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CIE A-Level Biology Study Notes

7.2.2 Transpiration in Plants

Transpiration in plants is an essential physiological process that significantly impacts their water transport and overall health. It involves the movement of water within the plant and its eventual evaporation into the atmosphere, primarily through the leaves.

The Process of Transpiration

Transpiration begins with the absorption of water from the soil by the plant roots. This water then ascends through the plant, reaching the leaves, where it changes into vapour and is released into the atmosphere.

Water Uptake in Roots

  • Root Hair Cells: Specialised cells in the root absorb water from the soil.
  • Osmosis: Water enters the root hairs by osmosis, moving from a region of low solute concentration (soil) to a higher concentration inside the root cells.

Movement Through Xylem

  • Xylem Vessels: Water is transported from the roots to the leaves through xylem vessels.
  • Capillary Action: The physical properties of water, along with the structure of xylem vessels, aid in moving water upwards against gravity.
Process of Transpiration in plants

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Role of Stomata in Transpiration

  • Stomata Functioning: Tiny pores on the leaf surface, known as stomata, play a crucial role in transpiration. They regulate water loss by opening and closing in response to environmental conditions.
  • Guard Cells: Surrounding each stoma, guard cells control its opening. When turgid, they open the stoma; when flaccid, they close it.
Transpiration through stomata

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Environmental Factors Affecting Transpiration

The rate of transpiration in plants is influenced by various environmental factors, each playing a unique role in this process.

Effect of Humidity

  • Humidity and Water Vapour Gradient: Humidity affects the concentration gradient of water vapour between the inside and outside of the leaf, directly influencing the rate of transpiration.

Temperature's Role

  • Temperature and Kinetic Energy: Higher temperatures increase the kinetic energy of water molecules, speeding up their evaporation and, consequently, transpiration.
  • Temperature and Stomatal Opening: Warmer temperatures can lead to wider stomatal openings, further increasing transpiration.

Wind and Air Movement

  • Wind Removing Water Vapour: Windy conditions remove the saturated layer of air around the leaf, enhancing the diffusion gradient for water vapour.
  • Air Movement Inside the Leaf: Internal air movement, driven by changes in wind and temperature, also affects the rate of transpiration.

Transpiration's Contribution to Water Transport

Transpiration is not just a mechanism for water loss; it plays a significant role in the plant's water transport system.

Cohesion-Tension Theory

  • Cohesion of Water Molecules: Water molecules are cohesive, meaning they tend to stick together. This property is crucial for the movement of water through the xylem.
  • Tension in Xylem: As water evaporates from the leaves, it creates a tension or negative pressure that pulls more water up through the xylem from the roots.

Transpiration Pull

  • Creating a Suction Force: The continuous evaporation of water from the leaf surfaces creates a suction force, known as the transpiration pull, which is essential for the ascent of sap.

Nutrient Distribution and Transpiration

Transpiration also plays a vital role in the distribution of nutrients within the plant.

Transport of Dissolved Minerals

  • Minerals in Solution: Minerals absorbed by the roots are dissolved in water and transported along with it throughout the plant.
  • Distribution to Photosynthetic Tissues: These nutrients are crucial for various metabolic processes, especially in photosynthetic tissues like leaves.
Transport of dissolved minerals in plants

Image courtesy of Nefronus

Regulation and Adaptation

Plants have evolved mechanisms to regulate transpiration, adapting to their environmental conditions.

Stomatal Regulation

  • Adaptive Opening and Closing: Plants can open or close their stomata in response to environmental cues such as light, carbon dioxide levels, and internal water status.
  • Balancing Act: This regulation is a balance between allowing enough carbon dioxide in for photosynthesis while minimizing water loss.

Structural Adaptations

  • Leaf Structure: Some plants have adapted their leaf structure to minimize water loss, such as having fewer stomata or a waxy cuticle on the leaf surface.
  • Root Adaptations: Deeper or more extensive root systems help some plants access water more efficiently.
Waxy cuticle of leaf surface to minimize water loss

Waxy cuticle of leaf surface to minimize water loss

Image courtesy of Getty, Weekand

Transpiration's Ecological Significance

Transpiration is not just important for individual plants but also has broader ecological implications.

