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CIE A-Level Geography Notes

3.2.4 Specific Factors Affecting Weathering

Temperature and Rainfall

Temperature and rainfall are pivotal in determining the rate and type of weathering. The Peltier Diagram is a key tool in illustrating this relationship.

Peltier Diagram

  • Definition: A graphical tool that elucidates the interplay between temperature and rainfall in affecting weathering rates.
  • Construction: It features temperature on the x-axis and rainfall on the y-axis, demarcating zones indicative of different weathering intensities and types.
  • Interpretation:
    • High Temperature and Rainfall: In these zones, chemical weathering is accelerated due to increased reaction rates and moisture availability.
    • Low Temperature and Rainfall: This combination leads to slower chemical reactions, resulting in predominance of physical weathering.
    • Intermediate Zones: Represent areas where both physical and chemical weathering occur, with varying dominance based on exact temperature and rainfall conditions.
An image of weathering in relation to mean annual temperature and rainfall.

Image courtesy of igcseandalevelgeography.blogspot.com


  • Climate Change: With changing global climates, shifts in these parameters could alter weathering patterns, impacting soil formation and landscape evolution.
  • Regional Analysis: Different geographical regions can be analyzed using this diagram to predict prevailing weathering processes.


Microclimates are small-scale climatic variations that can significantly influence weathering types and rates.

Definition and Causes

  • Local Atmospheric Conditions: Areas with distinct atmospheric conditions differing from the larger area they are part of.
  • Causes: Influenced by factors like vegetation cover, water bodies, urban development, and topography.

Influence on Weathering

  • Variations in Weathering:
    • Urban Microclimates: Typically warmer, may enhance chemical weathering rates.
    • Forest Microclimates: Cooler and more humid, might slow down certain weathering processes, but also promote biological weathering.
    • Site-Specific Analysis: Understanding microclimates is crucial for accurate predictions of weathering in a specific location.

Altitudinal Zonation

Altitudinal zonation refers to how weathering processes vary with altitude.

Weathering with Altitude

  • Changes in Climate: As altitude increases, temperature typically decreases, and precipitation patterns may change.
  • Effect on Weathering:
    • Lower Altitudes: Warmer, humid conditions favour chemical weathering processes like hydrolysis and carbonation.
    • Higher Altitudes: Colder, drier conditions lead to predominance of physical weathering processes like frost action.

Case Studies

  • Mountain Ranges: Different mountain ranges like the Rockies, Andes, and Himalayas offer real-world examples of how weathering changes with altitude.
  • Research Applications: Studies in these areas help in understanding the impact of altitudinal zonation on weathering.

Practical Applications

  • Geological Mapping: Understanding altitudinal zonation aids in geological and geomorphological mapping.
  • Environmental Management: This knowledge is crucial for managing landscapes, especially in mountainous regions prone to erosion and landslides.


Microclimates play a crucial role in the formation and stability of soil profiles. The local variations in temperature, humidity, and precipitation within microclimates directly influence the rate and type of weathering, which is a key process in soil formation. In warmer and wetter microclimates, chemical weathering is more prevalent, leading to the breakdown of rock into finer particles and the formation of rich, nutrient-dense soils. These conditions also promote the decomposition of organic matter, further enriching the soil. However, in drier or colder microclimates, physical weathering is more dominant, resulting in coarser soil textures with less organic matter. The stability of these soil profiles is also influenced by microclimatic conditions. For instance, in areas with heavy rainfall, soil erosion can be a significant problem, leading to the loss of topsoil and nutrients. In contrast, in areas with limited rainfall, soil can become compacted and hard, reducing its fertility. Additionally, vegetation, which is heavily influenced by microclimate, plays a crucial role in soil stability. Plant roots bind the soil, reducing erosion, while decaying plant matter contributes to soil structure and nutrient content. Thus, the microclimate significantly impacts both the formation and stability of soil profiles, influencing their texture, composition, and overall health.

Yes, the presence of vegetation in a microclimate can slow down certain weathering processes, particularly physical weathering. Vegetation acts as a protective cover, shielding the Earth's surface from direct exposure to rain, wind, and temperature fluctuations. This protective layer helps to moderate temperature extremes and moisture levels, reducing the intensity of physical weathering processes like freeze-thaw and exfoliation. Additionally, vegetation can stabilize soil and rock surfaces, reducing erosion caused by water runoff and wind. However, it's important to note that vegetation can also contribute to weathering, particularly biological weathering. Plant roots can penetrate rock fractures, exerting physical pressure that can lead to rock breakage. Moreover, organic acids produced by decomposing plant material can chemically weather rock surfaces. Thus, while vegetation can slow down certain weathering processes, it can also actively participate in others, demonstrating the complex interaction between biological factors and weathering.

