1. Core Physical Geography: Hydrology and Fluvial Geomorphology1.1 The Drainage Basin System0/01.1.1 Outputs1.1.2 Stores1.1.3 Above Ground Flows1.1.4 Below Ground Flows1.1.5 Underground Water1.2 Discharge Relationships within Drainage Basins0/01.2.1 Components of Hydrographs1.2.2 Influences on Hydrographs1.2.3 Climate Influences1.2.4 Drainage Basin Characteristics1.3 River Channel Processes and Landforms0/01.3.1 Channel Processes: Erosion1.3.2 Channel Processes: Load Transport1.3.3 Channel Processes: Deposition1.3.4 River Flow1.3.5 Channel Types1.3.6 Landforms1.4 The Human Impact0/01.4.1 Land-Use Changes and Hydrological Impacts1.4.2 Flood Dynamics and Human Factors1.4.3 Flood Management1.4.4 Case Study: River Flood Event1. Core Physical Geography: Hydrology and Fluvial Geomorphology1.1 The Drainage Basin System0/01.1.1 Outputs1.1.2 Stores1.1.3 Above Ground Flows1.1.4 Below Ground Flows1.1.5 Underground Water1.2 Discharge Relationships within Drainage Basins0/01.2.1 Components of Hydrographs1.2.2 Influences on Hydrographs1.2.3 Climate Influences1.2.4 Drainage Basin Characteristics1.3 River Channel Processes and Landforms0/01.3.1 Channel Processes: Erosion1.3.2 Channel Processes: Load Transport1.3.3 Channel Processes: Deposition1.3.4 River Flow1.3.5 Channel Types1.3.6 Landforms1.4 The Human Impact0/01.4.1 Land-Use Changes and Hydrological Impacts1.4.2 Flood Dynamics and Human Factors1.4.3 Flood Management1.4.4 Case Study: River Flood Event2. Core Physical Geography: Atmosphere and Weather2.1 Diurnal Energy Budgets0/02.1.1 Solar Radiation Dynamics2.1.2 Albedo2.1.3 Heat Transfers2.1.4 Moisture and Energy Exchange2.2 The Global Energy Budget0/02.2.1 Latitudinal Radiation Patterns2.2.2 Atmospheric Transfers2.2.3 Seasonal Variations2.2.4 Influence of Geography2.3 Weather Processes and Phenomena0/02.3.1 Atmospheric Moisture Processes2.3.2 Causes of Precipitation2.3.3 Types of Precipitation2.4 The Human Impact0/02.4.1 Enhanced Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming2.4.2 Urban Climatic Effects2.4.3 Case Study: Urban Climate2. Core Physical Geography: Atmosphere and Weather2.1 Diurnal Energy Budgets0/02.1.1 Solar Radiation Dynamics2.1.2 Albedo2.1.3 Heat Transfers2.1.4 Moisture and Energy Exchange2.2 The Global Energy Budget0/02.2.1 Latitudinal Radiation Patterns2.2.2 Atmospheric Transfers2.2.3 Seasonal Variations2.2.4 Influence of Geography2.3 Weather Processes and Phenomena0/02.3.1 Atmospheric Moisture Processes2.3.2 Causes of Precipitation2.3.3 Types of Precipitation2.4 The Human Impact0/02.4.1 Enhanced Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming2.4.2 Urban Climatic Effects2.4.3 Case Study: Urban Climate3. Core Physical Geography: Rocks and WeatheringPremium3.1 Plate Tectonics0/03.1.1 Tectonic Plates and Global Patterns3.1.2 Types of Plate Boundaries3.1.3 Processes and Associated Landforms3.2 Weathering0/03.2.1 Physical Weathering Processes3.2.2 Chemical Weathering Processes3.2.3 General Factors Affecting Weathering3.2.4 Specific Factors Affecting Weathering3.3 Slope Processes0/03.3.1 Slope Processes and Conditions3.3.2 Mass Movement Types3.3.3 Water and Sediment Movement3.4 The Human Impact0/03.4.1 Human Activities and Slope Stability3.4.2 Strategies to Modify Slopes3.4.3 Case