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CIE A-Level Biology Study Notes

15.1.6 Transmission of Nerve Impulses

Delving into the mechanisms of nerve impulse transmission is essential for understanding the complex workings of the mammalian nervous system. This comprehensive guide examines the resting membrane potential, the intricacies of action potential, and the significance of the refractory period in nerve impulse transmission.

Resting Membrane Potential and Its Maintenance

Concept of Resting Membrane Potential

  • Resting Membrane Potential (RMP): A state where the inside of the neuron is negatively charged compared to the outside, typically around -70 mV.
  • Significance: RMP is fundamental for the neuron's ability to generate and transmit action potentials.

Ionic Basis for RMP

  • Ion Distribution: The concentration of Sodium (Na+) ions is higher outside the neuron, while Potassium (K+) ions are more concentrated inside.
  • Membrane Permeability: Cell membranes exhibit selective permeability, being more permeable to K+ than Na+, leading to a net efflux of K+ ions.
  • Sodium-Potassium Pump: This active transport mechanism moves 3 Na+ ions out of the cell for every 2 K+ ions it brings in, contributing significantly to the maintenance of the RMP.
Resting potential- Sodium-Potassium Pump

Image courtesy of BruceBlaus

Electrochemical Gradient

  • Formation: Due to differential ion concentration and permeability, an electrochemical gradient is established across the neuron's membrane.
  • Role: This gradient is crucial in setting the stage for the generation of action potentials.

Sequence of Ionic Movements During an Action Potential

Initiation and Propagation

  • 1. Depolarisation:
    • Triggering Event: A stimulus exceeding the threshold potential (-55 mV) increases Na+ permeability.
    • Process: Voltage-gated Na+ channels open, allowing Na+ ions to rush into the neuron, causing the membrane potential to become less negative and eventually positive.
  • 2. Repolarisation:
    • Peak Potential: Once the membrane potential reaches around +30 mV, Na+ channels close, and K+ channels open.
    • Process: K+ ions flow out of the neuron, reversing the membrane potential back towards its resting state.
  • 3. Hyperpolarisation:
    • Overshoot: The membrane potential temporarily becomes more negative than the RMP, sometimes reaching -90 mV.
    • Restoration: Ion permeability gradually returns to resting levels, and the RMP is re-established.
The process of the passage of action potential or nerve impulse in neuron.

Image courtesy of udaix

Ionic Movement Summary

  • Rapid Na+ Influx: Causes a swift change in membrane potential, leading to depolarisation.
  • Subsequent K+ Efflux: Facilitates repolarisation, returning the neuron to its resting state.

Refractory Period

Definition and Role

  • Refractory Period: A period following an action potential when the neuron is less responsive or unresponsive to further stimulation.
  • Importance: This period is critical in ensuring unidirectional flow of nerve impulses and prevents the overlapping of action potentials.

Types and Mechanisms

  • 1. Absolute Refractory Period:
    • Characterisation: Complete insensitivity to another stimulus.
    • Duration: Corresponds to the depolarisation and part of the repolarisation phase.
    • Underlying Mechanism: Inactivation of Na+ channels which cannot reopen until the membrane potential is near the RMP.
  • 2. Relative Refractory Period:
    • Characterisation: Possible initiation of another action potential but requires a stronger stimulus.
    • Timing: Occurs during the later phase of repolarisation and during hyperpolarisation.
    • Underlying Mechanism: Some Na+ channels have reset, but a large number of K+ channels remain open.
Action potential graph

Image courtesy of Chris 73

Implications in Nerve Impulse Transmission

  • Rate Regulation: The refractory period limits the frequency at which a neuron can fire action potentials.
  • Directional Control: Ensures that action potentials move in only one direction along a neuron.

Integrating the Ionic Movements in Nerve Impulse Transmission

Coordination Between Ions and Channels

  • Na+ and K+ Channels: The sequential opening and closing of these ion channels are pivotal in the generation and propagation of action potentials.
  • Precision in Timing: The exact timing of these ionic changes is essential for the rapid and efficient transmission of nerve impulses.

Role in Rapid Signalling

  • Distance Transmission: These ionic exchanges enable neurons to quickly relay signals over considerable distances.
  • Complex Information Processing: Variations in action potential patterns allow for sophisticated processing and interpretation of information in the nervous system.

Clinical Relevance

  • Neurological Disorders: Abnormalities in ion channel functioning can lead to various neurological conditions.
  • Pharmacological Targets: Many neurological drugs aim to modify ion channel activity to correct dysfunctions in nerve impulse transmission.

