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CIE A-Level Geography Notes

3.2.1 Physical Weathering Processes



Freeze-thaw weathering, or frost weathering, is a cyclic process predominantly occurring in climates experiencing temperatures that oscillate around the freezing point of water. When temperatures are warm, water seeps into cracks and pores within the rock. As the temperature drops below freezing, the water turns into ice and expands by approximately 9%, exerting considerable pressure on the rock. This expansion can exert a pressure of over 2000 kg/cm², which is sufficient to fracture rock. Repeated cycles of freezing and thawing gradually widen these cracks and lead to pieces of rock breaking off.

An image of freeze-thaw weathering.

Image courtesy of weatheringforstudents.weebly.com

Conditions Required

  • Fluctuating temperatures around 0°C.
  • Availability of water to seep into rock fractures.
  • Rocks with existing cracks or natural joints.

Impact on Landscapes

  • Formation of scree slopes: Freeze-thaw action causes rocks to break off and accumulate at the base of slopes or cliffs.
  • Development of tors: Isolated rock outcrops found on hilltops, formed by the progressive removal of surrounding softer rock.



This process involves the expansion and contraction of rocks in response to temperature changes. During the day, rocks heat up and expand. At night, as temperatures fall, the rocks contract. Different minerals expand and contract at different rates, causing stress within the rock. Over time, this stress leads to the formation of cracks and eventually the disintegration of the rock.

Resulting Features

  • Exfoliation domes: Large, rounded rock formations where sheets of rock have peeled away due to repeated expansion and contraction.
  • Granular disintegration: Observed in coarse-grained rocks like granite, where individual mineral grains break away.

Salt Crystal Growth


Salt crystal growth, also known as haloclasty, occurs when saline solutions enter cracks and pores in rocks. As the water evaporates, salt crystals form and grow. The growth of these crystals exerts a spreading force, which can pry apart mineral grains or enlarge existing cracks, leading to the gradual disintegration of the rock.

How It Leads to Rock Disintegration

  • Expansion of salt crystals creates mechanical stresses within the rock.
  • Common in arid and coastal environments with high rates of evaporation.

Pressure Release (Dilatation)


Pressure release, or unloading, occurs when rocks formed under great pressure deep within the Earth are exposed at the surface due to the erosion of overlying materials. The reduction in pressure allows the rock to expand slightly, resulting in the formation of cracks parallel to the surface. This process can lead to the peeling of the outer layers of the rock, a phenomenon known as exfoliation.

Examples from Plutonic Rock Bodies

  • Exfoliation domes: Rounded rock formations where layers have peeled away, such as the famous Half Dome in Yosemite National Park.
An image of Half Dome in Yosemite National Park.

Image courtesy of Diliff

  • Spheroidal weathering: Weathering along joints in plutonic rocks, leading to rounded boulder shapes.

Vegetation Root Action


Root action refers to the process where plant roots grow into the cracks and joints of rocks. As roots grow, they exert mechanical pressure, gradually prying the rock apart. Additionally, organic acids secreted by roots can chemically alter the rock, contributing to its breakdown.

Impact of Biological Weathering

  • Enhances physical weathering: Root growth widens cracks, facilitating the ingress of water and other weathering agents.
  • Important in forested and vegetated areas where extensive root systems are present.


Human activities can significantly impact physical weathering processes, both directly and indirectly. Construction and mining activities, for example, often involve drilling, blasting, and excavation, which mechanically break down rocks, a process akin to physical weathering. Urban development and deforestation can alter the natural drainage patterns, leading to increased water infiltration in rocks, which can enhance freeze-thaw and salt crystal growth weathering. Pollution, particularly acid rain, can chemically alter rocks, making them more susceptible to physical weathering. Furthermore, climate change, driven by human activities, is altering weather patterns, potentially increasing the frequency and intensity of weathering processes. For example, rising temperatures may increase the occurrence of thermal expansion and contraction in certain areas, while changes in precipitation patterns could affect the rate of freeze-thaw weathering.

