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CIE A-Level Geography Notes

1.1.2 Stores


Interception refers to the process where precipitation is captured by vegetation before reaching the ground. It plays a pivotal role in managing runoff, as it temporarily holds water on leaves, branches, and stems, reducing the volume reaching the soil surface.

  • Role of Vegetation: Vegetation type, density, and canopy structure determine the interception capacity. Forests with dense canopies intercept more precipitation compared to sparse vegetation.
  • Effects on Runoff: By intercepting rainfall, vegetation reduces immediate surface runoff, allowing more infiltration and reducing soil erosion.
An image of the rainwater interception.

Image courtesy of esajournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com

Soil Water

Soil water, essential for plant growth, exists in various forms within the soil profile. Understanding its dynamics is crucial for effective water management.

  • Types of Soil Water:
    • Gravitational Water: Drains out of soil after rainfall.
    • Capillary Water: Held in soil pores and available to plants.
    • Hygroscopic Water: Thin film around soil particles, generally unavailable to plants.
  • Field Capacity: The amount of soil moisture remaining after excess water has drained away, indicating the maximum water the soil can hold against gravity.
  • Wilting Point: The moisture level at which plants cannot extract water, leading to wilting.
An image of types of soil water.

Image courtesy of agrilearner.com

Surface Water

Surface water includes all water bodies like lakes, wetlands, and rivers found on the Earth's surface. These are integral components of the hydrological cycle.

  • Lakes and Wetlands: Serve as storage basins for freshwater. They regulate the flow of rivers, support biodiversity, and are crucial for groundwater recharge.
  • Hydrological Importance: Act as buffers during floods, habitats for wildlife, and sources for irrigation and human consumption.

Ground Water

Ground water is the water found in the saturated zone of the soil, filling the pore spaces between sediments and rocks.

  • Aquifers: Underground layers of water-bearing permeable rock or unconsolidated materials (gravel, sand, or silt) from which groundwater can be extracted.
  • Porosity and Permeability:
    • Porosity refers to the amount of space between soil or rock particles, determining the water-holding capacity.
    • Permeability is the ability of a rock or sediment to allow water to pass through it.

Channel Storage

Channel storage involves water stored in the river or stream channels and is a dynamic component of the hydrological system.

  • River Channels as Water Stores: Rivers hold water in their channels, contributing to the overall water balance in a drainage basin.
  • Effects on Flow Rates: The size and shape of the channel, along with the bed roughness, affect how quickly water flows, influencing the river's discharge rate.


Stemflow, the process where intercepted water is channelled down the stems and trunks of vegetation to the ground, has significant implications in urban areas. It concentrates water flow from the canopy to specific points at the base of trees, which can lead to soil erosion or water pooling in urban settings. However, effectively managed, stemflow can be beneficial for urban water management. Incorporating vegetation with high stemflow rates in urban landscaping can enhance groundwater recharge and reduce surface runoff, mitigating the risk of urban flooding. Additionally, it can improve the urban microclimate and support the growth of green spaces. Urban planners can use this knowledge to design greener, more sustainable urban areas that harness natural hydrological processes to manage water effectively.

The type of soil plays a crucial role in influencing the rate of infiltration and percolation. Sandy soils, with larger particle sizes and higher porosity, allow for rapid infiltration and percolation, enabling water to move quickly through the soil profile. This can be beneficial for drainage but may lead to lower water retention for plant use. On the other hand, clay soils, with smaller particle sizes and lower porosity, have slower infiltration and percolation rates. This can lead to higher water retention, beneficial for crops, but also risks waterlogging and reduced oxygen availability for roots. Loamy soils, with a balanced mixture of sand, silt, and clay, often provide optimal conditions for both water retention and drainage. Soil organic matter also enhances soil structure, improving infiltration and water-holding capacity. Understanding soil types is essential for effective water management in agriculture and environmental conservation.

Depleting groundwater levels in aquifers can have severe environmental implications. Firstly, it can lead to the subsidence of land, where the ground sinks due to the removal of water from soil pores, potentially causing structural damage to buildings and infrastructure. Secondly, reduced groundwater levels can affect surface water bodies connected to aquifers, like rivers and lakes, leading to reduced water availability for ecosystems and human use. This can impact biodiversity, especially in wetlands and riparian habitats that rely on consistent groundwater levels. Additionally, lower groundwater levels can lead to the intrusion of saltwater in coastal areas, contaminating freshwater resources. Overextraction of groundwater also impacts the long-term sustainability of water resources, necessitating careful management and conservation strategies to ensure a balance between usage and natural recharge rates.

Urbanisation significantly impacts surface water storage in lakes and wetlands. The construction of buildings, roads, and other infrastructure increases impermeable surfaces, reducing the area available for natural water storage and infiltration. This leads to reduced groundwater recharge and can cause the shrinking of lakes and wetlands. Additionally, urbanisation often brings pollution, altering the water quality in these natural reservoirs. The runoff from urban areas, laden with pollutants like oils, heavy metals, and chemicals, can contaminate lakes and wetlands, affecting aquatic ecosystems. Moreover, urban development can alter natural drainage patterns, potentially leading to increased flooding risks or the draining of wetlands. Managing urban growth responsibly, incorporating green spaces, and using permeable materials can mitigate these impacts, preserving the crucial role of lakes and wetlands in the hydrological cycle.

Human activities can significantly impact channel storage in river systems. Construction of dams and reservoirs alters the natural flow and storage of rivers, changing the timing and quantity of water downstream. While these structures can provide benefits like hydroelectric power and irrigation, they can also disrupt ecosystems and sediment transport. River channelisation for navigation or flood control modifies the shape and flow of rivers, often reducing their natural storage capacity and altering habitats. Pollution from agricultural runoff, industrial discharges, and urban stormwater can degrade water quality, affecting aquatic life and water usability. These changes can lead to a loss of biodiversity, increased flooding risk, and reduced resilience to climate change. Sustainable management practices, such as maintaining natural river corridors, reducing pollution, and using water efficiently, are vital to mitigate these impacts.

Practice Questions

Describe the role of interception in the hydrological cycle and explain how different types of vegetation affect this process.

Interception is a key process in the hydrological cycle where vegetation captures and stores precipitation, reducing the amount reaching the ground. Its effectiveness is influenced by the type, density, and structure of vegetation. Dense forests with large canopies, such as tropical rainforests, have a high interception capacity, significantly reducing surface runoff and promoting infiltration. In contrast, areas with sparse vegetation, like grasslands, have lower interception rates, leading to higher surface runoff. Effective interception by vegetation helps in reducing soil erosion, moderating river flow, and maintaining groundwater levels.

Discuss the significance of soil water in agricultural practices, focusing on the concepts of field capacity and wilting point.

Soil water is vital for agricultural practices as it directly influences crop growth and yield. Field capacity, the amount of water soil retains after excess water has drained, represents the optimal moisture level for crop growth. It ensures sufficient water supply for plants while preventing waterlogging. The wilting point, on the other hand, is the moisture level at which plants can no longer extract water, leading to wilting. Understanding these concepts allows farmers to efficiently manage irrigation, ensuring that soil moisture stays between these two points for optimal plant growth. This knowledge is crucial for sustainable agriculture and maximising crop yield.

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