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CIE A-Level Biology Study Notes

14.1.5 Nephron Anatomy and Blood Supply

The nephron is a microscopic structure within the kidney, instrumental in the process of blood filtration, waste removal, and homeostasis maintenance. Each nephron is composed of distinct structures, each playing a vital role in kidney function.

Structure of the Nephron


  • Function: Acts as a filtering unit.
  • Structure: A ball of capillaries encased in Bowman's capsule.
  • Blood Supply: Blood enters via the afferent arteriole and exits through the efferent arteriole.
  • Filtration Process: Filters blood plasma based on size; prevents large molecules and blood cells from passing into the filtrate.

Bowman's Capsule

  • Function: Collects the glomerular filtrate.
  • Structure: A double-layered cup-like structure enveloping the glomerulus.
  • Inner Layer: Comprises specialized cells called podocytes, creating filtration slits.
  • Role in Filtration: Ensures only small molecules like water, glucose, ions, and urea pass through.

Proximal Convoluted Tubule (PCT)

  • Function: Primary site for reabsorption.
  • Structure: A convoluted tubule lined with microvilli to increase surface area.
  • Reabsorption: Efficiently reabsorbs water, glucose, amino acids, and essential ions.
  • Secretion: Also responsible for secreting waste products into the filtrate.
Glomerulus, Bowman's capsule and proximal tubule.

Image courtesy of Mikael Häggström

Loop of Henle

  • Function: Concentrates the urine and conserves water.
  • Structure: U-shaped with a descending limb (permeable to water) and an ascending limb (impermeable to water).
  • Role in Osmoregulation: Helps create a high salt concentration in the kidney medulla, crucial for water reabsorption in the collecting duct.

Distal Convoluted Tubule (DCT)

  • Function: Further ion reabsorption and pH regulation.
  • Structure: Similar to PCT but with fewer microvilli.
  • Hormonal Control: Aldosterone and parathyroid hormone regulate ion balance here.

Collecting Duct

  • Function: Final adjustment of urine concentration.
  • Structure: Receives urine from several nephrons.
  • ADH Regulation: Antidiuretic hormone regulates water reabsorption, influencing urine concentration.
Structure of nephron

Image courtesy of CNX OpenStax

Blood Supply in the Nephron

Renal Artery

  • Function: Main supplier of oxygenated blood to the kidneys.
  • Branching: Divides into smaller arteries and arterioles to supply individual nephrons.

Afferent and Efferent Arterioles

  • Afferent Arteriole: Supplies blood to the glomerulus.
  • Efferent Arteriole: Carries filtered blood away from the glomerulus.
  • Pressure Difference: The size difference between these arterioles creates pressure necessary for glomerular filtration.
A diagram showing Afferent and Efferent Arterioles

Image courtesy of Madhero88

Peritubular Capillaries and Vasa Recta

  • Peritubular Capillaries: Surround the PCT and DCT, aiding in substance exchange.
  • Vasa Recta: Surrounds the Loop of Henle, crucial for maintaining the medullary concentration gradient.

Significance of Nephron Structures

Filtration at the Glomerulus and Bowman's Capsule

  • Initial Filtration: Filters plasma, forming primary urine.
  • Selectivity: Prevents the loss of vital blood components.

Reabsorption and Secretion in PCT and DCT

  • Reabsorption: Critical for reclaiming water, electrolytes, and organic nutrients.
  • Secretion: Removes toxins and excess ions from the blood.

Concentration of Urine in the Loop of Henle

  • Descending Limb: Absorbs water, increasing filtrate osmolarity.
  • Ascending Limb: Actively transports salts out, decreasing filtrate osmolarity.

Regulation of Urine Volume and Composition in the Collecting Duct

  • ADH Influence: Responds to ADH by increasing water reabsorption.
  • Final Urine: Adjusts final urine concentration and volume.

Blood Supply and Filtration Efficiency

  • Adequate Perfusion: Ensures efficient filtration and nutrient reabsorption.
  • Oxygen and Nutrient Delivery: Supports the metabolic activities of nephron cells.

In conclusion, the nephron's intricate anatomy and its associated blood vessels are pivotal in executing the kidney's primary functions of filtration, reabsorption, secretion, and excretion. This comprehensive understanding of nephron structure and function is crucial for A-Level Biology students to appreciate the complexity and efficiency of the human excretory system.


The juxtaglomerular apparatus (JGA) is a specialized structure in the nephron, located where the distal convoluted tubule comes into contact with the glomerulus. It plays a key role in regulating blood pressure and the rate of glomerular filtration. The JGA consists of juxtaglomerular cells, which are modified smooth muscle cells of the afferent arteriole, and the macula densa, a group of specialized cells in the distal tubule. The juxtaglomerular cells produce and secrete renin, an enzyme that is pivotal in the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS), which regulates blood pressure and fluid balance. The macula densa detects changes in sodium chloride concentration in the filtrate and signals the juxtaglomerular cells to release renin accordingly. This response mechanism is essential for maintaining homeostasis, particularly in response to changes in blood volume, blood pressure, or electrolyte balance.

