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CIE A-Level Biology Study Notes

14.1.3 Liver Functions in Homeostasis

The liver, a vital organ in mammals, is instrumental in maintaining homeostasis. It plays a significant role in managing the body's internal environment, particularly in protein metabolism and the detoxification process.

Biochemical Pathways Leading to Urea Production

Introduction to the Urea Cycle

The urea cycle is a complex process occurring mainly in the liver. It converts toxic ammonia, produced during amino acid breakdown, into urea, a less harmful compound that is excreted in urine.

Step-by-Step Explanation of the Urea Cycle

  • 1. Initiation with Carbamoyl Phosphate
    • Carbamoyl Phosphate Synthetase I (CPS I) in the mitochondria catalyses the first step.
    • Ammonia, derived from amino acid deamination, reacts with carbon dioxide to form carbamoyl phosphate.
  • 2. Formation of Citrulline
    • Citrulline is synthesised in the cytoplasm when carbamoyl phosphate and ornithine combine, catalysed by Ornithine Transcarbamylase.
  • 3. Synthesis of Argininosuccinate
    • Citrulline binds with aspartate, yielding argininosuccinate, with the help of Argininosuccinate Synthetase.
  • 4. Production of Arginine and Fumarate
    • Argininosuccinate cleaves into arginine and fumarate, mediated by Argininosuccinase.
  • 5. Final Step: Urea Formation
    • Arginine is split into urea and ornithine by Arginase.
    • Ornithine returns to the mitochondria, perpetuating the cycle.

Importance of the Urea Cycle

  • Detoxification: Converting ammonia to urea reduces its toxicity.
  • Excretion: Urea, being water-soluble, is easily removed by the kidneys.
The step-by-step urea cycle

Image courtesy of Eswiss

Significance of Deamination of Excess Amino Acids

Deamination and Its Role

Deamination is the process of removing an amino group from amino acids, primarily occurring in the liver. This process is crucial for disposing of excess amino acids and producing energy.

Transamination and Oxidative Deamination

  • Transamination: The initial step where amino groups are transferred to α-ketoglutarate, forming glutamate.
  • Oxidative Deamination: Glutamate releases ammonia through oxidative deamination.

Impact on Homeostasis

  • Energy Utilisation: The resulting keto acids en
  • ter energy-producing pathways like the Krebs cycle.
  • Nitrogen Balance Maintenance: Deamination is pivotal in regulating the body's nitrogen levels.
  • Synthesis of Non-essential Amino Acids: The amino group from glutamate can synthesize other non-essential amino acids.


  • Risk of Ammonia Toxicity: Excessive deamination can lead to high ammonia levels, which is harmful to the brain.
  • Urea Cycle Disorders: Dysfunctions in the urea cycle can result in ammonia accumulation, causing severe metabolic issues.
Symptoms of hyperammonemia- ammonia toxicity

Image courtesy of Mikael Häggström.

Integration with Other Metabolic Pathways

Relationship with the Krebs Cycle

  • The liver's deamination process is linked with the Krebs cycle, with shared intermediates like fumarate and α-ketoglutarate.


  • The liver can convert certain amino acids into glucose through gluconeogenesis, crucial for maintaining blood glucose levels.
Mechanism of gluconeogenesis

Image courtesy of Science Notes

Lipid Metabolism

  • Keto acids from deamination are used for synthesising fatty acids and cholesterol.

Hormonal Regulation and Signalling

Hormones Influencing the Urea Cycle

  • Insulin and glucagon indirectly affect the urea cycle by regulating amino acid catabolism.

Cellular Signalling and Enzyme Regulation

  • The urea cycle enzymes are regulated by cellular signals, ensuring the cycle's adaptation to the body's metabolic demands.

Environmental and Physiological Influences

Diet and the Urea Cycle

  • Dietary protein levels directly impact urea production.
  • Protein-deficient diets or starvation can significantly affect urea cycle functioning.

Health and Disease

  • Liver disorders can impair the urea cycle, leading to conditions like hyperammonemia.
  • Proper functioning of the liver and its processes is crucial for diagnosing and treating various metabolic and hepatic diseases.

In conclusion, the liver's role in homeostasis extends beyond mere urea production. It includes intricate connections with other metabolic pathways and regulatory systems, emphasising its critical role in maintaining the body's internal balance and overall health in mammals.