Study: Impacts on Slopes3. Core Physical Geography: Rocks and WeatheringPremium3.1 Plate Tectonics0/03.1.1 Tectonic Plates and Global Patterns3.1.2 Types of Plate Boundaries3.1.3 Processes and Associated Landforms3.2 Weathering0/03.2.1 Physical Weathering Processes3.2.2 Chemical Weathering Processes3.2.3 General Factors Affecting Weathering3.2.4 Specific Factors Affecting Weathering3.3 Slope Processes0/03.3.1 Slope Processes and Conditions3.3.2 Mass Movement Types3.3.3 Water and Sediment Movement3.4 The Human Impact0/03.4.1 Human Activities and Slope Stability3.4.2 Strategies to Modify Slopes3.4.3 Case Study: Impacts on Slopes4. Core Human Geography: PopulationPremium4.1 Natural Increase as a Component of Population Change0/04.1.1 Population Metrics4.1.2 Factors Affecting Fertility and Mortality4.1.3 Age/Sex Structure Diagrams4.1.4 Population Structure4.2 Demographic Transition0/04.2.1 Dynamics of Birth and Death Rates4.2.2 Demographic Transition Model (DTM)4.2.3 Youthful and Ageing Populations4.2.4 Population and Development4.3 Population–Resource Relationships0/04.3.1 Food Security4.3.2 Development of Food Production4.3.3 Carrying Capacity4.3.4 Optimum Population4.4 The Management of Natural Increase0/04.4.1 Population Policies4.4.2 Difficulties in Policy Implementation4.4.3 Case Study Analysis4. Core Human Geography: PopulationPremium4.1 Natural Increase as a Component of Population Change0/04.1.1 Population Metrics4.1.2 Factors Affecting Fertility and Mortality4.1.3 Age/Sex Structure Diagrams4.1.4 Population Structure4.2 Demographic Transition0/04.2.1 Dynamics of Birth and Death Rates4.2.2 Demographic Transition Model (DTM)4.2.3 Youthful and Ageing Populations4.2.4 Population and Development4.3 Population–Resource Relationships0/04.3.1 Food Security4.3.2 Development of Food Production4.3.3 Carrying Capacity4.3.4 Optimum Population4.4 The Management of Natural Increase0/04.4.1 Population Policies4.4.2 Difficulties in Policy Implementation4.4.3 Case Study Analysis5. Core Human Geography: MigrationPremium5.1 Migration as a Component of Population Change0/05.1.1 The Nature of Population Movements5.1.2 Causes of Migration5.1.3 Patterns of Migration5.1.4 Constraints and Barriers to Migration5.2 Internal Migration0/05.2.1 Rural–Urban and Urban–Rural Movements5.2.2 Stepped Migration and Urban-Urban Movements5.2.3 Intra-Urban Movements5.3 International Migration0/05.3.1 Types of International Movements5.3.2 Causes and Patternsment5.3.3 Impacts on Source and Destination Areas5.4 The Management of International Migration0/05.4.1 Causes of the Migration5.4.2 Patterns and Impacts5.4.3 Management and Policy Responses5. Core Human Geography: MigrationPremium5.1 Migration as a Component of Population Change0/05.1.1 The Nature of Population Movements5.1.2 Causes of Migration5.1.3 Patterns of Migration5.1.4 Constraints and Barriers to Migration5.2 Internal Migration0/05.2.1 Rural–Urban and Urban–Rural Movements5.2.2 Stepped Migration and Urban-Urban Movements5.2.3 Intra-Urban Movements5.3 International Migration0/05.3.1 Types of International Movements5.3.2 Causes and Patternsment5.3.3 Impacts on Source and Destination Areas5.4 The Management of International Migration0/05.4.1 Causes of the Migration5.4.2 Patterns