Urban development significantly alters microclimatic conditions, impacting weathering processes. The construction of buildings, roads, and other infrastructure replaces natural landscapes, leading to the urban heat island effect. This phenomenon causes higher temperatures in urban areas compared to surrounding rural areas, accelerating chemical weathering rates. The materials used in urban construction, such as concrete and asphalt, absorb and retain heat, further exacerbating this effect. Moreover, urban areas often have reduced vegetation, limiting biological weathering and reducing the natural protective cover that vegetation provides against weathering. Pollution in urban areas, including acid rain from industrial emissions, introduces new chemical elements into the environment, altering the chemical composition of rock surfaces and speeding up weathering. Additionally, the increased surface runoff in urban areas, due to impermeable surfaces, can lead to physical weathering through erosion. Overall, urban development creates a unique microclimate that intensifies certain weathering processes, particularly chemical weathering, while potentially reducing others like biological weathering.

Altitude can significantly influence the chemical composition of rainwater, thereby affecting weathering processes. At higher altitudes, rainwater is generally purer due to the reduced presence of pollutants and particulates that are more common at lower altitudes. This purer rainwater has less acid content, potentially leading to less aggressive chemical weathering. However, in some high-altitude areas, phenomena like acid fog or cloud water with higher acidity can occur, which can intensify chemical weathering. Additionally, temperature decreases with altitude, which can slow down chemical reactions, including those involved in weathering. This means that even if the rainwater is slightly more acidic, the overall rate of chemical weathering might be slower due to lower temperatures. Conversely, at lower altitudes, where rainwater can be more polluted with industrial and urban emissions, the acidity of rain can be higher, leading to more intense chemical weathering, particularly in limestone and other carbonate rocks. This demonstrates how altitude not only affects the physical conditions (like temperature and precipitation) but also the chemical interactions involved in weathering processes.

The variability in microclimates within a cityscape has significant implications for urban planning and infrastructure development. Understanding these microclimatic differences is essential for creating sustainable and resilient urban environments. For instance, areas with higher temperatures and reduced vegetation cover, common in city centres, require buildings and infrastructure that can withstand increased thermal stress and potential chemical weathering. This might include the use of heat-resistant materials or the integration of green spaces to mitigate the urban heat island effect. Conversely, in cooler, greener areas of a city, urban planning might focus on preserving natural vegetation and implementing sustainable drainage systems to manage excess rainfall and prevent erosion. Additionally, microclimatic considerations are crucial in designing public spaces. For example, areas that receive higher levels of sunlight might benefit from additional shading and cooling features, while windier areas might require sheltered spaces or windbreaks. The variability in microclimates also affects energy consumption in buildings; areas with higher temperatures might require more cooling, impacting urban energy planning. Overall, recognizing and adapting to microclimatic variability is key in urban planning, ensuring that infrastructure is resilient, efficient, and conducive to a high quality of urban life.

Practice Questions

Explain how microclimates can influence the types and rates of weathering processes in an urban area.

Microclimates significantly impact weathering processes, particularly in urban areas. Urban microclimates are typically characterised by higher temperatures due to the heat island effect, which can accelerate chemical weathering. The increased temperature enhances chemical reactions, leading to faster decomposition of minerals in rocks. Additionally, the built environment often results in reduced vegetation cover, thereby decreasing biological weathering. However, human activities can introduce new chemicals into the environment, such as acids from pollution, which can increase the rate of chemical weathering. Overall, urban microclimates tend to shift the balance towards more rapid and intense chemical weathering compared to rural areas.

Describe how altitudinal zonation affects weathering processes, using specific examples.

Altitudinal zonation significantly affects weathering processes due to changes in climate with altitude. At lower altitudes, where temperatures are warmer, chemical weathering is more prevalent. For example, in the lower slopes of the Himalayas, warmer and more humid conditions favour processes like hydrolysis and carbonation. As we move to higher altitudes, like the upper reaches of the Andes, the colder temperatures promote physical weathering processes such as frost action. The decrease in temperature with altitude slows down chemical reactions, making physical weathering more dominant. This altitudinal variation is crucial in shaping the landscape and geomorphology of mountainous regions.

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