Yes, physical weathering can occur without the presence of water, though water often accelerates many forms of physical weathering. One clear example is thermal expansion and contraction, which does not require water. In arid environments, the intense heat during the day and the cool temperatures at night cause rocks to expand and contract. This daily cycle of temperature changes induces stress within the rock, eventually leading to its breakdown. Another example is pressure release weathering, where the removal of overlying material (such as eroded soil or melting glaciers) reduces pressure on underlying rocks, causing them to expand and crack. This process, known as unloading or exfoliation, can happen in dry conditions. Thus, while water is a significant agent of physical weathering, it is not a necessary condition for the process to occur.

The type of rock plays a crucial role in determining both the rate and type of physical weathering. Different rocks have varying resistance to weathering due to their mineral composition, grain size, and the presence of cracks or joints. For instance, sedimentary rocks like limestone are more susceptible to freeze-thaw weathering as they often contain numerous small pores and fractures that allow water to penetrate easily. In contrast, igneous rocks such as granite are more resistant to weathering due to their interlocking crystal structure, but they are still subject to thermal expansion and contraction. Moreover, the presence of certain minerals can influence the rate of weathering. For example, rocks containing feldspar are more prone to chemical alteration, which can assist physical weathering processes. Thus, the intrinsic properties of different rock types significantly influence the way they respond to physical weathering processes.

Physical and chemical weathering are two distinct processes, yet they often work in tandem to break down rocks. Physical weathering involves the mechanical breakdown of rocks into smaller fragments without changing their chemical composition. Processes like freeze-thaw, thermal expansion, and salt crystal growth are typical examples. Chemical weathering, on the other hand, involves the chemical alteration of the minerals within rocks. This can happen through processes like hydrolysis, oxidation, and carbonation, where rock minerals react with water, oxygen, or acids. The interaction between these two types of weathering is significant. Physical weathering increases the surface area of rock exposed to the environment, making it more susceptible to chemical weathering. Conversely, chemical weathering can weaken the rock structure, making it more prone to physical breakdown. Thus, both processes often work together, accelerating the overall weathering of rocks.

Physical weathering is a fundamental contributor to soil formation, a process vital for creating the substrate necessary for plant growth and ecosystem development. Physical weathering breaks down rocks into smaller particles, which are a primary component of soil. These particles provide the basic framework for soil structure, influencing its texture, permeability, and water retention capabilities. For example, freeze-thaw weathering produces finer rock fragments, which can contribute to the formation of soil in colder climates. Similarly, processes like thermal expansion and contraction, as well as pressure release weathering, create granular materials that mix with organic matter and other soil components. Over time, these physically weathered rock particles are further broken down by chemical and biological processes, enriching the soil and making it suitable for vegetation. Thus, physical weathering is an essential initial step in the complex process of soil formation, setting the stage for further soil development and the sustenance of life on Earth.

Practice Questions

Describe how freeze-thaw weathering shapes landscapes, particularly in upland areas. Include in your answer the mechanism of this process and its typical impacts on the landscape.

Freeze-thaw weathering, a predominant physical weathering process in upland areas, significantly shapes landscapes. This process involves water seeping into cracks of rocks during warmer conditions. When temperatures drop below freezing, the water freezes and expands, exerting substantial pressure on the rock. This repeated expansion and contraction due to freezing and thawing gradually widens the cracks, eventually causing the rock to fragment. This phenomenon is responsible for forming scree slopes, which are accumulations of broken rock pieces at the base of slopes or cliffs. Additionally, it leads to the creation of tors, distinctive rock outcrops on hilltops, formed as softer rock is eroded away, leaving more resistant rock exposed. These features are characteristic of upland landscapes and illustrate the transformative power of freeze-thaw weathering.

Explain how salt crystal growth (haloclasty) contributes to the weathering of rocks in coastal regions.

Salt crystal growth, also known as haloclasty, is a significant physical weathering process in coastal regions. It occurs when saltwater seeps into the cracks and pores of rocks. As the water evaporates, it leaves behind salt crystals. These crystals grow over time and exert a spreading force on the rock. This force can enlarge existing cracks or separate mineral grains, leading to the gradual disintegration of the rock. In coastal environments, where evaporation rates are often high, haloclasty is particularly effective. It contributes to the formation of unique coastal landforms and the breakdown of cliffs and rocky shores. This process illustrates the interaction between geological materials and the coastal environment, underlining the importance of understanding physical weathering in shaping coastal landscapes.

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