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CIE A-Level Geography Notes

1.1.1 Outputs


Evaporation is a critical process in the hydrological cycle, involving the transformation of water from a liquid to a vapour state.


  • Heat Energy: The primary source of energy for evaporation is solar radiation. This energy is absorbed by water bodies, increasing the kinetic energy of water molecules.
  • Phase Change: When enough energy is absorbed, water molecules transition from a liquid to a gaseous state, releasing into the atmosphere as water vapour.

Factors Affecting Evaporation

  • Temperature: Higher ambient temperatures expedite the evaporation process by providing more energy to water molecules.
  • Humidity: The amount of moisture in the air influences evaporation. Lower humidity levels facilitate higher evaporation rates.
  • Wind Speed: Wind removes the air saturated with water vapour from the surface, thus accelerating evaporation.
  • Sunlight Exposure: Direct sunlight increases the water temperature, thereby speeding up evaporation.
  • Surface Area: Larger surface areas of water bodies lead to higher evaporation rates.

Role in Water Cycle

  • Hydrological Balance: Evaporation is a major component of the hydrological cycle, helping to maintain the balance of water between the Earth's surface and the atmosphere.
  • Cloud Formation and Precipitation: The water vapour resulting from evaporation eventually condenses to form clouds, leading to precipitation.
An image showing the process of the water cycle.

Image courtesy of John Evans and Howard Periman


Evapotranspiration is a combined process of evaporation and plant transpiration, crucial in hydrology.


  • Water Vapour Release: It refers to the sum of water vapour released from the Earth's surface and transpiration from plants.

Distinction from Evaporation

  • Inclusion of Transpiration: While evaporation occurs on water surfaces, evapotranspiration includes water released through plant leaves.

Significance in Hydrology

  • Contribution to Water Cycle: Plays a vital role in returning water to the atmosphere.
  • Influencing Local Climates: Affects humidity and temperature, thereby influencing local weather conditions.
  • Impact on Agriculture: Determines water requirements for crops and influences irrigation practices.

River Discharge

River discharge is a key indicator of the volume of water moving through a river system at any given time.


  • Quantification Method: Discharge is calculated using the equation Q = A × V, where 'Q' is the discharge, 'A' is the cross-sectional area of the river, and 'V' is the average velocity of the water.
  • Units of Measurement: Discharge is commonly measured in cubic meters per second (cumecs).
An image showing how to measure river discharge.

Image courtesy of Benjamin J. Burger

Variations in River Discharge

  • Seasonal Fluctuations: Discharge rates vary seasonally, influenced by factors like melting snow in spring or dry conditions in summer.
  • Regional Differences: Discharge rates can vary significantly in different geographical locations, influenced by regional climate, topography, and land use.

Factors Influencing River Discharge Rates

  • Rainfall Intensity: Heavy rains can lead to a sudden increase in discharge, often leading to flooding.
  • Land Use Patterns: Urban areas with impermeable surfaces accelerate runoff, thereby increasing river discharge.
  • Vegetation Cover: Areas with dense vegetation tend to have lower discharge rates due to higher rates of interception and transpiration.
  • Soil Permeability: Permeable soils allow more infiltration, reducing surface runoff and hence the river discharge.
  • Topography: The slope of the land affects the speed of runoff, influencing the discharge rate.


Seasonal variations significantly influence the process of infiltration and its subsequent impact on river discharge. During wetter seasons, such as spring or monsoon periods, the soil often becomes saturated, leading to reduced infiltration rates. Once the soil reaches its field capacity (the maximum amount of water it can hold), additional water from rainfall contributes to increased surface runoff, subsequently raising river discharge rates. In contrast, during drier seasons, such as summer or autumn, soils tend to be less saturated, allowing for greater infiltration. This increased infiltration reduces surface runoff, leading to lower river discharge rates. Additionally, in regions with seasonal snowmelt, the influx of meltwater can drastically increase river discharge in the spring. The freeze-thaw cycle in colder climates also affects infiltration; frozen ground in winter significantly reduces infiltration, leading to higher runoff and discharge rates during snowmelt periods. These seasonal dynamics are crucial in understanding the variability of river discharge rates and the hydrological cycle in different climatic regions.