Influence on Microclimate

  • Cooling Effect: The evaporative cooling effect of transpiration can influence the microclimate around plants, often leading to a more favourable environment.
  • Humidity Regulation: Transpiration contributes to the atmospheric moisture level, playing a role in local humidity conditions.

Water Cycle Contribution

  • Part of the Water Cycle: Transpiration is a key component of the water cycle, contributing to the return of water from the land to the atmosphere.

In conclusion, transpiration is a multifaceted process integral to plant physiology. It affects not only the plant's water balance and nutrient transport but also plays a significant role in ecological systems. Understanding the complexities of this process is crucial for students studying A-Level Biology, providing insight into the intricate workings of plant life and its interaction with the environment.


Transpiration plays a crucial role in the water cycle, acting as a significant source of atmospheric moisture. It helps in recycling water from the land back into the atmosphere. When plants release water vapour into the air, it contributes to the humidity and can eventually form clouds, leading to precipitation. This process is vital for maintaining the balance of the water cycle, ensuring that water is not just consumed by land organisms but also returned to the atmosphere, aiding in the distribution and replenishment of water resources globally.

Environmental factors such as light, temperature, humidity, and wind often work in combination to influence transpiration rates. For example, a sunny day with high temperatures and low humidity can dramatically increase transpiration, as these conditions promote stomatal opening and increase the evaporation rate of water. Conversely, a cool, humid, and windless day might result in lower transpiration rates due to reduced evaporation and minimal stomatal opening. The interplay of these factors can vary greatly depending on the specific environmental conditions, making the regulation of transpiration a complex and dynamic process.

The structure of a leaf greatly influences its transpiration rate. Leaves with a large surface area have more stomata, which can lead to higher transpiration rates. The presence of a waxy cuticle on the leaf surface can reduce transpiration by creating a barrier to water loss. Leaf thickness also plays a role; thinner leaves may transpire more due to less resistance to water loss. Furthermore, the positioning of stomata (whether on the upper or lower leaf surface) and additional features like hairs can affect the microclimate around the stomata, impacting the rate of transpiration.

Transpiration can occur without photosynthesis, although the two processes are often interconnected. Transpiration primarily involves the loss of water through the stomata, which can happen independently of photosynthetic activity. For instance, on a bright moonlit night, some plants might open their stomata, leading to transpiration without photosynthesis. However, the rate of transpiration is usually higher during photosynthesis since the stomata are open to allow carbon dioxide into the leaf for photosynthesis, inadvertently increasing water loss.

Plants transpire more during the day primarily due to the opening of stomata in response to light. During daylight, photosynthesis occurs, requiring carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Stomata open to facilitate this gas exchange, which incidentally increases water loss through transpiration. Moreover, higher daytime temperatures accelerate the evaporation of water from the leaf surfaces. At night, in contrast, stomata are generally closed as photosynthesis ceases and the need for carbon dioxide decreases. Additionally, lower night temperatures reduce the kinetic energy of water molecules, thus decreasing the rate of evaporation and transpiration.

Practice Questions

Describe the role of guard cells in the regulation of transpiration in plants.

Guard cells are pivotal in controlling the opening and closing of stomata, thus regulating transpiration in plants. These kidney-shaped cells swell when turgid, causing the stomata to open. This opening facilitates gas exchange and allows water vapour to escape from the leaf, contributing to transpiration. In contrast, when guard cells lose water and become flaccid, they close the stomata, reducing water loss. The functioning of guard cells is influenced by environmental factors such as light, internal water pressure, and carbon dioxide levels. This regulation ensures a balance between necessary gas exchange for photosynthesis and minimising water loss through transpiration.

Explain how temperature and wind speed affect the rate of transpiration in plants.

Temperature and wind speed significantly impact the rate of transpiration in plants. Higher temperatures increase the kinetic energy of water molecules, enhancing their evaporation from the leaf surfaces, thus accelerating transpiration. Increased temperature also often leads to wider stomatal openings, facilitating greater water loss. Conversely, wind speed affects transpiration by removing the layer of saturated air around the leaf. This removal increases the water vapour concentration gradient between the leaf and the external environment, promoting faster diffusion of water vapour from the leaf. Both factors, therefore, contribute to a higher rate of transpiration under warm and windy conditions.

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