1. Military Leaders1.1 Genghis Khan c1200–12270/01.1.1 Rise to Power1.1.2 Leadership and Objectives1.1.3 Reputation and Military Prowess of Genghis Khan1.1.4 Mongol Military Campaigns1.1.5 Political and Economic Impact of Genghis Khan's Rule1.1.6 Social, Cultural, and Religious Impact of Genghis Khan's Reign1.2 Richard I of England (1173–1199)0/01.2.1 Rise to Power: Richard I of England1.2.2 Leadership and Objectives of Richard I1.2.3 Reputation and Military Exploits1.2.4 Campaigns and Conquests1.2.5 Political Impact and Challenges1.2.6 Economic Strategies and Impact of Richard I1.2.7 Social, Cultural, and Religious Influence1. Military Leaders1.1 Genghis Khan c1200–12270/01.1.1 Rise to Power1.1.2 Leadership and Objectives1.1.3 Reputation and Military Prowess of Genghis Khan1.1.4 Mongol Military Campaigns1.1.5 Political and Economic Impact of Genghis Khan's Rule1.1.6 Social, Cultural, and Religious Impact of Genghis Khan's Reign1.2 Richard I of England (1173–1199)0/01.2.1 Rise to Power: Richard I of England1.2.2 Leadership and Objectives of Richard I1.2.3 Reputation and Military Exploits1.2.4 Campaigns and Conquests1.2.5 Political Impact and Challenges1.2.6 Economic Strategies and Impact of Richard I1.2.7 Social, Cultural, and Religious Influence2. Conquest and its Impact2.1 Final Stages of Muslim Rule in Spain0/02.1.1 Political Context in Iberia and Al-Andalus2.1.2 Social and Economic Context in Late 15th-century Iberia2.1.3 Religious and Political Motives2.1.4 The Granada War2.1.5 Treaty of Granada and Alhambra Decree2.1.6 Post-conquest Social and Demographic Changes2.1.7 Religious Persecution and the Spanish Inquisition2.2 The Conquest of Mexico and Peru (1519–1551)0/02.2.1 Motives for Exploration and Conquest2.2.2 Hernán Cortés and the Aztecs2.2.3 Francisco Pizarro and the Incas2.2.4 Key Actors in the Conquests2.2.5 Social and Economic Impacts of the Conquests2.2.6 Demographic Changes and Disease2.2.7 Cultural Impacts of the Conquests2. Conquest and its Impact2.1 Final Stages of Muslim Rule in Spain0/02.1.1 Political Context in Iberia and Al-Andalus2.1.2 Social and Economic Context in Late 15th-century Iberia2.1.3 Religious and Political Motives2.1.4 The Granada War2.1.5 Treaty of Granada and Alhambra Decree2.1.6 Post-conquest Social and Demographic Changes2.1.7 Religious Persecution and the Spanish Inquisition2.2 The Conquest of Mexico and Peru (1519–1551)0/02.2.1 Motives for Exploration and Conquest2.2.2 Hernán Cortés and the Aztecs2.2.3 Francisco Pizarro and the Incas2.2.4 Key Actors in the Conquests2.2.5 Social and Economic Impacts of the Conquests2.2.6 Demographic Changes and Disease2.2.7 Cultural Impacts of the Conquests3: The Move to Global War3.1 Japanese Expansion in East Asia (1931–1941)0/03.1.1 Rise of Japanese Nationalism and Militarism3.1.2 Japanese Domestic Issues (early 20th century)3.1.3 Political Instability in China3.1.4 Invasion of Manchuria and Northern China3.1.5 Sino-Japanese War3.1.6 Towards World War: Tripartite Pact to Pearl Harbor3.1.7 League of Nations and the Lytton Report3.1.8 China's Internal Political Developments3.2 German and Italian Expansion (1933–1940)0/03.2.1 Fascism and Nazism: Ideological Foundations3.2.2 Domestic Economic Drivers3.2.3 Diplomatic Alignments and Appeasement3.2.4 German Challenges to Post-War Settlements3.2.5 Italian Expansion and Aggression3.2.6 German Expansion and Pre-War Alliances3.2.7 International Response to German Aggression3.2.8 International Response to Italian Aggression3.2.9 Combined International Response (1940)3: The Move to Global War3.1 Japanese Expansion in East Asia (1931–1941)0/03.1.1 Rise of Japanese Nationalism and Militarism3.1.2 Japanese Domestic Issues (early 20th century)3.1.3 Political Instability in China3.1.4 Invasion of Manchuria and Northern China3.1.5 Sino-Japanese War3.1.6 Towards World War: Tripartite Pact to Pearl Harbor3.1.7 League of Nations and the Lytton Report3.1.8 China's Internal Political Developments3.2 German and Italian Expansion (1933–1940)0/03.2.1 Fascism and Nazism: Ideological Foundations3.2.2 Domestic Economic Drivers3.2.3 Diplomatic Alignments and Appeasement3.2.4 German Challenges to Post-War Settlements3.2.5 Italian Expansion and Aggression3.2.6 German Expansion and Pre-War Alliances3.2.7 International Response to German Aggression3.2.8 International Response to Italian Aggression3.2.9 Combined International Response (1940)4: Rights and Protest4.1 Civil Rights Movement in the United States (1954–1965)0/04.1.1 Racism and Violence in the United States (1954-1965)4.1.2 Disenfranchisement and Segregation4.1.3 Economic and Social Discrimination4.1.4 Non-Violent Protests4.1.5 Civil Rights Legislation4.1.6 Key Figures: Martin Luther King Jr, Malcolm X, Lyndon B Johnson4.1.7 Key Groups in the Civil Rights Movement4.2 Apartheid South Africa (1948–1964)0/04.2.1 Apartheid Legislation4.2.2 Segregation and Forced Removals4.2.3 Education and Bantustan System4.2.4 Non-Violent Protests and the Freedom Charter4.2.5 Sharpeville Massacre and Armed Struggle4.2.6 Rivonia Trial4.2.7 Key Figures: Nelson Mandela, Albert Luthuli4.2.8 Key Groups in the Anti-Apartheid Movement4: Rights and Protest4.1 Civil Rights Movement in the United States (1954–1965)0/04.1.1 Racism and Violence in the United States (1954-1965)4.1.2 Disenfranchisement and Segregation4.1.3 Economic and Social Discrimination4.1.4 Non-Violent Protests4.1.5 Civil Rights Legislation4.1.6 Key Figures: Martin Luther King Jr, Malcolm X, Lyndon B Johnson4.1.7 Key Groups in the Civil Rights Movement4.2 Apartheid South Africa (1948–1964)0/04.2.1 Apartheid Legislation4.2.2 Segregation and Forced Removals4.2.3 Education and Bantustan System4.2.4 Non-Violent Protests and the Freedom Charter4.2.5 Sharpeville Massacre and Armed Struggle4.2.6 Rivonia Trial4.2.7 Key Figures: Nelson Mandela, Albert Luthuli4.2.8 Key Groups in the Anti-Apartheid Movement5: Conflict and InterventionPremium5.1 Rwanda (1990–1998)0/05.1.1 Origins of Ethnic Tensions5.1.2 Rise of the Hutu Power Movement5.1.3 Economic Precursors to Conflict5.1.4 Rwandan Civil War and Assassinations5.1.5 Genocide Tactics and Crimes5.1.6 Global Inaction and Response5.1.7 Aftermath: Social and Refugee Crisis5.1.8 Pursuit of Justice5.1.9 Political and Economic Repercussions5.2 Kosovo (1989–2002)0/05.2.1 Ethnic Tensions and Nationalism5.2.2 Milosevic and Rugova's Roles in Kosovo5.2.3 Pre-War Political Developments5.2.4 Outbreak of Conflict and Atrocities5.2.5 International Community's Role in the Kosovo Conflict5.2.6 War's Social and Economic Impact5.2.7 Post-War Political Landscape5: Conflict and InterventionPremium5.1 Rwanda (1990–1998)0/05.1.1 Origins of Ethnic Tensions5.1.2 Rise of the Hutu Power Movement5.1.3 Economic Precursors to Conflict5.1.4 Rwandan Civil War and Assassinations5.1.5 Genocide Tactics and Crimes5.1.6 Global Inaction and Response5.1.7 Aftermath: Social and Refugee Crisis5.1.8 Pursuit of Justice5.1.9 Political and Economic Repercussions5.2 Kosovo (1989–2002)0/05.2.1 Ethnic Tensions and Nationalism5.2.2 Milosevic and Rugova's Roles in Kosovo5.2.3 Pre-War Political Developments5.2.4 Outbreak of Conflict and Atrocities5.2.5 International Community's Role in the Kosovo Conflict5.2.6 War's Social and Economic Impact5.2.7 Post-War Political Landscape6: Society and Economy (650–1400)Premium6.1 Society and Economy0/06.1.1 Social Structures and Systems6.1.2 Population Dynamics in Medieval Times6.1.3 Women in Medieval Society6.1.4 Trade and Economic Integration6.1.5 Taxation Systems6.1.6 Travel and Transportation Advances in Medieval Times6.2 Cultural and Intellectual Developments0/06.2.1 Influential Figures6.2.2 Transmission of Ideas and Cultures6.2.3 Artistic and Architectural Innovations6.2.4 Scientific and Technological Progress6.3 Religion and Society0/06.3.1 Religious Institutions' Influence: Genghis Khan and the Rise of the Mongol Empire6.3.2 Religious Leaders and Governance6.3.3 Treatment of Religious Minorities6.3.4 Spread of Major Religions6: Society and Economy (650–1400)Premium6.1 Society and Economy0/06.1.1 Social Structures and Systems6.1.2 Population Dynamics in Medieval Times6.1.3 Women in Medieval Society6.1.4 Trade and Economic Integration6.1.5 Taxation Systems6.1.6 Travel and Transportation Advances in Medieval Times6.2 Cultural and Intellectual Developments0/06.2.1 Influential Figures6.2.2 Transmission of Ideas and Cultures6.2.3 Artistic and Architectural Innovations6.2.4 Scientific and Technological Progress6.3 Religion and Society0/06.3.1 Religious Institutions' Influence: Genghis Khan and the Rise of the Mongol Empire6.3.2 Religious Leaders and Governance6.3.3 Treatment of Religious Minorities6.3.4 Spread of Major Religions7: Causes and Effects of Wars (750–1500)Premium7.1 Types and Causes of Conflicts0/07.1.1 Dynastic Disputes7.1.2 Territorial Disputes7.1.3 Religious Disputes7.1.4 Economic Causes of Conflicts7.1.5 Political Causes of Conflicts7.1.6 Religious Causes of Conflicts7.1.7 Comprehensive Causes Analysis7.2 Course, Practices, and Outcomes0/07.2.1 Significant Leaders and Strategies7.2.2 Resource Mobilisation7.2.3 Tactics and Warfare Organisation7.2.4 Women's Roles in Wars7.3 Effects of Wars0/07.3.1 Conquests and Political Changes7.3.2 Successes and Failures in Peacemaking7.3.3 Socio-Economic and Cultural Impacts of Wars7.3.4 Demographic and Population Changes7: Causes and Effects of Wars (750–1500)Premium7.1 Types and Causes of Conflicts0/07.1.1 Dynastic Disputes7.1.2 Territorial Disputes7.1.3 Religious Disputes7.1.4 Economic Causes of Conflicts7.1.5 Political Causes of Conflicts7.1.6 Religious Causes of Conflicts7.1.7 Comprehensive Causes Analysis7.2 Course, Practices, and Outcomes0/07.2.1 Significant Leaders and Strategies7.2.2 Resource Mobilisation7.2.3 Tactics and Warfare Organisation7.2.4 Women's Roles in Wars7.3 Effects of Wars0/07.3.1 Conquests and Political Changes7.3.2 Successes and Failures in