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CIE A-Level Biology Study Notes

7.2.3 Water & the Transpiration Pull

In this section, we explore the intriguing process of water movement within plants, focusing on the cohesion-tension theory and the role of transpiration pull. This knowledge is essential for A-Level Biology students to understand the dynamic mechanisms of plant physiology.

Cohesion-Tension Theory

The cohesion-tension theory is a fundamental concept in plant biology, explaining how water ascends from roots to leaves against gravity.

Cohesion and Adhesion in Water Movement

  • Cohesion: Water molecules exhibit cohesion, meaning they are attracted to each other due to hydrogen bonding. This property is vital for maintaining a continuous column of water within the plant's xylem vessels.
  • Adhesion: Water also adheres to the walls of the xylem vessels, assisting in the upward movement of water. This adhesion counters the gravitational pull and aids in the ascent of water.
Diagram showing how the water is being carried by transpiration-Water Transport Mechanism

Image courtesy of FeltyRacketeer6

Role of Evaporation and Negative Pressure

  • Transpiration: Evaporation of water from leaf surfaces creates a negative pressure in the xylem. This process, known as transpiration, is essential for pulling water from the roots to the leaves.
  • Continuous Water Column: The negative pressure due to transpiration, coupled with water cohesion, results in a continuous water column stretching from the roots to the leaves.

Importance of Xylem Structure

  • Xylem Vessels: The xylem's structure, comprising narrow, tube-like vessels, facilitates efficient water transport. The narrow diameter of these vessels enhances capillary action, assisting in the upward movement of water.

Role of Transpiration Pull

Transpiration pull is a crucial factor in the movement of water within plants, driven by physical properties of water and environmental conditions.

Driving Force in Ascent of Sap

  • Sap Movement: Transpiration pull is the primary driving force behind the movement of sap – a mixture of water and dissolved nutrients – in the xylem.
  • Efficiency of Water Properties: The high surface tension of water and its ability to form hydrogen bonds ensure the integrity and continuity of the water column.
Diagram showing Transpiration pull theory for movement of sap

Image courtesy of Vedantu

Environmental Impact on Transpiration

  • Humidity and Temperature: Low humidity and high temperature increase transpiration rate, enhancing the transpiration pull. Conversely, high humidity and low temperature reduce it.
  • Wind: Wind can remove the water vapour around leaves, speeding up transpiration and thus influencing the transpiration pull.

Factors Influencing Transpiration Pull

The rate of transpiration pull is influenced by several internal and external factors.

Stomatal Regulation

  • Stomata Function: Stomata are small openings on leaf surfaces that regulate water loss. The opening and closing of these stomata are influenced by environmental factors and internal plant signals.
  • Water Loss Management: By regulating the opening of stomata, plants can control water loss, thereby managing the transpiration pull.
Transpiration through stomata

Image courtesy of blueringmedia

Plant Adaptations

  • Leaf Structure and Orientation: Some plants have adapted their leaf structure and orientation to minimize water loss, affecting the transpiration pull.
  • Root Adaptations: Root systems can also adapt to environmental conditions, influencing the efficiency of water uptake and hence the transpiration pull.

Cohesion-Tension Theory in Action

The practical implications of this theory are vast, ranging from understanding basic plant functions to agricultural applications.

Water Movement Mechanism

  • Energy Efficiency: This theory illustrates how plants move water to their upper parts without using energy-consuming mechanisms, relying instead on physical properties of water and transpiration.

Environmental Adaptations

  • Response to Conditions: Plants have evolved to regulate transpiration and transpiration pull in response to their environmental conditions, ensuring survival and efficient water use.

Plant Physiology

  • Nutrient Uptake and Transport: The cohesion-tension theory is integral to understanding nutrient uptake and transport in plants, as water movement also carries dissolved nutrients.

Educational Perspectives

For A-Level students, understanding this theory is crucial for a comprehensive grasp of plant biology.

Experiments and Demonstrations

  • Potometers and Transpiration: Students can examine experiments using potometers to measure transpiration rates, providing practical insights into the theory.

Real-World Applications

  • Horticulture and Agriculture: Knowledge of this theory is essential in fields like horticulture and agriculture, particularly in water management and plant cultivation strategies.

