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CIE A-Level Biology Study Notes

15.1.4 Sensory Receptor Cells

Sensory receptor cells are pivotal components of the mammalian nervous system, serving as the primary interface between the external environment and the organism's internal milieu. These cells are specialized to detect and transduce various forms of environmental stimuli into electrical signals, enabling mammals to perceive and respond to a multitude of sensory inputs. This detailed exploration focuses on the diverse types of sensory receptors, their specific stimuli, and the intricate processes by which these receptors convert physical and chemical stimuli into electrical signals.

Types of Sensory Receptors

Sensory receptors are categorised based on the nature of the stimuli they detect. Each type is adapted to respond to specific forms of environmental changes.


  • Location and Function: These receptors are widely distributed in the skin, muscles, and inner ears. They are sensitive to mechanical forces such as pressure, vibration, and sound.
  • Key Examples:
    • Pacinian corpuscles: Detect deep pressure and vibration.
    • Meissner's corpuscles: Sensitive to light touch and changes in texture.
    • Hair cells in the cochlea: Responsible for converting sound waves into nerve impulses.
  • Mechanism of Action: In response to mechanical stress, these receptors undergo physical deformation, leading to the opening of ion channels and subsequent generation of a nerve impulse.
Types of Mechanoreceptors

Image courtesy of NCBI


  • Location and Function: Primarily located in the skin, these receptors detect variations in temperature.
  • Key Examples:
    • Ruffini endings: Sensitive to sustained warmth.
    • Krause end bulbs: Respond to cold stimuli.
  • Adaptation: These receptors can adapt to a constant temperature, altering their responsiveness over time.
Ruffini endings or Ruffini corpuscle

Ruffini endings or Ruffini corpuscle

Image courtesy of BruceBlaus.


  • Location: These are specialised cells located in the retina of the eye.
  • Function: Photoreceptors respond to light and enable vision.
  • Types:
    • Rods: Adapted for low-light conditions and peripheral vision.
    • Cones: Enable colour vision and are responsible for high-acuity vision in bright light.
Photoreceptors- rods and cones

Image courtesy of Christine Blume, Corrado Garbazza & Manuel Spitschan


  • Location and Function: Located in the nose, taste buds, and various body tissues, these receptors respond to chemical substances in the environment or blood.
  • Examples:
    • Olfactory receptors: Detect airborne chemicals for the sense of smell.
    • Gustatory cells: Located in taste buds, they respond to various taste compounds.
Chemoreceptors- Olfactory receptors

Image courtesy of LOUIS Pressbooks


  • Distribution: Found throughout the body, especially in the skin, joints, and some internal organs.
  • Function: Specialised for detecting pain or noxious stimuli that could cause harm or damage.
  • Response: Activated by extreme thermal, mechanical, or chemical stimuli.
Mechanism of nociception

Image courtesy of scientificanimations


  • Location: Embedded in muscles, tendons, and joints.
  • Function: Provide information about body position, muscle length and tension, and joint angle.
  • Key Types:
    • Muscle spindles: Detect changes in muscle length.
    • Golgi tendon organs: Sense changes in muscle tension.

Process of Generating Electrical Signals


  • Definition: The initial step where physical or chemical stimuli are converted into electrical signals.
  • Ion Channels: Stimuli-specific ion channels in the cell membrane play a critical role in this process.
  • Result: A change in the receptor cell's membrane potential, known as the receptor potential.

Receptor Potentials

  • Nature: These are graded potentials, varying in intensity based on the strength of the stimulus.
  • Threshold: If the receptor potential is strong enough, it can lead to the generation of an action potential in the connected neuron.

Role of Ion Channels

  • Mechanism: Depending on the receptor type, specific ion channels (sodium, potassium, calcium) open or close in response to stimuli, altering the membrane potential.
  • Example: In photoreceptors, light leads to the closure of sodium channels, while in mechanoreceptors, physical deformation opens sodium channels.

Signal Modulation

  • Adaptation: Sensory receptors can exhibit adaptation, wherein their response diminishes over time despite continuous stimulus presence.
  • Importance: This feature allows organisms to ignore constant, non-harmful stimuli and remain sensitive to new or changing stimuli.

Transmission to the Nervous System

  • Conduction: The electrical signal, once reaching threshold, triggers an action potential that travels along sensory neurons to the central nervous system.
  • Synaptic Transmission: At synapses, these electrical signals are converted into chemical signals for transmission to the next neuron.