Peacemaking7.3.3 Socio-Economic and Cultural Impacts of Wars7.3.4 Demographic and Population Changes8: Dynasties and Rulers (750–1500)Premium8.1 Dynasties and Rulers0/08.1.1 Nature of Dynastic Power8.1.2 Aims and Achievements of Rulers8.1.3 Legitimisation of Rule8.1.4 Consolidation and Maintenance of Power8.1.5 Dynastic Expansion and Methods8.2 Law, Governing Institutions, and Administration0/08.2.1 Evolution of Government Structures8.2.2 Administration of Law and Justice8.2.3 Duties and Roles of Officials8.3 Challenges to Dynastic Rule0/08.3.1 Analysis of Dynastic Successes and Failures8.3.2 Nature of Internal and External Challenges8.3.3 Handling of Rebellions and Opposition8.3.4 Rivalries and Succession Issues8: Dynasties and Rulers (750–1500)Premium8.1 Dynasties and Rulers0/08.1.1 Nature of Dynastic Power8.1.2 Aims and Achievements of Rulers8.1.3 Legitimisation of Rule8.1.4 Consolidation and Maintenance of Power8.1.5 Dynastic Expansion and Methods8.2 Law, Governing Institutions, and Administration0/08.2.1 Evolution of Government Structures8.2.2 Administration of Law and Justice8.2.3 Duties and Roles of Officials8.3 Challenges to Dynastic Rule0/08.3.1 Analysis of Dynastic Successes and Failures8.3.2 Nature of Internal and External Challenges8.3.3 Handling of Rebellions and Opposition8.3.4 Rivalries and Succession Issues9: Societies in Transition (1400–1700)Premium9.1 Social and Economic Change0/09.1.1 Evolution of Social Structures9.1.2 Population Dynamics9.1.3 Minority and Indigenous Peoples9.1.4 Economic Transformations9.2 Cultural and Intellectual Change0/09.2.1 Cultural Movements9.2.2 Cross-Cultural Exchanges9.2.3 Scientific and Technological Progress9: Societies in Transition (1400–1700)Premium9.1 Social and Economic Change0/09.1.1 Evolution of Social Structures9.1.2 Population Dynamics9.1.3 Minority and Indigenous Peoples9.1.4 Economic Transformations9.2 Cultural and Intellectual Change0/09.2.1 Cultural Movements9.2.2 Cross-Cultural Exchanges9.2.3 Scientific and Technological Progress10: Early Modern States (1450–1789)Premium10.1 Nature of Power and Rule0/010.1.1 States in Ascendancy10.1.2 States in Decline10.1.3 Governance Models10.1.4 Individual Rulers10.2 Expansion0/010.2.1 Territorial Ambitions10.2.2 Colonial Endeavours10.2.3 Imperial Aspirations10.3 Conflicts and Challenges0/010.3.1 Internal Power Dynamics10.3.2 External Rivalries10.3.3 Colonial Resistance10.3.4 Succession Challenges10: Early Modern States (1450–1789)Premium10.1 Nature of Power and Rule0/010.1.1 States in Ascendancy10.1.2 States in Decline10.1.3 Governance Models10.1.4 Individual Rulers10.2 Expansion0/010.2.1 Territorial Ambitions10.2.2 Colonial Endeavours10.2.3 Imperial Aspirations10.3 Conflicts and Challenges0/010.3.1 Internal Power Dynamics10.3.2 External Rivalries10.3.3 Colonial Resistance10.3.4 Succession Challenges11: Causes and Effects of Early Modern Wars (1500–1750)Premium11.1 Causes of Conflicts0/011.1.1 Ideological Causes of Conflicts11.1.2 Economic Causes11.1.3 Religious Causes11.1.4 Political Causes11.2 Practices and Impact on Outcome0/011.2.1 Role of Leaders11.2.2 Mobilisation of Resources11.2.3 Warfare Organisation11.2.4 Technological Advancements11.2.5 Foreign Involvement11.3 Effects0/011.3.1 Peacemaking Efforts11.3.2 Economic Impact of War11.3.3 Social Impact11.3.4 Religious Impact of Wars11: Causes and Effects of Early Modern Wars (1500–1750)Premium11.1 Causes of Conflicts0/011.1.1 Ideological Causes of Conflicts11.1.2 Economic Causes11.1.3 Religious Causes11.1.4 Political Causes11.2 Practices and Impact on Outcome0/011.2.1 Role of Leaders11.2.2 Mobilisation of Resources11.2.3 Warfare Organisation11.2.4 Technological Advancements11.2.5 Foreign Involvement11.3 Effects0/011.3.1 Peacemaking Efforts11.3.2 Economic Impact of War11.3.3 Social Impact11.3.4 Religious Impact of Wars12: Origins, Development and Impact of Industrialisation (1750–2005)Premium12.1 The Origins of Industrialisation0/012.1.1 Preconditions for Industrialisation12.1.2 Colonialism and Global Trade12.1.3 Political Stability and Governmental Policies12.1.4 Role of Agriculture12.2 Key Developments and Their Impact0/012.2.1 Evolution of Transportation12.2.2 Energy Transitions12.2.3 Consumer Goods and Lifestyle Changes12.2.4 The Factory System and Labour Relations12.2.5 The Digital Revolution and Globalisation12.3 Social and Political Impact0/012.3.1 Migration and Urban Growth12.3.2 Workers' Rights and Social Movements12.3.3 Industrialisation and Democracy12.3.4 Public Health and Life Expectancy12: Origins, Development and Impact of Industrialisation (1750–2005)Premium12.1 The Origins of Industrialisation0/012.1.1 Preconditions for Industrialisation12.1.2 Colonialism and Global Trade12.1.3 Political Stability and Governmental Policies12.1.4 Role of Agriculture12.2 Key Developments and Their Impact0/012.2.1 Evolution of Transportation12.2.2 Energy Transitions12.2.3 Consumer Goods and Lifestyle Changes12.2.4 The Factory System and Labour Relations12.2.5 The Digital Revolution and Globalisation12.3 Social and Political Impact0/012.3.1 Migration and Urban Growth12.3.2 Workers' Rights and Social Movements12.3.3 Industrialisation and Democracy12.3.4 Public Health and Life Expectancy13: Independence Movements (1800–2000)Premium13.1 Origins and Rise of Independence Movements0/013.1.1 Nationalism's Influence: Genghis Khan and the Rise of Mongol Nationalism13.1.2 Political Ideologies' Impact on Independence Movements13.1.3 Role of Religion and Race in Independence Movements13.1.4 Socio-economic Grievances13.1.5 Wars as Catalysts13.1.6 Other Internal and External Factors13.2 Methods Used and Reasons for Success0/013.2.1 Violent vs Non-violent Methods13.2.2 Leadership Dynamics13.2.3 International Politics and Solidarity13.2.4 Economic Pressures and Colonial Decline13.3 Challenges and Responses Post-independence0/013.3.1 Political Stability and Factionalism13.3.2 Ethnic, Racial, and Separatist Movements13.3.3 Socio-economic Reconstruction13.3.4 Cultural Identity and Legacy of Colonialism13.3.5 Effectiveness of Responses and Long-term Impact13: Independence Movements (1800–2000)Premium13.1 Origins and Rise of Independence Movements0/013.1.1 Nationalism's Influence: Genghis Khan and the Rise of Mongol Nationalism13.1.2 Political Ideologies' Impact on Independence Movements13.1.3 Role of Religion and Race in Independence Movements13.1.4 Socio-economic Grievances13.1.5 Wars as Catalysts13.1.6 Other Internal and External Factors13.2 Methods Used and Reasons for Success0/013.2.1 Violent vs Non-violent Methods13.2.2 Leadership Dynamics13.2.3 International Politics and Solidarity13.2.4 Economic Pressures and Colonial Decline13.3 Challenges and Responses Post-independence0/013.3.1 Political Stability and Factionalism13.3.2 Ethnic, Racial, and Separatist Movements13.3.3 Socio-economic Reconstruction13.3.4 Cultural Identity and Legacy of Colonialism13.3.5 Effectiveness of Responses and Long-term Impact14: Emergence and Development of Democratic States (1848–2000)Premium14.1 Emergence of Democratic States0/014.1.1 Preconditions for Democratic Reform14.1.2 Leadership in Democratic Transitions14.1.3 Formation and Role of Political Parties14.1.4 Crafting of Constitutions14.1.5 Electoral Systems and Fairness14.2 Development of Democratic States0/014.2.1 Influences on Democratic Evolution14.2.2 Responses to Domestic Crises14.2.3 Suffrage Movements14.2.4 Civil Protests and Movements14.3 Aims and Results of Policies0/014.3.1 Education and Social Welfare Policies14.3.2 Policies Towards Women and Minorities14.3.3 Wealth Distribution and Economic Policies14.3.4 Cultural Impact and Freedom of Expression14: Emergence and Development of Democratic States (1848–2000)Premium14.1 Emergence of Democratic States0/014.1.1 Preconditions for Democratic Reform14.1.2 Leadership in Democratic Transitions14.1.3 Formation and Role of Political Parties14.1.4 Crafting of Constitutions14.1.5 Electoral Systems and Fairness14.2 Development of Democratic States0/014.2.1 Influences on Democratic Evolution14.2.2 Responses to Domestic Crises14.2.3 Suffrage Movements14.2.4 Civil Protests and Movements14.3 Aims and Results of Policies0/014.3.1 Education and Social Welfare Policies14.3.2 Policies Towards Women and Minorities14.3.3 Wealth Distribution and Economic Policies14.3.4 Cultural Impact and Freedom of Expression15: Authoritarian States (20th Century)Premium15.1 Emergence of Authoritarian States0/015.1.1 Economic Factors in Emergence15.1.2 Social Divisions and War Impact15.1.3 Weakness of Political Systems15.1.4 Role of Propaganda and Force in Authoritarian States15.2 Consolidation and Maintenance of Power0/015.2.1 Legal Methods of Power Consolidation15.2.2 Use of Force and Charismatic Leadership15.2.3 Treatment of Opposition15.2.4 Foreign Policy and Power Maintenance15.3 Aims and Results of Policies0/015.3.1 Economic and Political Policies15.3.2 Cultural and Social Policies15.3.3 Policies on Women and Minorities15.3.4 Control and Compliance Measures15: Authoritarian States (20th Century)Premium15.1 Emergence of Authoritarian States0/015.1.1 Economic Factors in Emergence15.1.2 Social Divisions and War Impact15.1.3 Weakness of Political Systems15.1.4 Role of Propaganda and Force in Authoritarian States15.2 Consolidation and Maintenance of Power0/015.2.1 Legal Methods of Power Consolidation15.2.2 Use of Force and Charismatic Leadership15.2.3 Treatment of Opposition15.2.4 Foreign Policy and Power Maintenance15.3 Aims and Results of Policies0/015.3.1 Economic and Political Policies15.3.2 Cultural and Social Policies15.3.3 Policies on Women and Minorities15.3.4 Control and Compliance Measures16: Causes and Effects of 20th Century WarsPremium16.1 Causes of War0/016.1.1 Economic Causes of War16.1.2 Ideological Causes16.1.3 Political Causes of War16.1.4 Territorial Causes16.1.5 Short-term Causes16.1.6 Long-term Causes of War16.2 Practices