Ornithine plays a pivotal role in the urea cycle, acting as a carrier molecule that helps in the removal of nitrogen from the body. It is not used up in the process but is recycled. In the cycle, ornithine combines with carbamoyl phosphate to form citrulline, a reaction catalysed by Ornithine Transcarbamylase. As the cycle progresses, ornithine is regenerated from arginine by the enzyme Arginase. This recycling of ornithine is essential as it maintains a steady supply of this molecule for the continuous operation of the urea cycle, ensuring efficient detoxification of ammonia and nitrogen balance in the body.

Converting ammonia into urea is crucial because ammonia is highly toxic, especially to the brain, where it can disrupt neurological functions. Ammonia is soluble in water and requires significant amounts of water for excretion, which could lead to dehydration. Urea, on the other hand, is less toxic and more soluble in water, allowing it to be excreted efficiently by the kidneys with less water loss. This conversion process, therefore, allows mammals to effectively eliminate nitrogenous wastes without compromising hydration levels or causing harm due to ammonia toxicity. The urea cycle in the liver is the key mechanism by which this conversion takes place, highlighting its importance in detoxification and maintaining homeostasis.

The liver interacts with several other organs to regulate homeostasis, forming an intricate network of physiological interactions. For instance, it works closely with the kidneys in detoxification and waste elimination. Urea produced in the liver is excreted by the kidneys. The liver also interacts with the pancreas; it processes the nutrients absorbed from the gut, and these nutrients influence pancreatic hormone secretion. Additionally, the liver synthesizes various proteins crucial for blood clotting and immune function, impacting the vascular and immune systems. These interactions exemplify how the liver's function is integrated into the broader systemic operation of the body, underscoring its pivotal role in maintaining homeostasis.

The liver has a remarkable ability to regenerate its cells, which is crucial for maintaining its functions, including homeostasis. Liver cells, or hepatocytes, can regenerate following injury or partial hepatectomy. This regeneration ensures that the liver maintains its size and function, which is vital for processes like the urea cycle, deamination, and various metabolic pathways. However, severe or chronic damage, such as in the case of cirrhosis, can impede this regenerative capacity. In such cases, the liver's ability to perform its essential functions, including detoxification and protein metabolism, can be compromised, affecting overall homeostasis.

The liver's deamination capability plays a central role in protein metabolism by managing the breakdown of excess amino acids. When proteins are digested, they are broken down into amino acids, which are used for various cellular functions. However, excess amino acids cannot be stored in the body. Therefore, the liver deaminates these excess amino acids, removing their amino groups. This process produces ammonia, subsequently converted into urea and excreted, and keto acids. Keto acids can be used for energy production or synthesised into carbohydrates and fats. Thus, the liver ensures that the amino acids from protein metabolism are efficiently utilised and that any excess is safely processed, maintaining metabolic balance.

Practice Questions

Describe the process of the urea cycle in the liver. Highlight the key steps and enzymes involved in the conversion of ammonia to urea.

The urea cycle begins in the mitochondria of liver cells, where ammonia combines with carbon dioxide, forming carbamoyl phosphate through the action of the enzyme Carbamoyl Phosphate Synthetase I (CPS I). This carbamoyl phosphate then combines with ornithine to form citrulline, catalysed by Ornithine Transcarbamylase. Citrulline is transported to the cytosol, where it binds with aspartate to form argininosuccinate, facilitated by Argininosuccinate Synthetase. Argininosuccinate then splits into arginine and fumarate, a reaction catalysed by Argininosuccinase. In the final step, Arginase splits arginine into urea and ornithine, with urea being excreted and ornithine recycled in the cycle.

Explain the significance of deamination in the liver and its impact on homeostasis.

Deamination in the liver is essential for maintaining nitrogen balance and energy production. In this process, amino acids are stripped of their amino groups, converting them into keto acids and ammonia. This ammonia is then converted into urea via the urea cycle, reducing its toxicity. The keto acids formed can enter the Krebs cycle, aiding in energy production. This process is crucial for managing excess amino acids, preventing their accumulation, and maintaining the body's nitrogen balance. Additionally, the amino groups obtained from glutamate during transamination can be used to synthesise non-essential amino acids, further contributing to homeostasis.

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