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CIE A-Level Geography Notes

8.1.4 Marine Transportation and Deposition

Sediment Sources

Sediments in coastal areas originate from various sources, each contributing uniquely to coastal geography.

Origins of Sediment

  • Geological Composition: The primary source of sediment is the erosion of terrestrial rocks and cliffs. Factors like weathering and erosion by water or wind break down these rocks into smaller particles.
  • Riverine Contribution: Rivers are significant transporters of sediment. They carry eroded materials from the land and deposit them at river mouths, often forming deltas.
  • Marine Organisms: The remains of marine organisms, like shells and coral fragments, contribute to biogenic sediments. These organic contributions are particularly significant in areas with extensive coral reefs or shellfish populations.

Types of Sediment

Different environments along the coast are characterized by distinct types of sediment.

  • Sand: Predominantly found on beaches, sand consists of finely eroded rock particles, often quartz-based. Its grain size is a crucial factor in determining the beach profile.
  • Silt: Finer than sand, silt is often deposited in areas with calmer waters, like estuaries. Its fine nature allows it to be easily suspended in water and transported over large distances.
  • Clay: The finest of all sediments, clay is typically found in deeper and calmer marine environments. It forms a significant component of marine muds.
  • Gravel and Pebbles: Found in high-energy environments like the upper shore of beaches, these coarser materials are indicative of strong wave action.

Sediment Cells

Sediment cells are key to understanding coastal processes and management.

Concept and Function

  • Definition: A sediment cell is defined as a stretch of coastline, typically bounded by prominent headlands, within which the movement of sediment is largely self-contained.
  • Function in Coastal Systems: These cells provide a framework for managing sediment balance and coastal processes. Each cell is considered a closed system, with its internal dynamics and balance.

Components of Sediment Cells

  • Sources: These are points where new sediment is introduced to the system, such as eroding cliffs, river mouths, and underwater sediment stores.
  • Transfers: This involves the movement of sediment within the cell, primarily through processes like longshore drift, tidal currents, and wave action.
  • Sinks: Sinks are areas within the cell where sediment accumulates, such as beaches, spits, and estuaries. They are crucial in maintaining the balance of sediment within the cell.

Longshore Drift

Longshore drift is a dominant process in the transportation of sediment along coastlines.

Mechanism of Longshore Drift

  • Wave Direction: Waves hitting the coast at an oblique angle generate a zigzag movement of sediment along the shore. This oblique approach results from the direction of prevailing winds and the alignment of the coastline.
  • Swash and Backwash: The swash (movement of water up the beach after a wave breaks) carries sediment along the coast, while the backwash (water flowing back to the sea) moves sediment perpendicular to the shoreline. The result is a net movement of sediment along the coast in the direction of the prevailing wind.
An image of longshore drift.

Image courtesy of Yefi

Impact on Sediment Distribution

  • Formation of Coastal Features: Longshore drift contributes to the formation of various coastal features like beaches, spits, and barrier islands. These features are critical in shaping the coastline and protecting inland areas from marine processes.
  • Alteration of Coastlines: The continual movement of sediment can lead to significant changes in coastline shape over time. Areas of deposition grow, while areas of erosion recede, leading to a dynamic and ever-changing coastal landscape.

Case Studies

The Holderness Coast, UK

  • Erosion and Sediment Contribution: The Holderness Coast is notable for its high rate of erosion, with some areas losing more than two meters of land annually. This erosion contributes significant amounts of sediment to the North Sea.
  • Impact of Longshore Drift: The sediment from the eroded cliffs is transported southwards by longshore drift, forming various coastal features and altering the coastline's shape over time. Features like the Spurn Point, a classic example of a spit, are directly formed by this sediment movement.
An image of Holderness Coast, UK.

Image courtesy of Harkey Lodger

The Nile Delta, Egypt

  • Riverine Sediment Contribution: The Nile River has historically been a major source of sediment for the Mediterranean coast. This sediment has been crucial in forming and maintaining the extensive Nile Delta.
  • Delta Formation and Change: The deposition of sediments from the Nile has led to the formation of the delta, which is a rich agricultural region. However, changes in sediment delivery due to dam construction have altered the delta's growth and stability.
An image of the Nile Delta, Egypt.

Image courtesy of Jacques Descloitres

Significance in Coastal Management

Understanding sediment sources, sediment cells, and longshore drift is vital for effective coastal management.

  • Erosion Control: By understanding sediment dynamics, measures can be taken to control erosion in vulnerable areas.
  • Sustainable Development: Knowledge of sediment movement assists in planning sustainable coastal development, avoiding areas prone to sediment loss.
  • Biodiversity Conservation: Sediment cells are habitats for various marine species. Maintaining their balance is crucial for conserving biodiversity.

Educational Implications

For A-Level Geography students, grasping these concepts is essential not only for academic purposes but also for understanding the broader environmental and ecological implications of coastal processes.

  • Critical Thinking: Analyzing case studies like the Holderness Coast and the Nile Delta encourages critical thinking about environmental challenges and solutions.
  • Interdisciplinary Learning: These topics intersect with other areas like environmental science, offering students a comprehensive understanding of the natural world.