of War and Their Impact on the Outcome0/016.2.1 Civil Wars: The Rise of Genghis Khan and the Unification of the Mongol Tribes16.2.2 Wars Between States16.2.3 Guerrilla Wars16.2.4 Technological Developments in Warfare16.2.5 Human and Economic Mobilisation in War16.2.6 Foreign Powers' Influence16.3 Effects of War0/016.3.1 Successes/Failures of Peacemaking16.3.2 Territorial Changes16.3.3 Political Impact16.3.4 Economic Impact of Wars16.3.5 Social/Demographic Impact of War16: Causes and Effects of 20th Century WarsPremium16.1 Causes of War0/016.1.1 Economic Causes of War16.1.2 Ideological Causes16.1.3 Political Causes of War16.1.4 Territorial Causes16.1.5 Short-term Causes16.1.6 Long-term Causes of War16.2 Practices of War and Their Impact on the Outcome0/016.2.1 Civil Wars: The Rise of Genghis Khan and the Unification of the Mongol Tribes16.2.2 Wars Between States16.2.3 Guerrilla Wars16.2.4 Technological Developments in Warfare16.2.5 Human and Economic Mobilisation in War16.2.6 Foreign Powers' Influence16.3 Effects of War0/016.3.1 Successes/Failures of Peacemaking16.3.2 Territorial Changes16.3.3 Political Impact16.3.4 Economic Impact of Wars16.3.5 Social/Demographic Impact of War17: The Cold War: Superpower Tensions and Rivalries (20th Century)Premium17.1 Rivalry, Mistrust and Accord0/017.1.1 Origins of the Cold War17.1.2 Emergence of Superpower Rivalry in Europe and Asia (1943–1949)17.1.3 Superpower Relations and Détente (1947–1979)17.1.4 End of the Cold War (1980–1991)17.2 Leaders and Nations0/017.2.1 Impact of Leaders on the Cold War17.2.2 Social and Cultural Impact of the Cold War17.2.3 Economic Impact of the Cold War on Different Regions17.3 Cold War Crises0/017.3.1 Case Studies: European Crises17.3.2 Case Studies: Asian Crises17.3.3 Case Studies: Crises in the Americas17.3.4 Case Studies: Middle Eastern and African Crises17: The Cold War: Superpower Tensions and Rivalries (20th Century)Premium17.1 Rivalry, Mistrust and Accord0/017.1.1 Origins of the Cold War17.1.2 Emergence of Superpower Rivalry in Europe and Asia (1943–1949)17.1.3 Superpower Relations and Détente (1947–1979)17.1.4 End of the Cold War (1980–1991)17.2 Leaders and Nations0/017.2.1 Impact of Leaders on the Cold War17.2.2 Social and Cultural Impact of the Cold War17.2.3 Economic Impact of the Cold War on Different Regions17.3 Cold War Crises0/017.3.1 Case Studies: European Crises17.3.2 Case Studies: Asian Crises17.3.3 Case Studies: Crises in the Americas17.3.4 Case Studies: Middle Eastern and African Crises18: History of Africa and the Middle East (HL)18.1 The ‘Abbasid dynasty (750–1258)0/018.1.1 Origins and Rise of the ‘Abbasids18.1.2 Establishment of Baghdad18.1.3 ‘Abbasid Golden Age18.1.4 Relations with Non-Muslims during the ‘Abbasid Era18.2 The Fatimids (909–1171)0/018.2.1 Rise of the Fatimids18.2.2 Fatimid Administration18.2.3 Cultural Achievements and Diplomacy of the Fatimids18.2.4 Decline of the Fatimid Caliphate18.3 The Crusades (1095–1291)0/018.3.1 Origins of the Crusades18.3.2 Establishment of Crusader States18.3.3 Later Crusades and Saladin18.3.4 Fall of Crusader States and Impact18.4 The Ottomans (1281–1566)0/018.4.1 Rise of the Ottoman Empire18.4.2 Conquest of Constantinople18.4.3 Suleiman the Magnificent18.4.4 Ottoman Society and Contributions18.5 - Trade and the rise and decline of African states and empires (800–1600)0/018.5.1 Types of Trade in Africa (800-1600)18.5.2 Impact of Trade on Religion and Culture18.5.3 Ghana Empire (c830–1235)18.5.4 Mali Empire (c1230–1600)18.5.5 Rise and Expansion of the Kingdom of the Kongo to 160018.5.6 Swahili City-States and the Indian Ocean Trade18.6 - Pre-colonial African states (1800–1900)0/018.6.1 Rise of the Zulu under Shaka18.6.2 Rise of the Sokoto Caliphate under Usman Dan Fodio18.6.3 Rise of the Niger Delta Trading States: Nana and Jaja18.6.4 Ethiopian Unification and Expansion18.6.5 Rise of the Mahdist State in Sudan18.7 - The slave trade in Africa and the Middle East (1500–1900)0/018.7.1 Expansion of the Atlantic Slave Trade18.7.2 Expansion of the East African Slave Trade18.7.3 Nature of the Slave Trade18.7.4 Causes of the Decline of the Atlantic Slave Trade18.7.5 Causes of the Decline of the East African Slave Trade18.7.6 Impact and Significance of Anti-Slavery Acts18.8 - European imperialism and the partition of Africa (1850–1900)0/018.8.1 Growth of European Activity in Africa18.8.2 Economic Causes of the Partition of Africa18.8.3 Strategic Causes of Partition in Africa (1850–1900)18.8.4 Other Causes of Partition18.8.5 African Background to Partition18.8.6 German Annexation and the Berlin West Africa Conference18.8.7 King Leopold II and De Brazza in the Congo: Imperial Rivals18.9 - Response to European imperialism (1870–1920)0/018.9.1 Factors Influencing Decisions to Resist European Imperialism (1870–1920)18.9.2 Ethiopian Resistance under Menelik II18.9.3 Mandinka Resistance to French Rule18.9.4 The Herero and Nama Resistance in Namibia18.9.5 Cetshwayo and the Conquest of the Zulu Kingdom18.9.6 The Asante Wars (1873, 1896, and 1900)18.9.7 Factors Influencing Decisions to Collaborate with Colonial Powers18.9.8 Collaboration between Lewanika and Khama with the British18.9.9 Resistance and Collaboration in Buganda18.10 - Africa under colonialism (1890–1980)0/018.10.1 British Rule in Kenya18.10.2 Tanganyika under German and British Rule18.10.3 British Rule in Nyasaland, Northern Rhodesia, and Southern Rhodesia18.10.4 Angola and Mozambique under Portuguese Rule (1890–1975)18.10.5 Nigeria: Direct and Indirect Rule18.10.6 The Colonial Administration of Gold Coast (Ghana)18.10.7 Colonial Administration in Senegal18.11 - 20th-century nationalist and independence movements in Africa0/018.11.1 Angola's Liberation War and Independence (MPLA and UNITA)18.11.2 Namibia’s Quest for Independence: The Role of SWAPO18.11.3 Kenya Trade Unions, Mau Mau, and Jomo Kenyatta (KANU)18.11.4 Transformation of the Gold Coast into Ghana: The Role of Kwame Nkrumah and the CPP18.11.5 French West Africa Nationalism, Political Parties, and Senegal's Independence18.11.6 The Role of TANU and Julius Nyerere in Tanganyika's Independence18.12 - The Ottoman Empire (c1800–1923)0/018.12.1 Challenges to Ottoman Power in the Early 19th Century18.12.2 The Eastern Question and European Challenges18.12.3 The Decline of Ottoman Power in the Middle East and North Africa18.12.4 Attempts at Internal Reform and Modernisation in the Ottoman Empire18.12.5 The Committee of Union and Progress and Young Turk Reforms18.12.6 The Ottoman Empire's Entry into World War I18.13 - War and Change in the Middle East and North Africa 1914–19450/018.13.1 Allied Diplomacy in the Middle East (1914–1945)18.13.2 The Effects of Paris Peace Treaties in the Middle East and North Africa18.13.3 Egypt After the First World War18.13.4 The Palestine Mandate: Economic, Social, and Political Developments18.13.5 Atatürk and the Turkish Republic18.13.6 Case Study: Iran (1914–1945)18.14 - Africa, International Organizations, and the International Community (20th Century)0/018.14.1 The Abyssinian Crisis and the League of Nations' Response18.14.2 Organization of African Unity (OAU)18.14.3 Regional Organisations in Africa: An Examination of their Successes and Failures18.14.4 Africa and the UN18.14.5 Impact of UN Specialised Agencies in Africa18.14.6 The Cold War and Its Impact on Africa18.15 - Developments in South Africa 1880–19940/018.15.1 Discovery of Diamonds and Gold in South Africa18.15.2 South African War (1899–1902)18.15.3 Policies of Smuts and Hertzog (1910–1948)18.15.4 National Party and Apartheid18.15.5 Resistance to Apartheid18.15.6 International Opposition to Apartheid18.15.7 End of the Apartheid System in South Africa18.16 - Social and Cultural Developments in Africa in the 19th and 20th Centuries0/018.16.1 Spread of Islam and Christianity in Africa (19th and 20th Centuries)18.16.2 African Independent Churches Movement18.16.3 Changing Social and Cultural Values in Africa in the 19th and 20th Centuries18.16.4 The Changing Role of Women in African Society18.16.5 Social and Cultural Impact of Technological Developments in Africa (19th and 20th Centuries)18.16.6 Impact of Immigration and Emigration on African Societies in the 19th and 20th Centuries18.16.7 Impact of Colonialism on Art and Culture in Africa18.16.8 Developments in Education in Africa (19th and 20th Centuries)18.17 - Post-war Developments in the Middle East (1945–2000)0/018.17.1 Origins of the State of Israel18.17.2 Arab–Israeli Conflicts18.17.3 Post-war Egypt: Political and Social Transformation18.17.4 Post-war Developments in Iran (1945–1979)18.17.5 The Complex History of Lebanon18.17.6 Arab States' Relations with Israel Post-1973 War18.18 - Post-Independence Politics in Africa to 20050/018.18.1 Causes of Ethnic Conflict, Civil War, and Military Intervention in Post-Independence Africa18.18.2 Impact of Ethnic Conflict, Civil War, and Military Intervention18.18.3 Social and Economic Challenges in Post-Independence Africa18.18.4 Establishment of Single-Party States in Post-Independence Africa18.18.5 Return to Multi-Party Democracy in Africa (1980s and 1990s)18.18.6 Economic Growth and Development in Africa to 200518: History of Africa and the Middle East (HL)18.1 The ‘Abbasid dynasty (750–1258)0/018.1.1 Origins and Rise of the ‘Abbasids18.1.2 Establishment of Baghdad18.1.3 ‘Abbasid Golden Age18.1.4 Relations with Non-Muslims during the ‘Abbasid Era18.2 The Fatimids (909–1171)0/018.2.1 Rise of the Fatimids18.2.2 Fatimid Administration18.2.3 Cultural Achievements and Diplomacy of the Fatimids18.2.4 Decline of the Fatimid Caliphate18.3 The Crusades (1095–1291)0/018.3.1 Origins of the Crusades18.3.2 Establishment of Crusader States18.3.3 Later Crusades and Saladin18.3.4 Fall of Crusader States and Impact18.4 The Ottomans (1281–1566)0/018.4.1 Rise of the Ottoman Empire18.4.2 Conquest of Constantinople18.4.3 Suleiman the