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IB DP History Study Notes

1.2.5 Political Impact and Challenges

King Richard I's ten-year reign, despite its relatively short span, was marked by significant political upheaval and change. Richard’s frequent absences from England, his military priorities, and domestic neglect cast a long shadow over his legacy.

State of England During Richard's Reign

Absences from England

  • Duration and Nature of Absence: Out of his ten-year reign, Richard spent only about six months in England. His commitments in the Third Crusade, and later in defending the Angevin Empire in France, kept him away.
  • Administrative Structure: While away, Richard appointed regents. Initial appointments were Hugh de Puiset, Bishop of Durham, and William de Mandeville, Earl of Essex. Later, the baton was passed to Walter de Coutances, Archbishop of Rouen.
  • Impact on Nobility: Richard’s absences gave rise to aspirations among the English nobility, particularly his brother John, who began to see himself as a potential successor.

Neglect of Domestic Affairs

  • Fiscal Policies: To finance his campaigns, Richard sold off royal lands and rights. This not only drained the royal treasury but also put immense pressure on the nobility and commoners through increased taxation.
  • Feudal Relationships: Richard’s practice of selling off positions and titles broke the traditional feudal bonds, creating resentment among the nobility.
  • Comparative Governance: Unlike his father, Henry II, who had focused extensively on reforms and strengthening the justice system, Richard's attentions were largely external. This left a gap in administrative progression.

Revolt by John and Philip


  • John's Ambitions: With Richard away, John’s aspirations grew. His perceived slight when Richard named their nephew Arthur of Brittany as his heir was a significant factor.
  • Strategic Alliances: John formed a strategic alliance with Philip II of France, aiming to destabilise Richard's territories.
  • Domestic Discontent: Richard's policies, particularly the economic ones, led to general unrest, providing John with a platform of dissent.


  • Territorial Conquests: With Richard captive during his return from the Holy Land, John and Philip capitalised on the opportunity, capturing parts of the Angevin territories in France.
  • Loyalty of the Nobility: While some nobles supported John, many remained loyal to Richard, creating a divide within the English nobility.
  • Richard's Counter: Richard, after his release in 1194, launched a series of campaigns to reclaim the lost territories, showcasing his military prowess.


  • Treaty of Le Goulet (1200): Realising the need for a diplomatic solution, Richard and Philip II concluded the Treaty of Le Goulet. While it solidified John's inheritance, it also meant yielding certain territories in France.
  • Aftermath: Richard’s sudden death in 1199 left John as his successor. However, John's reign was marred by challenges, not least from Arthur of Brittany and the discontented English nobility.

Richard's Legacy

Immediate Impacts in England

  • Economic Repercussions: The treasury was significantly depleted due to Richard's military campaigns and his personal ransom. This economic strain was felt by both the nobility and the commoners.
  • Power Dynamics: By selling offices and privileges, Richard shifted the balance of power, with certain nobles gaining prominence at the expense of others.
  • Defence and Fortifications: Richard, anticipating domestic and external threats, invested in the construction of fortifications, most notably Château Gaillard in Normandy.

Long-term Impacts

  • Decline of Angevin Empire: Richard's policies, and the ensuing challenges faced by his successor John, led to the eventual decline of the Angevin Empire in the 13th century.
  • Cultural Resurgence: While Richard may not have been a patron of the arts like some monarchs, his reign did witness a certain cultural revival. The legends of Robin Hood, while not entirely grounded in fact, took root during this period.
  • Prelude to Magna Carta: The unrest and dissatisfaction with royal authority that began during Richard's reign culminated in the signing of the Magna Carta in 1215, during John’s reign.

Impacts in France

  • Loss of Territories: Despite his valiant efforts, Richard’s reign marked the beginning of a gradual loss of territories in France, most notably to Philip II.
  • Changed Alliance Dynamics: The shifting allegiances, treaties, and frequent conflicts during Richard's reign laid the groundwork for the Hundred Years' War in the subsequent century.

King Richard I's reign was undeniably eventful. His military achievements were remarkable, yet his neglect of domestic affairs and the resultant political upheavals defined much of his legacy. The Angevin Empire, at the zenith of its power under Henry II, began its decline under Richard, a trajectory that continued into John's reign. The complex tapestry of political manoeuvrings, alliances, and betrayals during this period remains a pivotal chapter in the annals of medieval European history.