Sediment size plays a crucial role in determining the nature and characteristics of coastal landforms. The size of sediment particles influences the morphology and stability of beaches and other coastal features. For instance, beaches composed of finer sediments, like sand, tend to have a flatter and wider profile because these particles can be compacted more tightly and are easily moved by waves and wind. In contrast, beaches with coarser sediments like gravel and pebbles usually have steeper profiles as these larger particles are less easily moved and tend to accumulate at higher angles of repose. The size of sediment also affects the rate of erosion and

deposition along the coast. Finer sediments are more easily eroded and transported by wind and water, which can lead to more dynamic and rapidly changing coastal environments. In contrast, coarser sediments offer greater resistance to erosive forces, leading to more stable coastal features. Additionally, the size of sediment particles can influence the development of coastal dunes, with finer particles being more easily transported inland to form dunes. This aspect of sediment size is particularly important in understanding and managing coastal environments, as it impacts not only the physical appearance of the coast but also its ecological characteristics and resilience to environmental changes.

Longshore drift can indirectly contribute to coastal flooding, primarily through the formation and alteration of coastal landforms. For instance, the accumulation of sediment along the coast can lead to the formation of spits or bars that may block estuaries or river mouths. This blockage can prevent river water from flowing freely into the sea, leading to a build-up of water upstream and an increased risk of flooding, especially during high rainfall events or storm surges. Additionally, longshore drift can lead to the narrowing of river channels near their mouths, reducing the channel's capacity to carry water and increasing the likelihood of flooding. In some cases, human interventions like dredging are necessary to remove these sediment accumulations to reduce flood risk. Understanding the role of longshore drift in shaping coastal topography is essential in coastal flood risk management, helping to predict potential problem areas and inform the design of flood defence strategies.

Sea level changes, whether due to tectonic activities, glacial cycles, or climate change, have a profound impact on sediment transportation and the formation of coastal landforms. Rising sea levels can lead to increased rates of coastal erosion, as higher water levels give waves greater energy and reach, allowing them to erode the base of cliffs and other coastal landforms more effectively. This erosion can produce additional sediment, which is then transported by coastal processes like longshore drift, reshaping the coastline. In some cases, rising sea levels can lead to the inundation of low-lying areas, changing the location and nature of sediment deposition. For example, areas that were once beaches may become submerged, with sediment being deposited in deeper waters. Conversely, falling sea levels can expose new land areas, leading to the formation of new coastal landforms as sediment is deposited in these newly exposed areas. These changes in sea levels can also alter tidal ranges and currents, which can further impact sediment transportation and deposition patterns. Overall, sea level changes play a significant role in determining the dynamic nature of coastal environments, influencing both the physical shape of the coast and the ecosystems it supports.

The rate of longshore drift is influenced by several natural factors, including wave energy, wind direction and speed, and the gradient and composition of the shore. Wave energy, determined by wind speed, duration, and fetch (the distance over which the wind blows), directly affects the amount of sediment that can be moved along the coast. Stronger, more energetic waves can transport larger and more quantities of sediment. Wind direction and speed influence the angle at which waves hit the shore, thereby affecting the direction and rate of sediment movement. Additionally, the gradient and composition of the shoreline play a significant role. Steeper gradients can lead to more powerful backwash, reducing the effectiveness of longshore drift, whereas gentler slopes enhance sediment movement. The type of sediment present (e.g., sand, gravel) also determines how easily it can be transported, with finer materials like sand being more easily moved compared to coarser materials like pebbles or shingle.

Human activities can significantly impact sediment cells and the process of longshore drift. Coastal development, such as the construction of harbours, breakwaters, and groynes, often disrupts the natural sediment flow within a sediment cell. For example, groynes, built perpendicular to the coast, trap sediment moving along the shore via longshore drift, leading to sediment build-up on one side and erosion on the other. This artificial interference can lead to a 'starvation' of sediment down-drift, exacerbating coastal erosion. Additionally, dredging activities in rivers and estuaries can remove significant amounts of sediment, altering the sediment balance in the coastal environment. Dam constructions on rivers also reduce the sediment supply to the coast, impacting the natural replenishment of beaches and affecting coastal landforms. Understanding these human-induced changes is crucial for effective coastal management strategies that aim to mitigate negative impacts on coastal ecosystems and human settlements.

Practice Questions

Explain how sediment cells contribute to the management of coastal environments.

A sediment cell is a distinct section of the coastline, acting as a closed system where the sediment movement is largely self-contained. An excellent response would outline how sediment cells are used to understand and manage coastal processes. These cells help in predicting the movement of sediments and in identifying areas prone to erosion or deposition. Effective coastal management strategies, like beach nourishment or the construction of sea defences, are often planned within the boundaries of these cells. Understanding the dynamics of a sediment cell allows for sustainable management practices, balancing the need for coastal protection with natural processes.

Describe the process of longshore drift and its impact on coastal landforms.

Longshore drift is a coastal process responsible for the sideways movement of sediment along the coast due to waves hitting the shore at an angle. An exemplary answer would detail how the swash (movement of water up the beach) carries sediment parallel to the coastline, while the backwash (water flowing back to the sea) moves it perpendicular to the shore, resulting in a zigzag pattern of sediment transport. This process significantly influences the formation of coastal landforms such as spits, bars, and beaches. Longshore drift plays a pivotal role in shaping the coastline, redistributing sediments, and often leading to coastal erosion or the growth of certain coastal features.

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