Magnificent18.4.4 Ottoman Society and Contributions18.5 - Trade and the rise and decline of African states and empires (800–1600)0/018.5.1 Types of Trade in Africa (800-1600)18.5.2 Impact of Trade on Religion and Culture18.5.3 Ghana Empire (c830–1235)18.5.4 Mali Empire (c1230–1600)18.5.5 Rise and Expansion of the Kingdom of the Kongo to 160018.5.6 Swahili City-States and the Indian Ocean Trade18.6 - Pre-colonial African states (1800–1900)0/018.6.1 Rise of the Zulu under Shaka18.6.2 Rise of the Sokoto Caliphate under Usman Dan Fodio18.6.3 Rise of the Niger Delta Trading States: Nana and Jaja18.6.4 Ethiopian Unification and Expansion18.6.5 Rise of the Mahdist State in Sudan18.7 - The slave trade in Africa and the Middle East (1500–1900)0/018.7.1 Expansion of the Atlantic Slave Trade18.7.2 Expansion of the East African Slave Trade18.7.3 Nature of the Slave Trade18.7.4 Causes of the Decline of the Atlantic Slave Trade18.7.5 Causes of the Decline of the East African Slave Trade18.7.6 Impact and Significance of Anti-Slavery Acts18.8 - European imperialism and the partition of Africa (1850–1900)0/018.8.1 Growth of European Activity in Africa18.8.2 Economic Causes of the Partition of Africa18.8.3 Strategic Causes of Partition in Africa (1850–1900)18.8.4 Other Causes of Partition18.8.5 African Background to Partition18.8.6 German Annexation and the Berlin West Africa Conference18.8.7 King Leopold II and De Brazza in the Congo: Imperial Rivals18.9 - Response to European imperialism (1870–1920)0/018.9.1 Factors Influencing Decisions to Resist European Imperialism (1870–1920)18.9.2 Ethiopian Resistance under Menelik II18.9.3 Mandinka Resistance to French Rule18.9.4 The Herero and Nama Resistance in Namibia18.9.5 Cetshwayo and the Conquest of the Zulu Kingdom18.9.6 The Asante Wars (1873, 1896, and 1900)18.9.7 Factors Influencing Decisions to Collaborate with Colonial Powers18.9.8 Collaboration between Lewanika and Khama with the British18.9.9 Resistance and Collaboration in Buganda18.10 - Africa under colonialism (1890–1980)0/018.10.1 British Rule in Kenya18.10.2 Tanganyika under German and British Rule18.10.3 British Rule in Nyasaland, Northern Rhodesia, and Southern Rhodesia18.10.4 Angola and Mozambique under Portuguese Rule (1890–1975)18.10.5 Nigeria: Direct and Indirect Rule18.10.6 The Colonial Administration of Gold Coast (Ghana)18.10.7 Colonial Administration in Senegal18.11 - 20th-century nationalist and independence movements in Africa0/018.11.1 Angola's Liberation War and Independence (MPLA and UNITA)18.11.2 Namibia’s Quest for Independence: The Role of SWAPO18.11.3 Kenya Trade Unions, Mau Mau, and Jomo Kenyatta (KANU)18.11.4 Transformation of the Gold Coast into Ghana: The Role of Kwame Nkrumah and the CPP18.11.5 French West Africa Nationalism, Political Parties, and Senegal's Independence18.11.6 The Role of TANU and Julius Nyerere in Tanganyika's Independence18.12 - The Ottoman Empire (c1800–1923)0/018.12.1 Challenges to Ottoman Power in the Early 19th Century18.12.2 The Eastern Question and European Challenges18.12.3 The Decline of Ottoman Power in the Middle East and North Africa18.12.4 Attempts at Internal Reform and Modernisation in the Ottoman Empire18.12.5 The Committee of Union and Progress and Young Turk Reforms18.12.6 The Ottoman Empire's Entry into World War I18.13 - War and Change in the Middle East and North Africa 1914–19450/018.13.1 Allied Diplomacy in the Middle East (1914–1945)18.13.2 The Effects of Paris Peace Treaties in the Middle East and North Africa18.13.3 Egypt After the First World War18.13.4 The Palestine Mandate: Economic, Social, and Political Developments18.13.5 Atatürk and the Turkish Republic18.13.6 Case Study: Iran (1914–1945)18.14 - Africa, International Organizations, and the International Community (20th Century)0/018.14.1 The Abyssinian Crisis and the League of Nations' Response18.14.2 Organization of African Unity (OAU)18.14.3 Regional Organisations in Africa: An Examination of their Successes and Failures18.14.4 Africa and the UN18.14.5 Impact of UN Specialised Agencies in Africa18.14.6 The Cold War and Its Impact on Africa18.15 - Developments in South Africa 1880–19940/018.15.1 Discovery of Diamonds and Gold in South Africa18.15.2 South African War (1899–1902)18.15.3 Policies of Smuts and Hertzog (1910–1948)18.15.4 National Party and Apartheid18.15.5 Resistance to Apartheid18.15.6 International Opposition to Apartheid18.15.7 End of the Apartheid System in South Africa18.16 - Social and Cultural Developments in Africa in the 19th and 20th Centuries0/018.16.1 Spread of Islam and Christianity in Africa (19th and 20th Centuries)18.16.2 African Independent Churches Movement18.16.3 Changing Social and Cultural Values in Africa in the 19th and 20th Centuries18.16.4 The Changing Role of Women in African Society18.16.5 Social and Cultural Impact of Technological Developments in Africa (19th and 20th Centuries)18.16.6 Impact of Immigration and Emigration on African Societies in the 19th and 20th Centuries18.16.7 Impact of Colonialism on Art and Culture in Africa18.16.8 Developments in Education in Africa (19th and 20th Centuries)18.17 - Post-war Developments in the Middle East (1945–2000)0/018.17.1 Origins of the State of Israel18.17.2 Arab–Israeli Conflicts18.17.3 Post-war Egypt: Political and Social Transformation18.17.4 Post-war Developments in Iran (1945–1979)18.17.5 The Complex History of Lebanon18.17.6 Arab States' Relations with Israel Post-1973 War18.18 - Post-Independence Politics in Africa to 20050/018.18.1 Causes of Ethnic Conflict, Civil War, and Military Intervention in Post-Independence Africa18.18.2 Impact of Ethnic Conflict, Civil War, and Military Intervention18.18.3 Social and Economic Challenges in Post-Independence Africa18.18.4 Establishment of Single-Party States in Post-Independence Africa18.18.5 Return to Multi-Party Democracy in Africa (1980s and 1990s)18.18.6 Economic Growth and Development in Africa to 200519: History of the Americas (HL)Premium19.1 Indigenous Societies and Cultures in the Americas (c750–1500)0/019.1.1 Indigenous Societies and Cultures in the Americas (c750–1500): Types of Political Organization19.1.2 The Role of Warfare in Indigenous Societies and Cultures in the Americas (c750–1500)19.1.3 Economic and Social Structures in Indigenous Societies (c750–1500)19.1.4 Indigenous Polytheistic Beliefs19.1.5 Cultural Insights of Pre-Columbian Indigenous Societies in the Americas19.2 European Explorations and Conquests in the Americas (c1492–c1600)0/019.2.1 Exploration and Conquest in North America19.2.2 Exploration and Conquest in Latin America19.2.3 Economic Impact of European Exploration and Conquest in the Americas (c1492–c1600)19.2.4 Treatment of Indigenous Populations in the Americas (c1492–c1600)19.2.5 European Rivalries in the Age of Exploration19.3 Colonial Government in the New World (1500–1800)0/019.3.1 Political Organisation in Spanish and Portuguese America (1500–1800)19.3.2 Political Organisation in British and French North America (1500–1800)19.3.3 Colonial American Economies (1500–1800)19.3.4 Bourbon and Pombaline Reforms in Colonial Governance and Economies19.3.5 Limits of State Power and Resistance to Authority in Colonial Governments19.3.6 Anglo-French Rivalry in North America to 176319.4 Religion in the New World (1500–1800)0/019.4.1 The Aims of the Catholic Church in Spanish and Portuguese America19.4.2 The Roles of Religious Orders in Colonial Society and Governance19.4.3 Interactions between Indigenous Belief Systems and Christianity19.4.4 Religious Tolerance and Intolerance in British North America (1500–1800)19.4.5 The Great Awakening c1720–c176019.4.6 Religion in New France (1500–1800)19.5 Slavery and the New World (1500–1800)0/019.5.1 Reasons for and Origins of Slavery19.5.2 Role of Colonial Powers in the Establishment and Expansion of Slavery19.5.3 Middle Passage19.5.4 Slave Resistance and Slave Rebellions in British America19.5.5 Opposition to the Slave Trade and Slavery 19.6 Independence Movements (1763–1830)0/019.6.1 Independence Movements in the Americas (1763–1830)19.6.2 Political, Intellectual, and Military Contributions of Leaders19.6.3 United States: Processes Leading to the Declaration of Independence19.6.4 Latin America: Characteristics of the Independence Processes19.6.5 Attitude of the United States towards Latin American Independence19.6.6 Impact of Independence on Economies and Societies19.7 Nation-Building and Challenges (c1780–c1870)0/019.7.1 The Articles of Confederation and the 1787 Constitution19.7.2 Latin America: Challenges to the Establishment of Political Systems19.7.3 The War of 1812: Causes and Impact19.7.4 Mexican–American War (1846–1848)19.7.5 Causes and Effects of the 1837 Rebellions in Canada19.8 US Civil War: Causes, Course and Effects (1840–1877)0/019.8.1 Slavery: Cotton Economy and Slavery19.8.2 Origins of the Civil War19.8.3 Motivations for Westward Expansion19.8.4 Strengths and Weaknesses of the Union and Confederate States during the US Civil War19.8.5 Factors Affecting the Outcome of the Civil War19.8.6 Reconstruction: Presidential and Congressional Plans19.9 The Development of Modern Nations (1865–1929)0/019.9.1 The Causes and Consequences of Railroad Construction in the Americas19.9.2 Causes and Consequences of Immigration in the Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries in the Americas19.9.3 Development and Impact of Ideological Trends19.9.4 Social and Cultural Changes (Late 19th - Early 20th Centuries)19.9.5 Influence of Leaders in the Transition to the Modern Era19.9.6 Social, Economic, and Legal Conditions of African Americans (1865–1929)19.10 Emergence of the Americas in Global Affairs (1880–1929)0/019.10.1 United States' Expansionist Foreign Policies19.10.2 The Spanish–American War (1898): Causes and Effects19.10.3 Impact of United States' Foreign Policies on the Americas19.10.4 United States