and Impacts5.4.3 Management and Policy Responses6. Core Human Geography: Settlement DynamicsPremium6.1 Changes in Rural Settlements0/06.1.1 Contemporary Issues in Rural Settlements6.1.2 Impacts of Migration6.1.3 Case Study of Rural Development or Decline6.2 Urban Trends and Issues of Urbanisation0/06.2.1 Urban Growth and Urbanisation6.2.2 Counterurbanisation and Re-urbanisation6.2.3 Competition for Land and Urban Renewal6.2.4 World Cities and Urban Hierarchy6.3 The Changing Structure of Urban Settlements0/06.3.1 Location of Urban Activities6.3.2 The Changing CBD6.3.3 Spatial Competition and Zonation6.3.4 Residential Segregation6.4 The Management of Urban Settlements0/06.4.1 Shanty Towns in LICs/MICs6.4.2 Infrastructure in Urban Areas6. Core Human Geography: Settlement DynamicsPremium6.1 Changes in Rural Settlements0/06.1.1 Contemporary Issues in Rural Settlements6.1.2 Impacts of Migration6.1.3 Case Study of Rural Development or Decline6.2 Urban Trends and Issues of Urbanisation0/06.2.1 Urban Growth and Urbanisation6.2.2 Counterurbanisation and Re-urbanisation6.2.3 Competition for Land and Urban Renewal6.2.4 World Cities and Urban Hierarchy6.3 The Changing Structure of Urban Settlements0/06.3.1 Location of Urban Activities6.3.2 The Changing CBD6.3.3 Spatial Competition and Zonation6.3.4 Residential Segregation6.4 The Management of Urban Settlements0/06.4.1 Shanty Towns in LICs/MICs6.4.2 Infrastructure in Urban Areas7. Advanced Physical Geography Options: Tropical Environments (A Level)7.1 Tropical Climates0/07.1.1 Distribution of Tropical Climates7.1.2 Climatic Characteristics and Atmospheric Systems7.1.3 Temperature and Rainfall Features7.2 Landforms of Tropical Environments0/07.2.1 Granite Landforms7.2.2 Limestone Landforms7.3 Humid and Seasonally Humid Ecosystems0/07.3.1 Plant Communities7.3.2 Vegetation Characteristics7.3.3 Nutrient Cycling7.3.4 Soil Formation and Characteristics7.4 Sustainable Management of Tropical Environments0/07.4.1 Threats to Tropical Ecosystems7.4.2 Sustainable Management Challenges7.4.3 Case Study Evaluation7. Advanced Physical Geography Options: Tropical Environments (A Level)7.1 Tropical Climates0/07.1.1 Distribution of Tropical Climates7.1.2 Climatic Characteristics and Atmospheric Systems7.1.3 Temperature and Rainfall Features7.2 Landforms of Tropical Environments0/07.2.1 Granite Landforms7.2.2 Limestone Landforms7.3 Humid and Seasonally Humid Ecosystems0/07.3.1 Plant Communities7.3.2 Vegetation Characteristics7.3.3 Nutrient Cycling7.3.4 Soil Formation and Characteristics7.4 Sustainable Management of Tropical Environments0/07.4.1 Threats to Tropical Ecosystems7.4.2 Sustainable Management Challenges7.4.3 Case Study Evaluation8. Advanced Physical Geography Options: Coastal Environments (A Level)8.1 Coastal Processes0/08.1.1 Wave Dynamics8.1.2 Marine Erosion8.1.3 Sub-aerial Processes8.1.4 Marine Transportation and Deposition8.2 Characteristics of Coastal Landforms0/08.2.1 Erosional Landforms8.2.2 Depositional Landforms8.2.3 Sea Level Change and Landforms8.3 Coral Reefs0/08.3.1 Types of Coral Reefs8.3.2 Conditions for Coral Growth8.3.3 Threats and Management8.4 Sustainable Management of Coasts0/08.4.1 Coastal Management Challenges8.4.2 Hard Engineering Solutions8.4.3 Soft