Integration in the CNS

  • Central Processing: The brain integrates the information from various sensory receptors to form a comprehensive understanding of the external and internal environments.
  • Output: This integrated sensory information leads to coordinated responses, ranging from reflex actions to complex behaviors.

In conclusion, sensory receptor cells are integral to the survival and interaction of mammals with their environment. They are highly specialised, each adapted to detect specific types of stimuli, and are adept at converting these stimuli into electrical signals. This conversion is a complex process involving changes in membrane potential and synaptic transmission, ultimately leading to the brain's interpretation and response. Understanding these processes provides insight into how organisms perceive and respond to their surroundings, a key aspect of mammalian biology.


Yes, sensory receptors can undergo changes in sensitivity, a process known as sensory adaptation. For example, exposure to a persistent stimulus often leads to a decrease in sensitivity, allowing the organism to focus on new or changing stimuli. This is commonly experienced when adapting to a persistent odor or a constant temperature. On the other hand, receptors can also become more sensitive through a process called sensitization, particularly after an injury or in response to repeated stimuli. This heightened sensitivity is often a protective mechanism, making the organism more aware of potential threats or changes in the environment.

Sensory receptors involved in pain perception, known as nociceptors, detect potentially harmful stimuli that could damage tissue. These receptors are sensitive to extreme mechanical pressure, temperature, and chemical stimuli. When activated, nociceptors generate nerve impulses that travel to the spinal cord and brain, where they are interpreted as pain. This process serves as a protective mechanism, alerting the organism to potential harm and often triggering reflexive actions to avoid or minimize injury. The perception of pain also involves emotional and psychological components, which are processed in different areas of the brain.

Sensory receptors interact with other components of the nervous system primarily through the generation and transmission of electrical signals. When a receptor is stimulated, it generates a receptor potential that can lead to an action potential in a sensory neuron. This electrical impulse travels along the neuron to the spinal cord and brain, where it is integrated with signals from other receptors. The central nervous system processes these signals, leading to an appropriate response, whether it be a reflex action, a change in internal states like hormone release, or conscious perception. This interaction is fundamental to the functioning of the sensory system and overall nervous system integration.

The distribution of sensory receptors across the body is closely related to the functional requirements of each area. Areas that require high sensitivity or finer sensory discrimination, such as the fingertips, lips, and facial skin, have a higher density of receptors like Meissner's corpuscles for tactile sensation. This allows for detailed perception and fine motor control. In contrast, areas less involved in detailed sensory processing, like the back or the calves, have fewer receptors. This strategic distribution optimizes the body's ability to interact with and respond to the environment effectively, balancing sensitivity and sensory input management.

Sensory receptors differentiate between various stimuli through their unique structural specializations and specific response mechanisms. Each type of receptor is adapted to be particularly sensitive to a certain kind of stimulus while being less responsive to others. For instance, photoreceptors in the retina have pigments that are specifically sensitive to light wavelengths, but they do not respond to mechanical or chemical stimuli. Similarly, mechanoreceptors are physically structured to respond to mechanical deformation, such as pressure or vibration, but they do not detect thermal changes. This specificity is essential for the accurate perception of different types of stimuli, enabling organisms to respond appropriately to their environment.

Practice Questions

Describe the process by which a mechanoreceptor, such as a Pacinian corpuscle, generates an electrical signal in response to a mechanical stimulus.

The Pacinian corpuscle, a mechanoreceptor, generates an electrical signal through a process known as mechanotransduction. When pressure is applied, the corpuscle is physically deformed, causing the stretching of its lamellae. This deformation leads to the opening of mechanically-gated ion channels within its membrane. As a result, there is an influx of sodium ions into the receptor, causing depolarisation of the membrane and generating a receptor potential. If this potential is strong enough to reach the threshold, it will initiate an action potential in the associated sensory neuron. This action potential is then transmitted to the central nervous system, conveying the sensory information.

Explain how the process of adaptation occurs in thermoreceptors and its significance.

Adaptation in thermoreceptors involves a decrease in the frequency of action potentials over time, despite a constant thermal stimulus. Initially, when a temperature change is detected, thermoreceptors rapidly fire action potentials. However, if the temperature remains constant, the rate of firing gradually decreases. This adaptation occurs as the ion channels in the thermoreceptors alter their responsiveness to the stimulus. The significance of this adaptation is twofold. Firstly, it prevents the sensory system from being overwhelmed by continuous, non-threatening stimuli. Secondly, it enables the organism to remain sensitive to new or changing thermal stimuli, which is crucial for maintaining homeostasis and responding to environmental changes.

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