and the First World War19.10.5 Involvement of Canada in the First World War19.10.6 Impact of the First World War on Two Countries of the Americas19.11 The Mexican Revolution (1884–1940)0/019.11.1 Rule of Porfirio Díaz19.11.2 Causes of the Mexican Revolution19.11.3 The Mexican Revolution and Its Leaders (1910–1917)19.11.4 Construction of the Post-Revolutionary State (1920–1940)19.11.5 Lázaro Cárdenas and the Renewal of the Revolution (1934–1940)19.11.6 The Role of Foreign Powers in the Mexican Revolution19.11.7 Impact of the Mexican Revolution on Society19.12 The Great Depression and the Americas (mid 1920s–1939)0/019.12.1 The Great Depression: Political and Economic Causes19.12.2 Nature and Efficacy of Solutions in the United States During the Great Depression19.12.3 The Great Depression and Canada: Assessing the Solutions19.12.4 Impact of the Great Depression on Latin America19.12.5 Latin American Responses to the Great Depression19.13 Second World War and the Americas (1935–1945)0/019.13.1 United States' Neutrality and Entry into the Second World War19.13.2 Canada's Involvement in the Second World War19.13.3 Latin American Responses to the Second World War19.13.4 Role of Latin American Leaders in Global Diplomacy During WWII19.13.5 The Wartime Experience of Japanese Americans19.14 Economic Developments and Challenges in the Americas (1945–1981)0/019.14.1 Impact of the Second World War on the Americas19.14.2 Development Strategies in Latin America Post-194519.14.3 Economic Challenges in the United States and Canada (1945–1981)19.14.4 Economic Development and Challenges in Brazil Post-194519.15 Social and Cultural Developments and Challenges (1945–1981)0/019.15.1 Social and Demographic Changes Post-194519.15.2 Civil Rights Movements in the United States19.15.3 Indigenous Rights Movements in the Postwar Period19.15.4 Popular Culture and its Impact19.15.5 Educational and Technological Developments (1945–1981)19.16 Political Developments and Challenges (1945–1981)0/019.16.1 The Cold War and the Americas (1945–1981)19.16.2 The Cuban Revolution (1959–1961)19.16.3 Political Developments in Chile (1945–1981)19.17 The Struggle for Democracy in Latin America (1945–1981)0/019.17.1 The Nature and Limitations of Democracy in Latin America (1945–1981)19.17.2 Challenges to Democracy in Latin America (1945–1981)19.17.3 The Development of Civil Society in Latin America19.17.4 Resistance to Authoritarian Regimes in Latin America19.17.5 Transition to Democracy in Latin America in the Late 20th Century19.18 Economic and Social Developments and Challenges (1981–2000)0/019.18.1 Economic Policies and Challenges in the Americas (1981–2000)19.18.2 Social Developments and Challenges in the Americas (1981–2000)19.18.3 Environmental Issues and Conservation Efforts (1981–2000)19.19 Political Developments and Challenges (1981–2000)0/019.19.1 Political Developments in the United States and Canada (1980s and 1990s)19.19.2 Political Developments in Latin America (1980s and 1990s)19.19.3 The End of Authoritarian Regimes in Latin America19.19.4 US Foreign Policy Towards Latin America in the 1980s and 1990s19.19.5 Efforts to Address Political Violence in Latin America (Late 20th Century)19.20 The Americas in a Global Context (2000–2020)0/019.20.1 Economic Trends and Globalisation in the Americas (2000–2020)19.20.2 Social and Demographic Challenges in the Americas (2000–2020)19.20.3 Environmental Issues and Conservation Efforts in the Americas (2000–2020)19.20.4 Political Developments and Challenges in the Americas (2000–2020)19.20.5 Foreign Policy and International Relations19.20.6 Canada's Role in the Americas (2000–2020)19.20.7 Latin American Integration and Regional Organisations in the Early 21st Century19.20.8 Issues Related to Migration in the Americas (2000–2020)19: History of the Americas (HL)Premium19.1 Indigenous Societies and Cultures in the Americas (c750–1500)0/019.1.1 Indigenous Societies and Cultures in the Americas (c750–1500): Types of Political Organization19.1.2 The Role of Warfare in Indigenous Societies and Cultures in the Americas (c750–1500)19.1.3 Economic and Social Structures in Indigenous Societies (c750–1500)19.1.4 Indigenous Polytheistic Beliefs19.1.5 Cultural Insights of Pre-Columbian Indigenous Societies in the Americas19.2 European Explorations and Conquests in the Americas (c1492–c1600)0/019.2.1 Exploration and Conquest in North America19.2.2 Exploration and Conquest in Latin America19.2.3 Economic Impact of European Exploration and Conquest in the Americas (c1492–c1600)19.2.4 Treatment of Indigenous Populations in the Americas (c1492–c1600)19.2.5 European Rivalries in the Age of Exploration19.3 Colonial Government in the New World (1500–1800)0/019.3.1 Political Organisation in Spanish and Portuguese America (1500–1800)19.3.2 Political Organisation in British and French North America (1500–1800)19.3.3 Colonial American Economies (1500–1800)19.3.4 Bourbon and Pombaline Reforms in Colonial Governance and Economies19.3.5 Limits of State Power and Resistance to Authority in Colonial Governments19.3.6 Anglo-French Rivalry in North America to 176319.4 Religion in the New World (1500–1800)0/019.4.1 The Aims of the Catholic Church in Spanish and Portuguese America19.4.2 The Roles of Religious Orders in Colonial Society and Governance19.4.3 Interactions between Indigenous Belief Systems and Christianity19.4.4 Religious Tolerance and Intolerance in British North America (1500–1800)19.4.5 The Great Awakening c1720–c176019.4.6 Religion in New France (1500–1800)19.5 Slavery and the New World (1500–1800)0/019.5.1 Reasons for and Origins of Slavery19.5.2 Role of Colonial Powers in the Establishment and Expansion of Slavery19.5.3 Middle Passage19.5.4 Slave Resistance and Slave Rebellions in British America19.5.5 Opposition to the Slave Trade and Slavery 19.6 Independence Movements (1763–1830)0/019.6.1 Independence Movements in the Americas (1763–1830)19.6.2 Political, Intellectual, and Military Contributions of Leaders19.6.3 United States: Processes Leading to the Declaration of Independence19.6.4 Latin America: Characteristics of the Independence Processes19.6.5 Attitude of the United States towards Latin American Independence19.6.6 Impact of Independence on Economies and Societies19.7 Nation-Building and Challenges (c1780–c1870)0/019.7.1 The Articles of Confederation and the 1787 Constitution19.7.2 Latin America: Challenges to the Establishment of Political Systems19.7.3 The War of 1812: Causes and Impact19.7.4 Mexican–American War (1846–1848)19.7.5 Causes and Effects of the 1837 Rebellions in Canada19.8 US Civil War: Causes, Course and Effects (1840–1877)0/019.8.1 Slavery: Cotton Economy and Slavery19.8.2 Origins of the Civil War19.8.3 Motivations for Westward Expansion19.8.4 Strengths and Weaknesses of the Union and Confederate States during the US Civil War19.8.5 Factors Affecting the Outcome of the Civil War19.8.6 Reconstruction: Presidential and Congressional Plans19.9 The Development of Modern Nations (1865–1929)0/019.9.1 The Causes and Consequences of Railroad Construction in the Americas19.9.2 Causes and Consequences of Immigration in the Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries in the Americas19.9.3 Development and Impact of Ideological Trends19.9.4 Social and Cultural Changes (Late 19th - Early 20th Centuries)19.9.5 Influence of Leaders in the Transition to the Modern Era19.9.6 Social, Economic, and Legal Conditions of African Americans (1865–1929)19.10 Emergence of the Americas in Global Affairs (1880–1929)0/019.10.1 United States' Expansionist Foreign Policies19.10.2 The Spanish–American War (1898): Causes and Effects19.10.3 Impact of United States' Foreign Policies on the Americas19.10.4 United States and the First World War19.10.5 Involvement of Canada in the First World War19.10.6 Impact of the First World War on Two Countries of the Americas19.11 The Mexican Revolution (1884–1940)0/019.11.1 Rule of Porfirio Díaz19.11.2 Causes of the Mexican Revolution19.11.3 The Mexican Revolution and Its Leaders (1910–1917)19.11.4 Construction of the Post-Revolutionary State (1920–1940)19.11.5 Lázaro Cárdenas and the Renewal of the Revolution (1934–1940)19.11.6 The Role of Foreign Powers in the Mexican Revolution19.11.7 Impact of the Mexican Revolution on Society19.12 The Great Depression and the Americas (mid 1920s–1939)0/019.12.1 The Great Depression: Political and Economic Causes19.12.2 Nature and Efficacy of Solutions in the United States During the Great Depression19.12.3 The Great Depression and Canada: Assessing the Solutions19.12.4 Impact of the Great Depression on Latin America19.12.5 Latin American Responses to the Great Depression19.13 Second World War and the Americas (1935–1945)0/019.13.1 United States' Neutrality and Entry into the Second World War19.13.2 Canada's Involvement in the Second World War19.13.3 Latin American Responses to the Second World War19.13.4 Role of Latin American Leaders in Global Diplomacy During WWII19.13.5 The Wartime Experience of Japanese Americans19.14 Economic Developments and Challenges in the Americas (1945–1981)0/019.14.1 Impact of the Second World War on the Americas19.14.2 Development Strategies in Latin America Post-194519.14.3 Economic Challenges in the United States and Canada (1945–1981)19.14.4 Economic Development and Challenges in Brazil Post-194519.15 Social and Cultural Developments and Challenges (1945–1981)0/019.15.1 Social and Demographic Changes Post-194519.15.2 Civil Rights Movements in the United States19.15.3 Indigenous Rights Movements in the Postwar Period19.15.4 Popular Culture and its Impact19.15.5 Educational and Technological Developments (1945–1981)19.16 Political Developments and Challenges (1945–1981)0/019.16.1 The Cold War and the Americas (1945–1981)19.16.2 The Cuban Revolution (1959–1961)19.16.3 Political Developments in Chile (1945–1981)19.17 The Struggle for