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CIE A-Level Geography Notes

8.2.1 Erosional Landforms

Cliffs and Wave-Cut Platforms

Formation Processes

  • Cliffs are steep or vertical rock faces at the edge of the sea, formed primarily by the erosive power of waves. The process begins when waves attack weaknesses in the coastal rock, such as joints, faults, or bedding planes.
  • Wave-cut platforms are flat, often rocky areas that extend from the base of a cliff into the sea. They are formed as a result of wave erosion at the base of the cliff, which causes the overlying rock to collapse and retreat landward.


  • The evolution of cliffs and wave-cut platforms is a continuous process, influenced by factors such as the type of rock, the intensity of wave action, and geological structure.
  • Softer rock formations, like clay or sandstone, tend to erode more quickly, leading to a faster retreat of the cliff and a wider wave-cut platform.

Retreat Mechanisms

  • Hydraulic action: The force of waves compressing air into cracks in the rock leads to stress and eventually causes the rock to break apart.
  • Abrasion: This occurs when waves armed with sediment (sand, pebbles) grind against the cliff face, acting like sandpaper to erode the rock.
  • Solution: Certain types of rock, especially those containing calcium carbonate, are soluble in the slightly acidic sea water, leading to their gradual dissolution.
  • Attrition: Rocks and pebbles carried by waves collide and break into smaller, smoother pieces, further contributing to the erosion process.
An image showing a wave-cut platform and cliff.

Image courtesy of golearngeo.wordpress.com

Caves, Arches, and Stacks

Sequential Development

  • Caves: Initiated by wave action exploiting lines of weakness in the cliff, such as cracks or joints, caves form through the processes of hydraulic action and abrasion.
  • Arches: Over time, as caves on either side of a headland expand, they may eventually meet and break through to form an arch.
  • Stacks: Continued erosion at the base of an arch weakens its structure. The roof of the arch eventually becomes too heavy to be supported and collapses, leaving a stack – a tall, column-like feature.

Stability and Collapse

  • Stability Factors:
    • Composition of the rock: Denser, more resistant rocks like granite offer more stability.
    • Vegetation: Plant roots can help bind the rock together, providing additional support.
  • Collapse Factors:
    • Erosion: The relentless action of waves continues to erode the base of these structures, undermining their stability.
    • Weathering: Physical weathering, like freeze-thaw cycles, and chemical weathering can weaken the rock.
    • Gravity: Ultimately, the force of gravity can cause unstable sections of rock to collapse.

Impact on Coastal Dynamics

  • The development and collapse of these features significantly alter the coastal landscape.
  • As cliffs retreat, new landforms are exposed, and habitats are altered, impacting coastal ecosystems.

Interactions with Human Activity

  • Coastal Management: Understanding the formation and evolution of these erosional landforms is crucial for effective coastal management and mitigation of erosion risks.
  • Tourism and Heritage: Many of these features, particularly dramatic cliffs and picturesque stacks, are significant tourist attractions, contributing to local economies.
  • Environmental Implications: The study of these features helps in understanding broader environmental changes, including the impacts of climate change on coastal areas.

Detailed Analysis of Erosional Features


  • Rate of Retreat: The rate at which cliffs retreat varies greatly. Factors like storm frequency, sea level rise, and human activity can accelerate this process.
  • Case Studies: For example, the chalk cliffs of Dover have different rates of erosion compared to the granite cliffs in Cornwall, illustrating the influence of rock type.

Wave-Cut Platforms

  • Observation and Measurement: These platforms are often visible at low tide, allowing for measurement and observation of coastal processes in action.
  • Ecological Importance: They can host unique ecosystems, providing habitats for various marine organisms.
An image showing a real wave-cut platform and cliff.

Image courtesy of golearngeo.wordpress.com

Caves, Arches, and Stacks: A Closer Look


  • Variability: The size and shape of caves can vary greatly, influenced by local wave energy and the nature of the rock.
  • Human Use: Historically, some coastal caves have been used by humans for shelter or storage.


  • Instability Over Time: Arches are temporary features in geological terms, often lasting only a few thousand years before collapsing.
  • Iconic Examples: Famous examples include Durdle Door in the UK and the Azure Window in Malta (before its collapse).


  • Isolation: Once formed, stacks become isolated from the main coastline and are subjected to wave attack from all sides.
  • Erosional Future: Over time, stacks themselves may be eroded to form smaller features known as stumps.
An image of a cave, arch and stack.

Image courtesy of bbc.co.uk

Broader Contextual Understanding

  • Climate Change Effects: Rising sea levels and increased storm intensity due to climate change can accelerate the processes of erosion, leading to faster coastal retreat.
  • Human Intervention: Coastal defenses, such as sea walls, can alter natural erosion patterns, sometimes leading to unintended consequences elsewhere along the coast.
  • Sustainable Management: The study of these erosional landforms is integral to developing sustainable coastal management strategies that balance environmental conservation and human needs.

Educational and Research Importance

  • Fieldwork Opportunities: These landforms provide excellent opportunities for geographical fieldwork, allowing students to observe and analyse coastal processes firsthand.
  • Research and Monitoring: Long-term monitoring of these features can provide valuable data for understanding coastal evolution and informing future management strategies.


