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CIE A-Level Biology Study Notes

15.1.5 Sequence of Events Resulting in an Action Potential

Action potentials are the cornerstone of neuronal communication, representing a critical mechanism in the transmission of signals within the nervous system. This set of notes delves deeply into the physiological changes leading to an action potential in sensory neurons, with a particular focus on how taste bud chemoreceptors convert chemical signals into electrical impulses.

Understanding Action Potential

An action potential is a rapid, temporary shift in a neuron's membrane potential, essential for signal transmission in the nervous system.

Basics of Membrane Potential

  • Neurons, like other cells, have a membrane potential due to differing concentrations of ions inside and outside the cell.
  • The resting membrane potential, typically around -70 mV, is maintained by the sodium-potassium pump actively transporting Na⁺ out and K⁺ in, and leak channels allowing some ions to move back across the membrane.

Triggering an Action Potential

  • An external stimulus, such as a sensory input, can cause a temporary change in the local membrane potential.
  • If this change is significant enough to reach the threshold potential (around -55 mV), it triggers an action potential.
Action potential graph

Image courtesy of Chris 73

Detailed Phases of Action Potential

The action potential can be broken down into several key phases, each characterized by specific ionic movements.

Depolarization Phase

  • Stimulus Reception: Sensory receptors, like those in taste buds, receive a stimulus which causes local depolarization.
  • Opening of Sodium Channels: Voltage-gated Na⁺ channels open, allowing an influx of Na⁺ ions, further depolarizing the membrane.

Rising Phase

  • Threshold Achievement: Once the threshold is reached, more Na⁺ channels open, leading to a rapid increase in membrane potential, sometimes reaching up to +30 to +40 mV.
  • Positive Feedback Loop: This process is self-amplifying, as depolarization causes more channels to open.

Peak of Action Potential

  • Maximal Depolarization: At the peak, the inside of the neuron is momentarily more positive than the outside.

Repolarization Phase

  • Closure of Sodium Channels: Shortly after reaching the peak, Na⁺ channels start closing.
  • Opening of Potassium Channels: Voltage-gated K⁺ channels open, allowing K⁺ to flow out of the neuron.
  • Membrane Potential Decrease: This efflux of K⁺ brings the membrane potential back towards its resting state.
Diagram showing the mechanism of nerve Impulse Transmission

Image courtesy of CNX OpenStax

Hyperpolarization Phase

  • Overshoot: The K⁺ channels close slowly, often resulting in an overshoot where the membrane becomes more negative than its resting potential, known as hyperpolarization.

Refractory Periods

  • Absolute Refractory Period: During this time, the neuron cannot fire another action potential regardless of the stimulus strength, primarily due to the inactivation of Na⁺ channels.
  • Relative Refractory Period: A stronger than normal stimulus can initiate an action potential as the membrane is returning to its resting state.

Propagation of Action Potential

  • Local Currents: The depolarization of one membrane area causes adjacent areas to depolarize, propagating the action potential.
  • Non-Decremental Nature: Unlike passive electrical currents, action potentials do not diminish in strength as they travel along the neuron.

Example: Taste Bud Chemoreceptors

Taste bud chemoreceptors exemplify the conversion of chemical signals into electrical signals in sensory neurons.

Sensory Stimulation in Taste Buds

  • Chemical Binding: Taste substances bind to receptors on taste cells, initiating a signal transduction cascade.
  • Ionic Movement: This often results in the opening of ion channels, leading to the depolarization of taste receptor cells.

Conversion to Electrical Signals

  • Threshold Reaching: If the stimulus is strong enough to depolarize the cell to the threshold, an action potential is initiated in the associated sensory neuron.
  • Signal Transmission: The action potential travels to the brain, conveying the taste information.

Relevance in Sensory Perception

  • Efficient Signal Transmission: The mechanism of action potentials ensures rapid and efficient communication from sensory receptors to the brain, enabling timely responses to environmental stimuli.
  • Fidelity of Signal: The all-or-none nature of action potentials preserves the fidelity of the signal over long distances.
Taste bud chemoreceptors

Image courtesy of NEUROtiker


The sequence of events resulting in an action potential is a finely tuned process involving intricate ionic movements across neuronal membranes. From the maintenance of the resting potential to the propagation of the action potential, each phase plays a vital role in neuronal communication. The example of taste bud chemoreceptors vividly illustrates how sensory information is converted into electrical signals, bridging our external environment with the internal processing capabilities of the nervous system. This understanding is fundamental for students of biology, particularly those focusing on neurophysiology and sensory systems.