Democracy in Latin America (1945–1981)0/019.17.1 The Nature and Limitations of Democracy in Latin America (1945–1981)19.17.2 Challenges to Democracy in Latin America (1945–1981)19.17.3 The Development of Civil Society in Latin America19.17.4 Resistance to Authoritarian Regimes in Latin America19.17.5 Transition to Democracy in Latin America in the Late 20th Century19.18 Economic and Social Developments and Challenges (1981–2000)0/019.18.1 Economic Policies and Challenges in the Americas (1981–2000)19.18.2 Social Developments and Challenges in the Americas (1981–2000)19.18.3 Environmental Issues and Conservation Efforts (1981–2000)19.19 Political Developments and Challenges (1981–2000)0/019.19.1 Political Developments in the United States and Canada (1980s and 1990s)19.19.2 Political Developments in Latin America (1980s and 1990s)19.19.3 The End of Authoritarian Regimes in Latin America19.19.4 US Foreign Policy Towards Latin America in the 1980s and 1990s19.19.5 Efforts to Address Political Violence in Latin America (Late 20th Century)19.20 The Americas in a Global Context (2000–2020)0/019.20.1 Economic Trends and Globalisation in the Americas (2000–2020)19.20.2 Social and Demographic Challenges in the Americas (2000–2020)19.20.3 Environmental Issues and Conservation Efforts in the Americas (2000–2020)19.20.4 Political Developments and Challenges in the Americas (2000–2020)19.20.5 Foreign Policy and International Relations19.20.6 Canada's Role in the Americas (2000–2020)19.20.7 Latin American Integration and Regional Organisations in the Early 21st Century19.20.8 Issues Related to Migration in the Americas (2000–2020)20. History of Asia and Oceania (HL)Premium20.1 Trade and Exchange: The Silk Road in the Medieval World (750–1500)0/020.1.1 The Silk Road Under the Tang Dynasty20.1.2 Connecting West and East: Interregional Trade20.1.3 The Mongol Empire's Influence on the Silk Road20.1.4 Political and Cultural Integration during Mongol Rule20.1.5 Decline of the Silk Road in the 15th Century20.2 Japan in the Age of the Samurai (1180–1333)0/020.2.1 The Gempei War and the Establishment of the Kamakura Shogunate20.2.2 The Role and Influence of the Samurai20.2.3 Internal Conflicts Among Samurai Clans20.2.4 Life and Ethos of the Samurai20.2.5 Impact of the Samurai on Japanese Society and Culture20.2.6 The Mongol Invasions and Kamikaze Storms (1274-1281)20.3 Exploration, Trade, and Interaction in East Asia and South-East Asia (1405–1700)0/020.3.1 China's Outward and Inward Dynamics (1405–1700)20.3.2 Japan's International Engagements and Isolation20.3.3 European Expeditions and their Impacts (1405–1700)20.3.4 Social, Political, and Economic Impacts of Isolation on China and Japan 20.4 The Rise and Fall of the Mughal Empire (1526–1712)0/020.4.1 Origins and Rise of Mughal Power20.4.2 Consolidation of Mughal Rule under Akbar20.4.3 Significant Rulers of the Mughal Empire20.4.4 Religious Dynamics in the Mughal Empire20.4.5 Decline of the Mughal Empire20.5 Colonialism and the Development of Nationalism in South-East Asia (c1750–1914)0/020.5.1 Dutch Colonial System in the Dutch East Indies20.5.2 French Colonial System in Indo-China20.5.3 The Spanish Colonial System in the Philippines20.5.4 The Philippines and the United States: Colonial Transition and Impact20.5.5 Siamese Monarchy: An Epoch of Resilience20.5.6 Beginnings of Nationalism in South-East Asia20.6 India, Afghanistan, and Burma (1750–1919)0/020.6.1 Expansion of the British East India Company20.6.2 The British Colonial System in India (1773–1857)20.6.3 Causes and Consequences of the Great Revolt of 185720.6.4 Key Developments in India: 1858–191420.6.5 Development and Significance of Constitutional Groups in India20.6.6 Afghanistan and British-Russian Rivalry (The Great Game)20.6.7 Burma under British Colonialism20.7 Challenges to Traditional East Asian societies (1700–1868)0/020.7.1 Qing Dynasty and Imperial Rule (1700–1868)20.7.2 Internal Challenges in China (1700–1868)20.7.3 Chinese Tribute System and Western Trade20.7.4 The First and Second Opium Wars: Causes and Consequences20.7.5 Taiping Rebellion: The Heavenly Kingdom's Rise and Fall20.7.6 Tokugawa Shogunate in Japan (1603-1868)20.7.7 The Bakumatsu Period in Japan (1853–1868)20.8 British Colonialism and Emerging National Identities in Oceania (1788–1919)0/020.8.2 Settlement Schemes and Immigration in Oceania (1788–1919)20.8.3 Tensions Between Indigenous Peoples and Settlers20.8.4 Impact of Gold Rushes and Urban Growth20.8.5 Constitutional Developments and National Identity in Oceania (1788–1919)20.8.6 Impact of World War I on Australia and New Zealand20.8.7 British Administration in the Pacific Islands (1788–1919)20.9 Early Modernization and Imperial Decline in East Asia (1860–1912)0/020.9.1 China's Tongzhi Restoration and Self-Strengthening Movement (1861–1894)20.9.2 Impact of Sino-Japanese War and Hundred Days’ Reform20.9.3 Boxer Rebellion and Late Qing Reforms (1900–1911)20.9.4 The Xinhai Revolution and Its Causes20.9.5 Japan Meiji Restoration and 1889 Constitution20.9.6 Social, Cultural, and Economic Developments in Meiji Japan20.9.7 Rise of Japanese Military Power (1894–1905)20.9.8 Korean Isolation and Annexation (1876-1910)20.10 Nationalism and Independence in India (1919–1964)0/020.10.1 Key Political Developments20.10.2 Role and Importance of Key Groups and Individuals in the Indian Nationalist Movement20.10.3 Struggle for Independence20.10.4 Growth of Muslim Separatism20.10.5 Impact of the Second World War on India and Independence20.10.6 Post-independence India20.11 Japan (1912–1990)0/020.11.1 Impact of Post-World War I Era on Japan20.11.2 Taisho Democracy and the Rise of Liberal Values in Japan20.11.3 Rise of Militarism and Extreme Nationalism in Japan (1912–1990)20.11.4 Invasions of Manchuria and China20.11.5 Japan and the Pacific War (1941–1945)20.11.6 The US Occupation of Japan and Post-War Changes20.11.7 Japan's Economic Miracle20.12 China and Korea (1910–1950)0/020.12.1 Rise of National Identity in China (1910–1950)20.12.2 Nationalist Rule of China (1927–1937)20.12.3 Rise of Communism in China20.12.4 Sino-Japanese War and Communist Victory (1937–1945)20.12.5 Japanese Rule of Korea (1910–1945)20.12.6 Taiwan and Republic of China (ROC): Jiang Jieshi's Rule20.13 Impact of the Second World War on South-East Asia0/020.13.1 Initial Japanese Victories20.13.2 Japanese Occupation in South-East Asia20.13.3 Growth of Nationalism and Independence Movements in South-East Asia during WWII20.13.4 Emergence and Influence of Leaders in South-East Asia During WWII20.13.5 Reasons for Indonesian Independence20.13.6 Case Study: Thailand's Experience in the Second World War20.14 The People’s Republic of China (1949–2005)0/020.14.1 The Consolidation of the Communist State (1949–1961)20.14.2 Transition to Socialism and Economic Developments (1949–1961)20.14.3 Social Developments and Rights in the People’s Republic of China (1949–1961)20.14.4 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution20.14.5 Foreign Policy and Foreign Affairs (1949–1976)20.14.6 The Power Struggle and Deng Xiaoping Era in the People's Republic of China20.15 Cold War Conflicts in Asia0/020.15.1 Malayan Emergency (1948–1960)20.15.2 The Korean War (1950–1953)20.15.3 Introduction to the Vietnam French Indo-China War (1946–1954)20.15.4 Vietnam War (1956–1975)20.15.5 Cambodia Khmer Rouge and Civil War 20.15.6 Afghanistan: Soviet Invasion and Civil War20.16 Developments and Challenges in South Asia after 19470/020.16.1 Foreign Policy and Economic Developments under Nehru20.16.2 India under Various Leaders20.16.3 Pakistan (1947–1991): Nation-Building and Challenges20.16.4 Nation-Building in Bangladesh20.16.5 The Nation-building Process in Ceylon/Sri Lanka20.17 Developments in Oceania after the Second World War (1945–2005)0/020.17.1 Social and Cultural Developments in Oceania Post-194520.17.2 Immigration and Multiculturalism in Post-War Oceania 20.17.3 Government Policies and Achievements in Australia (1945–2005)20.17.4 Government Policies and Achievements in New Zealand (1945-2005)20.17.5 Attitudes and Policies Towards Indigenous Peoples in Australia and New Zealand (1945–2005)20.17.6 Foreign Policy and International Alignments in Oceania (1945–2005)20.17.7 Economic Policies and Realignment in Oceania (1945–2005)20.17.8 Emergence of Independent Pacific Island States20.18 Social, Cultural and Economic Developments in Asia (excluding China, Japan and India) (1980–2005)0/020.18.1 Impact of Globalisation20.18.2 Immigration/Emigration in Asia (1980–2005)20.18.3 Social Issues and Developments in Asian Countries (1980–2005)20.18.4 The Role of Religion in Society: Asian Context (1980–2005)20.18.5 Cultural Change in Asia (1980–2005): A Study of Arts, Globalization, and Media20.18.6 Emergence of Terrorism in Asia (1980–2005)20. History of Asia and Oceania (HL)Premium20.1 Trade and Exchange: The Silk Road in the Medieval World (750–1500)0/020.1.1 The Silk Road Under the Tang Dynasty20.1.2 Connecting West and East: Interregional Trade20.1.3 The Mongol Empire's Influence on the Silk Road20.1.4 Political and Cultural Integration during Mongol Rule20.1.5 Decline of the Silk Road in the 15th Century20.2 Japan in the Age of the Samurai (1180–1333)0/020.2.1 The Gempei War and the Establishment of the Kamakura Shogunate20.2.2 The Role and Influence of the Samurai20.2.3 Internal Conflicts Among Samurai Clans20.2.4 Life and Ethos of the Samurai20.2.5 Impact of the Samurai on Japanese Society and Culture20.2.6 The Mongol Invasions and Kamikaze Storms (1274-1281)20.3 Exploration, Trade, and Interaction in East Asia and South-East Asia (1405–1700)0/020.3.1 China's Outward and Inward Dynamics (1405–1700)20.3.2 Japan's International Engagements and Isolation20.3.3 European Expeditions and their Impacts (1405–1700)20.3.4 Social, Political, and Economic Impacts of Isolation on China and Japan 20.4 The