Coastal landforms like stacks and wave-cut platforms can indeed be used as indicators to understand past sea levels and environmental conditions. These features provide geologists and geographers with clues about historical coastal processes and changes. For instance, wave-cut platforms that are now above current sea levels indicate past lower sea levels. These elevated platforms can be dated to understand when sea levels were lower, providing insights into historical climate conditions. Similarly, the presence of stacks isolated from the coastline suggests a history of coastal retreat, which can be analysed to understand past erosion rates and sea-level changes. The study of these landforms, in conjunction with other geological and sedimentary evidence, allows scientists to reconstruct past sea-level fluctuations and understand the long-term impacts of climate change on coastal environments.

The rock type is a critical factor in the formation of coastal arches. Different rock types have varying resistance to erosion, which directly influences how arches form and how long they last. Harder rocks like granite or basalt are more resistant to erosion and tend to form more stable and longer-lasting arches. In contrast, softer rocks like sandstone or limestone are more easily eroded, leading to quicker formation of arches but also a higher likelihood of their collapse. The structural characteristics of the rock, such as the presence of joints, faults, and bedding planes, also play a significant role. These structural weaknesses can be exploited by erosional processes (like wave action and chemical weathering), leading to the formation of caves that eventually evolve into arches. Furthermore, the presence of varied rock types in a headland can lead to differential erosion, where softer rocks erode faster, possibly leading to the formation of arches with distinct shapes and sizes.

The rate of development of erosional landforms, such as cliffs, wave-cut platforms, caves, arches, and stacks, varies significantly across different coastal environments. This variation is primarily due to differences in wave energy, tidal range, and the type of rock formations present. High-energy coastlines, often characterized by strong waves and high tides, tend to experience rapid erosion, leading to quicker development of these landforms. For instance, rugged coastlines with frequent storm activity can see faster cliff retreat and more frequent formation of erosional features. In contrast, in low-energy environments, such as sheltered bays or areas with lower wave intensity, the rate of erosion is generally slower, resulting in a more gradual development of landforms. Additionally, the geological structure plays a crucial role; coastlines with softer rock types like sandstone or limestone erode more quickly than those with harder rocks like granite or basalt. Human activities, such as coastal development and protective measures, can also influence the rate of development by altering natural processes. Understanding these variations is important for predicting future changes and managing coastal areas effectively.

Bio-erosional processes, often overlooked, play a significant role in the formation of coastal caves. These processes involve living organisms contributing to the erosion of rock. Marine organisms like boring sponges, sea urchins, and certain molluscs can erode rock surfaces by boring into them, either mechanically (by scraping) or chemically (by secreting acids). This bio-erosion weakens the rock structure, making it more susceptible to other erosional forces like wave action. In softer rock types, such as limestone, bio-erosional activities can significantly accelerate cave formation. The combined effect of biological and physical erosion can lead to the enlargement of existing cracks and crevices, eventually evolving into larger caves. The study of bio-erosion provides insights into the complex interactions between living organisms and geological processes, illustrating the importance of biological factors in shaping coastal landscapes.

Human activities significantly impact the formation and evolution of cliffs and wave-cut platforms. Coastal construction, such as building seawalls, groynes, and breakwaters, can alter the natural flow of sediments and wave energy, affecting erosion and deposition patterns. For example, structures like groynes, designed to trap sand and prevent beach erosion, can lead to increased erosion downstream, accelerating cliff retreat. Additionally, activities such as quarrying or mining within cliffs can directly weaken them, making them more susceptible to erosion. Pollution and activities causing climate change also play a role. Rising sea levels and increased storm frequency due to climate change can intensify wave action against cliffs, hastening their erosion and the expansion of wave-cut platforms. Urban development along coastlines can increase surface runoff, altering the natural drainage and increasing the risk of cliff instability. Therefore, understanding the implications of human activities is crucial for sustainable coastal management and conservation.

Practice Questions

Describe the process of formation and evolution of a wave-cut platform.

Wave-cut platforms form due to the erosive action of waves at the base of a cliff. This process begins when waves, loaded with sediment, repeatedly strike the cliff base, causing erosion primarily through hydraulic action and abrasion. Over time, this relentless wave attack undercuts the cliff, creating a notch. As the notch enlarges, the overhanging rock becomes unstable and eventually collapses. This leads to the gradual retreat of the cliff, leaving behind a flat, exposed surface at sea level, known as a wave-cut platform. The evolution of a wave-cut platform is ongoing, as the newly formed cliff face continues to be eroded by wave action, extending the platform further into the sea. The rate of this evolution varies, depending heavily on factors like the rock type, wave energy, and coastal configuration.

Evaluate the factors contributing to the stability and collapse of coastal stacks.

Coastal stacks exhibit a delicate balance between stability and collapse, influenced by several key factors. The stability of stacks is largely determined by the rock type; denser and more resistant rocks like granite offer greater stability. Additionally, the presence of vegetation can help bind the rock, enhancing its structural integrity. However, these stacks are perpetually undermined by erosional forces. The primary factor leading to their collapse is continued wave erosion at the base, which weakens and eventually undermines their support. Weathering processes, particularly physical weathering like freeze-thaw action, also play a crucial role in weakening the stack structure. Finally, gravity exerts a constant force on these formations, contributing to their eventual collapse as the eroded base can no longer support the weight of the rock. Understanding these factors is crucial in predicting the longevity of coastal stacks and managing coastal landscapes effectively.

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