The relationship between Richard I and his younger brother John was complex and fraught with tension. While Richard was away on the Third Crusade and later during his captivity, John's ambitions to seize the throne intensified. He felt slighted when Richard named their nephew, Arthur of Brittany, as his heir. Exploiting Richard's absence, John formed an alliance with Philip II of France and made attempts to take over parts of the Angevin territories. However, upon Richard's return, John's rebellion was quashed, and he was forced to seek forgiveness. Despite the underlying tensions, Richard named John as his successor upon his death.

Richard I's economic policies, particularly his desperate need for funds to finance his military campaigns, had profound implications for the common populace of England. His decision to sell off royal lands, rights, and positions led to an increase in taxation. The heavy "Saladin Tithe" to fund the Third Crusade and the subsequent funds required for his ransom placed immense financial pressure on both the nobility and commoners. This burden manifested in the form of higher taxes and levies. Consequently, the economic strain, coupled with Richard's frequent absences and neglect of domestic affairs, fostered discontent and economic challenges among the common people.

While the Magna Carta was signed during John's reign in 1215, the seeds of discontent leading to its creation were sown during Richard I's reign. Richard's policies, such as selling offices and privileges, breaking traditional feudal bonds, and imposing heavy taxation, created a rift between the crown and the nobility. His neglect of domestic affairs further exacerbated the situation. When John inherited the throne, he faced the brunt of this discontent, compounded by his own unpopular policies. The nobility's grievances culminated in the signing of the Magna Carta, which aimed to limit the king's powers and ensure the rights of the nobility, marking a pivotal moment in English history.

Château Gaillard, located in Normandy, was one of Richard I's most ambitious architectural projects and serves as a testament to his military acumen. Constructed between 1196 and 1198, it was designed to be an impregnable fortress and to defend the Seine River valley from potential invasions, particularly from the French. The castle became a symbol of Richard's defensive strategy and his anticipation of external threats. Its advanced design included innovations like concentric defences and machicolations. Despite its strength, Château Gaillard was eventually captured by Philip II of France in 1204, a few years after Richard's death, marking a significant loss in the decline of the Angevin territories in France.

Richard I and Henry II had markedly different approaches towards the Angevin Empire. While Henry II focused on administrative reforms, consolidation, and strengthening the justice system within the empire, Richard I was largely preoccupied with military campaigns and external objectives. Richard's sale of royal lands, offices, and privileges to finance his crusades and campaigns stood in stark contrast to Henry's policy of maintaining a strong central authority. This shift in governance weakened the traditional feudal bonds and disturbed the equilibrium of power, leading to the rise of discontent among the nobility and the eventual decline of the Angevin Empire in the subsequent years.

Practice Questions

To what extent did Richard I's frequent absences from England influence the political dynamics during his reign?

Richard I's frequent absences had a profound influence on the political dynamics in England. Out of a ten-year reign, he spent only about six months in England, prioritising the Third Crusade and defending the Angevin Empire in France. His absences gave rise to aspirations among the English nobility, notably his brother John, who eyed the throne. Richard's decision to sell off royal lands and rights to finance his campaigns weakened the crown's financial position, leading to increased taxation and resentment among the nobility. The breakdown of traditional feudal bonds, coupled with domestic neglect, fostered unrest. This environment made it fertile ground for dissent, especially from John, which had lasting implications for the Angevin Empire.

Evaluate the long-term impact of Richard I's reign on the decline of the Angevin Empire in the 13th century.

Richard I's reign laid the foundations for the decline of the Angevin Empire in the 13th century. While his military prowess was commendable, his policies, notably the sale of offices, privileges, and territories, weakened the empire's internal fabric. His defensive strategy, which saw the construction of fortifications like Château Gaillard, hinted at the anticipated threats. Furthermore, his neglect of domestic affairs created economic and political challenges, further weakening the empire's position. The subsequent reign of his successor, John, faced challenges that had their origins in Richard's decisions, leading to the loss of territories in France to Philip II. The shifting alliances and conflicts during Richard's time set the stage for the empire's decline and the onset of the Hundred Years' War.

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