Engineering Solutions8.4.4 Case Study Evaluation8. Advanced Physical Geography Options: Coastal Environments (A Level)8.1 Coastal Processes0/08.1.1 Wave Dynamics8.1.2 Marine Erosion8.1.3 Sub-aerial Processes8.1.4 Marine Transportation and Deposition8.2 Characteristics of Coastal Landforms0/08.2.1 Erosional Landforms8.2.2 Depositional Landforms8.2.3 Sea Level Change and Landforms8.3 Coral Reefs0/08.3.1 Types of Coral Reefs8.3.2 Conditions for Coral Growth8.3.3 Threats and Management8.4 Sustainable Management of Coasts0/08.4.1 Coastal Management Challenges8.4.2 Hard Engineering Solutions8.4.3 Soft Engineering Solutions8.4.4 Case Study Evaluation9. Advanced Physical Geography Options: Hazardous Environments (A Level)Premium9.1 Tectonic Hazards0/09.1.1 Distribution of Tectonic Hazards9.1.2 Earthquake Hazards9.1.3 Volcanic Hazards9.1.4 Impacts on Lives and Property9.1.5 Management and Perception of Risk9.2 Mass Movement Hazards0/09.2.1 Nature and Causes of Mass Movements9.2.2 Impacts on Lives and Property9.2.3 Management and Risk Perception9.3 Atmospheric Disturbances0/09.3.1 Distribution of Atmospheric Hazards9.3.2 Formation Processes9.3.3 Large-scale Disturbance Hazards9.3.4 Small-scale Disturbance Hazards9.3.5 Impacts on Lives and Property9.3.6 Management and Risk Perception9.4 Sustainable Management0/09.4.1 Challenges of Management9.4.2 Management Solutions9.4.3 Case Study Evaluation9. Advanced Physical Geography Options: Hazardous Environments (A Level)Premium9.1 Tectonic Hazards0/09.1.1 Distribution of Tectonic Hazards9.1.2 Earthquake Hazards9.1.3 Volcanic Hazards9.1.4 Impacts on Lives and Property9.1.5 Management and Perception of Risk9.2 Mass Movement Hazards0/09.2.1 Nature and Causes of Mass Movements9.2.2 Impacts on Lives and Property9.2.3 Management and Risk Perception9.3 Atmospheric Disturbances0/09.3.1 Distribution of Atmospheric Hazards9.3.2 Formation Processes9.3.3 Large-scale Disturbance Hazards9.3.4 Small-scale Disturbance Hazards9.3.5 Impacts on Lives and Property9.3.6 Management and Risk Perception9.4 Sustainable Management0/09.4.1 Challenges of Management9.4.2 Management Solutions9.4.3 Case Study Evaluation10. Advanced Physical Geography Options: Hot Arid and Semi-arid Environments (A Level)Premium10.1 Hot Arid and Semi-arid Climates0/010.1.1 Distribution and Characteristics10.1.2 Definitions and Causes of Aridity10.1.3 Key Features of Environments10.2 Landforms of Arid Environments0/010.2.1 Weathering Processes10.2.2 Aeolian Processes10.2.3 Fluvial Processes10.2.4 Characteristic Landforms10.2.5 Aeolian vs. Fluvial Roles10.3 Soils and Vegetation0/010.3.1 Vegetation Adaptations10.3.2 Soil Processes10.3.3 Desertification Processes10.4 Sustainable Management0/010.4.1 Challenges of Sustainable Management10.4.2 Management Solutions10.4.3 Case Study Evaluation10. Advanced Physical Geography Options: Hot Arid and Semi-arid Environments (A Level)Premium10.1 Hot Arid and Semi-arid Climates0/010.1.1 Distribution and Characteristics10.1.2 Definitions and Causes of Aridity10.1.3 Key Features of Environments10.2 Landforms of Arid Environments0/010.2.1 Weathering Processes10.2.2 Aeolian Processes10.2.3 Fluvial Processes10.2.4 Characteristic Landforms10.2.5 Aeolian vs. Fluvial Roles10.3 Soils and