Connecting Theory with Practice

  • Observational Learning: Observing plant responses in different environmental conditions can help students link theoretical knowledge with real-world phenomena.


The cohesion-tension theory and transpiration pull are central to our understanding of plant water transport. These concepts not only provide a deep insight into plant physiology but also have practical implications in agriculture and environmental science. For A-Level Biology students, mastering these topics is crucial for academic success and a deeper appreciation of the natural world.


The cohesion-tension theory is considered a passive transport mechanism because it does not require direct energy expenditure by the plant to move water from the roots to the leaves. Instead, this process relies on the physical properties of water and environmental conditions. The cohesive and adhesive forces between water molecules and the walls of the xylem vessels, combined with the negative pressure generated by transpiration at the leaf surfaces, drive the water movement. This contrasts with active transport processes, which require energy, usually in the form of ATP, to move substances against their concentration gradient.

The Casparian strip, a band of suberin in the endodermal cells of plant roots, plays a critical role in directing the movement of water and ensuring its efficient transport in line with the cohesion-tension theory. It acts as a barrier, preventing the passive flow of water and solutes back into the soil. This forces water to move through the endodermal cells, allowing the plant to regulate ion and water uptake selectively. By controlling water entry into the xylem, the Casparian strip ensures a steady upward movement of water, maintaining the cohesion-tension mechanism's effectiveness.

Hydrogen bonds are crucial in the cohesion-tension theory as they are responsible for the cohesion between water molecules. These strong intermolecular forces occur when the positive end of one water molecule (hydrogen) is attracted to the negative end of another (oxygen). This attraction results in a strong cohesive force, allowing water to form a continuous column in the xylem vessels. This cohesive force is essential for maintaining the integrity of the water column under the tension created by transpiration, enabling the efficient and uninterrupted transport of water from roots to leaves.

While the cohesion-tension theory is widely applicable, it may not fully explain water movement in all plant types, especially in those facing extreme environmental conditions. For instance, in very tall trees or in plants exposed to severe drought, the limits of cohesion and tension may be tested, potentially leading to cavitation (the formation of air bubbles) in the xylem. Additionally, some plants may use alternative mechanisms, such as root pressure in some small plants and capillarity in others, to assist or supplement the cohesion-tension mechanism. Therefore, while the theory is broadly applicable, its effectiveness may vary depending on the species and environmental conditions.

The structure of xylem vessels is crucial in facilitating the cohesion-tension mechanism for water transport in plants. Xylem vessels are elongated, tube-like structures made of dead cells, providing an uninterrupted column for water movement. Their narrow diameter enhances capillary action, which, coupled with the cohesive and adhesive properties of water, aids in the upward movement against gravity. The rigidity of the xylem walls also supports the plant and withstands the negative pressure generated during transpiration, preventing the collapse of the vessels. Additionally, the presence of pits in xylem vessels allows for lateral movement of water, ensuring efficient distribution throughout the plant.

Practice Questions

Explain how the cohesion-tension theory describes the movement of water from the roots to the leaves in plants.

The cohesion-tension theory describes the movement of water in plants as a continuous column from roots to leaves, driven by transpiration. Water molecules, cohesive due to hydrogen bonding, form a continuous column within the xylem vessels. As water evaporates from leaf surfaces, it creates a tension or negative pressure, pulling more water upwards from the roots. This process is facilitated by the adhesion of water molecules to the walls of xylem vessels, countering gravity. Additionally, the narrow diameter of xylem vessels enhances capillary action, contributing to the efficiency of water transport.

Discuss the factors that can influence the rate of transpiration in plants and how they affect the transpiration pull.

Various environmental factors significantly influence the rate of transpiration in plants, thereby affecting the transpiration pull. High temperatures and low humidity conditions increase the rate of transpiration due to the higher vapour pressure deficit between the leaf interior and the external environment, enhancing the transpiration pull. Conversely, cooler temperatures and higher humidity reduce this deficit, decreasing the rate of transpiration. Wind also plays a role by removing the boundary layer of water-saturated air around the leaf, accelerating transpiration. The regulation of stomata also impacts transpiration, as open stomata facilitate transpiration, while closed stomata reduce water loss.

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