The understanding of these elements is vital not just for grasping basic neurophysiology but also for appreciating the broader implications in health and disease. This knowledge lays the groundwork for future studies in neurology, pharmacology, and related fields, offering a window into the intricate operations of the mammalian nervous system.


Hyperpolarisation is a crucial phase in the action potential cycle as it prevents the neuron from immediately firing another action potential, contributing to the refractory period. This phase occurs when the membrane potential becomes more negative than the resting membrane potential. It is primarily caused by the continued outward movement of potassium ions (K+) even after the cell has reached its resting state. This overshooting helps in resetting the neuron's membrane potential and ensures that action potentials are discrete events, maintaining the fidelity of nerve signal transmission. It also ensures that the action potential travels in one direction along the neuron, preventing backflow of the impulse.

Calcium ions (Ca²⁺) play a pivotal role in the transmission of nerve impulses at synapses. When an action potential reaches the presynaptic terminal, it triggers the opening of voltage-gated calcium channels. The influx of Ca²⁺ into the neuron is essential for the release of neurotransmitters. Calcium ions facilitate the fusion of synaptic vesicles with the presynaptic membrane, leading to the exocytosis of neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft. These neurotransmitters then bind to receptors on the postsynaptic neuron, initiating a new action potential or inhibiting it, depending on the type of neurotransmitter and receptor.

Several factors can influence the speed of nerve impulse transmission. Myelination is a key factor; myelinated neurons transmit impulses faster due to saltatory conduction, where the action potential jumps between the nodes of Ranvier. Axon diameter also plays a role; larger diameter axons transmit impulses faster because they have less resistance to the flow of ions. Temperature affects the speed as well; higher temperatures increase the speed of biochemical reactions, thereby speeding up nerve impulse transmission. Lastly, the type of ion channels and their density can influence the rate of depolarisation and repolarisation, affecting the overall speed of impulse transmission.

Local anaesthetics work by temporarily disrupting the transmission of nerve impulses in specific areas of the body. They achieve this by blocking the voltage-gated sodium channels in the neuronal membrane. When these channels are blocked, sodium ions cannot enter the neuron, which is a crucial step in generating an action potential. Without the influx of sodium ions, the depolarisation phase of the action potential cannot occur, effectively halting the propagation of nerve signals. As a result, sensory information, particularly pain signals, is not transmitted to the brain, leading to temporary numbness or loss of sensation in the treated area.

Diseases that affect myelin, such as Multiple Sclerosis (MS), significantly impair nerve impulse transmission. Myelin sheaths, produced by oligodendrocytes in the central nervous system, insulate axons and facilitate rapid signal transmission through saltatory conduction. When myelin is damaged or degraded, as occurs in demyelinating diseases like MS, this insulation is lost. The loss of myelin slows down or disrupts the efficient jumping of action potentials between the nodes of Ranvier. This results in slower nerve signal transmission and can lead to various neurological symptoms like muscle weakness, coordination problems, and sensory disturbances, depending on which nerves are affected.

Practice Questions

Explain how the sodium-potassium pump contributes to the maintenance of the resting membrane potential in a neuron.

The sodium-potassium pump is a vital component in maintaining the resting membrane potential (RMP) of a neuron. It functions through active transport, utilising ATP to move ions against their concentration gradients. For every cycle, it expels three sodium ions (Na+) out of the neuron and brings two potassium ions (K+) in. This action establishes a concentration gradient with more Na+ outside and more K+ inside the neuron. Additionally, since the neuron's membrane is more permeable to K+ than Na+, more K+ ions tend to leak out compared to Na+ ions entering, contributing to a negative charge inside the neuron. Thus, the sodium-potassium pump is essential in maintaining the RMP at approximately -70 mV, setting the stage for the generation and propagation of action potentials.

Describe the sequence of events that occur during the refractory period following an action potential.

During the refractory period following an action potential, the neuron temporarily loses its ability to initiate another action potential. This period is divided into two phases: the absolute refractory period and the relative refractory period. In the absolute refractory period, the neuron cannot fire another action potential regardless of the stimulus strength. This is because the voltage-gated sodium channels, which opened during the action potential, become inactivated and cannot reopen until the membrane potential nears the resting level. In the relative refractory period, the neuron can initiate an action potential, but it requires a stronger-than-normal stimulus. This is because some sodium channels have returned to their resting state, but many potassium channels remain open, making the neuron slightly hyperpolarised. These sequential phases ensure unidirectional flow and proper frequency of nerve impulses.

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