The counter-current multiplier system in the Loop of Henle plays a critical role in concentrating urine and conserving water. This system involves the interaction between the descending and ascending limbs of the Loop of Henle. The descending limb is permeable to water but impermeable to solutes, allowing water to be reabsorbed into the surrounding medullary tissue, thereby increasing the osmolarity of the filtrate as it descends. In contrast, the ascending limb is impermeable to water but actively transports salts (sodium and chloride ions) out of the filtrate into the medulla. This active transport of solutes creates a high salt concentration in the medulla, which in turn draws water out of the descending limb. The 'counter-current' arrangement, where the flow of filtrate in the descending limb is opposite to that in the ascending limb, amplifies this process. The concentrated medullary environment enables the collecting duct to reabsorb more water, under the influence of antidiuretic hormone (ADH), thus producing concentrated urine. This mechanism is crucial for water conservation and the maintenance of blood osmolarity.

Mesangial cells, located between the capillaries of the glomerulus, play several important roles in the functioning of the glomerulus. Firstly, they provide structural support to the glomerular capillaries, helping to maintain the integrity and shape of the glomerulus. Secondly, they are involved in the regulation of glomerular filtration rate (GFR) through their contractile properties; by contracting and relaxing, they can alter the surface area available for filtration, thereby modulating the rate of blood filtration. Additionally, mesangial cells have a phagocytic function, helping to clear away trapped residues and macromolecules from the glomerular basement membrane, which is essential for maintaining the filtration efficiency of the glomerulus. They also produce extracellular matrix components and cytokines, which can influence glomerular repair and response to injury. Thus, mesangial cells are integral to the normal function and maintenance of the glomerulus.

The endothelium of the glomerulus is uniquely structured to maximize its filtration efficiency. It consists of fenestrated endothelial cells, which are perforated with tiny holes or fenestrations. These fenestrations are large enough to allow the passage of water, ions, small molecules, and metabolic waste products, but small enough to prevent the loss of larger molecules like proteins and blood cells. This selective permeability is crucial for the filtration process in the kidney, as it ensures that essential components such as proteins and blood cells remain in the bloodstream. Additionally, the negatively charged glycoproteins present on the endothelial surface repel negatively charged blood proteins like albumin, further aiding in their retention within the blood vessels. This selective barrier forms the first step in the multi-stage process of urine formation, allowing the nephron to effectively filter the blood plasma while maintaining the composition of the blood.

The proximal convoluted tubule (PCT) plays a vital role in maintaining the body's pH balance by regulating the bicarbonate (HCO3-) concentration in the blood. It does this through a process called bicarbonate reabsorption and acid secretion. The cells of the PCT reabsorb bicarbonate from the filtrate back into the bloodstream, while simultaneously secreting hydrogen ions (H+) into the filtrate. This process is facilitated by the enzyme carbonic anhydrase, which catalyzes the conversion of carbon dioxide and water into carbonic acid, which then dissociates into hydrogen and bicarbonate ions. The PCT cells use different transport mechanisms to exchange these ions, effectively reclaiming bicarbonate, which acts as a buffer, and excreting excess hydrogen ions in the urine. This bicarbonate buffering system is crucial in maintaining the acid-base balance in the body, ensuring that the blood and other bodily fluids remain within the narrow pH range necessary for normal physiological functions.

Practice Questions

Explain the significance of the structure of the nephron in relation to its function in the kidney.

The nephron's structure is intricately designed to facilitate its primary functions of filtration, reabsorption, secretion, and excretion. The glomerulus, encased in Bowman's capsule, serves as the initial filtration site, efficiently filtering blood plasma while retaining larger molecules like proteins. The proximal convoluted tubule, with its increased surface area due to microvilli, plays a key role in the reabsorption of water, glucose, and essential ions. The Loop of Henle, descending into the medulla, is crucial for concentrating urine and conserving water. Its unique U-shape and differential permeability in its limbs help create a high osmotic gradient, essential for water reabsorption in the collecting duct. The distal convoluted tubule further fine-tunes ion balance and pH regulation, influenced by hormones like aldosterone. Lastly, the collecting duct, under the control of antidiuretic hormone, regulates the final urine concentration, ensuring the maintenance of fluid balance. Thus, each component of the nephron is optimally structured to perform specific roles in the complex process of urine formation and homeostasis.

Describe the role of the blood supply in the nephron and its importance in the process of urine formation.

The blood supply to the nephron is crucial for its function in urine formation. The renal artery branches into smaller arterioles, supplying oxygenated blood to the nephrons. The afferent arteriole brings blood to the glomerulus where filtration occurs. The efferent arteriole then carries the filtered blood away. The pressure difference between these arterioles facilitates efficient filtration. Surrounding the nephron are the peritubular capillaries and the vasa recta, which play significant roles in reabsorption and secretion. The peritubular capillaries, associated with the proximal and distal convoluted tubules, aid in the reabsorption of water and solutes back into the bloodstream. The vasa recta, associated with the Loop of Henle, helps maintain the osmotic gradient essential for water reabsorption. This efficient blood supply ensures the nephron receives sufficient blood for filtration and provides the necessary route for reabsorbed substances to return to systemic circulation, integral for maintaining the body's fluid and electrolyte balance.

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