Vegetation0/010.3.1 Vegetation Adaptations10.3.2 Soil Processes10.3.3 Desertification Processes10.4 Sustainable Management0/010.4.1 Challenges of Sustainable Management10.4.2 Management Solutions10.4.3 Case Study Evaluation11. Advanced Human Geography Options: Production, location and Change (A Level)Premium11.1 Agricultural Systems0/011.1.1 Factors Affecting Agricultural Land Use11.1.2 Agricultural System Framework11.1.3 Intensive vs Extensive Production11.1.4 Intensification and Extension Issues11.2 Management of Agricultural Change0/011.2.1 The Need for Agricultural Change11.2.2 Difficulties in Managing Change11.2.3 Solutions and Their Effectiveness11.3 Manufacturing and Services0/011.3.1 Location Factors for Industry11.3.2 Industrial Agglomeration and Zones11.3.3 The Informal Sector11.4 Management of Manufacturing Change0/011.4.1 Industrial Policy11.4.2 Character, Location, and Organisation Changes11.4.3 Issues and Challenges11.4.4 Evaluation of Solutions11. Advanced Human Geography Options: Production, location and Change (A Level)Premium11.1 Agricultural Systems0/011.1.1 Factors Affecting Agricultural Land Use11.1.2 Agricultural System Framework11.1.3 Intensive vs Extensive Production11.1.4 Intensification and Extension Issues11.2 Management of Agricultural Change0/011.2.1 The Need for Agricultural Change11.2.2 Difficulties in Managing Change11.2.3 Solutions and Their Effectiveness11.3 Manufacturing and Services0/011.3.1 Location Factors for Industry11.3.2 Industrial Agglomeration and Zones11.3.3 The Informal Sector11.4 Management of Manufacturing Change0/011.4.1 Industrial Policy11.4.2 Character, Location, and Organisation Changes11.4.3 Issues and Challenges11.4.4 Evaluation of Solutions12. Advanced Human Geography Options: Environmental Management (A Level)Premium12.1 Sustainable Energy Supplies0/012.1.1 Renewable vs Non-Renewable Resources12.1.2 National Factors Influencing Energy Dynamics12.1.3 Trends in Energy Consumption12.1.4 Environmental Impacts of Energy12.2 Management of Energy Supply0/012.2.1 Country's Energy Strategy12.2.2 Evaluation of Strategy Success12.2.3 Located Power Production Scheme12.2.4 Evaluation of the Scheme12.3 Environmental Degradation0/012.3.1 Nature and Causes of Pollution12.3.2 Water Demand, Supply, and Quality12.3.3 Degradation of Rural Environments12.3.4 Degradation of Urban Environments12.3.5 Constraints on Environmental Improvement12.3.6 Protection of At-Risk Environments12.4 Management of Degraded Environments0/012.4.1 Causes of Environmental Degradation12.4.2 Problems and Issues Faced12.4.3 Improvement Attempts12.4.4 Evaluation of Solutions12. Advanced Human Geography Options: Environmental Management (A Level)Premium12.1 Sustainable Energy Supplies0/012.1.1 Renewable vs Non-Renewable Resources12.1.2 National Factors Influencing Energy Dynamics12.1.3 Trends in Energy Consumption12.1.4 Environmental Impacts of Energy12.2 Management of Energy Supply0/012.2.1 Country's Energy Strategy12.2.2 Evaluation of Strategy Success12.2.3 Located Power Production Scheme12.2.4 Evaluation of the Scheme12.3 Environmental Degradation0/012.3.1 Nature and Causes of Pollution12.3.2 Water Demand, Supply, and Quality12.3.3 Degradation of Rural Environments12.3.4 Degradation of Urban