Rise and Fall of the Mughal Empire (1526–1712)0/020.4.1 Origins and Rise of Mughal Power20.4.2 Consolidation of Mughal Rule under Akbar20.4.3 Significant Rulers of the Mughal Empire20.4.4 Religious Dynamics in the Mughal Empire20.4.5 Decline of the Mughal Empire20.5 Colonialism and the Development of Nationalism in South-East Asia (c1750–1914)0/020.5.1 Dutch Colonial System in the Dutch East Indies20.5.2 French Colonial System in Indo-China20.5.3 The Spanish Colonial System in the Philippines20.5.4 The Philippines and the United States: Colonial Transition and Impact20.5.5 Siamese Monarchy: An Epoch of Resilience20.5.6 Beginnings of Nationalism in South-East Asia20.6 India, Afghanistan, and Burma (1750–1919)0/020.6.1 Expansion of the British East India Company20.6.2 The British Colonial System in India (1773–1857)20.6.3 Causes and Consequences of the Great Revolt of 185720.6.4 Key Developments in India: 1858–191420.6.5 Development and Significance of Constitutional Groups in India20.6.6 Afghanistan and British-Russian Rivalry (The Great Game)20.6.7 Burma under British Colonialism20.7 Challenges to Traditional East Asian societies (1700–1868)0/020.7.1 Qing Dynasty and Imperial Rule (1700–1868)20.7.2 Internal Challenges in China (1700–1868)20.7.3 Chinese Tribute System and Western Trade20.7.4 The First and Second Opium Wars: Causes and Consequences20.7.5 Taiping Rebellion: The Heavenly Kingdom's Rise and Fall20.7.6 Tokugawa Shogunate in Japan (1603-1868)20.7.7 The Bakumatsu Period in Japan (1853–1868)20.8 British Colonialism and Emerging National Identities in Oceania (1788–1919)0/020.8.2 Settlement Schemes and Immigration in Oceania (1788–1919)20.8.3 Tensions Between Indigenous Peoples and Settlers20.8.4 Impact of Gold Rushes and Urban Growth20.8.5 Constitutional Developments and National Identity in Oceania (1788–1919)20.8.6 Impact of World War I on Australia and New Zealand20.8.7 British Administration in the Pacific Islands (1788–1919)20.9 Early Modernization and Imperial Decline in East Asia (1860–1912)0/020.9.1 China's Tongzhi Restoration and Self-Strengthening Movement (1861–1894)20.9.2 Impact of Sino-Japanese War and Hundred Days’ Reform20.9.3 Boxer Rebellion and Late Qing Reforms (1900–1911)20.9.4 The Xinhai Revolution and Its Causes20.9.5 Japan Meiji Restoration and 1889 Constitution20.9.6 Social, Cultural, and Economic Developments in Meiji Japan20.9.7 Rise of Japanese Military Power (1894–1905)20.9.8 Korean Isolation and Annexation (1876-1910)20.10 Nationalism and Independence in India (1919–1964)0/020.10.1 Key Political Developments20.10.2 Role and Importance of Key Groups and Individuals in the Indian Nationalist Movement20.10.3 Struggle for Independence20.10.4 Growth of Muslim Separatism20.10.5 Impact of the Second World War on India and Independence20.10.6 Post-independence India20.11 Japan (1912–1990)0/020.11.1 Impact of Post-World War I Era on Japan20.11.2 Taisho Democracy and the Rise of Liberal Values in Japan20.11.3 Rise of Militarism and Extreme Nationalism in Japan (1912–1990)20.11.4 Invasions of Manchuria and China20.11.5 Japan and the Pacific War (1941–1945)20.11.6 The US Occupation of Japan and Post-War Changes20.11.7 Japan's Economic Miracle20.12 China and Korea (1910–1950)0/020.12.1 Rise of National Identity in China (1910–1950)20.12.2 Nationalist Rule of China (1927–1937)20.12.3 Rise of Communism in China20.12.4 Sino-Japanese War and Communist Victory (1937–1945)20.12.5 Japanese Rule of Korea (1910–1945)20.12.6 Taiwan and Republic of China (ROC): Jiang Jieshi's Rule20.13 Impact of the Second World War on South-East Asia0/020.13.1 Initial Japanese Victories20.13.2 Japanese Occupation in South-East Asia20.13.3 Growth of Nationalism and Independence Movements in South-East Asia during WWII20.13.4 Emergence and Influence of Leaders in South-East Asia During WWII20.13.5 Reasons for Indonesian Independence20.13.6 Case Study: Thailand's Experience in the Second World War20.14 The People’s Republic of China (1949–2005)0/020.14.1 The Consolidation of the Communist State (1949–1961)20.14.2 Transition to Socialism and Economic Developments (1949–1961)20.14.3 Social Developments and Rights in the People’s Republic of China (1949–1961)20.14.4 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution20.14.5 Foreign Policy and Foreign Affairs (1949–1976)20.14.6 The Power Struggle and Deng Xiaoping Era in the People's Republic of China20.15 Cold War Conflicts in Asia0/020.15.1 Malayan Emergency (1948–1960)20.15.2 The Korean War (1950–1953)20.15.3 Introduction to the Vietnam French Indo-China War (1946–1954)20.15.4 Vietnam War (1956–1975)20.15.5 Cambodia Khmer Rouge and Civil War 20.15.6 Afghanistan: Soviet Invasion and Civil War20.16 Developments and Challenges in South Asia after 19470/020.16.1 Foreign Policy and Economic Developments under Nehru20.16.2 India under Various Leaders20.16.3 Pakistan (1947–1991): Nation-Building and Challenges20.16.4 Nation-Building in Bangladesh20.16.5 The Nation-building Process in Ceylon/Sri Lanka20.17 Developments in Oceania after the Second World War (1945–2005)0/020.17.1 Social and Cultural Developments in Oceania Post-194520.17.2 Immigration and Multiculturalism in Post-War Oceania 20.17.3 Government Policies and Achievements in Australia (1945–2005)20.17.4 Government Policies and Achievements in New Zealand (1945-2005)20.17.5 Attitudes and Policies Towards Indigenous Peoples in Australia and New Zealand (1945–2005)20.17.6 Foreign Policy and International Alignments in Oceania (1945–2005)20.17.7 Economic Policies and Realignment in Oceania (1945–2005)20.17.8 Emergence of Independent Pacific Island States20.18 Social, Cultural and Economic Developments in Asia (excluding China, Japan and India) (1980–2005)0/020.18.1 Impact of Globalisation20.18.2 Immigration/Emigration in Asia (1980–2005)20.18.3 Social Issues and Developments in Asian Countries (1980–2005)20.18.4 The Role of Religion in Society: Asian Context (1980–2005)20.18.5 Cultural Change in Asia (1980–2005): A Study of Arts, Globalization, and Media20.18.6 Emergence of Terrorism in Asia (1980–2005)21. History of Europe (HL)Premium21.1 Monarchies in England and France (1066–1223)0/021.1.1 Pre-Norman England and the Impact of the Norman Invasion21.1.2 Normans in England: William I, Duke of Normandy21.1.3 Angevin Commonwealth: Henry II's Policies and Governance21.1.4 The Duchy of Normandy and its Relations with France (1066-1223)21.1.5 Extension of Royal Power in France under the Capetians21.1.6 Comparison of Royal Government in England and France (1066–1223)21.2 Muslims and Jews in medieval Europe (1095–1492)0/021.2.1 Reasons for Hostility to Muslims in Medieval Europe (1095–1492)21.2.2 Christian Opposition to Muslim States in Spain (1095–1492)21.2.3 Results of Conflict Between Christian and Muslim States in Spain21.2.4 Role and Contribution of Jews in Medieval Europe (1095–1492)21.2.5 Reasons for Persecution of Jews in Medieval Europe (1095–1492)21.2.6 Impact of Persecution of Jews (1095–1492)21.3 Late medieval political crises (1300–1487)0/021.3.1 Succession Crises in England: Edward II and Richard II21.3.2 The Hundred Years War (1337–1360 and 1369–1389)21.3.3 The Hundred Years War (1415–1453)21.3.4 The Rise and Fall of Ducal Burgundy (1363–1477)21.3.5 Crisis of Monarchy and Challenges to Royal Authority (15th Century)21.3.6 Nature of Kingship and Challenges (1422–1483)21.3.7 The Wars of the Roses21.4 The Renaissance (c1400–1600)0/021.4.1 The Renaissance in Italy: Origins, Causes, and Development21.4.2 Forms of Government in Italian City-States During the Renaissance21.4.3 The Importance of Patronage in the Renaissance21.4.4 The Impact of Literature and Political Writings during the Renaissance21.4.5 The Northern Renaissance21.4.6 The Renaissance in Spain21.5 The Age of Exploration and its impact (1400–1550)0/021.5.1 Motives for Exploration in the 15th Century21.5.2 Enablers of Exploration in the 15th Century21.5.3 Portuguese Exploration of the West Coast of Africa21.5.4 Exploration and the New World (1492–1550)21.5.5 Exploration and the Indian Ocean (1400–1550)21.5.6 The Treaty of Tordesillas (1494)21.5.7 Impact on Europe to 1550: The Age of Exploration and its Consequences21.6 Aspects of the Reformation (c1500–1563)0/021.6.1 The Catholic Church in 16th Century Europe21.6.2 Religious Ideas and Impact of Martin Luther21.6.3 Spread of Lutheran Ideas in Germany (c1500–1563)21.6.4 Religion and Conflict in Germany (c1500–1563)21.6.5 Response of the Catholic Church to the Reformation21.7 Absolutism and Enlightenment (1650–1800)0/021.7.1 The Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment Ideas21.7.2 Enlightenment Ideas in Two European Regions: England and France21.7.3 Absolutism Monarchs: Louis XIV of France and Peter the Great of Russia21.7.4 Enlightened Despots: A Comparative Study21.7.5 Social and Economic Change in the Enlightenment Era21.7.6 Monarchy, Patronage, and the Arts: The Baroque Movement (1650–1800)21.8 The French Revolution and Napoleon I (1774–1815)0/021.8.1 Crisis of the Ancien Régime21.8.2 The French Revolution: Monarchy to Republic21.8.3 Impact of the French Revolution (1792–1799)21.8.4 Establishment and Collapse of the Directory (1795–1799)21.8.5 Rise and Rule of Napoleon (1799–1815)21.8.6 Napoleonic Wars and Collapse of the Empire21.9 France (1815–1914)0/021.9.1 The Bourbon Restoration and the Congress of Vienna21.9.2 Reigns of Louis XVIII and Charles X (1815–1830)21.9.3 Revolution of 1830 and the July Monarchy21.9.4 The 1848 Revolution and the Emergence of Louis-Napoleon21.9.5 Napoleon III and the Second Empire21.9.6 The Third Republic of France (1871–1914)21.10 Society, politics and economy in Britain and Ireland (1815–1914)0/021.10.1 Social Protest in Britain (1815–1848)21.10.2 Extension of the Franchise: Reform Acts of 1832, 1867, and 1884–188521.10.3 Victorian Society (c1840–c1900)21.10.4 Political