential for survival as it allows organisms to detect and react to their surroundings effectively.

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