The all-or-none principle is a fundamental characteristic of action potentials, stating that a neuron either fires a full-strength action potential or does not fire at all. This principle is significant for several reasons. Firstly, it ensures the fidelity of signal transmission over long distances. Unlike graded potentials, which can vary in strength and diminish over distance, action potentials maintain their intensity throughout the neuron's length, ensuring that signals reach their destination without loss of information. Secondly, it allows for clear communication within the nervous system, as neurons respond only to stimuli that are strong enough to reach the threshold, thereby avoiding the confusion of minor, irrelevant signals.

Sodium-potassium pumps play a crucial but indirect role during an action potential. These pumps are primarily responsible for maintaining the resting membrane potential by actively transporting 3 Na⁺ ions out of the neuron and 2 K⁺ ions into it. This creates the ion gradient necessary for the action potential. Although they do not directly participate in the rapid ionic movements during the action potential phases, their continuous function is vital for resetting the ion concentrations after an action potential. Without these pumps, the neuron would eventually lose its ability to generate further action potentials, as the ion concentration gradients would dissipate.

The diameter of an axon significantly influences the speed at which an action potential is conducted. Larger-diameter axons conduct action potentials more rapidly than smaller ones. This is due to the reduced electrical resistance in larger axons, allowing the ionic current to flow more easily. Additionally, in myelinated axons, a larger diameter facilitates faster saltatory conduction, where the action potential jumps between the nodes of Ranvier. This is because larger axons have more widely spaced nodes, allowing the action potential to travel faster. In summary, the larger the diameter of the axon, the quicker the transmission of the action potential, which is crucial for rapid response in certain neural pathways.

Hyperpolarization occurs after an action potential due to the delayed closing of voltage-gated potassium channels. When these channels eventually open in response to depolarization, they allow a large efflux of K⁺ ions, causing the membrane potential to drop below the normal resting level. This undershoot is hyperpolarization. It is significant for several reasons: it helps reset the membrane potential back to its resting state, ensures unidirectional propagation of the action potential (preventing it from moving backwards), and contributes to the establishment of the refractory periods. Hyperpolarization thus ensures the discrete and orderly transmission of nerve impulses along neurons.

The absolute refractory period is a critical factor in regulating the frequency of action potentials. During this period, a neuron cannot fire a second action potential, regardless of the strength of the stimulus. This is because the sodium channels, which opened during the previous action potential, are temporarily inactivated and cannot reopen immediately. This period ensures that each action potential is a distinct, separate event, preventing the overlapping of signals. Consequently, the duration of the absolute refractory period sets a limit on the maximum frequency at which a neuron can fire. It typically lasts about 1-2 milliseconds, which means a neuron can theoretically fire about 500-1000 action potentials per second. However, in practice, the frequency is often lower due to varying stimuli strengths and the influence of other physiological factors.

Practice Questions

Describe the sequence of events that occur during the depolarization phase of an action potential in a sensory neuron.

Depolarization is the initial phase of an action potential, initiated when a sensory neuron receives a sufficient stimulus. Initially, the neuron is at its resting membrane potential, typically around -70 mV. Upon stimulation, voltage-gated sodium channels open, allowing Na⁺ ions to flow into the cell. This influx of positive ions causes the inside of the neuron to become less negative, leading to depolarization. As more Na⁺ enters the cell, the membrane potential increases towards 0 mV and may even become slightly positive. This rapid change in voltage is crucial for triggering the subsequent phases of the action potential. The process is both rapid and self-amplifying, as the initial influx of Na⁺ causes even more sodium channels to open.

Explain how the action potential in a sensory neuron, such as those in taste buds, leads to the perception of taste.

In taste buds, sensory neurons convert chemical signals from food into electrical signals through action potentials. When a taste substance binds to receptors on taste cells, it triggers depolarization. If this depolarization reaches the threshold potential, an action potential is generated in the associated sensory neuron. This action potential then propagates along the neuron's axon towards the brain. In the brain, the electrical signal is interpreted as a specific taste. This process allows us to discern different tastes based on the pattern of neuronal activity induced by various substances interacting with our taste receptors. The rapid and efficient transmission of these action potentials is crucial for timely perception and response to taste stimuli.

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