Figures Disraeli, Gladstone, and Salisbury21.10.5 Early 20th-Century Britain: A Study in Social and Political Transformation21.10.6 Unrest and Protest in Britain (1901–1914)21.11 Italy (1815–1871) and Germany (1815–1890)0/021.11.1 Italy (1815–1849): An Era of Change and Unrest21.11.2 Germany (1815–1849)21.11.3 Unification of Italy (1849–1871)21.11.4 Rise of Prussia and Decline of Austria (1815–1866)21.11.5 Bismarck, Prussia, and Final Unification 21.11.6 Bismarck's Domestic Policies (1871–1890)21.12 Imperial Russia, revolution and the establishment of the Soviet Union (1855–1924)0/021.12.1 Alexander II (1855–1881): Era of Reform in Tsarist Russia21.12.2 Policies of Alexander III and Nicholas II (1881–1917)21.12.3 Causes and Consequences of the 1905 Revolution21.12.4 Impact of the First World War and the February/March 1917 Crisis21.12.5 1917 Revolutions and the Rise of Lenin21.12.6 Lenin’s Russia/Soviet Union (1917–1924)21.13 Europe and the First World War (1871–1918)0/021.13.1 European Diplomacy and Changing Balance of Power21.13.2 Kaiser Wilhelm II and German Foreign Policy21.13.3 Causes of the First World War (1914-1918)21.13.4 Impact on Civilian Populations During the First World War (1914–1918)21.13.5 Factors Leading to the Defeat of Germany and the Central Powers in the First World War21.14 Inter-war domestic developments in European states (1918–1939)0/021.14.1 Weimar Germany (1918–1933)21.14.2 Hitler’s Germany (1933–1939)21.14.3 Italy (1918–1939): The Fascist Era21.14.4 Spain (1918–1939): Political, Social, and Economic Overview21.15 Diplomacy in Europe (1919–1945)0/021.15.1 The Paris Peace Treaties (1919–1923)21.15.2 League of Nations and Europe21.15.3 Italian and German Foreign Policies (1919–1941)21.15.4 Collective Security and Appeasement (1919–1941)21.15.5 Causes of the Second World War and European Conflict (1939–1941)21.15.6 Impact of the Second World War on Civilian Populations21.16 The Soviet Union and post-Soviet Russia (1924–2000)0/021.16.1 The Soviet Union (1924–1941): Stalin and the Struggle for Power21.16.2 Impact of the Great Patriotic War (1941–1945) on the Soviet Union21.16.3 Khrushchev and Brezhnev Domestic Policies and Foreign Relations21.16.4 Transformation of the Soviet Union (1985–1991) Under Gorbachev21.16.5 Collapse of the Soviet Union and Post-Soviet Russia to 200021.17 Post-war western and northern Europe (1945–2000)0/021.17.1 Breakdown of the Wartime Alliance and the Emergence of the Cold War21.17.2 Post-war Problems and Economic Recovery in Western Europe (1945–1963)21.17.3 West Germany (1963–1990) Domestic Policies and Reunification21.17.4 Spain: Franco’s Regime to Democracy and Developments (1945-2000)21.18 Post-war central and eastern Europe (1945–2000)0/021.18.1 Soviet Domination in Central and Eastern Europe (1945–1955)21.18.2 Support, Cooperation, Repression, and Protest in Central and Eastern Europe (1945–1968)21.18.3 Acceptance and Opposition to Soviet Control (1968–1989)21.18.4 Collapse of Soviet Control and Its Causes (1989)21.18.5 Balkan Conflicts in the 1990s21. History of Europe (HL)Premium21.1 Monarchies in England and France (1066–1223)0/021.1.1 Pre-Norman England and the Impact of the Norman Invasion21.1.2 Normans in England: William I, Duke of Normandy21.1.3 Angevin Commonwealth: Henry II's Policies and Governance21.1.4 The Duchy of Normandy and its Relations with France (1066-1223)21.1.5 Extension of Royal Power in France under the Capetians21.1.6 Comparison of Royal Government in England and France (1066–1223)21.2 Muslims and Jews in medieval Europe (1095–1492)0/021.2.1 Reasons for Hostility to Muslims in Medieval Europe (1095–1492)21.2.2 Christian Opposition to Muslim States in Spain (1095–1492)21.2.3 Results of Conflict Between Christian and Muslim States in Spain21.2.4 Role and Contribution of Jews in Medieval Europe (1095–1492)21.2.5 Reasons for Persecution of Jews in Medieval Europe (1095–1492)21.2.6 Impact of Persecution of Jews (1095–1492)21.3 Late medieval political crises (1300–1487)0/021.3.1 Succession Crises in England: Edward II and Richard II21.3.2 The Hundred Years War (1337–1360 and 1369–1389)21.3.3 The Hundred Years War (1415–1453)21.3.4 The Rise and Fall of Ducal Burgundy (1363–1477)21.3.5 Crisis of Monarchy and Challenges to Royal Authority (15th Century)21.3.6 Nature of Kingship and Challenges (1422–1483)21.3.7 The Wars of the Roses21.4 The Renaissance (c1400–1600)0/021.4.1 The Renaissance in Italy: Origins, Causes, and Development21.4.2 Forms of Government in Italian City-States During the Renaissance21.4.3 The Importance of Patronage in the Renaissance21.4.4 The Impact of Literature and Political Writings during the Renaissance21.4.5 The Northern Renaissance21.4.6 The Renaissance in Spain21.5 The Age of Exploration and its impact (1400–1550)0/021.5.1 Motives for Exploration in the 15th Century21.5.2 Enablers of Exploration in the 15th Century21.5.3 Portuguese Exploration of the West Coast of Africa21.5.4 Exploration and the New World (1492–1550)21.5.5 Exploration and the Indian Ocean (1400–1550)21.5.6 The Treaty of Tordesillas (1494)21.5.7 Impact on Europe to 1550: The Age of Exploration and its Consequences21.6 Aspects of the Reformation (c1500–1563)0/021.6.1 The Catholic Church in 16th Century Europe21.6.2 Religious Ideas and Impact of Martin Luther21.6.3 Spread of Lutheran Ideas in Germany (c1500–1563)21.6.4 Religion and Conflict in Germany (c1500–1563)21.6.5 Response of the Catholic Church to the Reformation21.7 Absolutism and Enlightenment (1650–1800)0/021.7.1 The Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment Ideas21.7.2 Enlightenment Ideas in Two European Regions: England and France21.7.3 Absolutism Monarchs: Louis XIV of France and Peter the Great of Russia21.7.4 Enlightened Despots: A Comparative Study21.7.5 Social and Economic Change in the Enlightenment Era21.7.6 Monarchy, Patronage, and the Arts: The Baroque Movement (1650–1800)21.8 The French Revolution and Napoleon I (1774–1815)0/021.8.1 Crisis of the Ancien Régime21.8.2 The French Revolution: Monarchy to Republic21.8.3 Impact of the French Revolution (1792–1799)21.8.4 Establishment and Collapse of the Directory (1795–1799)21.8.5 Rise and Rule of Napoleon (1799–1815)21.8.6 Napoleonic Wars and Collapse of the Empire21.9 France (1815–1914)0/021.9.1 The Bourbon Restoration and the Congress of Vienna21.9.2 Reigns of Louis XVIII and Charles X (1815–1830)21.9.3 Revolution of 1830 and the July Monarchy21.9.4 The 1848 Revolution and the Emergence of Louis-Napoleon21.9.5 Napoleon III and the Second Empire21.9.6 The Third Republic of France (1871–1914)21.10 Society, politics and economy in Britain and Ireland (1815–1914)0/021.10.1 Social Protest in Britain (1815–1848)21.10.2 Extension of the Franchise: Reform Acts of 1832, 1867, and 1884–188521.10.3 Victorian Society (c1840–c1900)21.10.4 Political Figures Disraeli, Gladstone, and Salisbury21.10.5 Early 20th-Century Britain: A Study in Social and Political Transformation21.10.6 Unrest and Protest in Britain (1901–1914)21.11 Italy (1815–1871) and Germany (1815–1890)0/021.11.1 Italy (1815–1849): An Era of Change and Unrest21.11.2 Germany (1815–1849)21.11.3 Unification of Italy (1849–1871)21.11.4 Rise of Prussia and Decline of Austria (1815–1866)21.11.5 Bismarck, Prussia, and Final Unification 21.11.6 Bismarck's Domestic Policies (1871–1890)21.12 Imperial Russia, revolution and the establishment of the Soviet Union (1855–1924)0/021.12.1 Alexander II (1855–1881): Era of Reform in Tsarist Russia21.12.2 Policies of Alexander III and Nicholas II (1881–1917)21.12.3 Causes and Consequences of the 1905 Revolution21.12.4 Impact of the First World War and the February/March 1917 Crisis21.12.5 1917 Revolutions and the Rise of Lenin21.12.6 Lenin’s Russia/Soviet Union (1917–1924)21.13 Europe and the First World War (1871–1918)0/021.13.1 European Diplomacy and Changing Balance of Power21.13.2 Kaiser Wilhelm II and German Foreign Policy21.13.3 Causes of the First World War (1914-1918)21.13.4 Impact on Civilian Populations During the First World War (1914–1918)21.13.5 Factors Leading to the Defeat of Germany and the Central Powers in the First World War21.14 Inter-war domestic developments in European states (1918–1939)0/021.14.1 Weimar Germany (1918–1933)21.14.2 Hitler’s Germany (1933–1939)21.14.3 Italy (1918–1939): The Fascist Era21.14.4 Spain (1918–1939): Political, Social, and Economic Overview21.15 Diplomacy in Europe (1919–1945)0/021.15.1 The Paris Peace Treaties (1919–1923)21.15.2 League of Nations and Europe21.15.3 Italian and German Foreign Policies (1919–1941)21.15.4 Collective Security and Appeasement (1919–1941)21.15.5 Causes of the Second World War and European Conflict (1939–1941)21.15.6 Impact of the Second World War on Civilian Populations21.16 The Soviet Union and post-Soviet Russia (1924–2000)0/021.16.1 The Soviet Union (1924–1941): Stalin and the Struggle for Power21.16.2 Impact of the Great Patriotic War (1941–1945) on the Soviet Union21.16.3 Khrushchev and Brezhnev Domestic Policies and Foreign Relations21.16.4 Transformation of the Soviet Union (1985–1991) Under Gorbachev21.16.5 Collapse of the Soviet Union and Post-Soviet Russia to 200021.17 Post-war western and northern Europe (1945–2000)0/021.17.1 Breakdown of the Wartime Alliance and the Emergence of the Cold War21.17.2 Post-war Problems and Economic Recovery in Western Europe (1945–1963)21.17.3 West Germany (1963–1990) Domestic Policies and Reunification21.17.4 Spain: Franco’s Regime to Democracy and Developments (1945-2000)21.18 Post-war central and eastern Europe (1945–2000)0/021.18.1 Soviet Domination in Central and Eastern Europe (1945–1955)21.18.2 Support, Cooperation, Repression, and Protest in Central and Eastern Europe (1945–1968)21.18.3 Acceptance and Opposition to Soviet Control (1968–1989)21.18.4 Collapse of Soviet Control and Its Causes (1989)21.18.5 Balkan Conflicts in the 1990s