Environments12.3.5 Constraints on Environmental Improvement12.3.6 Protection of At-Risk Environments12.4 Management of Degraded Environments0/012.4.1 Causes of Environmental Degradation12.4.2 Problems and Issues Faced12.4.3 Improvement Attempts12.4.4 Evaluation of Solutions13. Advanced Human Geography Options: Global Interdependence (A Level)Premium13.1 Trade Flows and Patterns0/013.1.1 Types of Trade13.1.2 Global Trade Patterns and Inequalities13.1.3 Factors Affecting Global Trade13.1.4 WTO and Free Trade13.1.5 Fairtrade13.2 International Debt and Aid0/013.2.1 International Debt13.2.2 Types of International Aid13.2.3 Aid Donors13.2.4 Impacts of Aid13.3 International Tourism0/013.3.1 Growth of International Tourism13.3.2 Impacts of Tourism13.3.3 Sustainability in Tourism13.3.4 Recent Tourism Developments13.3.5 Tourism Life Cycle Model13.4 Management of a Tourist Destination0/013.4.1 Growth and Development of the Destination13.4.2 Sustainability Issues13.4.3 Impacts of Tourism13.4.4 Management Strategies and Solutions13.4.5 Evaluation of Tourism Impacts and Management13. Advanced Human Geography Options: Global Interdependence (A Level)Premium13.1 Trade Flows and Patterns0/013.1.1 Types of Trade13.1.2 Global Trade Patterns and Inequalities13.1.3 Factors Affecting Global Trade13.1.4 WTO and Free Trade13.1.5 Fairtrade13.2 International Debt and Aid0/013.2.1 International Debt13.2.2 Types of International Aid13.2.3 Aid Donors13.2.4 Impacts of Aid13.3 International Tourism0/013.3.1 Growth of International Tourism13.3.2 Impacts of Tourism13.3.3 Sustainability in Tourism13.3.4 Recent Tourism Developments13.3.5 Tourism Life Cycle Model13.4 Management of a Tourist Destination0/013.4.1 Growth and Development of the Destination13.4.2 Sustainability Issues13.4.3 Impacts of Tourism13.4.4 Management Strategies and Solutions13.4.5 Evaluation of Tourism Impacts and Management14. Advanced Human Geography Options: Economic Transition (A Level)Premium14.1 National Development0/014.1.1 Economic Sectors and Development14.1.2 Global Inequalities14.1.3 Measures of Inequality14.2 Global Economic Activity0/014.2.1 Global Patterns of Resources and Markets14.2.2 FDI and the NIDL14.2.3 TNCs Growth and Structure14.2.4 Emergence of NICs14.2.5 Changes in Economic Activity Location14.3 Regional Disparities0/014.3.1 Regional Disparities14.3.2 Core-Periphery Concept14.3.3 Cumulative Causation14.4 Management of Regional Development0/014.4.1 Regional Development Policy14.4.2 Regional Disparities14.4.3 Difficulties in Overcoming Disparities14.4.4 Evaluation of Solutions14. Advanced Human Geography Options: Economic Transition (A Level)Premium14.1 National Development0/014.1.1 Economic Sectors and Development14.1.2 Global Inequalities14.1.3 Measures of Inequality14.2 Global Economic Activity0/014.2.1 Global Patterns of Resources and Markets14.2.2 FDI and the NIDL14.2.3 TNCs Growth and Structure14.2.4 Emergence of NICs14.2.5 Changes in Economic Activity Location14.3 Regional Disparities0/014.3.1 Regional Disparities14.3.2 Core-Periphery Concept14.3.3 Cumulative Causation14.4 Management of Regional Development0/014.4.1 Regional Development Policy14.4.2 Regional Disparities14.4.3 Difficulties in Overcoming Disparities14.4.4 Evaluation of Solutions