Vegetation type and density have a profound impact on evapotranspiration rates. Different types of vegetation have varying abilities to transpire water. For instance, broad-leaved plants like deciduous trees typically have higher transpiration rates than conifers due to their larger leaf surface area. Similarly, dense vegetation canopies create microclimates with higher humidity levels, which can reduce the overall evapotranspiration rate compared to areas with sparse vegetation. Dense vegetation also tends to intercept more rainfall, reducing the amount of water reaching the ground and subsequently available for evaporation and transpiration. Furthermore, the root depth of vegetation influences water uptake and transpiration. Deep-rooted plants can access water from deeper soil layers, potentially increasing transpiration rates. Therefore, the type and density of vegetation in an area play a crucial role in determining the local evapotranspiration rates and, consequently, influence the hydrological balance of a region.

Groundwater plays a vital role in maintaining river discharge during dry periods. During times of low precipitation, the contribution of surface runoff to rivers decreases significantly. In such periods, baseflow, which is the portion of river discharge provided by groundwater, becomes increasingly important. Groundwater, stored in aquifers, seeps into rivers, maintaining a minimal level of flow even during extended dry spells. This baseflow is crucial for sustaining river ecosystems and for providing a consistent water supply for human use, particularly in agriculture and industry. The rate of groundwater flow into rivers depends on factors like the permeability of the soil and rock, the water table level, and the connectivity between the aquifer and the river. Regions with significant groundwater reserves can thus sustain river flows during drought conditions, highlighting the importance of groundwater management in ensuring the ecological and economic stability of river basins.

Urbanisation significantly impacts river discharge rates. Urban areas typically have a high concentration of impermeable surfaces like concrete and asphalt, which prevent water from infiltrating the ground. As a result, more surface runoff is generated, leading to higher and more rapid river discharge rates, especially during and immediately after rainfall events. This increased runoff can contribute to flash floods, as the drainage systems in urban areas may not be able to cope with the sudden influx of water. Additionally, the alteration of natural landscapes through urbanisation can disrupt the natural flow of rivers, sometimes leading to changes in the river channel itself, such as channel straightening or deepening, which can further alter discharge rates. These changes can have downstream effects, impacting water quality, sediment transport, and aquatic ecosystems. Overall, urbanisation tends to exacerbate the extremes of river discharge, making both floods and droughts more likely and severe.

The type of soil plays a significant role in the rate of evaporation within a drainage basin. Soils with high clay content, which are denser and less permeable, tend to retain water for longer periods, resulting in slower rates of evaporation. Conversely, sandy soils, known for their high permeability, allow water to drain away more quickly, reducing the amount of moisture available for evaporation. Additionally, the colour of the soil can influence its capacity to absorb heat. Darker soils absorb more heat, potentially increasing evaporation rates, whereas lighter soils reflect more solar radiation, potentially reducing evaporation. Soil texture also affects the soil’s ability to retain heat, with finer-textured soils retaining more warmth and possibly enhancing evaporation. Thus, the physical properties of soil, including texture, permeability, and colour, are critical factors in determining the rate of evaporation in different environments.

Practice Questions

Explain how factors such as temperature and humidity affect the rate of evaporation in the hydrological cycle.

Temperature significantly influences the rate of evaporation; higher temperatures provide more energy to water molecules, increasing their kinetic energy and the rate at which they transition to a gaseous state. Consequently, in warmer climates or seasons, evaporation rates are typically higher. On the other hand, humidity plays a crucial role as well. Lower humidity levels in the air allow more room for water vapour, thus facilitating greater evaporation. In areas with high humidity, the air is already saturated with water vapour, which reduces the capacity for additional evaporation. Understanding these factors is essential for comprehending regional variations in the hydrological cycle.

Discuss the significance of river discharge measurements in managing water resources and predicting flood risks.

River discharge measurements are pivotal in water resource management and flood risk prediction. Accurate discharge data enable authorities to monitor water availability, essential for planning irrigation, hydroelectric power generation, and drinking water supply. This data helps in balancing ecological needs with human consumption. Additionally, understanding discharge patterns assists in predicting floods, which is crucial for developing early warning systems and implementing effective flood management strategies. By analysing historical discharge data, authorities can identify potential high-risk periods and areas, allowing for timely evacuation and preparation. Thus, river discharge measurements are not only significant for resource management but also for safeguarding communities against natural disasters like floods.

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